Opinion  Others
Sorry, world
Guy Benyovits
Published: 31.07.06, 15:47
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259 Talkbacks for this article
61. Worse Yet: Iran is Making WMDs But World Rather Blame Jews
RA   (07.31.06)
62. Beautiful Piece, But No Need to Apologize To Lebanese
Let the Lebanese governemtn try to protect their civilians and apologize for their deaths. Israel's job is to protect itself and destroy anyone who tries to harm it - collateral damage are a fact of life when fighting terrorists.
63. We only need to apologize to Omer
Constantine ,   New York, USA   (07.31.06)
I love the last sentence of the article: "We only need to apologize to you. And only then to the children of Qana." He's only interested in apologizing for the one Israeli child and not for the hundreds of children Israel killed. Now do you understand why the world hates Israel?
64. IDF vs The A RABS
Jonny ,   Canada   (07.31.06)
ok DAN IL USA ... let me make something clear to you - THE GOAL OF THE HIZBULLAH IS TO KILL ALL ISRAELIs - THE IDF's GOAL IS TO KILL ALL HIZBULLAH SOLDIERS - ITS A WAR - CIVILIAN CASUALTIES WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN - one more thing you have to understand is that Hizbullah station their rocket docks right near civilian buildings and sometimes even kill their own civilians and then blame the IDF for doing it when they did not. The building that the IDF bombed in Qana got several warnings before they bombed it and it collapsed 8 hours after the BOMBING so two conclusions are drawn from facts - 1 - The children were stupid and did not leave the building after the bombing because they were not killed on a direct hit from the missiles 2 - the hizbullah blocked off the building and forced by threat of gun point the children to stay in the building so that they will die and then blame the IDF IN CONCLUSION you have to remember that the IDF does everything it can to avoid civilian casualties - because if the IDF was as barbaric as the world says it is there would be THOUSANDS of civilian casualties - and in complete contrast to Israeli high morals the Hizbullah and the muslim world and .. oh yea the rest of the world are happy when Israeli civilians are murdered .. AMERICANS REMEMBER THAT ON 9/11 THE ARABS WERE CELEBRATING WHEN 3000 + AMERICANS GOT MURDERED ... REMEMBER THAT
JR ,   VENTURA, CALIFORNIA   (07.31.06)
This is a struggle for survival, not a popularity contest, Israel must remain strong to fight the many battles that make up a war. There will be battles lost and won, but in the end the war must be won. Stay strong, Stay on course Israel.
66. #49
Ali ,   St Paul USA   (07.31.06)
Exactly. The most ridiuclous argument ever is that Israel is a threat to the Arabs. 5 million Jews in Israel versus 1.2 billion Arabs in and surrounding the small state (no bigger than New Jersey). How is that a threat? and to #21, 33, 39, and the rest who think the same: How many children have been killed in suicide bombings and random rockets launched into Israel?? Just because the writer has chosen one to write about, does not mean he is "comparing one to 36", it is an example that your simple ignorant minds cannot seem to understand. #18: How can you say Israel is "the most powerful country in the world"?? It is among the smallest and clearly you know, not one of the top five, or ten, or twenty superpowers in this world. The way you put "the black folks of America" or "the homos in Africa and in Moslem states" is not only racist and derogatory, but also is wrong. I don't know where you get your information but you should make sure you're correct and accurate before posting something as ridiculous as that. So much more to say and explain, but so much anger at the arrogance and ignorance of so many people. All should learn facts before saying and thinking ridiculous made-up "information". Great piece Mr. Benyovits. Please keep informing your readers and the world of the irony of it's hate.
67. Sorry
Gilles NAKACHE ,   Paris France   (07.31.06)
Thanks for your comment full of sorrow, anger but also of dignity . I share your views. I would like so much to add a small piece of hope to your comment if I could ! But I cannot for the moment! surely for tomorrow or the days after!!! because we must go on
68. Dear Congolese,.. Dear Iraqis,...
Suzanne   (07.31.06)
I want to say sorry too. Dear Congolese, I'm so sorry that the world is forgetting you. 4 million people killed in 8 years. No Annan. No UN posts attacked. No anger. No resolutions. Nothing. Dear Iraqis, I'm so sorry that no one dares to stand up against sectarian violence, while you just want to have a job, or eat at a nice restaurant and get your futures teared into pieces by one big suicide blast.
