Opinion  Ray Hanania
A political prisoner in Israel’s Gulag
Ray Hanania
Published: 28.07.06, 13:27
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102 Talkbacks for this article
91. Never Heard
truthseeker ,   Philadelphia, PA USA   (08.01.06)
Ray, right on point. A democracy should not hold its own citizens like this. Where was the security threat in this case?
92. If not for the US
Sean Stanford ,   Ireland   (08.02.06)
If it wasn't sad it would be funny.....amazing how many American's post to this are so blatently pro-Israel and refuse point-blank to hear any other side of any story. Seeing as they're understanding of the world is so limited at the moment....it beggars belief. The theology of "if you are not with us you are against us...." only serves to feed the vicious circle. Bottom line... it take two to tango.... if you want peace then all sides need to be at the table....with no prior prejudices or conditions attached. Israeli's and "Non-Israelis's affected by Israel"....this is yours to sort out....forget all the rhetorical (and subjective) bullshit you hear from the antagonists. Peaces is not something you get on a platter. Bitter pills have to be swallowed - at long last we have come to realise this in Ireland. You cannot have peace where one party gets to name the conditions.....where one party rubbishes what the other says just because they don't like what they are hearing. Stop triyng to play politics with peoples lives (on all sides).... forget what politicians tell you to think and think for yourselves..... is a person not a person - religion or shade of skin should not come into it. We have had a long history in Ireland of judging people in terms of what religion they are - not saying that things a perfect now but there definitely an increasing amount of people who really do not care for what divided us for so long - we're all the same and we all live in the same small world. trust me..... actions speak louder than words - as you are clearly demostrating. The only result out of this will be that today's 10-15 year olds will be tonorrow's militants...both sides. You need to break the cycle.... And as for the Amreican and the Iranian/Syrian politicians.... why do you need them to tell you what to do....influence what you do....pay for what you do....support what you do. Don't you have a mind of your own.....? Snap out of it.......this is not a "my firepower is bigger than your firepower" competition..... this is people's lives....and your kids lives. And just to reiterate a point - for christs sake yanks.....don't you think you've shagged up enough other places than to go sticking it somewhere else.
93. I respect but disagree with Edan
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago, IL USA   (08.02.06)
Fight Hezbollah and stop killing civilians. That's the issue Israel's government (and I am saying Israel's government because that is where the problem exists) has crossed but pretends is not an issue. The fact is that collective punishment -- targeting civilians to punish them for the acts of their friends, family, relatives, neighbors or political allies, is a war crime and is unjustified. And it doesn't matter how many people say otherwise on this web site, in Israel or anywhere. Israel is supposed to the Democracy that is based on principle and justice and the highe rmoral ground. WHat happened to them? Blame your government for killing 37 innocent children and then claiming that Hezbollah was hiding behind them? Is that the excuse Palestinian suicide bombers can use to explain away the killing of civilians when they strike? I don't think so. And you shouldn't use that fake, inhumane and immoral excuse either. Israel created Hezbollah through their injustice, just as Israel created Hamas through stupid strategy and bad foreign policy. You can't blame everything on the Arabs when you must take on the responsibility for your own actions. And given the enormity of the suffering on both sides, I can even respected the most vicious heated comments and brush them off as being the views of people in anger. I also fall victim to anger, but there isn't one person on this web site or in Israel who does not either. I'm going to keep writing what I believe is the truth, even when it hurts those who read it. Because I know in the end, we will all be better off when the truth comes out and we all own up to the actions of our people. We're both guilty and until you admit it, there will not be an Israel existing in an environment that isn't consumed with hostility and confrontation. And that would be a great tragedy. Thanks Ray Hanania
94. Thanks Yehuda for good points ...
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago, IL USA   (08.02.06)
But, I and many Palestinians and Arabs and even Muslims denounced the murder of Daniel Pearl and called fopr his release. One crime does not justify another crime. Falah happens to be the least of those abused in Israel and that is NOT TO SAY that the same abuse and worse doesn't exist in the Arab World. But Israel targets individuals and calls them "guilty" without trial, without evidence and simply on the word of their security service, the Shin Bet, and they kill them. AND, they also kill innocent people int he process of killing them, too. Yes, we can find tragedy on both sides, but it is Israel that claims to be the Democracy that is freer, that is fairer and that is better. And we find that what, Israel's government is no different than the Arabs you attack? Sorry, pretending that moral equivalncy only exists when it suits Israel is not moral at all. thanks Ray Hanania
95. Unfortunately only agree in moderation with your feedback
Yehuda ,   USA   (08.03.06)
I agree that one crime does not justify another. A crime is a crime! But you are wrong in saying: “Israel targets individuals and calls them "guilty" without trial , without evidence and simply on the word of their security service, the Shin Bet” Israel is guilty of suspecting some Arabs falsely, BUT suspects are brought to court and only found “guilty” if supporting evidence is presented. The prosecutor is always challenged and decisions are frequently appealed. Israel is not Guantanamo Bay. If you know of Arabs held in Israeli prison for long periods without a hearing please list them – they must be heard. You then continued the sentence with “, and they kill them. AND, they also kill innocent people int he process of killing them, too.” Israel only executed one man – Eichman. Please list Palestinians sentenced for execution. If you are referring to IDF and Shin Bet operations that target and kill free roaming terrorists because Arab authorities do not stop them then, yes, innocent civilians have died many times in the course of these operations. This is more than a mistake – killing a young child is a crime! But the blame belongs to: 1. The terrorist who chooses to live and travel with his family 2. The authority who did not incarcerate that terrorist from endangering all civilians 3. The army who launched the rocket to kill the terrorist that killed the child But blaming them will not solve the problem. The root cause is the moderate who: 1. Does not condemn the Authority for not stopping and incarcerating terrorists. 2. Makes excuses that desperation permits crime through moral equivalence. 3. Does not identify good policies from bad and calls an entire government bad. 4. Justifies defense at any price. 5. Does not condemn killing civilians intentionally or accidentally. 6. Does not speak out against the prejudice between Arabs and Jews. You probably see Israelis guilty of the above as we see you. But at least writing about it and wanting to reach out makes me retract my extreme emotions and moderate. I hope you can also stop some of your more extreme tones and return to moderation soon.
