Haredi writer accused of racism, slander
Roee Nahmias
Published: 26.08.06, 23:15
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61. And what is the problem?
Ignacio ,   Zaragoza, Spain   (08.27.06)
If Iran can call a contest of cartoons and Al azhar can say the JHews are the sons of pigs and monkeys, but all that is free expression, what is this? And why are there no Jeiwsh NGO demanding Arab countries? I do nto believe they get anything, but the PR wrks are the same.
62. od kahana chai
kahana chai ,   london   (08.27.06)
am yisroel - od kahana chai
63. Investigate SURE!, but on one condition
Da dude   (08.26.06)
That you also investigate all the times arabs have supported terror groups and times when arabs openly call for Israel's destruction and killing of all Jews.
64. hassidic world
peggy ,   Fl USA   (08.27.06)
wonder why they would read that anyway. Wonder if Jews will now start to sue arab/moslem media, the imams that when relating to Jews are certainly not politically correct, i will sue them for spread of racial hatred. I will sue them for calling us nazis...and so on...
65. Give us a Break from the Whingers! Their Books are Worse!
Nannette ,   London, UK   (08.27.06)
I'm fed up with Islamist all over the world demanding this, that and the other. We've reached saturation point. The Arabs have worse books, films, cartoons, etc., about the Jews. It seems it's okay for them to dish it out, but they can't take it! Let them cry like the whining babies they are.
66. so what
Intedi Nensak ,   Stockholm, Sweden   (08.27.06)
what's the big deal. everything he wrote is true and everybody already know it.
67. The truth hurts the left
Lila ,   Jerusalem   (08.26.06)
What do you think, the Arabs are peaceful and just want to live in peace with us? They kill their mothers and sisters over their own ridiculous honor, they can't accept a genuine peace proposal without thinking it's a sign of weakness, and they live to kill us. Who voted Hamas, a vicious terrorist organization into power? They saw blood, and wanted more. The truth hurts, especially with your head in the sand, which leaves your butts way up in the air, ready to get shot by the peace loving Arabs who you try to defend. You have no self-respect.
68. but
not all Arabs are like that !!!!
Ben Avraham ,   Tel Aviv   (08.27.06)
70. chillul hashem, and a total lie
Daniel van Dalen ,   Jerusalem   (08.27.06)
This is not a Charedi position. The Chareidi position is that we are FORBIDDEN from angering or insulting the Arabs. This should be clear to anyone. Everybody from Satmar to the Litvishe world of Bnei Brak condemns these idiots. For a representation of real Chareidi thought regarding provoking the Arabs, please read this: About provocations. Shame on Ynetnews for again placing all Chareidim in a negative light with your bias, your hatred and plain antisemitism. You of Ynetnews should all be prosecuted for inticement because of your constant lies about and incitement against Chareidim.
71. so if u thing like that of your neighbours...
Ricardo ,   (08.27.06)
Then it is better u change your location to europe or america back, how could u insult them like this and then you say u are peaceful and want peace with them.
72. But all he wrote is the TRUTH!
Uzi ,   Beit Shemesh   (08.27.06)
The arabs write similar stuff all the time in their press about us plus in their koran we are described as being descendants of apes and pigs and nobody can say that WE as Jews go about in a rampage killing people and burning places because of that and there should be freedom of press here in Israel. Enough Said....
73. Arab going to court
leah amdur ,   Jerusalem Israel   (08.26.06)
The chutzpa of these Arabs, drive them all into gaza. What about their school curriculum which is totally nazi. Enough of them
74. That's how they act- the author calls 'em like he sees 'em
Tyler ,   Pittsburgh, PA USA   (08.27.06)
I don't think they do it because of their race, and I doubt that the author thinks that either. It has to do with their culture and religion, which glorifies blood and death.
