New Yorker arrested for broadcasting al-Manar
Published: 25.08.06, 19:42
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58 Talkbacks for this article
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (08.25.06)
What has USA got to say about freedom of its citizens.Here also,double standards are to be applied like in the case of Iranian Nuclear advancement.
2. Iqbar! Rot forever in CIA Hands! (end)
stude ham ,   outremont, canada   (08.25.06)
Mahmoud ,   Lebanon   (08.25.06)
tens of years activists & human rights representatives fought for the freedom & undependency of media till they got some positive results , in last 5 years the country which took by itself the role to teach others democracy USA killed in afghanistan ,iraq reporters & arrested others & inside USA it's preventing much medias to public or show what is not satisfying the interests of bush's administration even if this is true.the same is making israel in Palestine & in Lebanon with a much barbaric way to show that it is better than it's teacher ,the USA.& the same during this war IAF attacked Lebanese tv & radio stations & journalists on front & prevented israeli reporters to tell the truth about what was happening on the front.WE SUCH DEMOCRACY NEVER WILL WANT FOR OURSELVES & FOR OUR CHILDREN, KEEP IT FOR YOURSELF
4. Land of the brave, home of the free, my ass.
Tammuz K. ,   Jerusalem   (08.25.06)
5. We're Free- Woopee!
Wally Krankite ,   USA   (08.25.06)
Oh, yes. The people of the United States certainly enjoy a "free press, so long as it is free of content that would challenge the daily torrent of pro-Israeli propaganda gushing from the mainstream media.. Now, that's "real" freedom.
6. His crime was to broadcasting FREEDOM!!
Arabian Wolf   (08.25.06)
7. Freedom of Press
J   (08.25.06)
My response.... I think Hizbollah are fcking idiots, but I dont think the guy in new york should be arrested for broadcasting their idiotic views. I Also, Comedy Central should not have edited the episode where Trey and Matt wanted to show Mohammed again. Freedom of Speech is the greatest thing to come out of western civilization, and should not be jeopardized if you do not agree with an idea. I say... play it.. and how the people react.. well thats up to them.
8. #4 shut up....just shut up
ken ,   california   (08.25.06)
you dont have to say shit just shut your trip and face the problems that is bothering you guys....and for real its the land of the brave and free how many times do you see some one walking around witha greenade or AK in america...but over there in your homes you decorate your houses with launchers so stop saying shit
9. Al Manar and other Islamofaschist News Propaganda
Yuhanna Alqarmidi ,   CA, USA   (08.25.06)
The US government has taken the correct step in banning Al Manar from broadcasting in this country. TV stations like AL Manar and other Islamic propaganda outlets should be banned in the West as being against Western values and democracy; even Islam should be outlawed in the West, because it is ridiculous to allow free worship and propaganda for a religion like Islam, which does not recognize the right of other religious groups in Islamic countries and treats the followers of non-Islamic religions as slaves and dhimmis. The Western countries are led by stupid leaders for allowing a whole mass of Muslims to settle amongst them and erode the Western values and civilizations. They should be treated as they treat the non-Muslims.
10. #1 Mahmood...freedom has a price...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (08.25.06)
That price is called being peaceful. When you become a terrorist, you have no rights and no freedoms. Anyone who fails to see this does not deserve the freedoms we have here in the US. There is no double standard with Iran either. Your tiny little brain fails to understand that we should not give nuclear capabilities to a country who is led by a mad man who seeks to destroy other countries. You are trully blinded by your own stupidity!!!
11. Don't worry #3
DR ,   florida, USA   (08.25.06)
Your people will never, ever, enjoy the type of freedom we have here. You do not understand what it means and you never will. The fact that you get mad when we go after terror and it's supporters is all we need to see. You show your true face all to often, and that is why you will never live free like us.
12. #5...what?
DR ,   Florida, USA   (08.25.06)
The US media, beside FOX, is pretty much pro-arab. They showed more video of Beirut than any place in Israel during the last war and they always talked about Israel being the more powerful nation and how restrain is needed. Besides, if the US is not free enough for you, you can always leave. I heard Canada is looking for some new friends.
13. Arabian wolf...what is freedom?
DR ,   Florida, USA   (08.25.06)
Is it firing rockets and missiles from civilian neighborhoods and then crying when Israel stirkes back? Is it hiding weapons in Mosques, hospitals, schools and people's homes? Is it faking death tolls, lying about UN resolutions etc? Your post shows exactly why we can't have peace. your definition of peace and freedom are a little different than ours here in the US and in Israel. Therefore, you will never enjoy freedom like we do. Stupid rabid wolf!!!
14. al-manar
jj ,   montreal canada   (08.25.06)
There is ahuge difference between freedom of speach and decimation of hate. All you who are for Al- manar stay away from the west. you don't deserve democracy. If ththe Lebanese love the hez's so much why did they leave in droves (40,000)instead of building a democratic country. Now they will be under an islamofacist state. the christians and anybody who does not agree with them will be killed. Great to have cowards like the hez's leading you. Can you imagin where they would be if they had the actual courage to fight, instead of hiding behind children and womens skirts. Great Heroes.
15. Freedom
Betsy ,   usa   (08.25.06)
yes but these guys want to destroy freedom! I can invite a guest into my home and call myself generous and hospitable but when the guest tries to undermine my life, and tries to alienate my family from the values I love..and tries to fill my home with his lies, .I have to draw the line and make the guest either stop, or leave. that's sanity. your talkbacks are trying to use America's valules as a weapon against her.. the enemy wants to make this country like the muslim countries where the people have no rights, not enough food or money, no opportunities for good lives. GO AWAY or change.
