Opinion  Sever Plocker
A war Israel must win
Sever Plocker
Published: 13.07.06, 08:20
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31. Yo David #21
George W ,   Chicago IL   (07.13.06)
Your doctor called, he said your panic attack pills need to be refilled and you should start attending anger management classes. And sorry if I confused you, there were also some restaurants blowing up in Haifa, not just buses. What, does living in Jerusalem qualify you for Delta Force or something? Anyways, I'll pass it on that you think everyone from Haifa is soft. You were so hysterical and panicky in your letter that I think you missed my point--actually, you made my point for me. The problem of three kidnapped soldiers is nowhere near as bad as the problems you guys will have as a result of diving back into those quagmires you couldn't handle the last time. But Israel does it anyways because--like your letter--Israelis start hyperventilating at the smallest things, thinking the future of the Jewish nation is at stake. Us soft-assed Americans have had a few soldiers kidnapped in Iraq, which certainly sucks for those soldiers. But no one ever suggested that the US is doomed if we didn't get the soldiers back. If anyone did suggest that, they'd get laughed out of the room. Israelis such as yourself, on the other hand, freak out and get themselves in trouble. (Actually, it's not just Israelis-- we've gotten ourselves in a peck of trouble in Iraq for no good reason. Every general we had was trying to talk Bush and Cheney out of it before the war, but lots of Americans believed the nonsense Bush and Cheney were selling, and now ain't we got fun. So don't feel too bad.)
32. Go easy on Gale Leitch
Kate ,   London, UK   (07.13.06)
I just googled her. It appears that Gale, a graphic designer from Vancouver, has suffered from a serious disability for a number of years. I guess it must have driven her completely round the bend. We should go easy on her.
33. Hear Oh Israel - WE ARE WITH YOU!
Josh ,   London   (07.13.06)
The time has come to protect your citizens and respond to your enemies with force. As you do battle, may Gd keep you and watch over you.
34. stop
Human   (07.13.06)
To all Stop talking false why not to talk peace for all instead of war for all.
Ian Cohen ,   LONDON   (07.13.06)
On May 10, 1940, Churchill became England’s Prime Minister. Three days later, in a speech to the House of Commons, Churchill declared: “You ask what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us: to wage war against a monstrous tyranny …. That is our policy. You ask: What is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory—victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.”
36. Lior's response (no. 12) to Gale (no. 3)
Dorothy ,   Herzliah, Israel   (07.13.06)
Lior, I live in Israel, and have for 50 years. I came here with my spouse (who came to Palestine in 1939 when he was 11). We raised our 3 kids here, 2 of whom remained here. Yet, Lior, though I live here, I agree with Gale. You have to stick your head in the sand to not realize how right she is. 58 years have not taught Israel's Zionist leaders a thing. The most important lesson that they have yet to learn is that violence breeds violence, and that Israeli state violence (Israel has the 3rd most powerful military in the world, thanks to the US) breeds counter violence from Palestinians and our neighbors. We could live here in peace. Jews, Christians, and Muslims did live in Palestine in peace for 9 centuries prior to Zionism. But we don't, because Israel's leaders want the "greater Israel" much more than they want peace. And Israel is racist, not only to Arabs but also to Jews. Ask any Ethiopian Jew. Ask any Sphardic Jew. And Israeli behavior towards foreign labor is attrocious! And what about Israel's poor? Do you know that 40% of Holocaust survivors in Israel live in dire poverty, even though Germany paid large sums in reparations, which the government never gave to the people who should have received it. Do you know that 1 of every 3 children goes hungry? Did you hear about people with cancer going on a hunger strike because they did not have money to buy their medication? and there are many more such statistics. All this, because the government wants land more than it wants peace. Have you any idea of how much the government spends in the Occupied Palestinian Territories? Israel has no money for education, health, social welfare, because it spends on roads, settlements, and the wall in the OPTs. No Lior. A Jewish country is not good for Jews. It is not good for our youth, who at the age of 18 have to go to the army. I still hope for (and strive for) the day that some De Klerk will come to save Israel, and our youth here will no longer have to be the silver platter on which this country exists. Dorothy
andrew ,   miami,fl   (07.13.06)
38. give back the 10.000 prisoners out the back of a
play hard ball   (07.13.06)
cargo plane flying over syria, w/o any parachutes, right over the palace!
