Reservists: War morality exacting high toll
Miri Chason
Published: 10.08.06, 15:17
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31. Mark of SF #21
Rustum ,   london, UK   (08.10.06)
After reading your ridiculous and hysterical post, I understand why you live in San Francisco. It is often the case that those screaming hardest for more death and destruction are in fact those who live half a globe away from the scene of action.
32. Israel tried talking
Rob ,   USA   (08.10.06)
The IDF was moral six years ago when they pulled out of Lebanon. It was greeted with a useless resolution and followed with Hizballah bringing in 15,000 rockets to shoot at civilians. This is the only answer.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (08.10.06)
Terrorist Hizbullah is a member of Lebanon's government, with seats in the cabinet. Lebanon's government colluded with Hizbullah in unprovoked, vicious acts of war against Israel. According to U.S. intelligence sources, Hizbullah has launched more than 4,000 missiles, unguided rockets and mortars at Israel. Haifa, Israel's third largest city, is under regular rocket barrage. Over one million Jews are forced to live in bomb shelters. Lebanese army radars have been used to lock in Israeli targets for Hizbullah missile crews. Prime Minister Siniora on July 30, 2006, thanked terrorist Hizbullah for its sacrifices in the war against Israel: YNETNEWS (07.30.06) Lebanese PM thanks Hizbullah for 'sacrifices',7340,L-3283763,00.html Hizbullah has purposely embedded themselves in densely populated civilian areas in Lebanon. Hizbullah despicably shoot from inside mosques, hospitals and schools in south Lebanon. Hizbullah ruthlessly uses human shields to protect rocket launching teams who set up rockets and other weapons in apartment blocks, schools and mosques. Images show Iran's proxy, Hizbullah, using high-density residential areas to launch rockets:,,19955774-5007220,00.html Iran has repeatedly stated its intention to wipe Israel off the map is dangerously close in achieving nuclear capability to execute its genocidal goal - Lebanon's government and Hizbullah, fighting a proxy war for Syria and Iran share responsibility for causing all of the deaths, injuries and damage wrought in Lebanon and Israel. Global jihadists Hizbullah's evil goal is the murder of every Jew. On October 22, 2002, Nasrallah told Lebanon's Daily Star: "If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." The U.S. EU and UN are fully aware Hizbullah will NEVER disarm and that no UN resolution, truce and international force can stop the religion-inspired hate of Arab countries and Islamists worldwide - a fanatical hatred that seeks the annihilation of Israel. Israel must be allowed the human right of defeating her enemies! In the global war to bring all nations under Islamic subjugation, Israel's fight for freedom and human rights is a fight for freedom and human rights for all nations. The Innocent Bystander Myth Evelyn Gordon, THE JERUSALEM POST July 20, 2006 ...Far from being smuggled in without the government's knowledge, weapons earmarked for Hizbullah arrived openly in Beirut Airport almost every week - and the airport, unlike southern Lebanon, is fully controlled by the government and the Lebanese army. Yet the government never ordered the army to confiscate these shipments. Regular arms shipments also came overland from Syria. Yet these, too, passed openly and without hindrance through border crossings controlled by the Lebanese government. The Lebanese army has even openly assisted Hizbullah during the past week's fighting. Hizbullah's successful missile strike on an Israeli naval vessel Friday night, for instance, would have been impossible had the army's radar stations not given Hizbullah the ship's coordinates. Hizbullah does not have radar stations of its own. Far from repudiating Hizbullah's attacks on Israel, the Lebanese government has actively defended, facilitated and assisted them at every turn. There are thus no grounds for treating it as an innocent party in this conflict...
34. stop with this f.....g morality !!!!
stephane ,   france   (08.10.06)
here is the result of this f.... morality!! 5,10,15 soldiers dies everyday! why!? because we want to be moral,ethic,not like other armys!!! this is so STUPID !!! what do we expect from being "moral" ? that the world will be with us ? BULLSHIT !!! we can be as moral as we want;the world will ALWAYS be against us! they don't care of jewish blood! so be like russians in chechnya,like americans in viet nam,or like french in algeria! in 1 word:if we want to win and suffer less casualties;stop behaving like jews!!!!! and kill all the ennemies and their human shields.if they don't care of the life of their people;we MUSTN'T care !!!!