75. Yitzchak ben Tzvi's article
monty ,   efrat israel   (08.27.06)
76. Whinging Arabs
jewish mother ,   jerusalem   (08.27.06)
They don't like it when the shoes on the other foot do they? So they can declare a fatwa on authors, artists, people with the wrong color hair etc They can beat women who drive cars, or have a boyfiend, or want to go to school. They have "honor" killings of their sisters and nieces. They call Jewish politicians murderers, blow up kids in pizza stores, kill a pregnant mother and four children in a car , drive busses into travellers... THE LIST IS ENDLESS..BUT.... We are not allowed, in the free press top insult them? Has the world gone insane? The sad thing is, the leftist court system of Israel will probably prosecute. The Arab MK's who have spent the war attacking their peers in the Knesset can say what they want and a small independant newspaper can't. NUTS, ALL NUTS.... What was that thing about donkeys again?
77. judaism and zionism
sami ,   boston, usa   (08.27.06)
There is a vile lie, which stalks the Jewish people across the globe. It is a lie so heinous, so far from the truth, that it can only gain popularity due to the complicity of powerful forces in the "mainstream" media and educational establishment. It is a lie which has brought many innocent people untold suffering and if unchecked has the potential to create extraordinary tragedy in the future. It is the lie that declares that Judaism and Zionism are identical. Nothing could be further from the truth. Judaism is the belief in revelation at Sinai. It is the belief that exile is a punishment for Jewish sins. Zionism has for over a century denied Sinaitic revelation. It believes that Jewish exile can be ended by military aggression. Zionism has spent the past century strategically dispossessing the Palestinian people. It has ignored their just claims and subjected them to persecution, torture and death. Torah Jews the world over are shocked and pained at this short-lived dogma of irreligiosity and cruelty. Thousands of Torah scholars and saints have condemned this movement from its inception. They knew that the pre-existing good relationship between Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land was bound to suffer as Zionism advanced. The so-called "State of Israel" stands rejected on religious grounds by the Torah. Its monstrous insensitivity to the laws of basic decency and fairness appall all men be they Jewish or not. We of Neturei Karta have been in the forefront of the battle against Zionism for over a century. Our presence here is to refute the base lie that the evil, which is Zionism, in some way represents the Jewish people. The reverse is true. We are saddened day in and day out at the terrible toll of death emanating from the Holy Land. Not one of them would have occurred if Zionism had not unleashed its evil energies upon the world. As Jews we are called upon to live in peace and harmony with all men. We are exhorted to be law abiding and patriotic citizens in all lands. We condemn the current Zionist atrocities in the Holy Land. We yearn for peace based upon mutual respect. We are convinced that this proposed mutual respect is doomed to fail as long as the Israeli state exists. We welcome its abolition in a peaceful manner. May we be worthy of true redemption when all men will join in brotherhood in His worship.
78. What the Prophets said about Ishmael
micah ,   homeboy   (08.27.06)
" Ishamael would be a wild ass of a man. His hand against everyone and everyone against them". I think these people shoulh have the Bible banned for such racist stuff, even if he was proved right and they are terrorists and cowards with little weenies and absolutly no self respect. Imagine all of europe spending all their energy and tallent for 100 years trying to wipe out the tiny country of Luxembourg with every crazy paln from a total boycott to massive suicide striles against their civillians buses, kids school busses, schools, Pessach celabrations and houses of worship.. And on top of that never being able to. I would be embarrased to be an arab.Only some seriously f@@@ed up people could act in such a bezerk way. All the supposed scientific and mathmatical discoveries attributed to them were ripped off from thie captive Jewish populations and claimed by themselves. The Catholic church invented islam originally to get hold of Jerusalem. Islam was created to be a terrorist religion from the get go. According to some famous German phillologists the koran was written by christians. Put that in your hooka!
AVINU   (08.27.06)
80. #13 Spot on!
82. what is this?
Lawrence   (08.27.06)
It's okay when the muslims call us pigs and monkeys but its not okay for us to call them worshippers of molech. Sending there children through fire in a strange death cult. The muslims offend my sensibilities by strapping bombs to themselves and mudering 2 year old jewish children. Thats okay since the muslims are such great people. This is the damn twilight zone. Hahahah
83. Truth hurts
Larry ,   Jackson, MS   (08.27.06)
Muslims are so insecure about their religion they're willing to attack anyone who's against it, instead of letting G*d handle it. Sign of a weak religion.
