Chief of staff: We tripled our forces in southern Lebanon
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 12.08.06, 15:52
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31. Hezbollah is making wild claims as the Arabs did in 1967.
Richard James ,   NY, USA   (08.12.06)
Apparently, the Arab world is claiming that Hezbollah is sinking Israeli ships and destroying dozens of tanks in a single day today. The Arab world did this in 1967. They claimed they were sipping tea in Tel Aviv while their armies were actually in ruins. Even the mainstream media isn't giving such claims the time of day anymore. Our enemies have been pounded in bunkers for a month in summer weather. They're not infinitely strong in those fixed (trapped) positions.
32. Israel doesn't know what to do
Zack ,   Canada   (08.12.06)
The truth is that the Israeli Army doesn't know what to do. They want to make themselves look like they have something accomplished. They want to reach the Latani river and say, "look we reached the Latani River, let's go back to Israel." I'm sorry to tell you this, but Hezbollah won this conflict. They managed to accomplish their goals. They still have the two soldiers (which Olmert seems to have forgotten), and they still can shoot their rockets towards Israel's 3rd largest city. What else does a small militant group want? You Israelis aretoo ashamed to admit that nothing can be accomplished in the ME without peace. I guess this is another 2000?
33. hahaha
half the israeli population in lebanon now..4wat? to fight 2000 or 4000 odd hizbulla fighters
34. To Felip Madrid- number of jews
Victor ,   New York   (08.12.06)
Your level of ignorance if out of bound. First talking like this all muslims and starting by YOUR MUFTI, doesn't only show your ignorance but your racism. You will have to live with the fact (me too, I guess as I am not muslim) that muslim will become more nuemrous in spain, in europe, and everywhere else... they will beocme stronger and stronger and maybe one day will rule the world good for them. From the numbers you put, it seems that the problem with the jews population started after 1944, i.e. by the end of world war II and closer to when a state of Israel was getting imposed on teh arabs... No comments! In terms of right of exist, you don't seem to follow UN resolutions. It the not the arabs that owe justice to the world, but your beloved Israel. You're not only ignorant but it doesn't seem that logic is your best skill.
35. To those who write talkbacks from other
Yaniv   (08.12.06)
countries. Is to easy to watch TV out there and say that ISRAEL is bad. but don't u all understand that until hizbollah exists, the war never stops coz they will continue trying to provoke Israel to go war again? What about our captured troops? who began this war? Nasralla says that it's our fault, but who began this war if not hezbollah? They captured israeli troops first and kiilled 8 other soldiers in one attack? what we do then? We can't sit down all time and watch them trying again and agin to kill some israeli soldiers and capture some on Israeli-Lebanon border - it's stupid... One more thing, hezbollah soldier fires rokets from town which if full of citizens.. so don't blame us when they killed with citizens.. So try to understand us, try to imagine to yourself what would happen if it was happened in your country? what yr govertmant should to do? To say that is no OK, and continue to live as usually? and they will continue to fight them and u will continue to sut down as dogs.. Thanks for reading this talkback... Have a nice day, goodbye
36. nasrala won every thing, israel has lost the war
jeffry donn ,   los angeles   (08.12.06)
stupid america , we trust israel but israel failed ...israel is a weak ...this is like what we supported shah in iran in 1970's but was weak so america ignored him to face death
37. a weak israel
maradona ,   buines aires   (08.12.06)
this war like agme in work cup...brazil is super team but failed to win , hizbula like italy had won the cup...yes , hizbula is battling like italy clever and genious
38. Way to go Israel!
Doron ,   LA, CA   (08.12.06)
Israel scored big on overnight operation. These quick large incursions is the best strategy.
