Opinion  Ray Hanania
History of recognizing Palestinian rights
Ray Hanania
Published: 25.08.06, 10:26
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31. Ray
Betsy   (08.25.06)
you might want to read my comment to #17 in this article too.
32. to 18
Arja ,   Canada   (08.25.06)
I tend to side with the oppressed when they're unjustly treated. Perhaps if the wealthier countries, the USA in particular... and yes, Canada... stopped wasting their money on more and more weapons and directed these funds to HELPING people, we might be able to start some peace negotiations. The American "economic hitmen" (check www.economichitman.com) have done a thorough job of American subjugation of the peoples of the world -- with the help of the World Bank and IMF. Also, it's hard to negoitate with BULLIES and fascists (like what the USA and Israel are becoming). But I do believe in the cliche of peace beginning within each of us and for that I go to my cathedral in nature. The gods of our literalist religions bring hatred not love or peace. So I say go into nature and find god and love and then go connect with your enemies and see that they are human beings just like YOU. Sappy, eh?
33. Hanania dream is to flood Israel with millions of
Ron ,   LA   (08.25.06)
" refugees" and create Lebanon #2, a failed state. Not gonna habben, Hanania, dream on.
34. It's true that a "Palestininian" people have never existed.
Israel was re-named Palestine by the Romans thousand of years ago. It has no Arab connection. Jews were the ones called Palestinians before Israel was re-born. There has never been a "Palestinian" language, culture, society. The Arabs invented the "Palestinian" people for propaganda pursposes. Plo leader Arafat was born in Eygpt and had ths scam formulated in Russia by the KGB. A co-founder of the Plo even admitted that the "Palestinian" people was a hoax. Ray is a liar but everyone who reads his column already knows that. He has never proved that a "Palestinian" people exist because they don't!
35. Seems to me
TM (Jewlicious.com)   (08.26.06)
Seems to me that a vast majority of Israelis recognize Palestinians and their history. Saying they didn't have a state and a very nascent nationalist movement until late in the 20th Century is to say something factual. There are quite a few Arab commentators, including ones who were born in Ottoman Palestine who expressed these very sentiments. It also didn't seem to anybody as if Israel was ignoring the Palestinians or denying their rights to political self-determination during the Oslo years. In fact, it was the Palestinians who rejected the Israeli offers of Camp David and refused to budge from their positions on issues that would affect Israel's existence as a Jewish state at Taba. This article is also ironic considering that the elected government of the Palestinians at this time refuses to recognize Israel, and Israel just agreed to a cease fire with another army that also refuses to recognize Israel and is supported by another state that doesn't recognize Israel and sends support and money to the Palestinian leadership. Of course, when it comes to denial of Jewish rights on this land of Judea and Israel, whose name was changed spitefully to Palestina by the Romans, the Palestinians have proven themselves expert. Take a look at the charters of the two leading Palestinian organizations, the PLO and Hamas and you will see the denial of any connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. Total negation. Sure, the PLO became the PA and supposedly abrogated these clauses, but there are still plenty of us who are waiting to see the actual and official document they voted on. In the meantime, the historically most important leader of the Palestininians save for the Grand Mufti, his cousin, Mr. Arafat, continuously denied the connection of the Jews to Jerusalem and particularly to the Temple Mount. He claimed there may have been a former temple, but it was located near Nablus. Clever, huh?
36. Creation of Israel # 17
Savion ,   Texas   (08.26.06)
And who says there needs to be a justificaion of Israel's creation OR existence??? Jews have only one country, Arabs have over 20. How about equality there? All Arabs do is whine and glorify death, while Jews continue to produce doctors, scientists, lawyers and Nobel Prize winners. Pretty good for a people only representing 2% of the world. Jews reach out ALWAYS and help fellow Jews. Arabs allow their citizens to live in poverty....over 20 countries and all the oli wealth. QUIT WHINING and be productive!
37. Arja
J   (08.26.06)
Well I can't say that I agree with all of your beliefs (I tend to hate extremists on the right and the left) , but I do agree with the notion that coexistence and understanding is the way to go. My issue with that particular style of social justice (aligned w/ pro-arab & communist agendas) I see coming from the left (and please understand that I hate the neoliberal/neo con/imperialist attitudes as well) is that it does not acknowledge that their are layers and 1098098080 million sides to every conflict and situation. Sure you can't have dialogue with someone like Bill Gates and a displaced refugee, but this isn't how I view the situation. I think its a lot more advanced than that. I also think that it is highly polarized. So just as I see that its very idiotic to demonize iran, palestine, etc... the same goes when you try to make usa and israel the bad guy. I just think its wasted energy pointing fingers for the sake of justice (from whatever standpoint you are coming from).. when something more powerful could emerge... a movement of people who are sick of being governed by inept rulers and policies ( In the US/In Israel/ In Canada/In the Arab World/In Venezuela/In Cuba) religious (no matter what your faith is) extremists & political extremists on all sides of the spectrum and bringing out social change and peace among themselves... Maybe I'm crazy.. but I can't be the only one who thinks that every side is faulted.. I cry out to find those people who understand the struggle I'm talking about.
