Jewish Scene
Pride parade no; Hassidic protest – why not?
Neta Sela
Published: 06.08.06, 21:53
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48 Talkbacks for this article
31. #20 - Do your homework
This is not what is stretching the budget - look in your own back yard for that. As for gays being automatically linked to AIDS - ultimate proof you are in the dark.
32. #16 - Your hatred is the ultimate sin
33. Homosexuality - the lifestyle of death
Mark in Houston ,   Houston USA   (08.07.06)
Homosexuality - a more sickening lifestyle cannot be found. It is a detestable abomination in the eyes of G_d. He warns all humans to never engage in this sickening perversion. Israel - Forbid this meeting and "gay" parade in your country. Tell the sodomites that they are not welcome in Israel. Be bold and righteous and tell them to repent of this licentious lifestyle that brings nothing but pain, disease and death. The only significant thing that homosexuals have contributed to America in the last 50 years is AIDS.
34. #31: Sodomites brought AIDS to America, spread it around
AIDS fighter ,   USA   (08.07.06)
Epidemiology studies over last 20 show direct correlation be AIDS and gay sex. AIDS rates highest among gay males and drug addicts sharing needles. Bisexual males spread AIDS to female prostitutes. Plenty of data available in various international studies proving sodomites spread AIDS.
35. Texans... ick
Shari ,   Burbank, CA, USA   (08.07.06)
Mark in Houston, as a Texan I'm sure you recognize the famous cowboy music used in those televised "Beef: It's What's For Dinner" ads that boost beef sales for your rapacious cattle-raising state's economy. You recognize and have seen that commercial, right? Well, let me clue you in on something: I guess since you want gays erased, and feel they have made no contributions to American society, we need to remove that classical music segment from the cattle industry's commercials and leave Texas's economy to fend for itself. It so happens the Beef Industry's music theme derives from "Billy The Kid", a ballet composed by Aaron Copland - A GAY MAN. "Onward Christian Soldiers", that icky, famous song used by so many Jesus lovers like yourself to boost your spirits as you marched across the countryside enslaving blacks, Latinos, Indians and women, was composed by Arthur Sullivan of Gilbert & Sullivan - A GAY MAN. Next time you watch a movie and like the fact you can hear people's voices on the screen, thank Dorothy Arnett, who invented the boom microphone. She was LESBIAN. Shall I go into Leonard Bernstein? Shall we go on with anything? Hater. I'm a straight, but G-d, would that we could surgically remove Texas and zip up the U.S. map after the incision. The shorter drive time between NY and Los Angeles, and no Bush and no foam-at-the-mouth evangelical Christians ever in our country again would be a change welcomed by the entire eretz. To paraphrase your initial statement with one a bit truer, the only significant contribution Texas has ever made to America is the fact Interstate 20 will get you out of it on one end, and Interstate 10 will on the other. Flat, featureless, ugly land filled with sign-carries, fetus-worshippers, woman-haters, gay-haters and warmongers who pretend to worship a long-haired blonde hippie in burlap while observing absolutely zero of the things he said while he allegedly existed.
36. why should a person be proud of being gay ?
michael ,   tel aviv & london   (08.07.06)
perhaps not ashamed ,but proud? Silliness !
37. #35 Shari in Burbank
Mark in Houston ,   Houston USA   (08.08.06)
Shari, Again I say, the only SIGNIFICANT impact that homosexuality has had on America in the last 50 years is that they have brought an uncurable, killer disease to our shores. The cure for AIDS is simple - don't engage in homosexual acts. Of course the sodomites don't want to hear that because its infringes on their licentious and promiscuous lifestyle. Your pathetic attempt to justify this morally bankrupt, detestable, disease-ridden abomination of a lifestyle is.........laughable. I don't run from sodomite propoganda, I condemn it and call it what it is - a lie from Satan. Israel will be best served by outlawing the lewd public displays (parades) of the sodomites.
