Hamas, Hizbullah not on Russia's terror list
Associated Press
Published: 28.07.06, 18:43
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136 Talkbacks for this article
91. Hey #69
JD   (07.29.06)
Wow Sami. it seems that you finally mastered Copy and Paste on your computer. What else can you do?
92. Putin's terror list
Sam ,   Canada   (07.29.06)
Compared to Russian underworld Hamas and Hezbollah are choirboys.
93. this says more about putin and his regime than it does hamas
david ,   boston ma usa   (07.29.06)
This does not surprise me at all.Terror groups do not recognize other terrorist organizations as such. With the history of Russian regimes engaging in regular wholesale murder of civilians on the grandest of scales and all around oppression for most, I'd be a little taken back if this regime was any different from the historical fabric it was weaved from. putin, mr. human rights, should be telling anyone what is and is not a terror group?---that's almost as ridiculous as the UN moralizing to Israel, or like anyone believing Amnesty International in the end won't be anything different than hitler, but to the left.
94. Putin
Johnson ,   USA   (07.29.06)
Why am I not surprised by this revelation. What else can you expect from the directer of the kgb.
95. Arm Chechynan freedom fighters
Mordechai ,   Boca Raton USA   (07.29.06)
Israel should supply weapons to the heroic Chechnyan freedom fighters. Weapons should include both chemical and biological weapons. Furtheremore the US should warn Russial they have no right to use military force against Chechnya. They must only use anarmed police to investigate any claims of violence by the freedom fighters, who must be tried by a jury of Muslims
96. Chechnya
Dave ,   USA   (07.29.06)
I guess the Chechens aren't terrorists, either. After all, they just murder children, theatregoers, and hospitals full of patients and medical professionals.
97. The Chechens; also, Russian antisemitism
Dave ,   CA, USA   (07.29.06)
The Chechens are remarkably global in their hatred. Check out their mouthpiece website at This is why--disgusting though the Russian stance is--the US/Israel can't retaliate by making nice with the Chech's. It would be like the Jews allying with Hitler against Stalin! The Russians don't need Arab oil, by the way, they're a huge producer (and net exporter) of it. In fact, as Russian bank accounts swell with petrodollars, Moscow is getting increasingly confident (=aggressive) in its dealings with the West. Considering, then, that Iran needs Russia more than Russia needs it, and Russia doesn't have to pander to Islamic voters the way France, etc. must, the only remaining reason for Russian policies toward Israel seems to be antisemitism.
98. Putin is a great president:)
99. Not shocked
AJ   (07.29.06)
No surprise here. Putin has made talking out of both sides of his mouth an artform. Russia has been supplying Hamas and the Hizbitches with weapons for years now. The funny part is, the weapons the Hizbitches get from the Russians, they in turn give them to the Chechens to attack Russia. Stupidity is slowly but surely becoming an epidemic.
100. putin
toni ,   sab me   (07.29.06)
idont get it ? i suppose he is just a politician whith no regard for what is wright or cant except a place for gods chosen people god knows they dont want them unless they help them technically and then refuse to recognize it
101. #53
MJP, MD ,   north central PA   (07.29.06)
Ben - in addition to boycotting Russian products, how about leaving France altogether? The French are no more of an asset to Israel than is Putin, and they never have been, eh? Am yisroel chai.
102. Of Course Putin Sleeps with Missles Himself!
Nothing like a good ,   Warhead Up the Ass,   (07.29.06)
Nothing like a good warhead up the rear! Dynomite! What an assss. Puti fancies himself as a necessary chip in the game here.
103. #76 - Please don't insult Eminem!
104. talkback no 10
isaac ,   baltimore   (07.29.06)
is this not inappropriate language ???if not what is?
105. #5 Sergei
Ray ,   USA   (07.29.06)
That is hilarious, and I believe an accurate charictariztation. Thank you for that! You are hilarious!!
106. This really lowers the credibility of Putin an Russia
Ray ,   USA   (07.29.06)
It's one thing to disagree on some things. But, to take a polar opposite position in the face of obvious facts to the contrary is just absurd. How is the world to take Putin at all seriously? I can understand that he may be frustrated with Bush. But, running the world is still a serious business for everybody, including Putin.
