Highest security open-air prison on earth
Laila M. El-Haddad
Published: 25.07.06, 19:13
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121 Talkbacks for this article
61. ynet is treacherous send them faxes! al-Ynet must stop!
printing garbage ,   what is this almanar   (07.25.06)
62. what utter nonsense
Yisraeli   (07.26.06)
You forget it was Egypt before 1967. Now that Israel is out of Gaza what right have you to claim anything from Israel let alone passage through her territory. In 1978 I worked plenty with gazans who flooded Israel every single morning coming in by the tens of thousands in theyre 7 seater Peugot's. They all had jobs and had an income which they brought back to theyre homes. Now you have nothing and of course you blame Israel. Stuff you all, you deserve nothing. You have taken and taken from everyone from Israel from Europe from the USA and all your capable in returning is death, violence and mayhem. Now you can all rot in the stinking pot that YOU ALL created dont come crying to us even the world is sick of all your whinging crying and blaming everyone else but yourselves for your own plight. What Gaza deserves is to become one big parking lot. Just look at all the above responses, they more or less all say the same thing and from all over the world. Face the truth about yourselves. Your a barbaric lot who dont even deserve to exist in the 21st century let alone theyre own state. I have no empathy for you all. Reap the fruits of your own labour.
63. Re#5
Ron   (07.26.06)
The grabage is what ur people are doing.One of the woest nations world could encounter...
64. Here is THE answer:
Dillworth   (07.26.06)
1) Let all people in Gaza move to the West Bank, or anywhere else they are wanted. 2) Level Gaza. 3) Turn the little bit of land that is Gaza back to usable farmland and create a mega farm. Let someone manage this enterprise who really cares. 4) Send all of the profit (in money and or food) to the people of the West Bank. It makes NO sense for terrorists to use good land to make terrorist bombs and launch terrorist attacks. If they can't help but do that, then at least use desert land to do it.
65. The proves something to me!
A J Kram ,   Orips, OK USA   (07.26.06)
I used to think that Palestinians should have their own country. If this "set of silly excuses" is the most positive thing they can produce, then it's time to GIVE BACK Gaza to Egypt and the "west bank" to Jordan. Let them deal with these misbehaved cry babies! Even if they had their own county, they'd still be shooting at Isreal, kidnapping and killing Israelis ...and then (guess what?) ...yes... blaming Isreal for the results of their evil.
66. Thanks for writing, but I disagree
Yehuda ,   USA   (07.26.06)
Laila, thanks for writing. I'm sure it takes courage for a Palestinian from Gaza to write to this audience. With that said, I just cannot agree with the argument that Israel did not leave Gaza. You wrote "Israeli occupation of Gaza had not ended. It had just become more sophisticated and entrenched: Gaza's skies, borders, air, travel permit system, and birth registration process all remained under Israeli control. " Why could Palestinians not see an improvement after settlements and roadblocks within Gaza were removed? Why did they not seek to calm down and get foreign investment to build the infrastructure. Why did they not cease all acts of failed terror and attain freedom of air, travel etc through peaceful resistance? When something improves, then why did the Palestinians not strive to make it better still. The Palestinians knew that more withdrawal was on the way when Israel voted Kadima. Why did the Palestinians not seek any pullout unilateral or otherwise? Our people think differently. I truely cannot understand the Palestinian psyche.
67. Isreal is only to Blame
George ,   Palestine   (07.26.06)
Israel is the source of all violence and Israel by continuing its agresion will finish itself. History teaches people that empires fell down, like Hiltler and Israel will follow cause Israel is just like Hiltler and they learned nothing from the Holocaust but killing, Killing and destruction what Israel knows and practices
68. You get what you deserved
Salam ,   Ottawa   (07.26.06)
Laila, it has been 6 decades, what did your people have contributed to this world ? Nothing positive. On other hand, Palestinians refugees are big welfare burden for international comunity. A few hundred thousands refugees become a few millions now, doing nothing. Look at Japan, their country was destroyed, their cities got two nuclear bombs. Their people were defeated, humilated and exhausted. See where they are now ??? Look at S. Korean, their country was cutted by half, devastated by war, look at where are they now ??? Laila, I have two words for you and your people : GROW UP!!!
