SLA family reunites after 6 years
Hagai Einav
Published: 22.08.06, 23:50
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43 Talkbacks for this article
31. Thank you for publishing my comment! Sometimes...
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (08.23.06)
it's much easier for IslamoFascists and other Jew-haters to get their comments published than to get my comments published. For freedom's sake and the many victims, it is vital we are allowed to speak out against persecution of Jews and Christians.
32. To Linda #28
George ,   Lebanon   (08.23.06)
Dear Linda, if you keep reading and seeing things from one side, i do not expect a better opinion from the one you are posting. I want to list some facts to you, and please, if you consider yourself cultivated enough, take some time to investigate them: (1) During Lebanon wars from 1975 to 1990, there has never been an "Islamic Jihad" against Christians. Other wise, I would not be alive myself till now with my family (Christians) who live in a mixed area since 1973. (2) During the whole history of Lebanon, there never was a majority of Christians. The country was divided between us and Muslims. (3) You put the blame on Palestinians coming from Jordan. Did you know first why they were in Jordan? or maybe it's not allowed to go back to history when it has to deal with jews? (4) If you really care about the Christians of Lebanon, then why US, Israel and the UN/ western world do not care about implementing resolution 194 (returning of the Palestinian refugees from Lebanon: around 1/2 million) so that we get back the real balance with the Muslims? Ask bush and Olmert about it... ask the SLA members. (5) We Christians were always against Palestinians in Lebanon, they committed war crimes, that's right, along with some Lebanese allies, but we should confess also that the Christians have also committed worse crimes... Does Sabra & Chatilla mean anything to you? And did you know who are the Nº1 war criminals in Lebanon? Geagea & Joumblatt, professional in massacres. Now they are your allies against Hezballah... you must be proud (6) I am 34, and through my whole life, I have never heard or seen any Iranian on Lebanese territories... maybe they are transparent? Your imagination is excellent that’s why you made it in the movies (bin laden, Taliban, saddam…are all the creation of USA) (7) If you really believe that Israel is helping the Lebanese Christians, then go back to Lebanese history and check what Israel made in the mountains in 1983. If they really loved the "Christian" SLA, they would not have left them and their families and ran way to israel in 2000 (than G*d, Hezbollah fighter have a minimum of human principles to preserve thousands of lives) (8) You are talking about the Muslim vision, can you please explain the israeli vision in this region? can you count the massacres they did since 1948? can you count the UN resolution that they breached or did not apply? can you tell me why they differentiate between israeli jews & israeli Arabs? Can you tell me why they are making war with Palestine & Lebanon although these 2 countries are the only democratic countries in the Arab world (elections proved); while they make peace with the most dictatorship regimes like Egypt & Saudi Arabia? Yes, you are nothing but ignorant until you open your eyes... We, Lebanese, have a very bad luck to be here between two devils: ISRAEL & SYRIA... but we are committed to our land and will remain here forever... while the other artificial country created in Palestine will disappear one day, and its inhabitants will have to go back to Ukraine, Ethiopia, Russia, ....
33. Thank you Paul #21
George ,   Lebanon   (08.23.06)
You said it all man... you are brave. Thanks
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (08.23.06)
Lebanon was a Christian country until Muslims achieved a majority through an extremely high birthrate. The jihad against Lebanon's Christians was savage and barbaric. The IDF was the only hope for the embattled Christians. Click on Photo gallery: 20,000 Christians handicapped by PLO atrocities. PLO terrorists were rewarded for their savagery and mass murder of Christians by implanting them into Israel as TERRORIST "peace" partners through Oslo to continue the bloody, barbaric jihad against Israel's Jews. The Christians of Damour, Lebanon treated Muslims from surrounding areas free of charge in their hospital. The PLO and other terrorists repaid the Christian kindness with barbaric savagery: The Massacre and Destruction of Damour 'The attack took place from the mountain behind. It was an apocalypse. They were coming, thousands and thousands, shouting 'Allahu Akbar! God is great! Let us attack them for the Arabs, let us offer a holocaust to Mohammad 'And they were slaughtering everyone in their path, men, women and children.' Whole families were killed in their homes. Many women were gang-raped..." Satanic acts were perpetrated on Damour Christians.
