Syria to form its own Hizbullah
Aaron Klein, WND
Published: 17.08.06, 15:44
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31. #15
Mark ,   New Jersey, USA   (08.17.06)
Gal, Israel must accept responsibility for this miserable outcome. The US really stuck its neck to delay the UN as long as it could. But, for God knows what reason, Israel did not militarily address this matter correctly until AFTER the resolution. At the beginning, you inserted a few thousand troops for a few days at a time. Then, you stepped it up to 10K troops. Then, after the bell was rung, you jumped it up to 30K. Remember, in '82 you used 100K. Your country can mobilize 2 million soldiers, if need be. Who's running the military there, Donald Rumsfeld?
32. #28 Rustum...again you are wrong...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (08.17.06)
Talula is one girl from Israel. She is just showing her frustartion with the Arab world. She is by no means the voice of Israelis in general. By the way, isn't it the teaching of Islam these days to call Jews descendents of pigs and monkeys??? Isn't it the leaders of Iran who says Israel should be wiped off the map??? Isn't Syria harboring and supporting terror all the time. Your bullshit assesment that Israel is the problem in the political world is so way off, and again, shows us that even educated people in the muslim world still think backwards. Have fun In Syria and please do England a favor and stay there this time.
33. Go ahead fools. You will lose Damascus next.
LMAO   (08.17.06)
KS ,   LEBANON   (08.17.06)
The Syrians don't have the BALLS!!
35. ASSAD your a moron leave the real live
ERIC.. ,   ISRAEL   (08.17.06)
guerillas alone.They have more brains than any Syrian.If you start trouble ,with your funny monkey guerillas.We will turn your country into dust.Then you can live in the trees like real guerillas.My advice too you pal,dont say anything and dont do anything,because it will cost you big time.
36. #19
as there was mercy this time... hahaha funny is killing 1200 civilian in 32 days considered merciful? this shows your ethics israeli, you're shame on the humanity
37. good
38. great
39. to 18 rolf
uli ,   Jerusalem   (08.17.06)
You Germans are really "krank". Not enough that your press is anti-israel, you even dare to tell us, how to behave??? hahaha
40. Rolf responds to commando Avraham , NY #22
Rolf ,   BITBURG ,GERMANY   (08.17.06)
N.Y. is a long way from the front Mr. snottymouth. Creepy fellows like you spawn all sorts of movements to eradicate cancerous thought criminals like you. You spew a false and dangerous version of history. You do not know me, But I can assure you that I am your worst nightmare. I am an American on holliday here. Get ready, the Germans are coming to enforce peace on you. It is peace or perish, pick one Mr. avriham
41. Sweet
Jim ,   MTHRFCKN USA   (08.17.06)
An even better reason to treat Damascus like Beirut over the last month, yah like more are needed??? Bashar runs his mouth, lets see how fast he runs to Iran. Where are Bashar and Ahmedinejad going to run when the IDF shows up on the western border of Iran? Well normal peace loving Syrians, now would be a GREAT time to leave ur beloved country. Sorry but that's the truth. Your leaders are so stupid that they will willfully unleash mighty Israel's wrath on you for a few square kilometers. For all of you Jew, American, whatever hating people in Syria, go to your rallies, march in your streets, wave your flags...You will be much easier to target en masse and maybe save some lives of your fellow countrymen who are not ignorant and do not hate like you. Like Israel needs help with targeting. Hizbulshit---how do you wage war? Oh yeah, just aim your measley Katuyshas in the general direction of densely populated areas and you are bound to hit something right? And then you have the NERVE to say anything about civilians on your side dying!!! If the IDF operated like that, NO ONE would be alive in Lebanon. NO ONE. To every peace loving Syrian, Lebanese, Palestinian and Iraqi, I welcome you to America, with open arms I invite you here to live in peace and security. Yes there are ignorant people here too, but there are NOT daily bombs in the streets. I do not hate you for who you are, what you believe, what you wear, where you come from, the language you speak or your religion. Diversity is what makes this country great, what this country was founded on and what built it into the most prosperous nation in the world. We spend our time and money on building strong infrastructure and progressing humanity, not how to kill our neighbors and teaching our children to hate. We have enough left over for other countries an protecting our way of life. If you don't like it and want to kill us just because you do not agree,leave us alone .