16. Betsy
Betsy ,   usa   (08.25.06)
I don't always agree with American politics but I love that there are 99 cent stores so that even the pooest people can afford to eat and buy what they need. I love that there is an abundance of food of every variety here. an abundance of education opportunities and countless other blessings. this "freedom" you seek to rub America's nose in is not freedom. it's only goal is to turn America into the same nightmare muslims can't wake up from in thier own countries. hating America and Israel-where muslims are treated far better than in their own countries-only keeps you from seeing the truth. it keeps the hatred of the masses "safely" misdirected.
17. jiving javed
yehuda, top lawyer ,   top top secret   (08.25.06)
now tell me the truth mister iqbal, why all this happened? well, sahib, otherwise i couldn't afford the beautiful greenish 1976 ford pinto. a dream of a lifetime!
18. #8, Ken, what about the guy in Seatle?
DR ,   Florids, USA   (08.25.06)
He walked around with a gun...oh wait he was a Muslim, wasn't he???
19. al mamar terror tv
efi g ,   washington dc   (08.25.06)
If it were up to me, I would clean up the western countires shove all the terror supporters off to where they once came from. I have desire to deal with such sub-human elements. These so called "immigrants" enjoy too much freedom, freedoms wich their native countries never gave them. Once they arrive in the west, they tend go bonkers with all the newly-found freedoms and ultimately abuse them. So, I say SHUT THE DOORS to people from the known terror states. Let them wear their Burkas and headrags in their own society. Stay out of our clean countries please. Remain in your caves and enjoy your "culture" there like all the other Bin Ladens.
20. US Version of
21. #4 Dear Mr. Ken
Tammuz K. ,   Jerusalem   (08.25.06)
First, i don't know any Israelis walking around with AKs or granades or decorating their houses with any type of munitions. The only people walking around with weapons are members of the security fources, and those are mostly M-16s bought from your government. Your exhibiting the same exact reaction as your government in this case, i said something you don't like and you want to shut me up. Repeating the mantra that your country is the greatest democracy in the world while every day poeple lose their rights like in this case, or the patriot act, or that librerian that had to hand over patrons' records, it's fucking orwellian. I've never watched al-Manar and i don't really care what those liars have to say, but that doesn't make arresting anyone who provides their broadcasts any more right.
22. the both sides of the story!
Guest   (08.25.06)
I lived in many contries, and have friends from east and west, i havent seen anybody from the east, here means arabs or muslims who hate american people, all of them say , the have no problem with the americans, thiere problem always and ONLY with the US admenstration, and its alie Israleal, even more , they have no problem with Jews as relegion,
23. To number 12's comment
Bob B ,   Vancouver, Canada   (08.25.06)
First point FOX news is pretty much COMEDY not news at all it is known around the world as a something not to be taken seriously at all. Second point is you heard wrong Canada is not looking for more friends at all we have all we need already its hard enough as it is to sort out the FRIENDs we have now as many are really wolfs in sheeps clothing . A more appropriate comment would have been let France & England have them. Please remember we (Canada) have more gas and oil than anwhere in the world ( check it out ), not counting our Water which will be the next biggest commodity that the world will want. Again i must say we really don't want em really. If you want to come here assimulate become Canadian 1st not second , and keep your radical ideas etc to yourself and your Middle East , they DO NOT Belong in North America at all
24. #23...Bob
DR ,   Florida, USA   (08.25.06)
I agree with everything you say, except that FOX is a joke. It seems to be the only news station with the balls to actually opine on the issues. If people don't wake up and open their eyes to what's happening in the world (something I believe Fox news is trying to do) then we're all gonna be in trouble.
25. to # 22
Djazaïri ,   France   (08.25.06)
Exact. My parents never teached me to hurt somebody because of his belonging to the jewish religion. And it's not something specific to them. If I had committed the sin of hurting someone because he's jew, they wouldn't have forgiven me. Many Arabs throughout the arab world appreciate the kinds of democracies andi individual liberties that can be found un the "West". (Middle-East looks sppecially at the while North-Africa eyes more Europe). In fact they would like such democracies to emerge in their countries but these same democracies generally favour arabe dictatures.
26. Jihad Being Plotted Right Under Our Noses, Under the Guise..
Adina kutnicki ,   US   (08.26.06)
NY (like many other cities in the US, with Dearborn at the forefront) is awash with Muslim and assorted far left terror appeasers. What is going on right under our noses is truly frightening. Most of the people haven't got a clue. Because I know too much about this area I get chills just thinking about what they are planning. The Al Farooq mosque in Brooklyn is STILL operating. Can you believe it? This mosque was the place where the 1993 bombing of the Twin Towers was plotted. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Heaven help all the deluded souls.
27. Freedom
Don ,   US   (08.26.06)
What do you expect....I didn't get to see any of the mohamed cartoons, so why should you get to see the Hizbullah on ice show. I think they should be able to show what they want becasue no one is making you watch it. Same goes for cartoons about Mohamed I should be able to watch them if I want. If they offend you turn the channel don't stampeed you neighbor to death.
28. How about Israeli TV in Damascus
Neal ,   NJ,USA   (08.26.06)
You terrorists are all the same. Deny freedom of speech to your own populations, attack free speech in western nations (mohammad cartoons) and now you want to cry because the USA makes it illegal to broadcast propaganda from a terrorist organization sworn to our destruction. Cry baby terrorist hypocrits
30. Know your enemy
Al Manar viewer   (08.26.06)
Bush keeps saying that his enemies are the terrorists right? if we want to agree with him we should ask him to let the American learn about Al Manar TV. A golden rule in wartime is "KNOW YOUR ENEMY" how can Americans reaserch Hisbollah ????
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