39. Don't Stop
Jeff ,   Arlington, TX   (08.12.06)
Olmert, why did you wait till the last minute? Your indecisive leadership has cost Israel.
observer ,   canada   (08.12.06)
they are playing in casino putting lives of israel soldiers & civilians on roulette,all that to save their chairs in goverment.good luck israelians with your idiot "GOVERNORS" who are getting as Moubarak ,kings Abdullah of SA & Jordan who don't dare about their people & will do everything to stay in their chairs
41. What if it happened to Israel??
Ben ,   Dubai   (08.12.06)
I wonder how would the israelis would feel if they were being bombed daily with tons of explosoves, what would happen if the Cana massacre happened in Kiryat Shimona? or what would happen if whole towns and villages are razed to the ground? would't they call it another holocuast? well this what israel did to lebanon during the last month. now u know why the Lebanese hate u, and will never give u peace on ur 'borders'.
42. Anit-aircraft gun mounted heli
AC 130   (08.12.06)
IAF need a AC 130 type aircraft against Hizballah position. As a stop gap measure IAF can mount its aircraft with anti aircraft gun, the heaviest gun that can be mounted on a heli. Then use a group of this heli to quickly neautralize Hizballah position on the ground. The faster you can neutralize their ground position the faster they will lose their fighting spirit. I would think the aim is to silence all firing in 5 min.
43. Peace
Robert ,   USA   (08.12.06)
Zack, Israel wants peace. They have wanted it for centuries. The world wants peace, it has wanted it for millenia. Then what is the problem? Sin. Men chose their own way rather than God's. Eve refused God's warning and Adam chose Eve over God. What God warned them of came to pass. Cain refused God's directions and Abel followed them so Cain became angry and murdered his brother . . . the first murder. Since the beginning men have refused God's ways and chosen their own ... this is sin and this it what causes death. God still made a way. He sent His Son the Messiah (Isaiah 9:6; 52-53) to die as a perfect sacrifice to make payment for sin and establish peace for those who will believe on Him. Still men chose false religions of their on construct or no belief. Men chose sin and war. If you want peace choose Jesus. Israel was given the land by God. Men who refuse God's rule want to murder Israel, to exterminate them. Israel must protect her people. There will be no permanent peace until mankind makes peace with the Creator... one person at a time. Remember that Hizbullah is advocating and working for the extermination of Israel as is Iran. They are the reason there is no peace. The UN will not bring peace . . . it can'. It is impotent not omnipotent. We all need God and Jesus said, "“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me." and "or unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins.” Read John.
44. #32 Zach - Hezbollah won?
Daniel ,   Atlanta USA   (08.12.06)
If having your territory occupied by 20,000 IDF troops,. if having 1/4 of your population turned into refugees, many with no homes to return to, if having at least 1/4 of your military forces decimated and killed, if having the UN mandate an international force to disarm what's left of you and drive you from your former stronghold, if all of that is victory, then I hope the Muslim world will look hard at what happened in Lebanon and decide that their fantasy of driving Israel into the sea is too costly to maintain any longer. That's what reasonable people would conclude. Israel won a big victory by responding with overwhelming and totally appropriate force to the Hezbollah-Lebonese agression. Hezbollah has nothing left but some badly aimed rockets and some even more badly aimed and senseless rhetoric about "victory", which in the Muslim/Arab sense means giving the IDF a few black eyes while the IDF pulverizes you and your land. All Hezbollah "won" was the right to be the latest Muslim "army" to suffer martyrdom and defeat at the hands of the IDF. Get used to it. That's the "victory" that Hezbollah won, and even the Muslim world knows it in their heart of hearts.
45. Israel knows exactly what to do.
Richard James ,   NY, USA   (08.12.06)
Israel is cleaning things up. Hezbollah fired nearly 4000 rockets and killed fewer than 100 Israeli civilians with them. Hezbollah supporters will call anything a win (even fewer than 100 murdered Israeli civilians in 4000 rocket attacks) - but the truth is that Hezbollah doesn't have the stature to be a party in a UN deal. Nasrallah accepted the cease fire today. He wasn't asked for his opinion on it. The deal is between Israel and Lebanon.