38. #37, there's more
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (08.08.06)
You said, "Again I say, the only SIGNIFICANT impact that homosexuality has had on America in the last 50 years is that they have brought an uncurable, killer disease to our shores. ". This isn't all. Gay priests have nearly ruined the Catholic church by molesting innocent young boys. All over the world, but especially in the US. So, the fact that some gays may have written a few well-known songs, or designed some pretty and expensive clothing for actresses and rich women seems trivial compared to all the harm they've done. And add to that the general notion of confusion of sexual identity that they infuse into our children with their stupid pride parades and gay propaganda. I'd say they have really hurt at least the American society I live in, if not all societies in which they achieve a high level of acceptance.
39. Gay Parade
leah amdur ,   Jerusalem Israel   (08.08.06)
One good thing that has been achieved by the focus of attention on the gay issue is that Jonah is starting a branch in Jerusalem. The haredi rabbis are organising education for children so they will be able to protect themselves from abusers. The message is that there is no gay gene that no one is born gay, G-d did not make peolpe gay and for gays who choose to go straight there is a program to help them. There is a support group for spouses of gays, parents of gays, people who have been abused by gays and gays who want to go straight
40. Endi this liberal terror!
Gordon Shifman ,   Shoham, Israel   (08.08.06)
Let's put an end to this liberal terror: 50% of adolsecents (males at leat) experience some form of homosexual tendecy (the other 50% are probably liers). If this tendency is encouraged it develops; if not, it passes in the majority of cases. But in our macho society, few are willing to admit this. This fact is exploited by liberal terrorists to the extent that homsexual coercion now appears to exist in "avant garde" society, in a form that can be compared to smoking several decades ago: If you don't do it, you are not "in".
41. To Mark in Houston, to Shari in Burbank
Shiksa ,   California   (08.08.06)
To Mark: AIDS would have come to our shores with or without gays. It just happened to get a foothold in the gay population here in the USA. In Africa, where it originated, it is very much a disease of heteroxesuals. Discuss how gays have affected our culture if you want, but don't blame them for causing AIDS. To Shari: I haven't heard such negative typecasting of Texans and Christians ever before. Everyone is different and should be judged as an individual. I'm afraid you sound like you are not much different than Mark in Houston, except that your prejudice is directed in one direction while his is directed in another.
42. gay parade
Batya ,   Los Alamitos, CA   (08.08.06)
Jerusalem is a holy city and a gay parade may be pride filled, but it is not holy. It is not prejeduce to say that a lifestyle that is opposed by holy texts should not be paraded in cities that espouse those holy texts-it is intolerant of the gay community not to respect others' values. Is your battle with bible based religions? Are you acting based on pride or rage? You may hate what holy texts say but then your problem is with an "intolerant G-d" -don't spit on His followers. If you want to be accepted, you must tolerate other values, like religious ones, too. Pick a place that is less spiteful on your part than Rome or Jerusalem. Otherwise you should have the courage to shout in the streets against Mecca-because they'll kill you if you disrespect their beliefs by hosting a parade there.
43. #41 Shiksa - open your eyes
Mark in Houston ,   Houston USA   (08.08.06)
Shiksa, I'm sure you've seen the data regarding HIV and AIDS and know that the promiscuous and licentious lifestyle of the homosexual enabled its initial spread to America. Then through needle sharing and blood donations its spread from the homosexual community to the heterosexual community. Homosexuals need to publically admit, as a community, their cupalbility and responsibility for bringing AIDS to the United States. They need to admit that by their promiscuous, detestable lifestyle that they enabled its spread to the rest of society. They need to apologize to the people of the United States. Shiksa, why don't you share with the board the cultural root cause of the spread of AIDS in Africa.
