IDF bombs Hizbullah stronghold in Beirut
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 14.07.06, 07:43
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91. #69
AL ,   Houston, Texas   (07.14.06)
Would you do us all a favor and go back to That area so you can give us in depth news and hopefully get into heaven via Martyr
92. Dear Josh #80
If you believe in God so much why cannot you trust that he is bringing all his plans to pass? He is definitely setting the stage to bring Israel's enemies like fish on a fish hook. They are a demonically possessed death cult whose hatred goes way beyond any reason. I say this because they lie so much that they have to be possessed otherwise they couldn't believe the lies as they leave their lips. The end is near, but God is in control. I'd be more worried about peace with the beast, than war.
The Heebrew Hammer ,   Seward Park, Seattle   (07.14.06)
And I suppose that if Americans didn't occupy America that 9/11 wouldn't have happened? What if the Indians didn't occupy India? Would that have prevented the train bombings in Mumbai? What about the Madrid train bombings? Enough hatred, racism, and bloodshed by the jihadis that you consider so innocent! Ryan, you are a moron.
94. Israel ! Who???
jason ,   canada   (07.14.06)
Once again Israel strikes against evil can that be?. What is the difference between Al-qaeda and Israel now? Both love to kill innocent civilians in order to put pressure on their enemies...(...) . What does Israel gain by destroying civilian targets in Lebanon??. I don't get it. Is this the nature of IDF : Idiots Destroy for Fun.
95. to ryan from chicago
jerusalem ,   jerusalem israel   (07.14.06)
I'm going to put this lightly, so the site will let me post this. First of all, you live on the other side of the planet so why you think your opinion's worth a damn is far beyond me. This is no game anymore ryan, we're done licking USA and UN ass, giving those arabs chance after chance, all that is over. The next attempt to harm my country should unleash our entire wrath. I'm talking bombing cities till they stand no more. I get drafted in october. The enemy should prepare to die.
96. To the beautiful country of Lebanon
Jessica .H. ,   Australia   (07.14.06)
The pain of watching such a spectacular country be put through torment and suffering once again shakes me to my very being. Hezbollah do not represent the people of Lebanon. They represent a small minority of what I like to call the 'mafia' who are uncontrollable by the weak government who is by no means as powerful as they are. Let us not forget where they gain the strength from- Syria and Iran, 2 major terrorist countries. In the words of a wise man who once visited Lebanon before the civil war 'you are the paris of the middle east'. I pray that God watches over Lebanon and its people who strive to find peace, prosperity and freedom. Freedom from all those who which to control it and take over. I hope the fighting spirit of its people lives on as they did when they fought their biggest battle- to remain a Christian country amongst an Islamin controled Middle- East.
97. #24
Nir   (07.14.06)
God bless you for understanding the situation. I pray to god that IDF will manage to liberate you and as well I hope they will finish off hizbuallah so we may all live in peace.
98. Jason in canada is retarded and believing lies
NOUR   (07.14.06)
100. Learn Hizbullah the rules, take care for civilians
Chris ,   Warsaw Poland   (07.14.06)
Wish you success
101. It appears that Ellen is far more radical than most Lebanese
Caligula's Horse ,   Solomon's Stables   (07.14.06)
Lebanese understand that the destruction is not arbituary, and that the reason for it is Hizballah, but Ellen is determined that Hizballah must continue it's unprovoked attacks on Israel, with her own enlighten anti-Semitism she is actually hurting the same Arabs she loves so much, ironic isnt it? Do us a favour and go join the Shias when they cut their heads and beat over themselves with chains, hopefully you'd hit a major artery and we will be freed from your burden.
eli ,   lebanon   (07.14.06)
my salute to the IAF...
103. #69 Ellen Prescott -
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (07.14.06)
Quit trying to hide your hatred for jews (as well as democracy) under the veil of "humanitarianism and come out and say what you really mean - Israel is evil. You are obviously well trained in propaganda and deciet. if you really think Israel was just using this as an excuse you truly are an enemy of every jew in the entire world. So go suck Hitler's #%$& , we all know you want to.