46. #34
Felipe ,   Madrid , Spain   (08.12.06)
Well here is no any ignorance i'm not Jew not muslim i'm catholic but i do read some facts. They killed many jews in muslim countries kicked them out so i do accept all what israel did in past and hope will do better and more. They don't deserve have country till they can't accept and respect basic rights of other nations and traditions to be exist , here talking about palestinians . So i think one day all we will thank US for responding to the war that they begunof and no mather what u will say about Bush he was the only one who made at least something, only one who told no more! And we r just in the begining probably we will not c end of this but i hope our children or children of our children will, and they will live in really free world .
47. 36- U pretend 2 be American...but u write like a foriegner
48. To 11,Fadi
isaac ,   Karmiel   (08.12.06)
Fadi do you realy belive to those films you are seeng over there. How many hizballulas were killed as per your info? come on be realistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
49. Winning a war is not about killing people
Zack ,   Canada   (08.12.06)
Winning a war is not about killing people or occupying land. Winning a war is about achieving goals. What are the goals of the ISraeli offensive? 1. Destroy Hizbollah....I don't think that is happening. On the first day of war, the Israeli dead and wounded were minor compared to that of Hizbollah. Today 80 Israeli soldiers have been injured. This proves that Hizbollah is getting stronger and stronger everyday. 2. Occupy a buffer zone that will not allow hizbullah militants to attack Israel.....Rockets are still falling, and the Israle Army is still being attacked in the future "buffer zone." 3. Bring back the Israeli soldiers....I don't eventhink Olmert mentions that anymore So when you obsereve a war you have to know that the side with the least amount of losses wins.
50. #44...who said Hizbollah will be forced to disarm
Zack ,   Canada   (08.12.06)
That would cause a huge conflict. Hizbollah would start striking the UN forces. I don't think they want that.
51. #44, Daniel, Hezbollah won? Of course they did
Victor ,   New York   (08.12.06)
Hey Daniel, you should take a look at the polls in Israel before you go on. That is what matters. The Lebanese think they won and Most o fthe Israelis think they didn't win or that the resistance in Lebanon won. After, I think what the rest think is less important. What can be a called a victory of Hezabllah. Stopping the israeli planes from doing their massacres and destroying infrastructure and pushing people to evacuate? The resistance can never do that, and we all knw that you are able to achieve such goals at any time. It is a victory, bc israeli newspapers are telling the heroic stories of the resistance not even one heroic story of IDF (unless you call the Baalbeck mission heroic). It is a victory bc the lebanese prisoners will come back. It is a victory bc we are discussing the faith of shebaa farms (which we didn't before )... hmmm do you still think Hezballah didn't win? I look forward for your argument! (but please don't start with syria and iran and Israle's existence...)
52. To Felip or Felipe
Bilal ,   London, UK   (08.12.06)
When I read your post it certainly showed an ignorant person presenting a stupid argument. Jews are leaving their countries and coming to Palestine to live on the land of Palestinian refugees currently in the Arab countries. It does not worth correcting you as you don’t even know how to write your name or who you claim to be. Are you still in nursery or in year 1??