35. Olmert is murdering Israeli soldiers to save hexbullah supp
Bernard Ross ,   St. Anns Bay Jamaica   (08.10.06)
Nasser ,   Halab, Syria   (08.10.06)
Mike ,   Ottawa, Canada   (08.10.06)
The people of south Lebanon will eventually return to their homes. For every innocent child and person killed there, you can bet that 3 or 4 people with a Hezbollah-radical mentality spring forth. Flatten their villages and homes and the numbers grow exponentially. The ground invasion of Lebanon is the worst thing Israel can do. Soldiers will die, hundreds of them, Hezbollah will survive, and every civilian will have died in vain. A diplomatic solution addressing the root causes is the only way Israel will ever live in peace. Or else this is what its history is fated for.
38. amazing ...calling urself moral after killing thousand civ
shamy ,   pakistan   (08.10.06)
39. #29 Ellie Alam
Aaron ,   OZ   (08.10.06)
They are the poor bastards who got shot trying to weed Hizbollah cowards out of the villages you so care for. Perhaps if Hizbollah didn't hide amongst the civilians, the toll wouldn't be so high. What did all the British passengers to the 21 islamic terrorists in England? Please do leave my country, lebs are not aussies, and we dont want you.
40. Morality.....What for
Emilio ,   DC   (08.10.06)
As I wrote the other day, I am not Isreali I am not a Jew but I feel as if I was one. I can only tell you this, the world will always dislike israel. We have to live with it. Our only frineds are the americans and britain. It is too bad that we are in this situation but we need to suck it up. IDF please don't endanger our soldiers, just the fact that every day dies one soldier should break your heart, you are not supposed to care for arab blood, the only blood you are supposed to care is jewish blood and I would say you should prioritize the blood oh the people wearing the olive uniform. Please IDF, Olmert, react!!!
41. to #23
Ale   (08.10.06)
My reply to you is simple. Hizbollah isn't preventing the people in the villages to leave nor they are with Hizbollah. They are ordinary HUMAN BEINGS (mainly of elderly people) who didn't want to leave their homes and prefer to DIE in their land. Just for your information these people are not afraid of death unlike you.
42. Don't leave one building stading
Dan   (08.10.06)
Finish the job already...make them feel more pain then they could ever imagine. This is a war of survival and Israel will bleed badly unless they use more force. Forget morality...leave that for the Europeans. Olmert and Peretz trying to be right-wing...what a joke! Where are the beytzim? I don't think they have any!
43. why doesnt ohlmert listen
roger jones ,   usa   (08.10.06)
olmert is aleftist. he beleives in peace talks. he beleives it so strongly that he is willing to teach Israels a listen about the horrors of war. So he wants to maximize ground troop casualties so he can say, I told you so, war is horrible, we shouldnt have gone into lebanon earlier, see we will have casualties i was only trying to save your sons. My plan was right. I will teach you
44. Hezbollah
Harry ,   Pittsburg-USA   (08.10.06)
They should not bomb all villages-just hunt down hezbollah scum one by one and kill them.
45. #13
FRED   (08.10.06)
46. Ellie of #29
Caryn ,   USA   (08.10.06)
Reuters? For credibility? Give me a break! They've been discovered with doctored photos, as has the New York Times.
47. Immorality, Rostum from UK, and other thoughts
Phil ,   US   (08.10.06)
I saw Kenneth Roth, the director of Human Rights Watch, on Bill O'Reilly's TV program. Under questioning, he admitted that Israel does warn citizens (to leave) prior to an Israeli bombing mission. He also admitted that Israel did not deliberately target civilians yet was guilty of war crimes because Israel did not check if the civilians actually had fled. When O'Reilly asked Roth if it was possible to follow his suggestions during a war, Roth would not answer. I guess he expected Israel to send a limo for the occupents and if they refused to leave, get an eviction warrant from a judge. He (Roth) also told the audience that his organization established that no rockets were fired from Qana on the day of the Israeli airstrike and could not refute Israeli evidence that rockets had been fired against Israeli civilians at other times but Israel should not have attaacked Qana because the roc kets were not fired on that day. By the way, he assured the audience that Hezbollah was guilty of war crimes for deliberately targeting civilians but that Israel, even though they didn't target civilians and warned them was also guilty of war crimes. This is the state of craziness in the "human rights" and so-called peace movement today. They have set up rules that ensure more casualties from the side playing by the rules no matter what the provocation. Is it really moral to send young kids to their death instead of softening up the enemy prior to a ground assault---especially after warning the civilians to flee? Nassrullah's warning to civilians to flee Haifa was only for Israeli Arabs. Yet Israel is accused of racism by the Europeans and looney left. Excuse me. Make that the left. Rostum from UK criticizes a previous writer for giving advice from far away from the battlefield. Excuse me but I didn't know that the UK was close to the battlefied either. Interestingly, on a day where a major Al Qaida plot was discovered to blow up civilian airlines out of British airports, maybe he is in the battlefield after all.
