Cameraman’s wife to abductors: They aren’t the enemy
Published: 24.08.06, 20:49
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30 Talkbacks for this article
1. Responsible
Ben Hur ,   Manhattan, USA   (08.24.06)
“I do not question that you who are holding them have suffered greatly, as everyone in Gaza—in the Palestinian territories—is suffering, but these two men are not responsible for the injustices that you speak of, and they should not be punished for them.” In other words: "They're not Jewish."
2.  Death Penalty will solve this problem
patriot ,   chicago,US   (08.24.06)
When are you going to learn, Israel. You must execute all terrorists when you catch them, after torturing them, of course. And killing their families as retribution. No terrorist prisoners, no kidnappings to free them. Your back is to the Sea, yet you act like you have the room in the world.
3. These two men held are not responsible?
Sad ,   Karmiel, Israel   (08.24.06)
Here it comes! The beginning of the world turning its back against the Jewish people for ever. They will not want to pay any price to be connected with the Jewish people, Israel and the price of being true to the bible. "We didn't cause your suffering! It was those JEWS!" There are only a few left who love the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and will stand true to the God of Israel's purpose for His people. This woman is, in her fear and torment, is an example of those who will turn on us because the price of truth is too high.
4. Oh Mrs. McNaught!
Sad ,   Israel   (08.24.06)
You will gladly sell the Jewish nation to get your husband back! You go read the HISTORY why the "Palestinians" have suffered rather than falling into the EASY path of BLAMING THE JEWS for all of your problems.
5. Ha ! I like Patriot's idea
John ,   NZ   (08.24.06)
6. #2
switzerland   (08.24.06)
death penalty is very healthy but torture is absolutly INSANE.
7. If she worked for the bbc,they should release
jason white ,   afula,israel   (08.24.06)
her husband as a professional curtesy to a fellow Israel-hater. Atleast send her his head as a good will gesture.
8. Of course this Arab-ass kisser worked for the BBC.
Daisy ,   USA   (08.24.06)
The BBC is run by terrorists!
9. Mrs. McNaught's cowardly appeal
She is deceiving herself if she thinks she can appease these demented criminals who have abducted her husband. It matters not that he is not Jewish; he is still an infidel, and for that matter, it wouldn't even matter if he were a Muslim. When are people going to realize that Muslim terrorists are just looking for political leverage and are basically just extortionists involved in a form of organized crime? Mrs. McNaught: I do genuinely feel sorry for you and your pain over this, but I think you are not handling it with any character or courage. Look at Ehud Goldwasser's wife. She had enough character and strength to face reality. I'm sure she misses her husband too, but bravely puts responsibility where it should lie, with the criminals, not the victims. You should follow Mrs. Goldwasser's example, Mrs. McNaught, and see the reality for what it is, and stop making bullshit, disingenous excuses for your husband's abduction. It has nothing to do with occupation or oppression, and you make a fatal mistake by characterizing it as such.
10. Hamas: Please kidnap Anita McNaught.
Mark ,   USA   (08.25.06)
Why? She worked for the BBC and is blaming all the problems in Gaza on the Jews.
11. After hearing Anita McNaught
Mark ,   USA   (08.25.06)
Her husband is better off in Gaza. I feel bad for him. He has suffered by having her for a wife. That poor man.
12. Why doesn't she help release our soldiers.
Mark ,   USA   (08.25.06)
She only cares about herself. If she had an ounce of compassion, she would demand the release of our Israeli soldier. If she cares so much about the people in Gaza, she should help them because "they have suffered so much". She is a coward.
13. The Appeaser n The Pretender
John ,   NZ   (08.25.06)
won't solve any problem. NZ may be sending a shipment of sheeps to trade Olaf. I think they kidnap for money to buy food. 8-)
14. Now you know how Israeli's feel...BBC's the enemy
15. #3 - Excellent: The price of truth is too high
16. Mrs. MacNaughton: Jews didn't kidnap your husband.
Who's the enemy? You are begging a man who has approved kidnappings of Israeli soldiers, murder and bombings on Israeli towns and families for your husband. A man and people who would like nothing more than to see westerners begging mercy at the end of a barrel and you in a Burka. What height of ignorance for you to plea with your husbands Muslim kidnappers "we're not the enemy, we know your suffering". Muslim Islamofacists kidnapped your husband, not Israeli's. Israeli pain at the hands of such comprise the grief you now know and worst. God be with you and your husband as every fear, pain and anxiety wracks your being for a hope and future intercepted by Muslim terrorist thugs. Israeli's don't engage "political protest" and negotiations through: Kidnap, 9/11, 7/7, India train bombings, Checnya, homicide bombings, etc. on innocent civilians such as you and your husband. Write that in the BBC. PS: Take heart, they'll probably let him go because you do work for the BBC. Use that as your leverage.