69. Your own people are the Problem..Not the Jews
Mohamed ,   Ontario, Canada   (07.26.06)
The answer to your article is not Israel’s generosity or feelings of guilt towards your people. I’m sure your familiar with this (if you read the KORAAN) “GOD will not change people’s status until they change what’s within them” your leaders are corrupted, they have chose lavish life over god and his message. Your leaders deprive the poor from everything then they watch the suicide bombers and use them as bargaining chip. You MUST get back to GOD and his message, obey his laws and practices. When all the Palestinians do that…GOD not only will answer your questions, but rather provide you the solution out right. You take care or your own people and get back to the path of righteousness and GOD will take care of the Jews like he’s done many times before
70. This Arab Muslim woman has 21 countries: She should go there
Yael ,   Rishon   (07.26.06)
and leave us alone
71. Laila - the"palestinian people" don't exist and...
Yehuda Maccabbee ,   MODI'IN   (07.26.06)
when Feiglin becomes PM, we will prov it to you by tossing you all out to Saudi Arabia where you belong.
72. Tell your "B" friend to go back to Syria where she belongs!
Tomer ,   ramat hasharon   (07.26.06)
73. strange article
Ira ,   New Jersey   (07.26.06)
I read this article and looked at her blog. R u guys serious. You see why the Islamists may beat us. Because of this silliness of my fellow Jews!
74. Laila, we don't feel sorry for you.
Vera ,   USA   (07.26.06)
Do the math and check your geography. Israel has 12 thousand sq. miles land area and arabs have a minimum of 4 mil.+ sq. miles. Yet, they continuously clamor for MORE of Israel's land! How piggishly greedy is that? Who has no homeland? What land are your brothers offering the palistinians? NOTHING - but weapons, terrorism training, shaid status, poverty, and a continuous diet of "blame and hate" Israel for their miserable low-class existence. Israel valiantly won the land in 1948 by thoroughly THRASHING 5 (count that), 5 Arab nations who surprise attacked her in her rebirth - a populace made up of many recent Holocaust SURVIVORS. Is that disgusting cowardice or what? And again in 1967 you people again surprise attacked Israel’s holiest day when they’d be least likely prepared. Here to, you got humiliatingly thrashed again. What you could not do militarily, you now attempt via wide deception, slander, and terrorism. While the shame of your peoples remains and grows. The humiliation remains with you. Israel gave you people land and the opportunity to build something out of the slums you made of the land. But no, rockets, kidnappings, threats, and terrorism continued with you people. Your terrorists (which is why you’re encountering immigration problems) have done the world a favor by showing their true colors: Deep ignorance, gross peasant mentality, appalling self-hatred, and murderous ENVY of Israel and the West. Go write in the Arab papers. They believe in "poor miserable, feel sorry for me, oppressed arab". Truth is, you’re a self-oppressed peoples - unwilling to face your ugly truths. Now, thankfully, the world sees the wickedness of you human sacrificiers in light of the preceding. You’re now dragged thrashing by the hair, eyes averted, to the mirror of your own nauseating reflection. Great shame and disgrace to remains and is on your people, not Israel. As you wished for Israel, it is now done to you. Ynet, don’t be so “open minded” your brains fall out. Whose side are you on? Don’t let these scumbags propagandize in your own paper. They detest “liberal thinking” because they‘re detestable people.
75. We're going to Israelnn.com
Vera ,   USA   (07.26.06)
She's sitting IN AMERICA "Land of the free". They've shown the world that their first language is lies. My mom always said there are 3 brothers: 1. Lying leads to 2. Stealing, 3. Stealing leads to Killing.
76. Here are some ideas
suggestive   (07.26.06)
1. Open the border with Egypt. They are your neighbors. 2. Stop electing terrorists. 3. Stop teaching your kids to hate and to want to kill. 4. Make your terrorists stop attacking Israel. Make them stop trying to attack. 5. Focus on building your infrastructure and towns peacefully. 6. Stop demonizing Israel. 7. Start thinking seriously about compromise. Remember Camp David? Remember Taba? Where are the Palestinian peace groups, the real human rights groups (as opposed to propaganda machines), the moderate leaders?
77. George; Thank you for proving my point about psychotic Arabs
Daisy ,   USA   (07.26.06)
78. Always blaming Israel
Avi ,   Los angeles , USA   (07.26.06)
Palestinians are suffering but until they elect leaders who accept the reality of Israel's existence and are willing to negotiate, I don't belive they are or have ever been thus far, they will be at odds with reality.