38. Hey Ray,are you still around with your blah,blah,blah?
Keren ,   Sao Paulo   (08.26.06)
Please,take your pieces of glass,thorns and blazing fires,pack them all and,together with you , go to live in Jordan or in another brother country.It will be better for you all. Who knows there you can feed your death's cult in a bigger space and bother others around,not Israelis any more.Yes,because sooner or later you will have to go "thorning"somewhere else! I don't see another choice in the horizont,because Israelis will stop dancing your devil song and you will have to dance it alone.ALONE!
39. Lies and ignorance (I agree with 34 and 36)
Irene Heynemann ,   RJ / Brazil   (08.26.06)
First you have to learn Middle East history. Learn from reliable sources, not from the Palestinians. They always lie. If Arabs have accepted the UN Partition Plan, they would now have their own state. But this conflict is not about land. It's about intolerance, hatred and envy. Arab anti-semitism and their support to the Nazis and the “Final Solution” to the “Jewish problem" began before WWII. And before 1967 the "Palestinians" were not concerned to have their lands back from Egypt and Jordan. Statehood was not in the agenda. PLO's priority was to deny Israel's right to exist and to call for its destruction.
P HENRY ,   longmontU S A   (08.26.06)
41. How far back in history do we go?
Arja ,   Canada   (08.26.06)
So how far back in history do we go? Tribes have been migrating and conquering and merging with other tribes all over the world. And yet ultimately it seems that we all originate somewhere in Africa (check National Geographic Genographic Project). So how far back do we go to determine who has the right to live where? Guess all of us European newcomers to the Americas should return to Europe, but wait, no, is that where we really come from. Maybe my "home" should be somewhere in in the Ural Mountains if I go back a couple of thousand or so years. I personally believe that NONE of us has a claim to any part of the world. The earth doesn't belong to any of us. It's our home for a brief time - a home to be shared with other human beings and creatures. And look what a mess we've made of it! We have a beautiful earth for our home and lots of reasons to celebrate life and what silly fools we are wasting our time and energy and potential on hatred and war.
42. Arja, #18
eugenie ,   Jerusalem   (08.26.06)
why should America and Canada help the Palestinians? They got more than enough from the Arab countries and from the EU. Where did the money go? Into Arafat's more or less secret bank accounts. He bought arms, shipful of them (Karin A, seized by the Israeli navy), financed terror. Not a penny was dedicated to building some infrastructure in Gaza, or perhaps creating jobs. Last year when the settlements were dismantled, all of Gaza became unemployed. In 10 years since the Oslo accord not one job was created (by the Palestinian Authority). But Suha, the happy widow, kept spending USD 100,000 (make no mistakes, one hundred thousand US dollars) a months at the Gallery Lafayette in Paris. How are Israel and the Jews to blame? And now, she has taken the rest money and married Tunisian President's brother in law.
43. Recognizing Palstinian Rights and Wrongs
Yehuda ,   USA   (08.26.06)
Palestinians exist; they have a right to a viable and peaceful country. Very few Israelis deny this and you give ‘disproportionate’ merit to the morons that do. Instead of provoking moderates with insightful thoughts, this article incites extremists by feeding their fears and distrust. Jews will call you anti-Zionist and radical Arabs will thank you for justifying their resistance through terror. Golda Meir failed as a leader. All failed Israeli leaders are voted out of office. Israelis recognize failure, we don’t deny it, and we take appropriate action. Palestinians let Arafat deny Israel for over 20 years and did nothing about it. He was corrupt and led a corrupt authority and you would probably deny this till today. He failed the Palestinians year after year, but they allowed him to deceive them and they denied their painful reality. You can say some Israelis deny that Palestinians exist and have rights, but you’re wrong saying “Many Israelis …” Most Arabs deny Jewish rights and Israel exists. They’ve failed in their policy of killing a few Israeli civilians and causing Muslims to become martyrs. But they deny failure, they think they’ve won, and they continue failing. They elect regimes like Hammas that will continue to deny Jewish rights and Israel. They admire Nasrallah for denying he hurt the Lebanese, and denying that Jews and Israel have a right to live in peace. Denying Israelis and Palestinians have rights will lead to failure in solving our conflict. Israel will remove leaders that fail from power, but Arabs let their failed leaders stay on to fail in new ways and pretend they’ve won. They deny failure – how else can you admire Nasrallah? Denial is a huge issue in our conflict, but it’s the Arabs that deny. I look forward to a column from you about deceit. Until the Palestinians and Arabs stop denying their leaders’ failures and address the deception they allow these leaders to get away with they will never make peace with reality, Israel or Jews.
