Opinion  Others
Ehud Winston Churchill
Sima Kadmon
Published: 01.08.06, 15:11
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31. #27 John pick on someone ur own age!!
mothers perspective ,   Israel   (08.02.06)
Gee John, u really know how to attack a young 15 yr old kid who is trying to express both her fears for her future and to give an understanding that their is no hate in her/our hearts...there is however a perception of hate, which is perpetuated by everyone who including and mostly the foreign Media.. To the young woman speaking on behalf of Gaza, so then the Australians shud give the land back to the Aborigines, the Americans back to the Indians, need I go on?? This is a small piece of land, where do purpose we put all these people..whose sole purpose in life is to have a zillion kids that they cannot feed nor educate, which instead of creating understanding creates ignorance and hatred. If their mother's spent more time on loving and nuturing their young instead of popping them out like a popcorn machine..then maybe they wud understand as women they have a voice, as creators of life, they can change the situation by instilling love and not hate to fellow man. I am sorry, and i pray that this situation to be resolved because it can no longer be avoided...but weno longer occupy Gaza nor Lebanon, u guys are incapable of leaving us alone, u are so used to having us around, even when we divorce u and get on with out lives, u still want to harass us to death..You want to work in Israel to make a reasonable wage, I understand, but then whilst here u try and kill us..what sort of insane behaviour is that. To Michal motek, keep hoping and praying for a better life..and to Ted your thoughts and support are most appreciated..thank u!
32. Olmert will give Yesha to Hamas - so he is more Chamberlain
Tomer ,   Lod   (08.02.06)
Paul ,   Paris france   (08.02.06)
olmert and bush are two psychos . who is dying in the battelfield ? its the soldiers and they do not care , all they care is their goals . innocent citizens and civilians are dying in israel and lebanon . Children are dying , have anyone seen the pictures of the children in qana Massacre ??? check the net and see the pictures , 1 and 2 and 3 years old children . IMAGINE YOUR CHILDREN IN THIS MASSACRE .
34. Go Michal!!
Shlomit2 ,   NY   (08.03.06)
Michal, you are very brave and say very true things. There are a lot of weird anti-Semites from abroad who post comments at Israeli newspapers in English. They seem to have nothing to do with their lives other than read another country's newspapers and rant cliches about a people and a place they know nothing about. It's theire way of "beating up" on the Jews. They are disturbed and obvioulsy have nothing much to do in life except obsess about jews. Don't take any of their rantings to heart. You wrote well and truly. Kol Hakavod and Be Safe!
35. The clock is still ticking!....tick...tick...tick
RCA ,   USA   (08.04.06)
A UN resolution could come at any time, and then a ceasefire, despite US efforts to enable Israel to continue. The IDF has yet to deliver the final knockout blow to Hizbullah. It should do it and let world opinion sort it out later.They will be damned if they do and damned if they don't. Those who know the truth support Israel anyway. Once the operation is a complete success, any necessary damage control could be offset by the peace in the region and by other diplomatic efforts. The IDF in the short time it has should conduct operations with high decipline and with low restraint.......Deliver the final blow soon!
36. Can wars be won?
Helge ,   Norway   (08.05.06)
As a norwegian, born in a military family, just a few years after World War ll, I know what sympathy Israel got after this tragis event. I also know that Germany had to live through a well deserved "Hell" after the war. But, Germany got help to recover. Industry, education and living standard, where important issues... And they got help from the winning part. Why? The Western allied had learned from history. Germany had not started the first World War, but as the strongest allied in the loosing alliance, the German people were punished in a way that fostered hate in the population. In many ways people in Norway have started wondering if Israelans have forgotten how it felt to be (undeservedly) punished by the Nazis? Maybe the Palestinian people feel the same now, as the Jews did, under the Nazi regime? What if Israel did something positive to help Palestinians to rebuild business in the Palestinian areas? Instead of treating them like Germany was treated after 1918? We know from history that repression of a people fosters hate. And hate leads to new wars. Simply because 1 out of 100 persons takes up the fight against the "enemy." No matter how bad the odds are. No Army in the world can frighten real warriors. Unless Israel understand this, Peace wil never be won. Maybe I am wrong, but what if I am right? Then I wish both Jews and Palestinians good luck, and enjoy the war.
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