IDF’s next target: ‘Hizbullah villages’
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 23.07.06, 08:39
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61. To Observer # 51
Alex ,   Mexico   (07.23.06)
Where exactly did #27 implied that those where "mostly israelis"?he didn´t. And probably what he ment by "looking hard enough" is that most of the press shows (and is understandable), is the tragedy that the lebanese people are going thru. Also israeli and arab kids and women have been killed by hisbollah misiles. You won´t see the pictures of their bodies anywhere, out of respect for their families. This war was imposed on Israel by people that don´t have any reggard for other human lifes, they have shown it over and over.
62. Our Soldiers
Talula ,   Israel   (07.23.06)
Get in, get out and come home safely and quickly to a nation who cherishes, adores and loves you and will always be eternally proud of you.
63. To #54 Fajita
Scott ,   New Zealand   (07.23.06)
I am married to an Israeli and have lived in TA for 2 years before coming here. So yes, I’m an armchair expert who has at least been to the region if that means anything. Yes , I wouldn’t discount the story about the agents being caught. I haven’t heard it before, except from you. Anything like that is feasible. But for goodness sakes, now that you mention it - wouldn’t the Hezbollah leadership understand that something was up? Wouldn’t it have crossed their minds this is not the time to fool around? Why then deliberately provoke – so you are seen to be blamed and not the enemy! That part doesn’t make sense at all. Also, you really underplay the incident that started this – its not just 2 guys – 8 guys got killed , many in the attempt to rescue the abductees. It was very well executed. All for what? A prisoner exchange. Now you can hold whatever views you like about the individuals that are incarcerated by the Israelis. To you many of them maybe freedom fighters, but to others …well lets say this much – I don’t think it safe to release hundreds of known recalcitrants. At least Israel has a judicial system; again you may say it’s biased. Who knows? But I don’t think so. Each day we learn a little more about the extensive nature of Hezbollah’s build up. It seems that, indeed they had spread beyond Southern Lebanon, so obviously and unfortunately lots of innocent people have been affected. It will get worse too I feel. Hezbollah is a cancer and it will be cut from Lebanon one way or another – we’ll get a few more years of ‘remission’ until they think its time again to have another go at the ‘Zionists’ and it will be all on again, and again.
64. Sanchez Mexico
ML ,   UK   (07.23.06)
Thank you for your support. What can you and all decent people do? Take a Book of Psalms and read it aloud, for the G-d of Israel hears. Give charity, even a small coin, every day. Do at least one an act of kindness each day. If we all take on such things, then the world will be filled with love and humanity and not hatred and its results as can be seen by so many who hate my people Israel!
65. To #61
An observer ,   Canada   (07.23.06)
Alex, tere is no explanation to those pictures that shows us the horrible reality! No matter how hard you try. Also you can't blame Hesbollah for everything no matter how terrible they are. Or if you do, just think about the following: Next time if you will be held hostage or you will be used as a human shield I am just going to bomb you all and than blame everything on your captors who used you as a human shield when your relatives will ask me why did you hav to die. Just think about this and about how horrible this whole thing it is that is happening.
66. Reply # 53
ED ,   Occupied Palistine   (07.23.06)
It is occupied Palistine not Israel. Just show live pictures of IDF firing at the village, I wonder how they have control over it????
67. To: nr 1
Leon ,   Grand Rapids U S A   (07.23.06)
I regard your post as an olfactory assault !
68. #18 - Enjoyed that - thanks! needed a good laugh : )
Talula ,   Israel   (07.23.06)
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