Israeli Arabs' war experience
Roee Nahmias
Published: 16.08.06, 09:42
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31. lol - arab israelis find palestinians are israelis at heart
32. Sorry Mr. Abbasi
But unpatriotic opportunists who take the advice of Nasrallah deserve the treatment they get. This was your wake-up call regarding your beloved Arab brothers. At least you have a place to go back to after your bad experience with discrimination and hatred. Now you know why the Jews all over the world who have faced much worse treatment than you have need the Jewish State of Israel to go back to also.
33. To #2: So that makes it alright?
Aaron ,   OZ   (08.16.06)
What intrigues me is that people could be in any way suprised at this reception. Their brethren were jubilant about the rocket strikes that killed many of their number, so what did they expect? To Palestinian, so you suggest that the fact that the women were not dressed as conservatively as the other women, somehow lessens the respect that is due to them, as women? Perhaps this may account for the pack-rapes in this country, by arab males, of Australian girls? Obviously it was their fault for not wearing a veil or hijab? Can't really blame them for feeling distressed at being there can one? Perhaps you would be happier if the women were raped, in order that they learn to show the proper respect to weak little worms like you? What a wonderful design you, and those like you, seek to impose upon us all.
34. Facts#2
tony ,   PARIS   (08.16.06)
The truth hurts huh,,?The fact that these haifa arabs were badly treated,is a punch to your blown up ego,,and it hurts ,OUCH;So what your saying is,all the people in the west bank ,and Ramallah are Mountain people??"MORE CONSERVATIVE??I think just plain,Jealous,and TOO Extremist,for all I care...But the fact remains,,,they were badly recieved by their own people..;These Mountain people as you say;;that came from Jaffa & Haifa!!!and Acco;are these mountain people too???
35. #29
steven ,   france   (08.16.06)
Who the hell is talking about rape,you Ignoramous..;The fact that nobody wants to rape palestinian woman,has absolutly NOTHING to do with the Hospitality you ARABS in the west bank deny your arab -israeli "Brothers...may I remind you ,you are still living is Israel,and most probably working thee too,and using Israelui currency;;So if you do not like this situation ,stay in Hebron,and we shall see how long you get by with out ISRAELI SUPPORT.You are most probably on Israeli welfare,too...RAPE???Really what a LAME EXCUSE....
36. #19
steven ,   france   (08.16.06)
Ramzi,you are quick to use the SHAME ON YOU,very easily,but would you use it on your own people ,when they MURDER,palestinians who are "SUSPECTED" with collaboration with Israel,,These Palestinians don't even get a fair trial to justify themselves;;So please ,do not come here and preach,SHAME,ON YOU'S,,,,At least even the Lowest ,of all palestinians terrorists get a trial in Israel....You need a lot of growing up Ramzi;;;before you can give advice to others....I think it would be more appropriate to say SHAME ON YOU. for the Lack of these rights,that you deny these unproven "Collaborators";
37. #28 Occupation
j ,   dc   (08.16.06)
Umm... do you really think that the people of Bethlehem are not under occupation? Are you kidding? Let's see, to get to Bethlehem from Israel you have to go through the Wall which surrounds Beit Jala, Bethlehem, and Beit Sahour. To leave the greater Bethlehem area in any direction you must go through some sort of checkpoint. Additionally there are settlements - built within the 1967 green line - with corresponding fences all around the Bethlehem area into which areas Palestinians cannot go. Israeli (foreign) forces can go into Bethlehem at any time and do whatever they want. If that's not an occupation I don't know what the hell is. Perhaps a better term than "occupied city" would be ghetto or prison. Oh and the British didn't come up with the term Palestinians, that was the Romans in the year 70 - nearly 2000 years ago. Before that they were Canaanites or Gentiles as the Bible calls them.
38. #23
You clearly don't get out of Europe very much. Of course shopowners give you very high prices - the point is you have to bargain with them to get a lower price! This happens ALL over the world. If you actually bargain with them you can get amazing prices. So stop being racist and saying things like "you have to be very careful with them." And you know why prices are higher in Bethlehem? Because with Israeli controls they can not really export their products outside of Bethlehem, so in order to make any money at all they must charge a higher price. Also, I stayed in the Bethlehem area for several weeks and traveled to Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin, and Hebron. I was treated with the greatest respect and kindness. And when talking politics over tea and nargilla we had very good and civilized discussions, even when they disagreed with something I had to say. A couple times I even walked around alone past midnight and never felt safer. This is clearly a biased and outragous article attempting to paint the Palestinians as evil and hateful, based on a couple stories.
39. # 19 Victimism
Rama ,   UE   (08.16.06)
You say you don't need donations? Why are you always asking for money everywhere? Europeans and AMERICANS have been sending you money for years -where is it? You have done nothing with it- You say you treat Israelis better than they do with you when you go to their towns? How many Israelis have exploded themselves in your towns? Are you afraid of them in a shop or a restaurant? Finally, you blame others for everything. Even for the hotel facilities. What have you done with the money from other countries? If you don't need it, please give it back. It's from our taxes, out of our WORK. Shame on you, too.
40. They should stay there for good its where they belong
Mike ,   Israel   (08.16.06)
41. Hands up Israeli Arabs who want to live under PA government
Alan ,   SA   (08.16.06)
42. Simple
Marie F ,   Vancouver   (08.16.06)
What went wrong? Very simple. Katushas rocket launcers in civlian homes and populated areas. Israel went out of its way, to pinpoint those areas to minimize civilian casualties. Did Hizbollah did that? They just launced randomly anywhere and everywhere. What if Israel did that all the way to Beirut? Hizbollah wouln't have a place to lay its head, let alone make threats on the air. It shows who is the evil minded. But good conquers evil
Mickey Oberman ,   Canada   (08.16.06)
After 60 years of being treated like pariahs by their fellow Arabs they have at last come to realize how great the love is by Arab for Arab. Perhaps this intense love can explain why parents will teach their children to become suicide bombers.
44. Treatment of Israeli Arabs
Sam ,   USA   (08.21.06)
This is not unusual. I saw an Israeli Arab berated in Brooklyn on Atlantic Avenue when we went to a Lebanese Restaurant. It wasn't as bad as this though. The Israeli Arab was told that it is incomprehensible why he is an Israeli. Disgusting treatment.
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