PM apologizes for UN observers’ death, criticizes Annan
Ronny Sofer
Published: 26.07.06, 09:51
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31. better yet Hezbollah fighter taken over UN
Rimon   (07.26.06)
u fools, u are so good at excuses, let me remide u all, this is not the 1st such delibrate attack, and now u hit Annan with the ready anti semetic stigma, do not u ever have anotther excuse, oh better yet Livni apologized, wow just like when the IOF struck the beach of Gaza and killed 7 Palestinians, wow apologize, oh it occured to me this could be a better excuse for your IOF strike at the UN post, say Hezbollah fighter have kidnapped the observers and fired at IOF which prompted IAF air strike ha very convincing with a devil mind like your IOF children killers. hey look for another more convincing excuse next time because ther will more of such "regretable incidents". speak the truth end your stupid war now leave Lebanon and Palestine
32. coruption, rassism at the UNO
Observer ,   Germany   (07.26.06)
Who understands german shoul read this issue...
33. Mr. Olmert
Rimon   (07.26.06)
You have precision guided missiles. You have F16s that can pinpoint their targets. If this is a mistake, then all the buildings being bombed in Lebanon is a mistake. If this is a mistake, then invading a democratic nation, under the pretext of rescueing couple of soldiers sleeping on watch is a mistake.You should be overthrown Olmert, for you have brought disgrace to this country. May God have mercy on your soul if you have any
34. Annan is a short timer at U.N.
Jack Goldman ,   Boston, USA   (07.26.06)
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, after a history of making things easy for Hezballah in Lebanon to arm and fortify its infrastructure, has finally shown is deep biases against Israel. His unsupported accusations will finally be the end of his tenure at the U.N.
35. #1 you are a sad parody of yourself
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.26.06)
Keren ya habibti, So ultra-radically Zionist are you that you do not even realise that you are scoring own goals. Now the UN observer force was targetted and attacked and UN soldiers killed - and your pearls of wisdom "it is their fault to have left their people in a risky area" completely avoids the issue. You, and your dwindling crowd of death-loving idiots are in fact heading straight into the dustbin of history. You cannot distinguish between, fighters, civilians, UN staffers. The only thing you can distinguish is a Jew and a non-Jew and from your comments over the last few months it seems that you delight in justifying every non-Jewish death. Do you not realise how utterly sick and transparent your posts are?
36. #7 a very sick message
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.26.06)
Talking of teh UN observers you said "Death was an appropriate price" You are indeed one very sick woman.
37. #28 Talula - very sad indeed
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.26.06)
So you think that the Israelis killing UN staffers in South Lebanon is a game - at least that is what we all understood by your posting of this line: "Israel 1 - UN 0" You and so many other Israelis and knee-jerk supporters are painting yourselves into a very small and very tight corner. If there is not 150% pro Israel comment, you, and Bunnie, and many others think that the speaker deserves to die. You are truly a sad and pathetic woman for having made the targeted deaths of the UN staffers into some sort of American baseball game. I beleive you owe the reading public here a large apology.
38. RE: What's with the hating
Ben ,   Cornwall, Canada   (07.26.06)
I've been reading the postings and I am finding that you always critize other people's comments without making a point. The Crisis in Lebanon is not to be taken lightly because of the huge effect it will have on its population and surrounding habitants. Hezbollah and Israel need to obey the ceasefire before more innocent human lives are claimed. It may not be a permanent solution but peaceful negotiations are possible if the parties realize they are killing children and women. I still can't believe that in 2006, there are conflicts of this sort. Are they human I wonder? What is the basis of their lives...Do they want to live in fear of dying? God gave us brains and they have used them to destroy what God build...Just smile and be happy ; if only it were possible... Their state of mind is cracked out right now...actually a crack head would probably make better decision....
39. 37 Rustum in a tantrum
Talula ,   Israel   (07.26.06)
I will never EVER apologise to you. Let's get that out of the way. If you cannot understand clearly what I wrote without your paranoid schizophrenia surfing, once again, then you should run off the the mosque and leave the chat rooms alone. FYI: I have also not seen the inside of a bomb shelter since the Gulf War. Sorry. So, you hateful evil iniquitous little man, run along.
40. Keren, you're retarded.
wiseman ,   Canada   (07.26.06)
"It is THEIR fault to have their people in a risky area". What kind of retarded statement is that? I dont think even 7 year olds would feel that way. Whether or not Israel was provoked is irrelevant. Israel is waging war and it has RESPONSIBILITY under International LAW to ensure civilian lives are not at caught in any crossfire. Last time I checked, Israel has the 7th strongest military in the world. I'm pretty sure they carry out this responsibility without "accidentally" hitting a UN post. Face it, the Israeli government did this on purpose. And it's not called self-defense when Israel is attacking people on OCCUPIED land. Call it what you want, but its not self-defense. Self-defense is when you're attacked in your OWN land. You can't just put your military in another person's country, become provoked, and invade that country in the name of "self-defense". It should be done in the name of "retarded logic".
