Al-Aqsa: We learned missiles subdue Israel
Ali Waked
Published: 18.08.06, 01:14
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61. Ahmed
yfi ,   Australia   (08.18.06)
Ahmed, the Palestinians were murdering the israelis (those which they could get their hands on) BEFORE 1967 - they were murdering them BEFORE Israel had the land which they won in a war which they DID NOT start. Here is a question from a confused westerner: Why.....WHY??? the Palestinians increase their agression every time an Israeli government givew up some land?? You know, from here, it looks suspicisoulsy because every time land is given "for peace", the Arabs believe that they can get more...and more....and more. And somehow I get the feeling that "more' will never be enough until Israel is no more. But please: I was sincere with my question. I'd like an answer. But don't tell me " if we get back 'such and such'territory, we will stop suicide bombing, etc. THAT argument is too hollow now to ever believe again.
62. Al aqsa and their missiles
dominique ,   Pinellas Park , USA   (08.18.06)
Israel and God's mighty arm...remember historical Egypt..this will be the end.
63. Which is why there will NEVER be a 'palistine"
Arie ,   afula   (08.18.06)
64. Palestinian State
Paul ,   New Orleans, USA   (08.18.06)
Yes we already have a Palestinian State and WHY is this not recognized, it is Jordan/ Trans Jordan. This "state " issue is just an excuse to to attempt to exterminate the state of Israel. Israel needs to continue to do as it has done in the past and the hell with world opinion.
65. Hizbollah cant win
mick McCullagh ,   Ireland   (08.18.06)
ok they can be a pain in the ass but defeating isreals whole military?they might wana think about getting an airforce
66. #55 Israel only 4 months ago elected government commited to
pullout west bank   (08.18.06)
to pullout from west bank. Please do tell me what pills are you on? I'd love to visit the inside of your head.
67. #35 Rolf
"Give peace a chance?" Are you fucking joking? You must have been born 5 minutes ago with such an obscenely moronic comment! You are an third-class imbecile!
68. Israel
lynn ,   usa   (08.18.06)
When and if Israel decide's to fight to the death it will be a sorry sight for the arabs! Israel has weapons no one knows about. These arabs are totally nuts! For years they could have had peace with Israel and a good future for themselves and their children. BUT NO! they have to fight and will not win. I feel sorry for a group of people who are so stupid to allow a few radical's to dictiate their future. I want my children and grand children alive with me to enjoy life not DEAD! DUH! wake up muslims. Israel is Gods chosen people and they will win in the end! The BIBLE say's so!
69. #58 Ahmad and peace
Sam ,   Canada   (08.18.06)
Seems to me the Palestinian approach to peace is waiting forever until Israel bends to its wishes. Go on and wait. The world is passing you by.
70. The Prophet on IRAN(Hezbolla's master)
ray ,   USA   (08.18.06)
What load of Crap.
71. #35 Rolf
rich   (08.18.06)
Germany was carpet bombed by the allies during WW2. It was the only way to shut them down - and it worked. Yes, common people died, but it shut them down permanently. When a nation goes to war, it's not their military that goes to war, it's the NATION - THE PEOPLE. Israel is like a victim of a gang rape - how does such a victim make peace with the rapists? The victim either succumbs, or it kills the rapists. Israel is succumbing now to the rapists - if this stragegy continues, it will be gone shortly. If "Give Peace a Chance" was the Mantra of WW2 - just think .........if you can.
72. "palestinian state"? - Stillborn!
Arie ,   Afula   (08.18.06)