48. Look who is talking! morality ?
Ali ,   Leb   (08.10.06)
You keep talking about morality as if the IDF and Israelis are saints god bless them !!! You killed hundreds of childreen below the age of 12 and destroyed hospitals and farms and injured thousands of civilians!! Morality ??? yeah ! If you are brave stop hiting civilians in beirut cities and concentrate on the south ground fight ? there they are the Hizballah that you are seeking ! they are not hiding behind civilians as you say in cities ... They are in south of lebanon waiting for you .. go be brave and face them face to face ! I will start counting your casualties!
Da dude   (08.10.06)
Proof from Kana Hizb'allah is staging civilian casaulties It means Hizb'allah has lost over a 1000 soldiers!
50. Israel has every right to do what it is doing
Eric ,   NY   (08.10.06)
Let's face it, we live in a world that is largely Anti-Jewish and thus Anti-Israel. If we look at Jewish history, it repeats itself over and over. Millions of Jews have been SLAUGHTERED in the holocaust and Spanish inquisition, pogroms etc. EVERY nation has a homeland. The jews had nowhere to escape to during those times, they had no army to protect themselves. Where was France during WWII, where were all the scandinavian peace loving countries during WWII, where was even the UK during WWII. How long did it take the "Allies" to respond to the holocaust. Millions of jews were killed before the world gave a #$%#!! Finally the Jews have a place they can call home and it is Israel. The Jewish people were given a state in 1948 and have been attacked ever since. Where are all the peace loving people then? When the jewish state was a newborn and people that survived the holocaust had to fight AGAIN for their survival in a homeland they were given by the UN, where all the left wing liberals and peace loving people to protect them? All you peace loving people are not really peace loving, you are only Muslim loving or Muslim fearing. We all know that Europe is quickly becoming a center for muslims, which is why France is so critical of Israel, they are afraid of a civil war in their own country with all the Muslims there. Muslims control most of the oil in the world, perhaps that is why the world is being so sympathetic to them. They don’t want them to stop the oil supply. The world doesn’t care when innocent Jewish Israelis get killed. They never did care ever in history. Where is the world when Israel was attacked in 1967 and 1973. Since 1948 when Israel only had land given to them by the UN, Israel was still attacked. These attacks that continue to happen by factions like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah have nothing to do with occupied territories, they consider Israel proper to be an occupied territory since 1948. I don’t see the world getting that. It is always Israel’s fault. Where is the UN now? Every resolution only condemns the Israelis because 95% of the UN are Muslims themselves Whatever the Israelis are doing they are fighting for their survival because no country in the world and no people will fight that battle for them. You think this war is about the kidnap of soldiers? Wrong, it is the struggle for the survival of Israel and the Jewish people. If Israel let’s Hezbollah take their soldiers or attack them with rockets, and does not retaliate with OVERWHELMING FORCE then all the terrorists will keep attacking Israel. There can not be diplomacy with terrorists or even with Lebanon. There is only one way and that is destroy the root cause and that is terrorism. You can not listen to the news and take Lebanon’s toll of the civilians because the number of Hezbollah fighters is mixed in to that number. Israel has killed over 500 fighters so far. The 1000 plus civilians in Lebanon killed is not really 1000 because the 500 fighters are considered by their people as civilians. Lebanon and Hezbollah do not want the world to know how many fighters were killed because they want the situation to look so bad and that Israel should look like murderers. Israel is fighting a battle that is for it’s survival and regardless of what the European press and Muslim press say Israel is NOT TARGETING CIVILIANS, but these terrorists are dressed like civilians and are shooting rockets from within neighborhoods and buildings and make it very difficult for civilians not to be killed.
51. #48 - Ali: Yes, we're talking morality.