44. Palestinians?
Gary Glaser ,   Hutchinson, MN, USA   (08.26.06)
Apparently Ray Hanania just doesn't get it. There is a saying that a rose by any other name is still a rose. An Arab by any other name is still an Arab. Palestine is a place name coined by the Romans around 130 years after the birth of Jesus. The term "Palestinian" has no ethnic connotation.
45. #11: Islamofascism-Zionism, whats the difference?
Lebaneese   (08.26.06)
Both prone violence and superiority alleging moral rightness according to a book (Bible, Torah, Koran). Just that the record is straight: UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 equated Zionism with racism. (Later repelled in 1991 to give way for the peace negotiations). If you think that your morally superior just because you believe your right, then you need to read my comment again. and get some historical facts: http://www.un.org/Depts/dpa/ngo/history.html this is the UN web site on the Israeli-Palestinian problem. I hope that it will enlighten you. Lebanese are in Lebanon because they are the descendants of the people who lived on this land for the past 20 or so centuries and the fact that they are not 'pure blooded people' (mixed with other ethnicities and religions) poses a challenge to no one today. Can you say the same about the Israelis? I have a good one for you: have you ever thought that the Palestinians are actually the descendants (converted to other religions) of those 1000 year old Jews? (No, the Arabs from the Arabic peninsula did not populate the entire region. Yes they settled and mixed with the local populations so did the Romans before that and so on). A thousand year old claim to a land is laughable - or just because your Torah, Bible, Koran (or whatever crack) tells you that the Jews lived on this land does not create any right. Arab countries are national entities with Muslim majorities but also Christian and Jewish minorities and are not (except for Saudi Arabia) founded on 1 religion. So I am convinced that basing a nation on a religion is an idiotic or fanatical/racist view. Who said Israel belong to Jews??!!
46. To #16
Tom ,   NYC, USA   (08.26.06)
OK - you are obviously completely correct - these pesky palestinians don't exist. Where on earth did they come from ?
47. Palestine
David Beall ,   Lindale, GA USA   (08.26.06)
On the day Israel was created, the Arabs of the region had an opportunity to accept the creation of an Arab state or "Palestine." They chose to attack Israel. Israel occupies 1/10 of the original British Palestinian Mandate. Lebanon occupies most of the rest of it. Why don't the Arabs go after Lebanon? Possibly because Lebanon wouldn't stand for it? No nation called Palestine exists. Speaking about the "Palestinian" flag and calling yourself a "Palestinian-American" is pretty much make-believe. Arabs could have had their "Palestine" and chose not to. Their goal is the destruction of Israel. Any situation that doesn't involve that is unacceptable to them.
48. What are you stupid? Romans named Israel's land Palestine
Truth ,   USA   (08.26.06)
Dummy.. You're going to need to go back a little futher. Obviously you can't since it demolishes your "Palestinian" thesis. "Palestinians" are ARAB refugees from Egypt and Jordan. Their land and "right of return" is there. http://www.conceptwizard.com/conen/conflict_2.html Look at yourselves. Who supports this? http://tongue-slayers.blogspot.com/ Write about the damage being done to Muslim - Arab peoples and land through their clerics and dictators, wide support and export of terrorism - in the name of Arabs calling themselves "Palestinians". Write of wide Arab media deception and resultant delusions to their ultimate destruction. Arab media manipulation is over.
49. Who won?
Truth ,   USA   (08.26.06)
How much property loss has Lebanon and Gaza sustained? How much property loss has Israel sustained? How many Arabs perished in Lebanon and Gaza? How many Israeli's? That is how winners in war is determined. Pallywood doesn't fly.
50. Israel was established approx. 4000 years ago
51. If WWII Germans had cell phone they would have posted Hitler
See his end...
52. "Palestinians" are Arabs - period.
Are you in America mister? If so, go to Gaza.
53. ray in usa
sawsan ,   jerusalem   (08.26.06)
ray it is true bombing stoped first in egypt now in lebanon syria had no bombing yet and also jordan ...yes the war do not stop ..war stoped in palastin and in iraqu but bombing still here in iraqu and here in palastine it is the problem now and before ,,do you think it is arab problem or palastinian or iraqi or israili or AMERICAN ONE ray plese write about the history of loosing palastinian rights ,,we are still loosing our right to live ,,bombing still in gaza ,and in nabluse .and the MUBAREK WILL NOT FIGHT ONLY IF CAIRO IS BOMBED .. ..ray why the bombing is stoped in lebanon but the war is not ...and why the bomb is not stop in palastin ,,as if the war is finished in palastin ..and the palastinian do not know that ..only the american and the arab believe that the bombing here the death on this holy land is a matter of palastinians ...let them die or not ..it is the problem ,,,here we like hizballa victory becouse bombing is stoped after one month and bombing here do not after 10 years ..the first right now stop bombing the palastinians yes ray as iam a palastinian i aske for this right now ..and let the war take another 60 years to stop but please i want this right now
54. Here we go again
Stewart ,   USA   (08.26.06)
Why is anyone still reading Hanani? The complaints are massive, and the critiques are well documented. It would be better to voice your opinion that you'd rather boycott the column than read this nonsense. Furthermore ask YNet to get someone better....unless they are just out to lunch on this and not reading this stuff or the talkbacks either.