39. Boy gail holding just a little resentment?You need help
40. Plocker's Pessimism
Brant ,   USA   (07.13.06)
No need for such a dire prediction. Israel will survive even if Nasrallah is still smiling." there can be mo debate" and "Israel is finished" are the words of a defeatist and a sensationalist. Get real.
41. to know Islam ...
C. Martel ,   France   (07.13.06)
watch this short interview of dr. David Barkay from Haïfa University : http://tinyurl.com/rejuv
42. Eas Twaka shoukld stay in Oregon & assimilate over there
Tomer ,   Ramat Hasharon   (07.13.06)
Yes, vanish into that far away melting pot. Your existance is irrelevant to ertez Israel
43. So Rabin Sharon Olmert and the other Naive PM's
B B Shalom   (07.13.06)
Why have you capitulated to our enemies ??? why have you thrown out Jews from their land to give it to our worst enemies??? Here are the Katushas Kasams and the whole Arab world is Happy and Laughing. My Guess is we have a small window of opportunity to crush the Hizballah and Hamas if we will only play and hurt them a little bit on a prolong period of time this will earn the criticism of the world and this will turn out to be the next major Arab Israel war involving Egypt syria ...
44. Peace and Islam
Servet Gözel ,   İstanbul Turkey   (07.13.06)
Please read this. There has been wars in the history of all religions. Basically and theoretically, for all religions war is the last chance. Take a look at this: http://www.dislam.org/content/view/366/38/
45. #41 Martel
Dorothy ,   Herzliah, Israel   (07.13.06)
There is no single Islam any more than there is a single Judaisim or Christianity. There are good, bad, indifferent, stupid, wise, etc in each ethnic, racial, religious community. Don't put yourself on the top rung. That's pure racism.
steve ,   LONDON, ENGLAND   (07.13.06)
Those who are concerned to see a transition to a world in which these sorts of violent international exchanges have been eradicated must realise that some people are to blame for the present situation. The present situation is tragic for Israel and inevitable for the terrorist organizations. But both Israel and the deluded maniacs within the ranks of the terrorist organizations could have been saved from this violence if there had been a stronger resolve on the part of the world community to put an end to the mentality that has sought this violent episode. If the world community of nations had put more effort into the cause of bringing the academic definition of Universal Human Rights to the people of the region there would have been more hope for the diplomatic solutions to have been wrought and articulated. The United Nations Organization has failed in its responsibility to bring the text of the universal Declaration of Human Rights to the attention of this part of the world. It has failed repeatedly. The way to rid the world of leader types who accept and promote terrorism and armed struggle lays in the intelligence of the people who follow and support them. It is easier to take the people away from these leaders than to arrest or kill these leaders as most people seem to believe. How do you take a people away from its leader? You have to take their sad, tragic, painful, ignorant, corrupt and war torn world away from them. How do you do this? You invest serious money in television, newspaper and radio broadcasting that presents a regular narrative concerned with the actual definition of the Universal Declaration and International Bill of Human Rights. These documents are the voice of peace and constitute a concise definition for international and inter ethnic harmony. They are an academic foundation and intellectual platform for the transition to a world in which these sorts of violent international exchanges have been eradicated. Many of the so called Islamic Fundamentalist groups aver that they are opposed to ‘man made laws’ such as ‘human rights’ preferring to teach their adherents that the Quran must be the sole source of law for society. Are these oppositions to modern political and social science based in comprehensive knowledge of the actual definition of Universal Human Rights. Do they really know that their rights to a secular existence in a just world is espoused in the definition of universal human rights! No they do not know. They have no clues to the just world the UN General Assembly has espoused in the Universal Declaration of December 1948. A Declaration that came too late to pre-empt some of the violence that brought the Middle-East into conflict over land tenure and religious doctrine. But it is not too late to make the transition. If television news programmes broadcast one narrative recitation or concise quotation of an Article of Human Rights every time they broadcast a bulletin how long would it take before a just world removed an unjust world? How news bulletins are there each day? How many days in a week, a month, a year? The Universal Declaration is composed of 30 Articles. You do the math. http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html Where is the world’s sense of praxis? Trying to cheat banks? Trying to cheat death! The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Bill of Human Rights are supposed to be documents that constitute the test of leadership. Bring these to the people and you can take the people away from the wrong sort of leaders. You have articulate transitions like these.
