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On the way to a Lebanese 'nakba'
Moshe Elad
Published: 16.07.06, 17:42
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50 Talkbacks for this article
31. On the Lebanese nakba
Mick ,   Australia   (07.17.06)
well my Guess is those leaders of Arab country who oppose the Hizbollah are the puppets of the US who are holding to their power and scared that it will be their turn next as theire people will kick them out. to all you people of Israel you should ask your Governoment to release the Lebanese hostage in your jails and stop your airplane to fly over Lebanon and you boat stay of the sea of Lebanon and live your life as you wish and let Lebanese live their live as they wish. treat them as they dont exist to you. and then if they interfer in your country you have every right to respond.
32. To the Christian brothers in Beirut
Saleh Christian Leb ,   Canada   (07.17.06)
What do we think that the Muslim will do we us if they were capable to finish the Jews? Ask the people of Iraq, if they kill their fellow Muslims by the thousands, they will not hesitate a second. Its the culture of death, and it must be stoped. May God have mercy on all humans, and keep all of us from radical religions.
33. #18 Lois D.
jman ,   il   (07.17.06)
Hey! How them O's doing? Most of the people who don't serve are: 1. Leftists who hug the enemy, 2. Yeshiva guys who are serious about their learning, therefore not physically or mentally fit for combat, 3. So called yeshiva students who bon't listen to some of the great rabbis who say if you are not learning than go to the army, but alas don't listen. and... 4. Those that are scared. Come live here and see the other end of those pictures that you claim are Israelis "bullying" the Arabs. I for one can tell you that soldiers take utmost care not to shoot civilians. However, we learn from our mistakes and open fire on aproching civilians who don't heed to our calls to stop, instead of letting them walk over and blow up. That's smart! Unfortunately the pictures you see are after we "bully" them. p.s. the palistinians use special protective gear, its made out of women and children. Of course you won't see it until they take off the protection and leave it on the ground for the media.
34. Shadi
Jane   (07.17.06)
First, Mr. Shadi, Jews are not "white". So enough of that. Second, we did not want nor did we start this mess we are all in now. Your friend Nasrallah, with the order and/or support of Iran and Syria started this. He is not good for Lebanon. He has staged a coup d'etat and you people don't even know it. We completely left Lebanon years ago, Shadi. And third, Shadi, we are more than moderate. We just want to be left alone. Don't like us? Then we won't invite you and your wife for coffee. Just leave us alone. All of you.
35. #25
Jane   (07.17.06)
No, actually. Those words describe every single Muslim who thinks he will raise the flag of Islam over the world in a new caliphate.
36. #30
Jane   (07.17.06)
Great. We saw your letter. Now everyone knows you're an idiot. Feel better?
37. the IDF is a loooser
Mg ,   Lebanon   (07.17.06)
Hizb Allah is still not touched, the IDF criminals are attacking the lebanese civilians, your most advanced weapons are just killing children and civilians. why dont you dare to fight?if you are so smart and so strong, come and face us,instead of bombing hospitals from high skies. its Lebanon Vs. the world and Lebanon will survive. we are paying a high price, because the world did abandon us. you have not seen anything from Hizb Allah yet.they will kick your ass like they did in 2000.
38. Israeli crimes
Captain London ,   London, UK   (07.17.06)
I do not think that Nasrallah does not know what is he doing. Anyway, whether Nasrallah did not calculate his moves or not has nothing to do with the excessive use of destruction power against civilians. Israel is severely violating all international laws and conventions of war. All the civilians on both sides and the destruction to the Lebanese economy and infrastructure are due to the arrogance of Israel and not Nasrallah. Abduction of two SOLDIERS in uniform in a military operation should not bring about rataliation against civilians and infrastructure. This is a crime against humanity and sooner or later Israel would pay for this crime as all arrogant nations in history did. Israel is an aggressive country by nature. Why does not Israel return the Lebanese hostages in case it is seeking peace? Why does not Israel leave Lebanon alone and leave its land? Israel cannot bear seeing Lebanon as a prosperous country. It would always try to bring it down. What was the reason of bombing 13 passengers airplanes in 1968? Wasn't that a terrorist act against a sovereign country? There was no PLO in Lebanon then and there was no cross borders attacks. Israel does not need a reason to destroy the capability of Lebanon to live and when this war ends, Israel would come back again after finding another reason and kill civilians and destroy the country. Israel was build by gangesters who committed genocides and Israel can never be something better unless they stop their superiority feelings.
39. RE: #18
Michael ,   Rishon Letzion   (07.17.06)
Only anti-semitic people get on Israeli websites to write against Israel. They know that most of their readers are Jews, so they can inflict outmost pain. Why don't you go to Arab websites and do the same?..well you know why...
40. To Bashar
John ,   Texas   (07.18.06)
Let's see, the arabs did support hitler. THere are more arabs than ever, so how is israel committing genocide? I guess muslims are moderate, if being moderate is removing the clitoris of women, making women wear burkhas, killing people for watching the world cup, drawing pictures of mohhammed (who also had sex with a nine year old girl-i guess that makes him a true prophet), and deliberately targeting civilians. Civilians in lebanon die b/c arabs always hide behind their civilians-it is a win win situation. Well take care- i am going to draw a picture of the prophet right now!