79. Israeli People are heartless and everyone knows that.
Ricardo   (07.26.06)
Well, for all the people that say that the palestinian did nothing i agree with you but the reason for them not doing anything is just because of israel, you are the cancer who made all the organs collapse. You kill children, women, everyone and then u are putting the blame on the kassam rockets that terrify u, my god how hypocratic you are, i didn't see any israeli dies from these rockets but you have to show your muscles. By the way israel didn't reach what have reached now without the jewish money from all over the world, u receive each year billions and billions , i guess if the palestinian receive what u receive they could have done better than you. and please everyone in the world hate you israelis for a reason!!!!!!
80. #36
Nannette ,   London, UK   (07.26.06)
Obviously you don't want peace, unless it means all of Israel. What I see in London, is Islamists living on OUR social security, they don't want to work or learn the language, hate this country, but are happy to take our money, and our housing. Israel left Gaza, but as has been proven time and again, you don't want peace. You don't want to work, you want to be forever the worlds welfare queens. Get a country, build it up, start working the land, build businesses - and get a life outside the abject hate you propagate every day of your lives. Forget the blame game, we in the west are sick and tired of it - and of your hands always outstretched for OUR hard earned money, followed by the incessant stream of hatred and criticism. One day the money will stop and you'll have to be self sufficient - sooner rather than later I hope.
81. poor Arabs
Shmuel ,   Jerusalem   (07.26.06)
So sad, of course the fact that you want to annihilate Israel, to form your contigious state, doesn't factor in, does it? From Syria, Lebanon etc., so, you all really aren't originally from Israel are you? Make your excuses, you still have no value of life and only like to spread your well spun lies, congratulation.
82. Laila, there're plenty of Arabs in Haifa, so
AK   (07.26.06)
why is it that your husband was forced to leave and they weren't? You're full of it, Laila.
83. You were given a chance, as a test. You FAILED
howard ,   pacific coast, usa   (07.26.06)
Don't blame Israel if you refused to restrain your young lunatics from shooting rockets at Israeli towns. If your HAMAS friends prefer to eat oil and salt instead of making peace and building a wealthy and lovely society -- don't blame Israel. Waste of good column space, YNET.
84. #67
jason ,   usa   (07.26.06)
ok...george look in the hamas charter and what will you see?.. desotry israel now you tell me is that how things got messy from that? i'm guessing it was right for hamas to BE a terrorist and let me tell you somthing ..there is no "only"
85. try not firing kassams, see what happens
daniel ,   amsterdam   (07.26.06)
86. Saw beautiful shoes. Need more Gaza-prison-EU-money. Shukran
Suha Ara_FAT (Mrs. $ ,   P A R I S   (07.26.06)
87. $$$$$$ I LOVE GAZA! $$$ I LOVE EU! $$$$$$$
Suha Ara_FAT (Mrs. $ ,   Tunis   (07.26.06)
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.26.06)
Bible, Leviticus 24:17 "If a man takes the life of any human being, he shall surely be put to death" Black Africans are the indigenous people of Sudan and are the majority population. The black Southern Sudanese Christians explain what "peace" means: If you agree to become a Muslim, you will have peace. If you reject Islam, you are at war. From 1955-1973, 1.5 million Christians were slaughtered by the Arab Muslim government in Khartoum. From 1983-2005, two million more Christians died from Khartoum's jihad. Murdering infidels is not considered a crime. Non-Muslim infidels are regarded as not entitled to human rights. Hundreds of thousands of Christians have been raped. Hundreds of thousands of Christian children and women taken for slaves. In the refugee camps, the Islamo-Fascist religious supremacist Khartoum government requires refugees to become Muslims in order to receive food and water. The genocide has resulted in the largest population of refugees on earth since the Second World War. The jihad in Sudan against Darfur's black African Muslims by Khartoum's racist Arab Muslim regime began in 2003. 400,000 black Muslims are dead. STOP Genocide - STOP Slavery - FREE the Slaves and kidnapped IDF soldiers! http://www.iabolish.org/ Bible, Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death"
89. you are more free than jews in arab countries
reuven ,   beverly hills,usa   (07.26.06)
your story is not true and you know it.but you should thank the ynet to publish it.no jew can write in a arab country and live.look at jews in syria , iran and other locations, they dont have freedom.the blame should be on your foolish leaders not israel.tell us why arabs kill each other and also want to kill us.one ting is true about you, YOU ARE PRETY.
90. Ricardo or Ahmed; The Arabs are the killers and terrorists.
Daisy ,   USA   (07.26.06)
You are a liar! The whole world doesn't hate the Jews. It's mostly Arabs like yourself who have a vicious hate for the Jews. A lot of non-Jews like myself support Israel!
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