35. to #34, Useless, hopeless...waste of time
George ,   Lebanon   (08.23.06)
It seems you are focusing on Damour massacre (which I regret it also) but it is not the story of lebanon... useless to continue with you...until you get some middle eastern history course... one thing you must know: As a Lebanese Christian, I will always prefer the Lebanese muslim on any American Christian or Israeli Jew... good luck with your fanatic readings (I hope you will know the one day who are the creators of the websites you mentioned)
36. #32 You CLAIM to be a Christian & Call ISRAEL a devil ???
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (08.23.06)
Israel was created by G-D and you dare to call what G-D created a devil ??? Israel was GIVEN BY G-D to JEWS as an ETERNAL POSSESSION G-D's character is perfect - G-D keeps all His promises! The Creator of the Universe has the right to give Land to whoever He chooses. There NEVER was an Arab country of Palestine. Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Hebrew Bible, not once in the Koran. The eternal, all-knowing G-D WHO KNOWS THE FUTURE is not a man that He should change His mind! G-D NEVER changes! G-D's word NEVER changes and CANNOT be replaced with other scriptures. The Hebrew Bible is forever. The murderous dispute of Islamo-Fascist religious supremacists is with G-D, for it is G-D - Master of the Universe, who gave the Promised Land to Jews. Israel has always kept to the Biblical morality of her G-D given borders. G-D states repeatedly in the Bible He has given Israel to Jews as an eternal possession. Psalm 105:8 "He has remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations. The covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac. Then He confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying, "To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion of your inheritance." Who will dare to give away even one inch of the land G-D gave to Jews and who will dare to take or steal it? Who will dare make war against this great, this mighty and awesome G-D? Psalm 119:120 "My flesh trembles for fear of You, and I am afraid of Your judgments."
37. Christians (nr 7)
Leon ,   Grand Rapids U S A   (08.23.06)
And, having morphed from a Christian to an Islamist country, Lebanon provides the shining path for Eurabia !
Lebanese ,   Lebanon   (08.23.06)
ask the members of SLA & they will tell you themselves in 2000 when israeli soldiers were swiped out of Lebanon & went to israeli territory ,behind them were running the SLA soldiers escaping from Hizbollah Guerillas trying to enter israel territory,the IDF soldiers closed the gates on border in their faces leaving them to HIzbollah to be captured ,& now human israel want to reunite families of SLA traitors
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (08.23.06)
Israel is continually pressured by the U.S. EU and UN to persecute non-Muslims. In a massive, criminal violation of human rights, 10,000 Gaza and north Samaria Jews were ruthlessly rendered jobless and homeless: their land and businesses seized for PA/PLO-Hamas terrorists. The human rights of Christians were destroyed via the Oslo peace accords which gave PLO terrorists control over Christians in Palestinian Authority areas. The persecution of Jews and Christians in the Holy Land has ominous implications for the world's non-Muslims. A Christmas without Christians By Abraham H. Miller | December 16, 2005 Since the Palestinian Authority’s takeover of Bethlehem in 1995, under the Oslo Accords with Israel, Bethlehem has been transformed from a Christian city into a Muslim city. Bethlehem’s remaining Christians now live in a condition of dhimmitude (a reference to the second-class citizenship Islam imposes on Christians) in the city of Jesus’ birth. The Palestinians brought with them a political system based on primitive tribal relations, where the power of one’s clan became a substitute for the law. As a consequence, Christians have suffered civil outrage and criminal violence without recourse to justice. Christians have been refusing to live under these conditions and have been leaving Bethlehem in large numbers. ....the Orwellian message of the American Arab Anti-discrimination Committee (AADC) that held a candle lighting vigil on November 29, 2005 for Bethlehem’s Christians at San Francisco’s Union Square... Muslims in Bethlehem make the lives of Christians unbearable and force them to flee their ancestral homes while Muslims in America hold a vigil to blame the Jews. To understand how the Christians became a minority and the victims of thuggery in the city of Jesus’ birth, it is important to see just what Arafat did to Bethlehem once he got his hands on it. In 1995, Yasser Arafat gained control of Bethlehem and immediately expanded its municipal boundaries to include 30,000 Muslims living in neighboring refugee camps. Next, Muslim Bedouins living east of Bethlehem