44. #24 Dude... no
Roma ,   Israel in 1 month   (08.09.06)
Homo meaning "one"? Then we are all selfish perhaps. For everyone, homosexual, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, short, tall, disabled... etc etc. We are "HOMO-Sapiens" It's called Latin. Homogenous. Homonym Homogenesis Homo Erectus (and no I am not talking about a man's parts... rather a bi-pedal primate predating "modern man" as we call it, and no I am not throwing in the "evolution" card either - just stating facts). Learn the facts dude. Incidentally, I do feel that it is in bad taste to have a parade during wartime.
45. #43, no you need to learn the facts
Roma ,   Israel in 1 month   (08.09.06)
Statistics are bull half the time. Sure, perhaps homosexuals have a disproportionately high rate of HIV/AIDS compared to other populations. But in sheer numbers, I am sorry to say the the hetersexual community wins the trophy. If we have 100 people, and 10 are homosexual, and 7/10 homosexuals have HIV/AIDS, and 20 out of the remaining 90 straight people have HIV/AIDS, well, lets look at the figures. Homosexuals: 70% have HIV/AIDS Heterosexuals: 22% have HIV/AIDS I can see you are right. By those standards, 7 gay people for ever 20 straight people. The Gays are the ones with the problem. Bravo. Seems to me that the straight people can't keep it in their pants. Let me bring one more point into the light. Hetersexual WOMEN are up and coming in the percentages. And AIDS came to America from Africa. One of the earliest recorded cases... Was a heterosexual woman who had slept with a (straight) African man. AIDS is not a "gay problem". It is a virus. ****Virus's don't discriminate!**** We could all do with a bit of humility and show a bit if HUMANITY and remember that we are all human beings under G-d's earth, and instead of demeaning and criticizing people for a terrible thing that has happened to them and show some compassion for people who may be dying.
46. Roma: AIDS Intentional Infectors. Israel does not need them
Ari ,   Chicago & Jerusalem   (08.09.06)
I am a health care professional and have had to help take care of several gay AIDS patients who were "intentional infectors". Their goal was to have unprotected sex and infect as many people as possible with the AIDS virus. They also used tactics such as poking pin-holes in condums to leak the AIDS virus into unsuspecting victims. You are right. AIDS virus does not discriminate and these intentional infectors would have sex with men, women and children. Most of the intentional infectors I worked with claimed to have infected dozens of people, the record being 457. All but one of the intentional infectors was gay. Homosexuality is an illness, and serial killing with the AIDS virus is a symptom of the illness. We don't need to take the chance of having more gays in Israel infecting the population with AIDS. AIDS is a deadly weapon for a Jew-hater coming to the homofest in Jerusalem.
47. Mock Away Morons
Sam ,   Vancouver, Canada   (08.09.06)
You people are seriously mentally ill. This is textbook example of why religion should never be allowed to interfere in the affairs of state. The way you cretinous cows mock and deride homosexuals and deliberately misrepresent the Jerusalem Open House shows exactly what kind of lowlives you are. Mock away you stupid morons. People don't choose to be homosexual. It's an innate orientation -- just like heterosexuality is. Why would you deride someone because they can't have children? AIDS is not a 'gay' disease -- it's a human disease. Most people who have it are straight. The fastest growing sector for AIDS is young women. You fools don't even know this yet you mock people who have the disease. A pox on your house. Get your heads out of your religious cartoons and start paying attention to the real world.
48. To Roma, and to Mark in Houston
Shiksa ,   California   (08.10.06)
Roma: I like your sense of compassion. It's so much better to care and show compassion than to blame. I also agree with you that this is no time for a parade. Mark: To my knowledge, the main cause of the spread of AIDS in Africa was from the the truck drivers copulating with prostitutes, and particularly their penchant for something called "dry sex," which makes the virus' transmission much more likely. This, at least, is what my local newspaper reported in an in-depth series a few years ago. If you know something I don't, please enlighten me. And I hope I didn't originally come off as harsh in my post to you. I just think it's not good to blame people. There are lots of things heterosexuals can be blamed for as well, but what good does it do? Much better to show love and caring, at least the way I see it.
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