107. What resistance?????
RK ,   USA   (07.29.06)
what kind of resistance does the hezbollah represent? Lebanon was doing well going about her life when some middle age ignorant from the dark ages, decided to wage war, on what? why? he doesn't care about the Lebanese people, He is not even in Lebanon, He is hiding, In a safe place like syria/Iran, while children and women are dying. There are reports that the hezbollah blocks civilians way, so they don't flee. This isn't a war about resistance this is a war based on ignorance and the fact that you guys have nothing, but nothing to contribute to the world, but death and destruction. This is the reason that generation after generation you preach to death, while others are trying to find cure for disease. so everybody else has to suffer because of the ignorance and the stupidity of the Islamist facist movement. Alla wakbhar...what a contribution to the world....
108. Can't wait for the Rags to turn on the Russians
Dave B. ,   Chicago   (07.29.06)
One day, not now, not tomorrow, all those 'Stans are going to march on the Slavs. Then we'll see the 'non-terror' ravaging the former Soviet Union. "And the Enemy Shall Come From the North."
109. too much paranoia
yo   (07.29.06)
why this narrowminded thinking? why so much hate against anyone that doesnt share your beliefs? you hate Europe, you hate Russia, you hate UN. no wonder that most of the world doesnt like you.
110. The essence of Russian mentality...
Alexander ,   Israel   (07.29.06) to suck up to bloodstained, murderous, despotic and anti - Semitic barbarians and oppressing the individual and the society as a whole with the iron fist of a police state with absolute power and authority. Russia doesn´t care about morality, ethics, civil rights nor does it care about human decency . Money and military power seem to be the only respectable phenomenons in Russia. Why not use the same language against Russia and ask them to go and fuck themselves? Warm regards Alexander NeoConservative Hawk
111. Of Course they are NOT
John ,   Paris   (07.28.06)
112. 30. Drew : Chechen terrorists
Ana ,   Spain   (07.29.06)
They are terrorists, not rebels. Those people have committed a lot of atrocities against civilians. You only need to remember what they did in that school in Grozni, when they kept the children hostages and murdered many of them.
113. 69Sami
Ana ,   Spain   (07.29.06)
and the pals gave you candy when saddam invaded Kwait.
114. Very good timing, Mr. Putin!
maria mercedes hacmo ,   manila, philippines   (07.29.06)
Who cares anyhow, everyone knew we can never trust them!
115. WHAT IS ....?
X-MAN ,   USA - RUSSIA   (07.29.06)
116. puta and russia on our terrorist list!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (07.29.06)
I guess ham-ass and hizbullah are on puta's client list,
117. Why not? So far, besides destroying Israel, Hamas *only*
Márcia ,   Brazil   (07.29.06)
expressed its wishes of expanding the domain of Islam to...Southern Spain, isn't that right, Mr. Zapatero?
118. Hamas, Hizbullah not on Russia's terror list
Joel ,   Ramat Hasharon,IL   (07.29.06)
Russia should not only pretend to be part of the free world but act like a reposnsible member of the international comunity. What are they waiting for? Perhaps when they are attacked by one of these groups they will change their mind, or is the huge amount of trade in arms and oil too much of an issue for them to recognize the obvious fact that even the vast majarity of Arab nations do, that Hamas and Hizbalah are terrorists. How about the large russian comunity in Israel makining a special effort to write in their views , in Russian, to a website that will get through to Putin?
119. Putin
steven ,   france   (07.29.06)
Mr Putin,I have one question for you..Who do you think is responsable for the Terror attack at your Opera house,that Killed HUNDREDS?Who is responsable for the Beslan Catastrophy??How Pathetic you are,saying that these PIGS are no threat to Russia.You are a FOOL PUTIN,to think that Inviting Ousama ,Nassralah,Maashal,etc,etc,to tea at the Kremlin will save you and your people from being blown apart .If you REALLY believe this you are indeed just another Puppet,to the Most savage Terror state on this Planrt..Need I say MORE.But then again,your "DEMOCRATIC" way of life in Russia will not last very long... The very fact ,that you cohorte with these devils of to-days society,prove to the rest of the world ,who you really are ,and what your Political intentions will be.....Whatch your Back MR PUTIN.
120. Chechen
tony ,   PARIS   (07.29.06)
I suggest we all support the Chechen people.Is Pute-in just plane stupid or a terrorist at heart?How can his mother be proud of him,he has become a dishonour to the russian people,and to the free democratic we are fighting to save our planet ,and this dumb F;;;Kis putting us back in the starting block..The world is trying to rid us all of these Facicst murderes,and here is PUTE-IN,Inviting them to his private orgies;No woder his name in french (with an "e") means WHORE.
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