41. Getting rid of the 'eyes' of the world
Morgan ,   Canada   (07.26.06)
With such a developed intelligence, how could the Israeli mistaken the post for a bunker? The way I see it is that they are destroying the UN so that the UN cannot keep an eye on their actions and report the killings of hundreds of innocent civilians
42. #26 - difference between friends and foes
Kyle ,   France   (07.26.06)
Why didn't Annan complains when the Hizbullah attacked his men ? Why is the whole international press (even some US ones) condems those deaths, and not those made by Hizbullah ? Because being killed by terrorists is something normal from terrorists. That's the reason the (almost) whole word is against them. That's the reason why the world is (almost) united agains them. But being killed by laser-precision guided missiles from allies, this is really NOT normal from friends. Same thing as killing innocents, torturing prisonners (iraq someone ?) and things like that. Bottom line is: if you're using the same methods as your ennemies, if you let yourself get down to the same lack of consideration for the life of others, then you're not better than them, you're exactly the same than them. And then, the motivation, the right for your action is just gone. You're just combating the other just because he's the other, not because he's bad. Maybe that's the way you choose to win the war against the other. But then, in the eyes of the rest of the world, you will be seen more and more as evil as the other you're batteling. Open your eyes. That's happening right now. Of course, there's always anti-semitism in the world, and some people will always find way to show the bad side of Israel. But you're lying to yourself if you think that the global distrust against Israel is wholly explainable with antisemitism. And a good proof of this is that anti-semitism cannot explain the global mistrust against US that is growing up internationnaly. While it is perfectly understandable at the light of the Iraq/Guantanamo affairs. So, the more this kind of things will be happening, the more the global mistrust will grow. And even the US are starting to take it seriously (why otherwise Bush would have accepted that the Geneva Convention applies to Guantanamo prisonners ?). And if the US take it seriously, maybe that's a sign that Israel should, also. After all, could Israel live recluded socially and economically from the whole world, like Cuba for example ? From what was written in financial press, I'm not even sure that Israel could live without economical exchange with only Europe. So think about that. The problem is not that Hizbullah do the same, even worse that Israel. The problem is that Israel is starting to do the same as Hizbullah. You have to choose: either you're allied with the world, you're taking advantages of commercial and social network with the world, BUT you have to refrain on some things, like killing innocents and UN personnels. Or you don't care about the world, you want to do it your way. But then, you will have to learn how to live without the world, socially but also (and maybe more important) economically.
43. UN Observer deaths
Max ,   Canada   (07.26.06)
First of all I thing I should point out that I am not Jewish, and have no relationship to any Jewish person. Second the death of the Un observers is tragic, but I am not prepared at this time to accuse Israel of targeting them. They are in a war Zone, and unexpected things happen in war Zones. If the investigation proves that they were targeted , I feel those responsible should be dealth with in the harshes manner possible. From the viewpoint of an uninvolved observer, it appears to me that Israel was provoked and indeed is continually targeted by enemies in the middle east. Given the same set of circumstances I would respond the same as Israel has, although I would probably not be as constrained. Hezbollah , started this and now everybody is crying out to stop, I wonder if there would be such an outcry, if Israel was taking a beating. If Hezbollah and the Palestinians want peace the have to learn to afford same to Israel . If they keeping targeting them, they can expect the same response. I've heard time and time again, that their avowed intention is the destruction of Israel. How would any person or group of persons react to a similar threat. Your first response is to protect your self, and to my mind that is what Israel is doing. If you want to fight come out and fight , don't hide amongst civilians and then complain when civilian casuat\ltie mount. In all of this if Lebanon had controlled Hezbollah, they wouldn't be going through what they are today. I hope peace comes soon , but it has to be a lasting peace, not just an interval for the combatants to regroup and re-arm.
44. #1 rule of credibility - don't jump to conclusions.
D- ,   San Diego, USA   (07.26.06)
Leaders at the UN always demonstrate no fear of jumping to conclusions. They are like a pre-conclusion machine, and they feed these pre-conclusions to the liberal sensationalistic press that runs off of these pre-conclusions as if they were fuel, because they can always go back and say their source was so and so at the UN. So called leaders who jump to conclusions MUST BE REMOVED. If there is any corruption at the UN, it is the inability to remove POOR LEADERS. REMOVE KOFI ANNAN !