69. Thank you, Guy
noemí ,   madrid, Spain   (07.31.06)
Thank you for put in words what I feel every day here. I do not want to have this feeling that I have be sorry for being strong and happy and not get my self killed like my granparents and my grand-grandparents did.
70. response to #6
Shalom ,   Israel   (07.31.06)
Silent. I think not. Silence has been for the last several years about the genocide in Dafur, Sudan. No body speaks about the millions of people killed there. The UN never called an emergency Sunday meeting in NY to deal with the genocide in Sudan, but in the case of Lebanon, they held an emergency security counsel meeting to discuss the bombing in Lebanon. The international news has been clearly squewed with an anti-Israel sentiment. Nobody has touched on the million refugees from the north of Israel that were forced to flee their homes because of the rockets, but clearly everyone has been talking about the refugees in Lebanon on news stations all around the world. Condaleeza Rice from the states went to Lebanon first and talked to them about the bombings there. BOTH Gaza and Lebanon have been more than adequately represented and I don't know of one country in the world who hasn't heard what is going on in Lebanon and Gaza. Even Israeli's are not silent about what is happening in Lebanon and Gaza- there have already been several protests here. On the other hand, I mention Dafur, and you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Millions of people died there and the world said nothing.. Please lets not talk about the world being silent about Lebanon and Gaza. The world has been the loudest on these very issues. Our side is not getting out, nor is the side of the Lebanese being trapped by Hezbollah using them as shields (women and children). It's about time the world starts listening to all the sides, not just the ones that are so clearly based from Anti-Semetic people. Yes, much of the world news is comming directly from Hezbollah's staging of the scenes that the world sees from Lebanon. The news never seem to give a clear picture of reality, especially when that reality is shaped by terrorist anti-semetic groups with the mission of wiping Israel off the map. The world should stop being silent about that. The world should stop being silent about genocide in Africa. The world should give some air time to these stories and not give all of their time to those who claim to be speaking for the people in Gaza and Lebanon. As for the article itself, right on my brother. You put into words what's in my heart.
71. response to #18, neighborhood bully
Bobby Dylan ,   USA   (07.31.06)
The best response for you is a song by Bob Dylan- Neighborhood Bully... I just hope you understand what it means. This song comes from a songwriter in the U.S. who always cared for the underdog- the underrepresented. He was a leader during the civil rights movement. He counts jews as one of those groups of people facing the greatest persecution. It doesn't mean that others are not oppressed or persecuted. We are not competing for the "top honor" of those who are most persecuted, nor have we ever looked at it as a competition. It's not something to be proud of or joyful about. It's too bad you don't understand what people mean when they say they are persecuted. I must ask you, have you ever been to the places or seen any of the people you mention as being oppressed? Have you been to Israel, Lebanon, or the Gaza strip? Have you been to the Amazon rainforest? Have you been to the Ghettos of NY or LA? Did you live in these places and understand the fights. They are all different fights and they are all oppressed in one way or another- none of them are equivalent, just as the jewish persecution is also different. Please don't form an opinion unless you truly know what you are talking about. I dedicate the following song to you... from Bob Dylan. Well, the neighborhood bully, he's just one man, His enemies say he's on their land. They got him outnumbered about a million to one, He got no place to escape to, no place to run. He's the neighborhood bully. The neighborhood bully just lives to survive, He's criticized and condemned for being alive. He's not supposed to fight back, he's supposed to have thick skin, He's supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in. He's the neighborhood bully. The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land, He's wandered the earth an exiled man. Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn, He's always on trial for just being born. He's the neighborhood bully. Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized, Old women condemned him, said he should apologize. Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody was glad. The bombs were meant for him. He was supposed to feel bad. He's the neighborhood bully. Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim That he'll live by the rules that the world makes for him, 'Cause there's a noose at his neck and a gun at his back And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac. He's the neighborhood bully. He got no allies to really speak of. What he gets he must pay for, he don't get it out of love. He buys obsolete weapons and he won't be denied But no one sends flesh and blood to fight by his side. He's the neighborhood bully. Well, he's surrounded by pacifists who all want peace, They pray for it nightly that the bloodshed must cease. Now, they wouldn't hurt a fly. To hurt one they would weep. They lay and they wait for this bully to fall asleep. He's the neighborhood bully. Every empire that's enslaved him is gone, Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon. He's made a garden of paradise in the desert sand, In bed with nobody, under no one's command. He's the neighborhood bully. Now his holiest books have been trampled upon, No contract he signed was worth what it was written on. He took the crumbs of the world and he turned it into wealth, Took sickness and disease and he turned it into health. He's the neighborhood bully. What's anybody indebted to him for? Nothin', they say. He just likes to cause war. Pride and prejudice and superstition indeed, They wait for this bully like a dog waits to feed. He's the neighborhood bully. What has he done to wear so many scars? Does he change the course of rivers? Does he pollute the moon and stars? Neighborhood bully, standing on the hill, Running out the clock, time standing still, Neighborhood bully.