Truth ,   USA   (08.10.06)
52. "Innocent" Lebanese Government - Bomb them
Truth ,   USA   (08.10.06)
53. number 29
roger jones   (08.10.06)
yes it certinly would be nice for hexbollah to give back the soldiers and stop firing missiles on israel and attacking hospitals and kindergartens. peace comes from being human. if you are not afraid, go look up the idf reports of hezbollah actions since 2000 in northern israel. then go ask your masters for some peace
54. number 12
roger jones ,   usa   (08.10.06)
that would be a nice idea. hezbollah wear uniforms. dont hide in villages and claim to be civilians then idf dont need jets
55. Survival of Nations
Mash ,   Earth Planet   (08.10.06)
Man was created as individual ... later, he decides to union with his kind ... that evolution finally ended as nations, states, countries, etc ... That evolution took place for the sake of creating a human soiety to serve its exisitance ... there are two important rules to ensure the continuity of such human communities: 1) Don't bypass the natural process of community/country/ nation creation and make fake ones. 2) Once that entity is created in a legitimate and natural way, it has to live in peace with its neighbours and must comply with values. Applying the above two rules lead to the following fact: The nation created in compliance with the above, would be part of it's surrounding fabric in terms of blood line, language, culture, religion, ethics, etc... My questions: 1) which of the above rules was followed by "Israel"? 2) Does Israel belong to its surrounding in any aspect? Please answer the questions ... then finally answer the third one: CAN ISRAEL CONTINUE TO SURVIVE? That leades to the following question: Can "Israel" continue to survive?
56. I wouldn't even call it "morality"
Ari   (08.10.06)
It is 100% IMMORAL to risk Jewish life in order to be extra careful not to kill a few civilians. I'm sorry, but ANY normal nation would not be willing to risk higher casualties than neccessary in a war, by tip-toeing around houses, being careful not to cause "collateral damage." It is utterly insane! First and foremost a country should worry about it's OWN - and that does not simply "include soldiers" in general, but they SPECIFICALLY should be protected as much as possible, as it is they who are on the front line and, therefore, in the most danger!
57. Nos. 23 (Paqid) and 34
Nick ,   NYC, USA   (08.10.06)
Stephane, It's interesting that you cite Algeria, Vietnam and Chechnya as supposed examples of the effectiveness of scorched earth policies. Remember that 1) France lost Algeria; 2) the Viet Cong outlasted the US; and 3) the war in Chechnya continues. It won't work and there's no quick fix here. Paqid/Clint: Apparently you're still suffering from delusions of grandeur. I understand that in your own mind you're an oracle to be heeded, but obviously the Israeli government doesn't see it that way. That's fortunate. Regards, IQ 167
58. morality
Jeff ,   usa   (08.10.06)
There is a real question about whether going in the way the IDF has worked. Leadership has held back the IDF in the name of morality, while overutilizing the airforce which has caused serious damage to Lebanon and to innocent individuals. It is hard to see how this action represents a thoughtful response to a real problem. We might ask ourselves whethere it would not have made more sense to push for international isolation of Hisballah and an intl force as a price for Israel holding back to begin with.
Arik Silverman ,   Milwaukee USA   (08.10.06)
Apparently IDF trains its soldiers on political propaganda instead of military principles. I refer to this quotation which is so ludicrously false: "Igor said that the whole Oslo procedure and all of the years in which there was attempt to talk didn't succeed. 'Until now we've been banging our head against the wall because they didn't want to 'talk.' " Since 2001, it is Israel who has not wanted to talk. Let us remember that even after Bill Clinton was no longer aroud,Palestinians and Israelis kept talking, for example at Taba, where they came very close to a peace agreement. That stopped when Sharon became PM, and Israel hasn't attempted any serious talks since, not even with its US-installed puppet, Abu Quisling Abbas. How can asoldier so delusional on this point know about fighting?
60. The Regime Is NOT Intending To Protect The Citizens.
Adina kutnicki ,   US   (08.11.06)
It is an open and dirty little secret in Israel's power circles that the soldiers and the citizens are expendable - to a degree. There are a certain amount of deaths that are calculated as 'sacrifices for peace'. This is not hyperbole, nor is it a sick joke. This is why the regime has forced the IDF high command to concoct the detrimental 'limited conflict doctrine' - meaning, no victory for Israel. Also, this is why Arab homes are still standing, Jewish 'settler' homes get demolished, and the air power is such that it appears like alot is being destroyed, but in fact this is not so. The regime has NO intention of flattening the terror nests. The only way this will happen is if the citizens of Israel get fed up enough and create a revolution. And, why the hell not? The IDF is a people's army.
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