73. Doomsday Pending?
Doomsday Pending? or Doomsday Thwarted? In the year 1905, Nobel physicist, Albert Einstein, discovered the Proton Genie, and gave the World his paradigm E=mc² equation. Einstein proved that extracting and fusing PROTONS from ordinary pure water can make everybody on Earth so idly rich and content from the benefits of this clean, virtually-free and inexhaustible energy supply that nobody should ever again have to contend with pollution, war or poverty, and Mother Nature will once again reign as The Supreme Mistress of any and all Climate Change. The Earth Clock reads: One Minute Until Doomsday! Is it too late? Or, will some ordinary, individual tinkerer (maybe even a high school student) rise to the occasion and demonstrate the physical expression of Einstein's equation so that the entire World can prosper in peace and happiness, far into the distant future? web site:
74. Nr 6
Leon ,   Grand Rapids U S A   (08.18.06)
75. Rolf responds to #67
Rolf ,   BITBURG,GERMANY   (08.18.06)
Thank you for your funny response. I can sympathize with your concerns and deepest fears. You and the Israeli public are now in a state of shock and disorientation. Accusations--justified and unjustified--are flung around in all directions, and it cannot be foreseen how things will develop. Perhaps, in the end, it is logic that will win. Logic says: what has thoroughly been demonstrated is that there is no military solution. That is true in the North. That is also true in the South, where you are confronting a whole people that has nothing to lose anymore. The success of the Lebanese guerilla will encourage the Palestinian guerilla. On the Israeli side: 154 dead--117 of them soldiers. 3970 rockets launched against you, 37 civilians dead, more than 422 civilians wounded. You gained nothing. In Israel there is now a general atmosphere of disappointment and despondency. From mania to depression. It's not only that the politicians and the generals are firing accusations at each other, as I foresaw, but the general public is also voicing criticism from every possible angle. The soldiers criticize the conduct of the war, the reserve soldiers gripe about the chaos and the failure of supplies. The majority of posts in this forum are a showcase of failure. A failure to see through the zionist poison drip fed to you daily. You have been lied to and you know it. Perhaps the military budget should be diverted to a more humane use. Invest in sedatives to calm a jittery public Thorazine may work when war does not. Step back count to ten,take a deep breath and smell the sweetness of peace.
76. Anti aircraft missiles.
Michael ,   Athens,Greece   (08.18.06)
Syria and HZB needs to get some good anti aircraft missiles as russian s300 and s400 and the video game that idf used to play using tanks and f16 will be over. Then will be enough space to fair peace talks.
77. Great investigative article
George W. Bush ,   Dee Cee, USA   (08.18.06)
It's interesting to see that this enterprising journalist is able to interview leaders of Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. I thought israel was doing everything it can to murder people like this but I guess he gives interviews to the press. That's what I call a DUH moment. Ha, ha! Seriously, though, I wish more of the US news media was enterprising enough to create interviews like this which vindicate everything I say. The 1/2 Jewish US news media could learn a lot from 100% news media like YidNET. I have to go now . . . there was a cabinet meeting and I have an appointment with Dick Cheney to find out what they decided. I think this one was about what we should do in Lebanon since you didn't have enough manhood to do the fighting yourself. Bombing all those kindergartens, bakeries, shopping districts, and apartment buildings was a pretty impressive waste of America's taxes and now 400 million more people in the world despise both you and us. Great job, Yahudi!
78. #68
rich   (08.18.06)
Lynn in USA - Religions are garbage. God loves the strong & smart. He loves huge bombs, missles and armies. He loves the Victor no matter who it is. Whoever Wins - He Loves. Look at history - tell me that I'm wrong. Admit it Lynn - you love bombs & weapons too - you say "Israel has weapons no one knows about" - then you talk about God's chosen people and " The BIBLE says so!" - this is stuff for 5 year old children. So,,if God loves Israel, then Israel can lay down it's weapons, and God will crush the muslims....Fat chance. Israel will win only by might and determination - not God.
79. It's either the Islamic fascists nuking Israel when they
Herut Zion ,   UK   (08.18.06)
are ready, or Israel nuking then. Do you want Israel to be destroyed by their enemies? I don't. If Israel nukes Iran or Syria I won't shed a tear.
80. Missiles Did Not Subdue Israel ...
Randall ,   Garland, Texas   (08.18.06)
The Bush administration sending Secretary Rice to put her knee in the back of the Olmert government, combined with Anglo-European wittlessness is what "subdued" Israel. The whole mottly crew of murderous terrorist organizations can believe and say what they want but he truth is: misguided diplomacy, not unguided missiles prevented the IDF from smashing Hezbollahs little army of brigands and thugs.
81. #9, #24, #36 Bizzaro World Pt.2 (Jewish Bizzaros)
Dan ,   USA   (08.18.06)
Why do people insist on the Israelis staying in Judea and Sumaria, aka the West Bank. I do not like the idea of an Apartheid state. If Israel annexes the West Bank - in a generation there will be a majority of palestinians. If you allow them to vote for the Kenneset (which they should if Israel annexes the WB) Israel would become Palestine and cease to be a Jewish state. If you do not give them a right to vote, you create an Apartheid state. You essentially make the Palestinians the same as the Europeans did to the Jews from Medieval times until the 20th century. I believe we can have peace in our time. Who knows, maybe I'm from Bizzaro world thinking we can give peace a chance - as long as the Palestinians/Syria/Iran are also willing to give peace a chance.... The state of the world saddens me :(
82. #81..remember what i said
jason ,   usa   (08.18.06)
the palistians feel empower and thinks they could have the right to attack israel when they think israel 'lost' thats the same as withdrewing from the west bank the apartheid wall limted the attacks on to israel from the terrorists hmm i think they do vote when it comes to there own countrys thats how hamas came in,, they all voted for a person thats a terrorist to israel , US and EU if you really belive Palestinians/Syria/Iran you got everything backwards on the conflit
83. Very interesting
ian deal ,   melbourne australia   (08.18.06)
Very interesting, but some what far from the truth or reality, for due to a series of compounding chains of errors made by both sides, neither side won a clearcut victory but created a "mexican stand off". Oh well, we are seeing that ultimately using brute force is never a solution to resolve all political problems, neither will the use of nukes either(chernobyl attests to that). Sadly, in this inconclusive round everyone lost, with a combination of both prejudice and arrogance still ruling the roost, for it changed nothing in the current political landscape. With so many closed minds in this world, we are doomed to continue to repeat the mistakes of past, like the image of 'condy' playing the piano, whilst Lebanon burned.