42. Syria
jason ,   zichron yacov israel   (08.17.06)
Don'y do onto others... What if Israel employed Syrians and people from Lebanon Iraq who want to use Hizbulla tacticts to cause the Syrian government to fall so that there will be democracy and peace.
43. left out
meg ,   Israel   (08.17.06)
Poor Basher...he now feels left out, so has to keep spouting off. Didnt you get enough credit from your Hizbo friends. Calm down boyo, before someone takes you seriously.
44. monkey do
me ,   planet earth   (08.17.06)
This should be fun,The syrians are also going to have a state with in a state.and they will too have internal wars,and the syrian hizbullshiters,will then attack Lebanon and Israel,and the USA,and etc,etc.Gosh this Assad is really one DUMB ASS.No wonder ASS is already in his name.Actually come to think of it;;Israel will now have a GOOD reason to blow the Shit out of Syria,and then we could all get back to LIVING,and the Sheba farms will be a nice gift to Lebanon;HUH,,?Get this,,Syria is Franchising Hizbollah;;;WHAT A JOKE;Are'nt you arabs sick and tired of being seen as IDIOTS?Making such rediculous statements,Iran and syria are turning you guy's into a big ZOO;its like whatching a BAD TV show,GROW UP;;;;before we start throwing OUR POPCORN at you.
45. If Syrian Hizbollah attack Israel, Syria won't be responsibl
Nannette ,   London, UK   (08.17.06)
If the Syrian Hizbollah attack Israel, then the Syrian government will feign innocence and not take responsibility. It worked with the Lebanese government, who knew full well what was happening. It's time Israel had a guerilla force to knock out both of them!
46. #40 well said and #28 well said NOT
Rustum ,   London, UK   (08.17.06)
Well said indeed. As you put it, Mr Snottymouth's insinuation, when he thought you were a German, that you were the product of a raped grandmother is just so typical of the low, racist, demeaning opinions espoused by so many of the knee-jerk right-wing brain-dead morons who write here. I completely agree with your accusation that Mr S spews a false and dangerous version of history. He is not alone in his delusions - and in response to DR of Florida - he is actually speaking out of his lower sphinctre as do so many of the rabid hysterics here. The only thing he knows about the Arab world is how he would like to "nuke" it in his McDonald's computer game and then sit back and feel superior. It is so sad, that when faced with an immense and beautiful culture, the Zionist gaggle of unbeautiful morons can only come up with slogans of destruction and hatred, time and time again.
47. #32 furthermore
Rustum ,   London, UK   (08.17.06)
I reiterate that Talula is one great big racist loser - as you are. Constantly to drag the debate down to the level of "Ahmedinajad looks like a monkey" "Asad looks like a.." simply does not merit any response other than to label her a racist loser. What you, DR, and many of your cohorts are obviously not intelligent enough to be aware of is just how like der Stuermer your opinons are. You justify your fetid racism with all sorts of pilpulistic meanderings, but at the end of the day, you, Talula and approx 80% of Israelis hate and despise non-Jews, no matter what they do. For some reason, approx 20% of Israelis are free of this disgusting racial outlook, but the loud mouths, the motor mouths, the big ugly mouths, like Talula and yourself, are always shooting off making comparison statements between Israelis and Moslems, and guess who, in your sick version of things, comes out on top and who is compared to animals. I would suggest you go and read a little literature on the demonisation of "the other" and see how you are using exactly the same tacticts that were used against Jews in the 1930s. Oh, but that doesn't matter does it, since Jewish racism against gentiles and Moslems is fine. I completely ignore your final comment as I shall go where I wish, live where I wish, and even visit your disgusting country when business takes me there.
48. to the Craut Rolf 18
PHIL UK ENGLAND   (08.17.06)
Rolf Mind your own business and concerntrate on trying to inflict some humour into german society. With your record - Germans have no right to make suggestions about peace and wars for the next 1000 years. Phil UK England