53. Government's incompetence
Phil ,   US   (08.12.06)
In WWII, America suffered about 400,000 militaritary deaths and yet the American people supported the war and went along with rationing and other sacrifices. In contrast, America has suffered less than 3000 military deaths in an all-volunteer military in Iraq and over 60% of the public is against the War. To me, the reasons are obvious. Understanding that there are dramatic changes in the cultural make-up of the population and the horrendous experience of Viet Nam, I believe that the major factors that differentiate the homefront of the 1940's from today's homefront have to do with the way both wars have been been conducted. In the case of WWII, the American people realized that the war was being fought against an evil that wanted to enslave them and rule the world. Pearl Harbor and Hitler's declaration of war on the US convinced the public that they had to fight and win. However, unless you are in total denial, America is now faced with a similar situation and the wake-up call of 9-11 was more horrible than the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The difference is that the US fought the War to crush the enemy, not to win the hearts and minds of the nazis or the warlofrds of Japan and the public knew that we were trying to accomplish something. Most people oppose the Iraq war because the US seemingly does not have a strategy to win the War and no progress is being made. Instead, the US has committed too few troops to really put down the insurgency and provide security for the Iraqi people. In Israel, Olmert and his sychophants have no idea of what they are doing. Every military move has been a day late and a dollar short. Casualties are horrible whether it is one soldier killed or many more but at least if casualties are part of a winning strategy, those brave soldiers will not have died in vain. Suffering fewer casualties without accomplishing anything or losing is just obscene because in this instance, they died in vain. Olmert and his crew of incompetents never seemed to have a clear idea of what they wanted to accomplish in Lebanon. Was it the destruction of Hezbollah? If that was the case why didn't Olmert immediately authorize the necessary number of troops to accomplish the mission instead of sending a small number of troops to fight a well-entrenched enemy? Was it to regain deterence? If so, taking a month to fail to defeat a smaller force just won't do anything to deter the enemy. It will only embolden them. In the meantime, the Israeli citizens of the North have suffered tremendously and it appears as if nothing has been accomplished because this govt. did not know what they wanted to achieve and had no idea of how to accomplish their day to day goals.
54. to Felipe
Salem ,   UK   (08.12.06)
Can you remind me what did the Catholics do to the Jews in Spain before and after the Arabs ruled that part of the world? They didn’t kill them or drive them out from there... So stop your b**s**t.
55. Check you spelling, and your facts Felip#5
Alex ,   Israel   (08.12.06)
I am jewish and I know that Jews were and still are living in peace in the Islamic countries, but unfortunately some of the Jewish leaders are trying to compel the whole world that we have been expelled from the Islamic countries where as the truth is that they tried to keep us from going to Israel. Felip, you need to recognize these facts, and it would also help if you fix you lousy spelling problem
56. How sweet Golda
Alex ,   Israel   (08.12.06)
who are you trying to fool Jim, this is the utmost hypocrisy. If that's the case why is the war still raging when the un resolution demanded the halt of all military actions on both sides. The answer came from Israel by expanding the ground troops in lebanon. What a world, the reality is so skewed.
57. About Time
Erasmus ,   New York, USA   (08.12.06)
It's about time for the IDF to retake the initiative using adequate ground forces. But is this operation only to appease the Israeli public before the cease-fire?
58. #54 you are right
Zack ,   Canada   (08.12.06)
In fact, one of the ministers of the empire in Spain was Jewish.
59. "I thought Israel wanted peace"
Dan ,   Toronto, Canada   (08.12.06)
Zack's comments are simplistic. An immediate ceasefire could lead to a far more violent war in the future. Israel indicated that it was open to a ceasefire subject to conditions; Olmert would not agree to an unconditional ceasefire simply based on some nebulous notion of "peace" that leaves Hezbollah and its missiles in place and that allows Lebanon, Syria and Iran to continue to funnel weapons, advisers and fresh soldiers to the Hezbollah. There is absolutely nothing inconsistent in expanding the offensive in the interim, while looking for a basis for a ceasefire.
60. Peace Through War
Daniel Haarti ,   Jerusalem, IL   (08.12.06)
As we have witnessed time and time again, terrorist groups will not cease to exist in their current form until Israel is annihilated. People, who want you dead, can not be rationalised with. They start a war so we have full rights to respond in kind. Peace is certainly not the lack of armed conflict, as a newly naive "peace supporter" might believe but a state of mind. Peace can not be bargained with. Those who want peace will actually sacrifice themselves for it. Those who don't want peace want others destroyed. Israel is defending itself from a belligerent enemy. The only option is war. Let us see, now, how Europeans will react when they send an armed force to enforce a "peace" that doesn't exist.
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