were incorporated into revised municipal boundaries. All this was still not enough for the PA to change the status of Bethlehem as a Christian city. But then Arafat created inducements for Muslims to leave Hebron and the area around it and move to Bethlehem. With Arafat’s government by clan, by gun, and by terror, a land Mafia developed that began expropriating land from Christians. In 2002, two Christian teenage sisters were found with their throats slit and their genitals mutilated. Muslims claimed the Amer sisters were prostitutes, as if that were justification for torture and murder. But Christians familiar with similar incidents claim the girls were murdered to cover up a gang rape. Of course, none of this appears in the AADC’s call for the candlelight vigil that is also designed to showcase the AADC’s divestment campaign against Israel. Now totaling less than 12% of Bethlehem’s population, Christians, who have been the targets of continual PA violence, might leave entirely. The result will be that in the place where Jesus was born there will no longer be a Christian community. In the West Bank town of Taibe marauding Muslims burned, looted and beat Christian residents in the name of a Muslim family’s “honor,” a family whose father had brutally beaten his daughter to death for wanting to marry a Christian. The violent Muslim mob burned a statue of the Virgin Mary and shouted, “Burn the Crusaders!” PA fire and security forces took their time arriving on the scene, appearing hours later. In the end, the mob was almost immediately released from jail. Meanwhile, the Christian fiancée of the murdered woman was arrested and beaten while incarcerated.
40. #21 JESUS Christ the ISRAELI JEW can never be separated from
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (08.23.06)
Jews and Israel! Jesus Christ the Israeli Jew was born and lived in the eternal Jewish Holy Land. Jesus practised Judaism and taught from the Hebrew Bible. Joseph is the beloved Bible hero of Jews and Christians. Muslims murdered IDF soldiers at Joseph's Tomb. Muslim mobs BURNED BIBLES and Jewish prayer books that gave praise and glory to the One great G-D, and destroyed the Tomb. In the Islamic invasion and filthy desecration of Jesus Christ' birthplace, Church of Nativity, BIBLES were TORN UP for TOILET PAPER. Inscribed in the Bibles are the Laws G-D gave to Moses; the Laws our Western civilization is founded on: Exodus 20: "You shall not murder" "You shall not commit adultery" "You shall not steal" "You shall not bear false witness" "You shall not covet" Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death" Leviticus 24:17 "If a man takes the life of any human being, he shall surely be put to death" Global IslamoFascists seek the total destruction of Western civilization.
41. George, #32, wants Israel wiped off the map
Jake   (08.23.06)
The problem with your Middle Eastern History 101 is not that it is entirely erroneous, but the arrogance and vitreol that comes with it. If you are seeking peace and stability with the Muslim majority in Lebanon, I wish you all the best. But when you start talking about "that other artiticial country in Palestine disappearing, and the inhabitants will have to go back", you put yourself in the hostile camp. Israel is the real country, and 'Palestine' is an artificial non-existent entity that has never existed as a country in Arab memory except to negate the existence of Israel. In fact, the words 'Palestine', 'Jordan', and 'Lebanon' are ultimately biblical names derived from Hebrew, introduced to the region recently under European influence, and mean nothing in the Arab psyche, which has always considered the region to be called 'Bilad esh-Sham'. You need to learn that Israel is a permanent ficture and all attempts to destroy it are doomed to failure.
42. To #32
Rula ,   Canada   (08.23.06)
Thank you George
43. To Linda Rivera
A girl ,   Canada   (08.23.06)
Dear Linda: You want to get all righteous and religious? What about the massacre that Israeli IDF performed at Qana? Is that not desecration? Did you know that Qana was the land where Jesus Christ performed his first miracle? Do you know that the Koraan holds far higher than you can ever imagine every single prophet that walked the earth? And that Islam has far more respect for your religion than you yourself do? And if you label these acts that you mention in ur oh-so-profound comments as representative of Islam, then you are sadly in need of a good education. It is sad to see that no matter what it is said to you or people like you, one might as well be talking to a brick wall. So kindly do us all a favor and keep ur insightful opinion to urself, or else go do some reading and try to have a more open mind. I am sure this feedback will go unpublished whereas other feedbacks which reek with insults and vulgar language do.
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