49. Great excuse to invade - we could do with some more land!
50. More from #15 waiting..............
Gal ,   כרמיאל   (08.17.06)
for one conservative blog or conservative writer to discuss the following: ---> Rice: UN force won't physically disarm Hezbollah Lebanon deploys troops, rules out confrontation But...... Rice says UNIFIL will enforce arms embargo So far all I have seen is bashing Israel and talking about how the French are supreme weasels french but NOTHING about who co-authored the French UN resolution, namely the US. Nothing either on why the US and the French called for a cease fire to begin with. This is completely ignored. Furthermore, nothing concerning why the Senoria government will not condemn Hezbollah and why they are breaking this ridiculous UN resolution. It is easy to understand why the left most conveniently twists the news. Why they always leave out key facts but to see the conservative side ignoring very key issues is damning. What this boils down to is the Lebanese who are protectorates of Hezbollah are breaking the UN resolution with the help of the two parties who co-authored it, the US and France. A nice Lebanese democracy would make good neighbor to us however just like the phony PA democracy who are partners with Hamas and who too harbor and shelter terror, we see the country of Lebanon no different. Who will bring these faults to the forefront for Israel? Who are willing to stick their conservative necks out to speak? Or is everyone too busy blasting the other side to speak the truth on behalf of Israel.
51. Rolf, No. 40
Gary London   (08.17.06)
Rolf, The only problem here is Israeli Troops possibly having to Fire upon Crouts in Lebonan. I mean, delicate or what... you guys have a record. Interesting though. Apart from that, mind your own fuking business and worry more about German dress sence, Yellow shirts do not match orange ties and deffianetly never where creme coloured Corduroy jackets unless you really really wanna look like a tit. Gary, London
52. to # 18
Mann ,   Malaysia   (08.17.06)
Totally agree with you, 'just sit & keep quiet'...better be save than sorry, now the arab world has began to 'wake up'. Try to make friends to the neighbours around you..
53. Too bad they can struggle for peace and prosperity instead
David ,   Boston   (08.17.06)
Then Syria would have to address its real problems, lack of jobs, lack of a future. Reality is too much for Syria I guess.
54. Phil has nose out of joint #48
Rolf ,   BITBURG, GERMANY   (08.17.06)
You are not one to talk. When We wish for humour, We look to the U.K .Losers in war, losers in life. yes we laugh at you . Screw the queen and you too..
55. i suggest that isreal form its own hizbullah...
giorgio ,   roma   (08.17.06)
funny, no?
56. To # 55 giorgio
Mann ,   Malaysia   (08.17.06)
Dont be silly, there will only be 1 'party of god'.. and the world are lookingu p to them!
57. to #31
Gal ,   כרמיאל   (08.17.06)
You say the US stuck their neck out for Israel. Please. They should stick their neck out for Israel. They can do it to sanitize the Palestinians. They can do it for Egypt and Iraq and now Lebanon. They can sleep with the Saudi's and the Pakistani's but when it comes to going all the way with Israel we get this crap thrown in our faces from those sitting comfortably in the US. Sticking ones neck out for Israel is the right and moral thing to do so don't spew that crap. The US every five seconds of that war issued edicts for Israel to exercise restraint. The moment the word came out to widen the war, Condi Rice got on the phone with Israel to stop it! Furthermore, who was the one who issued the CEASE FIRE? Tell me? If you think for one moment that it is easy for a country to wage war and come out the Pariah every time we bomb or kill a terrorist, think again. There is no country on the planet sir who goes through such scrutiny and hell for every move we make as does Israel. For all of you arm chair critics and generals who think it is easy for us in Israel, you are full of it. We just came from a horrible intifada and before Hezbollah snatched our soldiers and lobed missiles at us we were fighting off the Palestinians who your president claims wants to live in peace. It is difficult here. We are few. If no one wants to stick their necks out for Israel anymore so be it. Go do your dance with France and the UN who strongly you loathe yet for Israel they are good enough. 1. Iran gave the go ahead to Hezbollah to divert attention to their nuke program. (which no one is doing anything about btw) 2. Syria helped out so they can be in the foref(which no one is doing anything about btw) 3. The US stopped it right at the crescendo because the Arab world was getting angry and the lefties were yelling about Iraq. Speaking of Iraq. How is the strongest best army on the planet have made horrible mistakes in Iraq yet when Israel messes up we deserve it? I strongly suggest asap that the US have direct talks with Syria, Iran, the Talaban and al qaeda . If this crap is good enough for Israel it should be good enough for the rest of the world.
58. to Mann
Barry UK   (08.17.06)
Mann are you from the country that actually banned Schindlers List ??? Now do u realise you will always live in poverty You freaks Barry UK
59. Hezbollah Inc.
J.S.   (08.17.06)
Can Israel have it's own Hezbollah too? Hezbollah VS Hezbollah!!!!!
ANDREW ,   MIAMI,FL   (08.17.06)
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