45. sorry friends
jud ,   los angeles USA   (07.26.06)
we symphatize with the unavoidable loss but we will continue the war to those who do not want peace!
46. Auntie Talula #39
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.26.06)
Not to me, ya habibi, that you owe an apology, but to the world at large for your odious little snippet "israel 1, UN 0" in the tally of targeted deaths. Now as you have not seen the inside of a bomb shelter, this means you live outside the range of katyushas and qassams - which means that you are leading a life of near normality while your fellow citizens cower. I think that must make you a self-hater. As for not understanding what you wrote - I understood it only too clearly. You, as with many knee-jerk morons, have an anti-UN agenda which is so strong that you celebrate the deaths of UN observers in the very sick public way that you did. Therefore, I still believe that you owe the reading public here an apology for your post which was in incredible bad taste. We understand that you hate Arabs, that you hate Moslems, that you hate non-Jews in general - but to express your glee in that moronic fashion was simply hateful.
47. More $$$ in Kofi's pocket [again]
dan ,   dallas, usa   (07.26.06)
I'm sure Kofi's already figured out a way to turn this unfortunate incident into another get-rich scheme like Oil for Food.
48. It´s not my fault, it´s the others
Ragusa   (07.26.06)
Rule no 1 for all cri,inqls: deny, deny and blame it on so,ebody else.. In stead of showing compasion for the killed peace-keepers, a freightening number of Israelis choose to blame the UN, demand apoligies from UN for critizicing IDF or even showing, that they do not give a "beep" about anybody but themselfes; I would just love to see the IDF officers in the UN peace-keeping course observe a minuts silence for the killing of their fellow peace keepers - or rather see them kicked out. IDF deserves no place among respectable UN peace keepers. I wish I could believe that some Israelis would look upon themselfes and consider, whether IDF and Israel is really the self-proclaimed world non-plus-ultra morals. I salute the UN peace-keepers, killed in the line of duty.
49. 46 - Go suck on a lemon
Talula ,   Israel   (07.26.06)
Ynet never print any of my responses to you that do not include swear words. Very interesting. But I'm getting a little tired of it.
50. #49 are you being censored?
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.26.06)
Perhaps YNET doesn't publish your messages which include incitement to murder or joy at death. Lovely lemon, by the way.
51. To number 45
Rkard ,   Brasília/Brazil   (07.26.06)
Sorry? "we will continue the war to those who do not want peace!" Killing civilians and UN staff, I presume. Submission to your rule is your concept of peace?
52. Regrets over UN, no regret over civilians
Anurag Mohanty ,   New York, USA   (07.26.06)
Subject says it all.
53. Annan
Todd ,   Pa - USA   (07.26.06)
Let's see, when the TERRORISTS in IRAQ bombed the UN HQ - they pulled out. He (Annan) didn't seem to have much to say about that.
54. Mideast/Crisis
Jwise ,   Atlanta, USA   (07.26.06)
No one wins in war. But Israel not only has to fight to defend itself, it has to fight for the right to exist. If Israel stopped it's offensive and the eyes could be back on Iran's nuclear issues, do you think that Hezbolla would stop firing rockets? There is just a complete difference in fundamental values and beliefs that will continue this battle long after I am dead.
55. I heard Adnan is going to step down and live like a billiona
John ,   NZ   (07.27.06)
56. Annan's Reputation
Levia ,   Honolulu   (07.27.06)
Jenin, April 2002: After press allegations regarding a "Jenin Massacre", Kofi Annan demanded that the U.N. Security Council take action against Israel saying, "Can the whole world be wrong?" The U.N. found no massacre. Annan apparently reacted to press speculation. He did not apologize to Israel. Damage done. Gaza, June 2006: "The Israeli claim that the beach blast was caused by an explosive charge at the site sounds strange to me. I don't believe it is plausible that the Palestinians planted charges in a place where civilians often spend their time." Explosion came from mines planted on the beach - not Israeli strikes. Kofi Annan later retracted his remarks saying, “I responded to speculations in the press." But the damage was already done. Khiam, July 2006: Kofi Annan is "shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defence Forces of a UN observer post in southern Lebanon." Kofi Annan, step down.
57. UN peacekeepers
Mary Hale ,   BC Canada   (07.27.06)
I have a hard time believing it was the Israeli troops that killed those people. They would never do that. They always drop leaflets to warn the people of an attack in the region. I think it was the Hezbollah's missiles that killed them.
58. un people killed
Mary Hale ,   BC Canada   (07.27.06)
To was not the IDF that killed those people, it was the Hezbollah terrorist killers
59. Canadian admitted Hezbollah using them
as a shield
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