72. HOW???
Mohamad ,   Beirut   (07.31.06)
How did u become the victims? How did israel become the one that is bombed and attacked by fanatic arabs? It kills me to see u using this pathetic excuse that the world is all against u and your wars? The security concil was unable to condemn u for every massacre u did against innocent children, thanks to the US Administration of course. We Lebanese are the victims, not u. I would like u Mr.Guy to picture this thought: Israel invaded palestine claiming that this land was theirs and they fought well, to be objective, over 58 years. And now u call Hezbollah a terrorist just for wanting to gain Sheaa Farm and the prisonners back? Think about it and act upon it...
Ben Avraham ,   Tel Aviv   (07.31.06)
It turns my stomache every time an Israeli politician apologizes for civilian/UN deaths in a war caused by the stinking arabs. Did America or Britain apologize for killing millions of Germans?
74. #33
MOSHE ,   JERUSALEM   (07.31.06)
No my friend-we are not a terrorist nation. We are a nation who after suffering2000 years of persecution is not willing to commit suicide All we want to do is live-get it? We don't start wars We don't like blood We don't want land WE JUST WANT TO LIVE! A concept that you and your friends obviously don't agree with.
75. to 39
Leo ,   Canada   (07.31.06)
Yes, but who is responsible for their death??? You will tell Israel, sure I have no doubts for that. But, what you will tell about people those who launched rockets just next to that house and after hiding on next one?? Israel gave 48 hours for people to leave the area - it is a fact. Heroes from Hezbolla prevent people from leaving that area - they use them as human sheld - that is also fact. So, who is responsible for the death? Hezbolla attack Israeli civilians without any wornings. They just want to kill as many people as it possible. What you expected? that Israel will seat and wait? Wait till all Israeli will be killed by those cows (called Hezbolla herows )? It will never happend. Again try to use your brain at least once a day before start blaiming others. Nobody wants that war, but it is Hezbolla who insist on it. Do you hero enaugh to blame the one who should be blaimed??
76. to smart Mohamad
Leo ,   Canada   (07.31.06)
tell me did you ever attend a school? did you ever asked your doctor if any brain exist in your head? The only thing that Israel want is a peace. You so called "heroes" just making money on you and your nations. Peace is not what they want at all. Any peacefull step from Israel was ended with new fight. Your warlords initiate all conflicts, and after hiding behind your back and make your people to be killed. It is never ending story until you will finaly understand who is your real enemy. By the way that farms you talking about was never Lebanon territory those farms actually Sirian.
77. #33 Dan, are you for real???
DR ,   Florida, USA   (07.31.06)
Do you not watch TV? DO you live under a rock? Or are you a muslim who has been brainwashed to think backwards? Hezballah has brought this war to the people of Lebanon, but you still cannot blame them for any of this. Instead, you blame Israel, the only country in the world which faces daily threats to its existence. Isarel warns civilians to leave these areas before they attck, but Hezballah tells them to stay and they do. Who's fault is this??? You need to open both eyes my friend, you are siding with the terrorists.
78. Little precious flower
Moshe ,   Boston, Mass   (07.31.06)
I am so sorry the little Omer (Z"L) did not reach the age when his father would say "You are on your own". He was cut down by the hated animals who rejoice and celebrate death. And you, Western media, Israeli haters from the left and from the right, revolutionary "pacifists" with the wink to terrorists, members of the cult of the false prophet, weak minded liberal apologists, are all equally participate in his murder. Remember, G-d is with the people of Israel and they are holy.