55. Head in the sand? Pals & allies throw sand in the eyes...
Haifa, Israel   (08.26.06)
...and hope their lies and manipulations will make people forget reality and truths. Like most major issues, there are two sides - and in this one in particular, it is critical to see both clearly to come to anything resembling a resolution.
56. To Mr. Hanania
Freya ,   Israel   (08.26.06)
Please explain to me what you mean by palestinian rights? The palestinian arabs who chose not to run away or beleive that Israel will be destroyed have civil rights in Israel, have freedom of speech, have good jobs have university education and whenever it is mentioned that we move the intended border between a palestinian state and an israeli state to include towns like um al fahum there is outrage because they admit to prefering the freedom and lifestyle they have in this horrible country Israel. How else can you explain why the Israeli arabs who were hurt in that bus accident in Egypt wanting to return to Israel for medical treatment. Get real mr. hanania you are also lost in that fable your leaders tell you. The ordinary arab in Israel would prefer this state to any other you may have to offfer even Kuwait or Quatar. Your leaders, instead of moving forward, recognizing the Zionist state and getting on with their lives and bringing up their children to be loving and responsible citizens instead indoctrinate them with hate and willingly sacrifice them for a dream which can never be. Israel in 1948 was willing to share mandated palestine the un wanted to create 2 states but the arabs were greedy, they wanted it all and they still do. Sorry but the thorns you see are the thorns that you and your leaders have put there and not of our doing. go forward in peace and prosperity for the past can never be returned and over there only anguish and disaster looms and paradise will come only in death. Make a paradise here on earth. Share this country make your deserts bloom and bring peace and prosperity to your nation. You will find Israel a willing partner once you recognise that the jews also have rights. Salam, Shalom ,Peace on earth and goodwill towards men. Salem
57. # 45 Proof
Freya ,   Israel/   (08.26.06)
Does archeology ,wtih its proof of temples and churches from the time of the roman invasion or the dead sea scrolls prove that the Jews were here long before the arabs. Where in the koran does it say that Jerusalem is a holy city. Arabs always pray to the east to Mecca and Medina. Jews always reme\mer jerusalem i all thier prayers and every happy ceremonry like weddings and births we say " that our tongues should cleave to our mouths if we do not put jerusalem above our own joy. Every year we pray that next year we will be in Jerusalem. iask you to give me one quote from the Koran where jerusalem is mentioned as a holy city for the muslims. This is another one of your legends to disprove our claim on this land. The truth will out. By the way the Waakf have been busy destroying evidence of Jewish archeological evidence under the temple mount. Shame on you.
58. Does "Palestine" Have a Right to Exist?
Dan Friedman ,   NYC, USA   (08.26.06)
"Human society is built up on the basis of mutual advantage. If you take away the mutual principle right becomes a falsehood. Each man who passes my window in the street has a right to live only in so far as he recognises my right to live; but if he is determined to kill me, I cannot admit that he has any right to live. And that is true also of nations." -Ze'ev ( Vladimir ) Jabotinsky, The Ethics of the Iron Wall, 1923 NO!
59. Why for Jews?!
Tomer ,   Tel Aviv   (08.26.06)
All those who has anything to say against jews and israel are not educated that's sure . Reading stupid articles and saying here r facts!? Please people stop being such stupid. The guy who wrote it sure doesn't know or wont know the histroy . Before Israel was established why didn't any arab country anything to make for such called Pallestinians to own their own state ? Why even after Israel was established they didn't. While west bank was under control of Jordan , Gaza under Egypt and Golan under Syria?! Why they didn't think make Pallestine then ? They could do it . You know why ? Cause they don't give a S**it for Pallestinians or let's be more clear other Arabs on this land . So even after State of Israel was established they could easy make country for " Pallestinians even with capital in Jerusalem it was their till 6 days war !!!! Why when Arafat wanted make demostration in Jordan Abdallah just killed all of them ? U know why ? Nobody even their own " Brotehrs " arabs don't want them . So they had no land or country before they haven't it now . And if they will follow going in that way they will never have one.
60. "Palestinians" cannot disappear 'cos they never ever existed
Dudu ,   Kfar Sava   (08.26.06)
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