47. #3 "why are you in Gaza"
linda   (07.13.06)
The only racism I have ever experienced in my life was perpetrated against me by muslims. I cannot speak Hebrew, cannot say I am Jewish without dangering myself and my kids. We speak ENGLISH! Never heard Arabs had to do that out of danger for JEWS!! Second, we have been out of Gaza 5 months and WHY DID DO WE HAVE TO ACCEPT GETTING ROCKETS EVERY DAY? Than they com INSIDE ISRAEL and kidnap soldiers, the soldiers have not been kidnap within Gaza and so this is not acceptable from any country. The dog in Lebanon did the same. Kidnapped sodiers WITHIN ISRAEL! So shut up with you hate and lies! And you talk about democacy? ahahah give me ONE arab democracy. Freedom of speech? We have too mutch I think sometimes when I hear a $#@@ like tibi (arab member of knesseth) say all kind of things against Israel in all freedom. no Arab country would let a Jew speak like this in public and let him stay member. Your grantfather died for nothing!! but maybe he was fighting for the gestappo when he made grandchildren like you!
48. Hypocrisy
Peace ,   Israel   (07.13.06)
Dear Ms. Leech...oops sorry typo error Lietch...It seems to me that u have an opinion abt everything, from cars making noise pollution, (refer google) to what is happening in the Mid East today. I understand that u may have plenty of time to ponder life thru the view of ur window, but I think u shud keep ur small minded opinions to urself. Go to the Arabs countries that u openly admire and see if "Your freedom of speech works there" I dont know what ur hang up is, maybe u met a person who was Jewish who pissed u off, big deal, I meet lots of people who annoy me but i dont put their bad behaviour down to their religion but rather to their poor upbringing. You my dear, need to leave the house more often, go and get a life and preoccupy yourself with something more tangible, maybe more within ur understanding Origami perhaps...being that u are a graphic designer...u shud try putting ur talents to better use rather than condemning things of which u have absolutely no wisdom nor understanding!!!!!
49. #24 Turkey
jo ,   Paris, France   (07.13.06)
We don't need lessons from people who extermined Kurdish people and armenian ...... Try first to be a democratic and laic state before doing rock drunk philosophy .
50. #36 Dorothy
jo ,   Paris, France   (07.13.06)
Sorry Dorothy, but you're just prouving us that israel is just a country like anyother. For example : -Racism, in France, French native don't like arabs, blacks, and actually new imigrants from eastern europe (polanim, roumanian , turkish, kurds....) Medical problems : In france Homeless or poor people are officially 4 million and can't receive proper medicine , people are dying every years, and France is not in war, France is giving money to terrorist organization not to have suicide bomber or any else So for me Israel is a country like any other. Military problems is due to the fact that they are jews surrounded by 100 million arab and muslim people
51. lousy translation
'S'emek ,   Baalbek, Lebanon   (07.13.06)
Hey there fellow talkbakers. it seems that most of you make no reference to the article itself, but use the talkback as a podium for sharing your silly views. But before I present my own silly views of this situation from a Lebanese perspective, let me give you all a word of advice: the english translation job on this piece was pretty poor. One mistake is forgiveable, but this many? For those of you who are capable, I'd suggest you read the original Hebrew on the main ynet site. I learned my Hebrew sitting in Ansar back in teh days when the Zionists occupied southern Lebanon. you ought to take up that hobby if you really want to understand what's going on here... speak to you after the Zionist f-16s are safely back in their bases...
52. Dear 'Huh?'
Fred D ,   Jackson, TN USA   (07.13.06)
Maybe you haven't been alive very long. Israel has been attacked in coordinated fashion by almost all its neighbors 3 different times in the last 60 years. On paper, it should have been destroyed each time, but managed, in legendary terms, to prevail. No terrorist organization is going to militarily defeat Israel. That is not the worry. The true battle is being fought in the arena of world political and public opinion. It is not entirely far-fetched to envision the UN declaring that its peacekeeping forces will escort every self-declared Palestinian 'refugee' into Israel, de facto turning Israel into a Palestinian state, especially if Israel can be portrayed as committing some kind of atrocity. Israel's enemies are not imagined, its adversaries intentions are clear, and their tactic is to provoke Israel into committing an act that could be viewed as so repugnant that a tide of world opinion would force the UN to act, or prompt Israel's neighbors to attack again. This is why Hamas leaders meet in houses filled with children, or why they send their adolescent sons into the streets to throw rocks at tanks. They are happy to sacrifice their children to destroy Israel. And you think that opponent should be taken lightly?