104. To 99, and to Lebanese supporters of the invasion
Shai ,   Israel   (07.14.06)
Arabs have not been very friendly to Jews or to Israel. The fact that Arabs have put Jews to the sword for more than a thousand years in periodic massacres, and permitted only a 2nd class level of citizenship in most Arab states, does not give Arabs a free pass today. After all we've been through, it'll take more than asking us to remember that your role in the Holocaust was marginal (it was not unexistent as you claim). Rather, you have to convince us that you are friends. Seek peace with us, don't wait for us to seek peace with you. We tried a peace treaty with Lebanon, and it was scuttled by an assassination We erased your problem with the Palestinians, and had our hand bitten for it. We pulled out of Lebanon and you refused to take responsibility for South Lebanon. You treated soldiers of the SLA as traitors rather than patriots. Why would you think that now we would remember you for the good? Anyway, it doesn't matter. The invasion is the result of a specific problem that needs to be solved. Whether it is resolved or not won't make Arabs more friendly toward us, and we recognize that. Whatever we do is twisted by Arabs and left wingers to be evil. There is no possibility for friendship under such an atmosphere of mistrust. I do find it incredible to have heard all the bellowing before this invasion about how the Arabs are going to kick our ass, and now to read comments like yours, as if you're asking us for mercy. Nour, you don't have to ask for it. You will get it if you aren't attacking us. We are not into killing for the sake of killing. But what I would like us all to recall is that the same Lebanese who showered Israelis with flowers at the beginning of the invasion in the 80's, also because they were benefiting from the removal of their problem with the Palestinians, did not end well. And it will be so this time, too, unless Arabs take responsibility for themselves instead of always saying how weak they are and asking others to save them (Iraq, Lebanon, PA, etc.). So thanks but no thanks, Lebanon. Do yourself the favor of taking on the Palestinian and Islamic fascists amongst you yourselves - don't leave it to us. We'll weaken them, but you have to plunge the dagger and pour concrete on their graves. Then, you can say you are sovereign. Until then, you are a slave to your fear.
105. #9
Richard ,   Paris   (07.14.06)
That's easy to say, Ryan. How would the US react if rockets from Mexico and Canada were being shot into it's territory?
106. Whack those bastards!!!
Yes! Yes! Yes!   (07.14.06)
Go Israel! Go IDF! Go IAF! Go Navy! Strike Lebanon until nothing is left but rubble! Let's see how brave our good friend Nasrallah can be when he's in IDF's crosshairs!
107. 24, its Iran and its puppet Huzpallah
gal   (07.14.06)
Anyone still wants an Iranian bomb now?
108. copy-paste and publish in foriegn sites:
Student ,   Abroad   (07.14.06)
You condemn Israel for invading Lebanon. You say Lebanon is not responsible for Hezbollah. I want to tell you that Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese government, and If Lebanon is a sovereign country, so it is responsible for its actions and to its borders, responsibility Lebanon is refusing to take. Terrorism is a bad thing, says France, and adds that a response to terrorism on France can include nuclear attack (said by president Shirak not so long ago) . But – if terrorism is targeting Israel and Israeli citizens, well, they can live with it. After all, the Muslims just want to protest the occupation. Let me remind you: Israel left Lebanon more than six years ago. It withdrew from Gaza almost a year ago, but in return to this steps Israel gets rocket attacks to its civilian territories. Don’t try to say Israel attacks Gaza and Lebanon over 3 kidnapped soldiers. It is only part of the big picture in which terror groups launch missiles on populated areas. What would you do if your cities were attacked in this way? Sit and do nothing? I don’t think so!!! I just want to tell all of you my European friends, we are not the last address of Islam’s fundamentalism, we are just getting hit first since we’re on the front line with the Arab world. You encourage recent attacks on Israeli cities and town from rockets launched from Gaza and from Lebanon, by ignoring the fact those launches even happen and are taking lives of Israeli civilians. By only covering the Palestinian and Lebanese casualties, by not condemning Terrorism and abductions on a sovereign land, you encourage more actions like these. And by doing so, you call them upon your doorstep, from within your society. There are millions of Muslims in Europe just waiting for a call upon Jihad. The feel Allah is with them now. We call upon you to wake up, Europe, and face the problems. Try to find alternative energy sources, like the Japanese do, since they got fed up with the Arab world “oil politics”. The Arab world buy your silence with oil, and you swallow it. Another point for your thoughts: Why when Japan wants to launch a preemptive strike on North Korea, which only tested missiles is not condemned, but when Palestinians or Lebanese invade Israel and take lives, (of civilians too if you check closely not just on the headlines), and Israel in acts of self defense attack those territories, is seen as an aggressor?! By trying to look deep into the situation and condemning such acts as they begin, demanding the full stop of missiles launching to Israeli territories, Israel could avoid the measures it is taking now, saving hundreds of lives for all sides involved.