41. left alone
brian ,   los angeles   (07.18.06)
Hey Mick, Where have you been for the last 50 years. All Israel has wanted is to live in peace and be left alone. Israel completely withdrew from Lebanon in 2000 and would love to have a peace treaty that is real and tangible. The reason there is a war now is that Lebanon has refused to control its border with Israel and has instead allowed Hizbollah to coonstantly attack Israel with missiles and kidnappings. This isn't new, it's been going on for years. If Lebanon wants peace all they need to do is make sure that their territory is not used as a staging ground to attack Israelis.
42. I say
John ,   NZ   (07.18.06)
The rest of the Arab world don't give a damn if US and Israel strikes Iran's nuclear reactors. Most Arab nations are oil rich and they buy American luxuries and technology and live with 100 virgins on earth Why would they want to see the 12th Iman? I say, the US and Israel are worried about the threats and rhetorics Iran made. When Iran is stripped of its nuclear capabilities, the rest of the franchaise would shut up.
43. How many Lebanese must die, how many Lebanese homes must be
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica, CA   (07.18.06)
destroyed, how many Lebanese must go hungry, how many Lebanese must lose there jobs, how many Lebanese must see their lives destroyed for this meglomaniac in a black hat that hides the maggots in his head?
44. #38
Larry ,   Dallas.Tx   (07.18.06)
Let's see if you have the same attitude when England is taken over by the SAME type of Idiots that have come to your Country. In 20 years London will be Muslim.
45. The Sin of Arrogance
Nick ,   NYC, USA   (07.18.06)
So much bravado . . . on the part of both Nasrallah and Mr. Elad. It's agreed that Nasrallah is a scoundrel, and that he grossly miscalculated. But Mr. Elad takes unseemly pleasure in the suffering visited upon Lebanon by the IDF's strikes, as he gleefully recounts their devastating effects upon the Lebanese economy and psyche. This is no time to gloat.
46. why is hizbalah successfull everytime & even more powerfull
tareks ,   beirut, Lebanon   (07.18.06)
did u ever wonder? if israel is so powerful and strong, and the israelies are united and standing up against terror. if they are so smart and advanced, why is hizbalah always a winner. why do they always return hers and more powerfull. we think of 2 readons, either israel leaders want hizbalah to remain for them to have a reason to hit lebanon, or hizbalah are smarter and more advanced and more united than the israels. stop fooling yourselves and see the truth. THINK!
47. Do you really believe that crap?
Nick ,   Princeton, NJ   (07.18.06)
If you give Israel no other option than death, what do you expect them to do, let you kill them? If they really wanted to exterminate Arabs (I can't believe I'm even addressing this insane opinion), they would be using their Nuclear weapons and everyone would already be dead. Wake up, Israel simply wants to be left alone and is not going anywhere, and there is nothing you can do about it. Try raising and feeding your families, get jobs, stop complaining because no one gives a shit about you problems, we all have our own. The world does not owe you a damn thing, stop whining and earn our respect if you want to be treated like anything other than dissolusioned radicals.
48. to all Moslem comments here
Yisraeli   (07.18.06)
like tareks #46. Can you all see how backward and ignorant all these muslim commentators are? They still believe theyre own bullshit and fantasies. They cant see the truth they dont want to see the truth. They are so stupid and ignorant. Its amazing in the modern world and world of internet to which they are able to comment anonymously yet utter stupidity total backwardness, its a freak show reading their comments. Yet a Christians comments even if Arab are polar apart. and notwithstanding AK's comment from Baghdad which was positive for us at least but maybe only because its in his interest without any love for us. Whatever.
49. Nasrallah, When are you coming to join me?
A. Eichmann ,   Ash in Mediterranean   (07.18.06)
50. missing the point
nayeeda ,   lebanon   (07.20.06)
Well I understand if it s a war against Iran or Hizbollah.. but what I do not understand is that targeting innocent children..civilians..destroying a whole city,targeting the army!! could have anything to do with hizbollah!! We do not want Hizbollah and been trying to come to an understanding with them cos somehow they have become a goverment within a goverment!! but what israelis are doing are driving us to sympathize with them and become convinced of their cause!!! which it should nt happen. Stop targeting innocent people and leave behind those zionist beliefs of exterminating arabs..have some humanity within you..remember Belfor promise..remember the injustice that fell upon you in world war 2!! do not make the mistake once made to you..do not let us sin by wondering if ever that sick Nazi was right about you!! I beseach all israeli in the name of humanity to pressure their goverment to stop the bloodshed...2 soldiers are not equivalent a whole country!! and a country that do not wish to do war or hurt any of its neighboring country fellowmen in the first place. let us in peace..we had enough already.
51. shirley babe
nayeeda ,   lebanon   (07.20.06)
If you consider writing messages on missiles,using your children to create to them complexes when they grow up and remember that the messages they wrote on missiles shreded young helpless innocent children in Lebanon, a final solution!!..well I (sarcasticaly) salute the Jews you represent Babe!! and I strongly believe from what I m witnessing is that the holocaust is an understatement to the situation, your zionist goverment is creating in Lebanon.
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