53. it's not HAMAS nor Hizbu Allah
Moomen Sallam ,   Alexandria, Egypt   (07.13.06)
who told you fight palestinian resistance & hizbuAllah? you are fighting 100 million arabs & billion and half muslims that refuse to recognize your state. forget about governements
54. Shameful
Sally ,   NYC   (07.13.06)
I just have to say that after reading this I am ashamed of everyone... personally attacking people who have posted, perpetrating the hatred that is the biggest problem in this area, bringing up anti-semitism, the gestapo, and other incindiary topics. Yes, both sides have their flaws, both sides have acted disgustingly, but if you can't stop the hatred that I am reading here, you will never solve this problem. And I'm sure someone else will post that I'm naive, that I have no experience, that I don't know what it's like to be an Israeli or an Arab, and you're right. I have travelled in Israel, the West Bank , and the Gaza Strip, and I have met kind and thoughtful Jews and Palestinians but also some that are full of hate. And I'm thankful that I can sit in my air-conditioned house in the United States and only have to read about the conflict in the newspaper. The kidnappings, the bombings, the rockets, need to stop on both sides, and it is only through reconciliation and recognizing your fellow human beings that you will have true security.
55. Albania supports Israel
Chris ,   Tirana, Albania   (07.13.06)
One would think that the Arabs would learn to live with the fact that Israel is there to stay - but it seems that time and again they get restless and I think is only right that time and again Israel puts them in their place - this seems to be the only solution. You can't have peace with hypochrits of these proportions, because peace requires honesty, mutual respect and rational - all of which extreemist Arabs in that region lack! Go Israel!
56. I do not understand
Hamas last year selfdeclared a hudna but israel continue to attack in the form of assassinations and firing missile and provock subsonick bang over gaza city. Eventually hamas captured a soldier attacking soldiers and militar post and not civilians. To me this was not a terrorism act but a selfdefense, so many time invocked by Israel and also in the right of Palestinians. The response iskilling palestinian, children female and old people, as well destroing electricity imposing a formidable siege to gaza and westbank. Why all this? Does Israel wish to have peace and leave in peace with its neighbour? Why cannot talk? Why it is so important for israel to impison palestinian wimen and children? Why cannot free them? I read Post from Israelis and are full of hate, insults and spirit of vengeance. I cannot see the wish for peace from Israel side. In long run unfortunately for Israel, if continue like this, Israel will be the looser and the "victory" so preache in this article, will desert Israel. Shalom (if you can)
57. To number 53
Allan ,   london   (07.13.06)
And you will lose as you have throughout History, you muslims should get back to the desert and your peado leader and leave the ruling of the world to civilized and cultured people. Good luck fighting the Indians, Russians, Israelis and Americans!
58. Don't Back Down
James Biga ,   Colorado Springs USA   (07.13.06)
Israel needs to declare war and follow through. Diplomacy and appeasement have been a failure. Israel's enemies want the anihilation of Israel. Don't back down, don't give in. Backing donw gives the terrorist the upper hand. Wiping out the terrorists takes away these hands.
59. #3
Jane   (07.13.06)
Amongst the myriad things that we can be proud of is the fact that you are a goy and not a Jew.
60. Jo From Paris
Servet Gözel ,   İstanbul Turkey   (07.13.06)
"We don't need lessons from people who extermined Kurdish people and armenian ...... Try first to be a democratic and laic state before doing rock drunk philosophy . " I think you are acting silly. 1. Our subject is not armenians or kurds. 2. There are many many kurds and two jews and one armenian people in where i am working. So shut the hell up. 3. I think it is totally nonsense for you to see me as an enemy. 4. Turkish democracy and lacisim is a matter that discussed on other platforms, this is not the place. 5. From now on you are also not allowed to post here, because of France's genocide in Algeria, you idiot. Are you 7 years old or what? 6. It seems obvious that you don't know anything about music, lyrics and its impact either. Have a good day and next time when you post a message, make it sensible.
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