96. Thanks Yehuda for your comments
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago, IL USA   (08.03.06)
WHile we may not agree on everything, I deeply respect the spirit in which you offer your views, and also, more importantly, the fact that you took the time to read my comments, even if you and others might find them offensive. The fact remains we do not agree on things. But, we have to listen to each other. I believe that collective punishment is a policy of the Israeli government and I believe that is a war crime. Extra-juidicial killing is a policy of the Israeli government and that is a war crime, too. I also believe that if Israel really seeks peace and justice, they have to be candid about their own actions, criticizing what they have done wrong and acknowledging what they have done right. I am not writing these columns because I find it fun to anger some Israelis. I believe Israelis MUST hear the criticisms of Palestinians like myself who reject violence, support compromise and believe in the two-state solution. I have learned that there are many Israelis who do not believe in compromise with the Palestinians, but instead of focussing on them, the focus is on me. I understand that. People do not like criticism, even from a moderate. I know some dislike my writings, but you should see what they are saying about you elsewhere; and, you should see what they are also saying about me. Somewhere in the middle of this hell we call the Middle East, there is a solution. But it has to be a solution that embraces honesty, truth, acceptance of responsibilities and even apologies to each other. I do condemn Hamas, and the Palestinians for embracing Hamas. I do condemn the Arabs for embracing Hezbollah, too, but not the same way Israelis who deny their own guilt blame everything on Hezbollah as if they had nothing to do with the growing crisis. We are all to blame. Me. You. Everyone. Both sides. I will do my best to put forward my beliefs without unnecessarily offending Israelis like you who are moderate and do wish for a solution that is fair, non-violent and results in peace. Thanks Yehuda for your comments Ray Hanania
97. FORCE is counterproductive
Arja ,   NS, Canada   (08.04.06)
It's interesting to visit websites and read views contrary to one's beliefs. That's what I'm doing at yNet, wondering how Israel can justify the carnage in Lebanon and the oppression of Palestine. I am appalled by much of what I've read. So it's wonderful to find your views here. I was in need of some sanity. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, said Gandhi. I have never understood how anyone could believe that FORCE could bring peace or anything positive into any situation. Heavy-handed punishment (i.e.force) does not work in the long term for teachers or parents. It doesn't work for the police or governments. It teaches resentment, anger, violence, sneakiness, while in the moment there might be some compliance out of fear. And so the violence escalates and I wonder where it will end. Neither Lebanon nor Israel will win.... and the world loses too. It saddens me to see the destruction of our beautiful planet and the physical and pyschological maiming and murder of the inhabitants of ALL the countries and regions involved. It is time to try dialogue or "harmonization" as Richard Moore calls it. It's time to Escape the Matrix, the "world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth" and to create a new world order based on cooperation, that's connected to the Matrix OF LIFE. Shalom!
98. Thank You
Yehuda ,   USA   (08.04.06)
I very much appreciate you writing here Ray. Its good for Israelis to know how moderates in the Arab world feel - even though its frustrating that we seem quite far appart. We do agree what the right final outcome will be regarding a Palestinian state and the sooner it happens the better off Israelis will be. I look forward to your next opint of view. Thanks. Yehuda.
99. panning Israel's methods
Steve ,   Robin   (08.04.06)
you have been brainwashed for too many years to understand your position. Your "Palestinians" are responsible for feeding you and all of their"subjects" false "occupation" news and have taught hatred so long that Israelis are forced into the kind of behavior you are crying about in this article. Get smart and see the world around you!!!!
100. # 77 Gerd Schulz
christa ,   Bouzigues, France   (08.07.06)
Hizbollah is just doing what the Lebanese government will not do : defend Lebanon's territorial integrity. Unfortunate, but right. Lebanon has been technically at war with Israel for the last 58 years. But what has the Lebanese army been doing ?
101. Who is to blame ?
christa ,   Bouzigues, France   (08.07.06)
There are two sides. Those against violence and for protecting the rights of Palestinian Arabs (and of the Lebanese) and Israelis are on one side. Those who justify violence and look for which side is to blame are on the other side. The latter are always part of the problem. If anyone wants to know whose fault the conflict is, it is their fault.
102. Insanity
Alexis ,   Italy   (08.11.06)
This article clarifies why Palestinians have not yet a State and do not deserve it: I can understand mass murdering terrorists , if "moderates" have such a "Weltanschauung"...oh my God...
103. Wow . . . read all the above and weep
john davies ,   canada   (08.12.06)
Let's remember those Jews and Arabs who can see through all the statist and religious brainwashing and reach across borders to become friends and work together for peace and build trust. There are many but they are too few, join them please. Israel was born of the terror of 1946 celebrated in recently, but doesn't have to die in terror.
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