109. We would take it !!
Jack ,   Haverhill, Ma   (07.14.06)
Here in Mass., most would be trying to give hugs and kisses tothose doing the kidnapping - they must have had a bad childhood - they need more therapy & compassion !!
110. The Final Outcome
David ,   Dallas, USA   (07.14.06)
What is all the excitement about? The final outcome of this war has already been fortold. It was prophesied about 2,000 years ago, and even earlier. Israel will never again be defeated. The nations of this world will rise against her, a pseudo-Christ figure will promise her a false peace for a short time and then a war will begin again, but at that time YESHUA will return a final time to declare victory on behalf of His people. Whether this is the actual war or not I do not pretend to know. But it must be at the very least a precursor. The end of the world as we know is soon coming. "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand." There will be no peace outside of YESHUA and Israel will be victorious.
111. What d'you say?
Patric ,   Belfast   (07.14.06)
What a great opprtunity to get Israel back to its original biblical borders ready for the Massiah?!
112. May you get your wish!
Ericc M ,   Pittsburgh USA   (07.14.06)
These terrorist groups and supporting countries have been asking for a serious @ss kicking for years and I hope Israel stops playing "paddy cake" and starts use a sledge hammer! These people will never learn, so help them reflect on their foolish in H&LL! May god bless the world and remove these monsters!
113. Civilian Targets
Eric M ,   Pittsburgh USA   (07.14.06)
You are a fool, since in the great majority of War that has every happened in history has had civilians killed. Even with new technology, nothing is perfect. Terrorism is using some young know-nothing kid or woman to strap a bomb to themselves and strike all over another nation, launching a bunch of missiles that have the aiming ability of a bottle rocket at the enemy, or taking over a civilan aircraft for kicks! A missle that missed it's target don't equal up to Terrorism. Just a sad event. PA and the Hezbollah have been asking for an @sskicking express ride to H&LL and I hope they get their wish. These people DO NOT care about the plight of their fellowmen, but want to be the big jihadist on the block. Their ego will get them killed and their countrymen will suffer from their actions.
114. @David, #110
Steeb ,   Boston, USA   (07.14.06)
Please go back on your meds. You are making our country look bad. Thank you.
115. restraint?
jon   (07.14.06)
restraint? bush may be publicly calling on israel to show restraint, but secretly would love for the IDF to eliminate the terrorists in lebanon and elsewhere. by the way, do you know how many millions of dollars the US pays each year to support israel and the IDF?
116. Israel are not Gods children.
TheManster ,   USA   (07.14.06)
Israel lost Gods favor when the jews denied Christ. They still deny him. WE are all Gods Children.
117. GO IDF!!!!!!!!!! :D
Tim ,   Tampa, Florida USA   (07.14.06)
I am happy to see Israel defending itself. It's a pretty simple process - someone attacks you, you fight back. And you continue to fight until aggression stops. In this case, Hezbollah continues its aggression, even with a sweltering barrage of attacks from Israel. Israel must defend itself until this aggression stops. Wait ... sounds familiar. I'm not a religion expert, but I do believe that is one of the basic tenets of the Quran. Makes me wonder why the world, and more so, the MUSLIMS are whining!?
118. #9
your right its enough, so why isn'y the world cutting off the money to these barbarians. They are not interested in building Lebanon (hizballah) all they want is war. that is their whole life. israel is defending itself like any othere nation. As soon as the world gets moral clarity ,the more groups like hizballah will realize that murder and mayhem will not be tolerated. until the world realizes this,unfortunately, this stupidity will continue.
119. #62 killing civillians as your objective
is terror. Killing civillians by accident because terrorists use them as shields because they are cowards is not the same. If terrorists beleive in 72 virgins than engage on the battlefield away from civillians.
120. #s 9 & 69 - Ryan, you repeat a Big Lie
Dennis Newman ,   New York City   (07.14.06)
You may have been to Israel & Palestine, but you've got a critical fact way wrong: You say, "the real problem, it's occupation [sic]." If that were true, it would not be the case that from the early 50s through '67 -- BEFORE the "occupation" (precipitated by a sea embargo & multi-pronged gang-attack on Israel) began, Arab terrorists murdered some 500 Israelis with bombs, knives, and guns (just not as efficiently as nowadays). Explain, please. It's clear: Excusing terrorism with "occupation" is a key "Big Lie," oft repeated but a Big Lie nonetheless.
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