79. #33
Pete ,   Seattle, WA   (07.31.06)
Dan, I don't think you know what the hell you are talking about. I am not sure if you have been following the news but these Hizbollah guerillas are hiding in town, amongst women and children, and wearing civialian clothes. These so called "warriors" are lame asses that HAVE civilians killed for their own sake of propaganda. The point that this writer is trying to make is not about the one life of Olmer, cmon, the ones that don't see that have air for brains. The point is that casualties are not just on one side. And yes, the casualties on the Lebanese side are higher, for the reason I just gave you. These Hizbollah cowards are hiding between innocent civilians. The more Lebanese civialians get killed the more Hizbollah loves it, it feeds their propaganda machine and makes the world hate jews even more. The bombing of the airport and roads was to stop the flow of weapons to Hibollah. You are a shame on our nation! Look at your last statement, "your religious men allowing the killing of children and women". DUDE, open your damn eyes!!!
80. #66
Peteq ,   Seattle, USA   (07.31.06)
What I wanted to say, but worded so much better. Thanks!!
81. Great Piece
Elliott ,   New York, NY   (07.31.06)
And I must say that while I normally consider Jpost more politically palatable than Ynet, you guys have been absolutely superior in calling the world (especially the Europeans) for their double standards and their insatiable, genocidal Jew-hatred. Keep it up.
82. please read this
Tanja ,   Germany   (07.31.06)
83. !!??
Jhon ,   beirut   (07.31.06)
I guess u have too re-consider ur options dude! And Watch wot u say!
84. for 53. Criticize the article
Jorge Banner ,   BsAs, Argentina   (07.31.06)
Mati #53, why don’t you go back to “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”? This is the real world. Who do you think has died in the Holocaust? Who do you think died in Israel since before 1948 at the hands of the stinking ragheads? Jews, that’s who!!! “Nobody should die” . . ., “kissy, kissy” . . ., “make nice”. I would like to throw you in the midst of an arab mob and watch you kissy, kissy, with them!
85. Some of us do understand
Gary Bowers ,   Birmingham USA   (07.31.06)
I have watched time and time again when Israel has been forced to defend itself only to have "the world" stop it short of victory. Israel cannot allow collateral damage to stop it from irradicating the terrorists who are commited to the destruction of Israel. As a famous American Civil War general once said "War is hell".
86. to #72
G ,   NY, USA   (07.31.06)
Learn history, not what you hear from your preaches who usually wants you to die for THEIR cause. Maybe then your eyes will open. Stupidity is not a terminal disease, you can cure by learing!!!!!!!!!!
87. Great article! Jews all around the world can keep their
Márcia ,   Brazil   (07.31.06)
heads up BECAUSE the Jewish State of Israel EXISTS. Never despite, but because of Israel.
88. we are together that´s what matters!
tamar ,   brasil   (07.31.06)
LEBANON ,   LEBANON   (07.31.06)
Hey Peretz do you really consider yourself that you are running against terror organisation. Are you kidding your people. Give the whole world a break, do you consider yourself that you were forced to the war by the lebanese organisation or by the USA? please explain yourself to your people. Do not let them behave as blind and stupid when they start talking about what it's happenning in their country. By the way, every body knows now, who is the most terrorist organisation in this world.It is 200% YOU israelis, CHILD KILLERS. There is only one explanation for your way of fighting in Lebanon: your are going crasy and bombing every thing because you did not reach what exactly you want from Lebanon, you are really loosers, and even you are not talking any more about your prisonners, loosers. You are trying to explain that you hit Qana and you killed women and children because you think that the lebanese organisation hits israel from there. Do you still have a doubt after 20 days of fighting and you are still not sure if the lebanese organisation has positions between civilians. You are really a good army, loosers. Be realistic, it is Ok every one knows that you are loosing the war and you will, every one knows now who is the terrorist, every israeli knows now that they are sending theirs sons to the land of death, do a favour for your people and send your sons and daughters to this north. Stop going like crasy, in life there is winners and loosers. So it is Ok you have to be realistic and stop having more killed SOLDIERS between YOU.
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