17. Injustice? BBC can help.
9/11, 7/7, kidnaps, homicide bombings, racist violence, hate indoctrination, wide media misrepresentation ... is injustice. Have the BBC run worldwide video of the preceding and articles roundly denouncing terrorist methods of "political discourse". Have them prominently post the definition of "terrorism" daily. Terrorism: ter·ror·ism (tr-rzm) NOUN: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law 1996 Without the support of the BBC, the Islamofacists wouldn’t have gained so much credence for their methods. If their media patron should now roundly and rightly denounce terrorist kidnappers cause and methods, they'll release your husband.
18. Into each life some rain must fall. Be strong.
Condolences   (08.25.06)
19. You're dealing with expert liars who have no integrity
stay away from them!
20. #3 you hit right on the nail ....
rachel ,   usa   (08.25.06)
with all the lies that comes from the arabs toward jews....we better start difending ourselves a bit better ....They seem to have an excellent propaganda machine.
21. The BBC wife
SLAVO   (08.25.06)
Up until today when I read what the wife of one of the kidnapped men said (blamed the Jews) and that she worked for the Jew hating BBC, all of my apathy for her husband simply vanished. Still hope for the release of Centanni though.
22. Looks like McNaughty's joining Hizbollah
John ,   NZ   (08.25.06)
Soon she'll be wearing a burqa
23. haniyeh prisoner his own systems, he could not help!
schulz ,   bad germany   (08.25.06)
haniyhe would not help, could not help, he ist prisoner his own systems! (at every area: mind, act, religion by a daemon)..............
24. judge her after the release
mila   (08.25.06)
if your husband was being held hostage, wouldn't you say whatever you needed to free him, to save him from the torture he could endure? when innocent people are being held, you say whatever you need to free them. once they are safe, then you speak the truth. if such drivel continues to spill out of her mouth, THEN crucify her. but if she recognises how blind she has been, how many people have been through such hell because people like her turned their heads or even worse encouraged it withe their idiotic defence of horrifically indefencible actions, then she deserves our forgiveness. of course, if there is anything to learn from history, the latter is but a pipe dream. but one can dream, yes?
25. # 17 correct. Sure BBC can help Mrs. McNaught
KMR ,   Middle East   (08.25.06)
Request BBC reporters in Gaza to mediate & arrange for their relese. Hezbollah & Hams will return favor to their BBC friends.
26. Jewish LAND in exchange FOR Kidnapping Terror & WAR
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (08.25.06)
Re-take Gaza now! Mrs. McNaught the fact you worked for BBC explains your cruel indifference to Jewish suffering.
27. She should be married to Ken Livingstone
Mark ,   USA   (08.25.06)
He loves Hizballah and she loves Gazastanians.
28. #25 - Absolutely. He'll be out in no time.
29. Anita McNaught
Helena   (08.27.06)
I am horrified that you accuse Anita of cowardice !! That Palestinian Gaza is suffering because of Israeli policy is undeniable, but that does not mean that the Jewish people, as a whole are responsible. You are all viscious and ignorant of the truth about your own people as well as your neighbours!!
31. I'm disgusted
Lizzi ,   NZ   (09.18.06)
Thank god for the ONE PERSON -#29- to actually make any sense! How you other contributors can be so cluelessly bigoted, i do not know. Don't you realise that you're brainlessly mimicking the hate and prejudice you so happily condemn in Islamic extremists? For heaven's sake, there have been atrocities on both sides and yes actually, the Palestinians HAVE suffered a whole lot. Grow up- never once in that report did McNaught express anti-semitism so stop behaving like petulant toddlers who've just been told 'no.'
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