84. Why Isreal will not know peace
Jay ,   Milwaukee, WI, USA   (08.19.06)
Try listening to Bob Marley's "War", and Isreal might learn something. When will the Jews stop using the Holacost as an excuse for racism and racial cleansing of the muslims? HItler built Aushwitz, Isreal has built Gaza, for the same purpose-racism and fascism, pure and simple. How can the European Jews claim to be the victims of racism and racial eradication(as referrenced in the video "an open letter to the world"), while perpetrating these same crimes against the native population? In a land they stole from Palestine as foreign invaders, with the help of the British Empire, to control the flow of OIL. Isreal has created her reality, one based on enslavement and fascism, and she will reap the just rewards- never ending war.
85. Hubris filled illusions!
Rabbit ,   Perth Australia   (08.19.06)
It is astounding how many Israelis actually don't realise they just had their asses handed to hem on a plate, by Hisb'Allah. Hisb'Allah lost about half as many men as the IDF, killed no more than a half baus load of Israeli citizens in the process, and won the respect and support for their people from the wider world. Israel killed more than a thousand Lebanese civilians but harly any Hisb'Allah, and Hisb'Allah were still within a couple of kilometers of the border to the end. They were launching twice as many missiles by the end as at the start. It also seems possible that Nasrallah was avoiding actual Israeli civilians, or how do you explain how accurately they seemed able to hit soldiers? Able to knock over 120 IDF yet with 39 civilians only, they have the best and lowest "Collateral Damage" of any recent war. From here it looks like Hisb'Allah is the best and most moral army in the world.
86. Equality- not missles
Les Pauls ,   Des Plaines, Illinoi   (08.19.06)
The Palestinan people do not need missles to achieve equality and civil rights. They need to demand one person- one vote for all residents living under Israeli control. One state, two peoples- equality for all regardless of race and religion. This is what the residents of Gaza, East Jerusalem , and West Bank should insist upon and are certainly entitled to under international law. Israel claims to be a "Democracy. Let them prove it.
87. If Israel wants to recover
Amir ,   Rio- Brazil   (08.19.06)
It has to get rid of the the IDF's and Government"s staff who is more interested in their own personal profits than in their country's . And afterwards it has to destroy Iran's nuclear and military structure . No pity, no restraint.The question is: Is IDF capable of doing so?
88. Blah, blah, blah zzzzzzzzz
Maria Kennedy ,   Baton Rouge USA   (08.19.06)
Yeah and these empires all said the same thing too - Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Nazis, And where are they all now? And where are the Jewish people? Oh and don't forget people like me! All those in the world who stand with Israel and will never ever ever stop keeping watch with the tribe of Judah. And that my friend you can take to the bank!!!-----------------------------------------
89. Rich #78
Charles ,   NC   (08.19.06)
Rich, you are definitely wrong. You're angry and resentful (for whatever reason) and your mind is made up about "religion" but you need the days ahead, you will see that only by the hands of God can a nation survive a mass onslaught from its neighbors. You will see that any and all forms of diplomacy will continue to fail...and you will see that that the "stuff for 5 year old children" is truly real-cause "the BIBLE says so!"
90. I had to move from haaretz
termite   (08.19.06)
to this new abode. The Olmy and Almy just cogs in the grindings of Gog and Magog. The beastie from Basra is loose on the way to tighten the noose. The beastie from Basra has Elam calling (sw iran) and it made Condi cook up while held in its thralldom. Head out and right on the double, Elam calling and there is no time to dawdle. The beastie from Basra is pulling the strings with megaton megadeaths crowning its heads. From Torah to Koran on sea and on land, the shofar is calling for the blood of the lamb. The hizbullies will not give up their arms, stop the flow of ordnance and missiles. People need protection, peace can come later. It should be PARTY time, pull out all the stops, free music & free poetry.
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