84. the whole world knows zvie's true. he went easy on them
85. a window of the treatment of jews by profit muhammad
sami ,   boston, usa   (08.27.06)
The Prophet Muhammad never "waged war against the three Jewish tribes of Medina". Muhammad waged war against the pagan gentile tribe of Quraish from Mecca, those who had expelled him from his town and persecuted his followers in the worst way for ten years. When a war was about to start, every tribe in the area where hostilities would take place had to take a stand. Most Jewish tribes declared themselves neutral, and were not involved in the war, and received neither benefit nor harm from it. Two Jewish tribes sided with the Quraish. After the pagan, gentile Quraish were defeated, these two Jewish tribes were deprived of their goods and lands (as was customary in wars in Arabia during that period). One Jewish tribe signed an agreement with the Prophet Muhammad. This Jewish tribe broke its agreement with Muhammed, after the war had already begun, by suddenly opening the gates of Medina to the enemy (who nevertheless lost the battle). In retaliation for that betrayal, members of that Jewish tribe were put to death by Muhammed. The number of four thousand dead has no basis in historical sources, which refer to eight hundred persons killed. Muhammad's retribution against this Jewish tribe which broke its agreement with him during a war has nothing to do with "hostility" or "envy" toward Jews. This retribution was a severe punishment for a severe betrayal that could have led to the slaughter of Muhammed and his forces. Those Jews who had no part in the betrayal of Muhammed initiated by this one Jewish tribe were not put to death, nor were their goods and lands confiscated. Following the Sunnah (teachings) of the Prophet Muhammad is the basis of our Islamic faith. Had hostility toward Jews been a part of Muhammed's character, Muslims would have reflected that hostility in their relations with Jews during the past 1300 years. On the contrary, Jew-hatred among Muslims [primarily] dates back to the beginning of this century. Muslim rulers always welcomed those Jews who sought refuge in Muslim countries when they fled Jew-hatred and persecution in the lands of Christian Europe. Today, Wahhabis and "fundamentalist" Muslims strive to write a revisionist version of Islamic history. They want to convince Muslims that hostility toward Jews is a basic part of the Muslim religion. Well-meaning Jews and Christians should not fall into the trap of unwittingly helping them rewrite the basically philo-semitic history of Islam.
86. Knickers in a twist
Big Al ,   Isr   (08.27.06)
They can't take a bit of their own medicine!!! The Arab press slanders Israel and the Jews daily. Kofi Annan went so far as to call us murderers.
Is it from the Sunday Times too...
88. Sure he was referring to arabs?
C.Van   (08.27.06)
Sounds like a description of lots of our own donkeys in the news right now
89. sensitive arabs
philosoraptor ,   syracuse, ny   (08.27.06)
Do any Arabic organizations call for investigations of the enormous racist material they produce on a regular basis? Arab groups are in no position to call for an investigation. Israelis might want to look into this, but if Arabs are so concerned about curtailing racism then they should begin with the most prolific generators of it: themselves. When an Israeli author spouts stupidities it is an exception that is pounced upon as evidence that Israelis are racist, no better than their current neighbors and persecutors throughout history. The world loves a racist Isaeli because it makes them feel less guilty about their own past treatment of the Jews. The Arab media is full of incitement against everyone who is not an Arab but they have the chutzpah to get offended? Enough wining about 'humiliation'. Why does it seem as though pride is an Arab's most prized and vulnerable posession, to be valued above all else including prosperity, peace and even life itself?
90. Two-faced Hate Crimes
James ,   Toledo Oho USA   (08.27.06)
Indict the Reprobate of Iran as conspiring with the juvenile from Syria to commit hate crimes. That seems to be the trend these days. Why are you arabs so two-faced? I'm sure there are some who are not But it seems like Arabs and Persians compete with each other to see who can be the most two-faced. But an Arab who watches western satellite like CNN would accuse me being racist against two-faced people and a product of the vast right-wing conspiracy in the USA. Indict them before the war, that way it will be a "legal" war. LOL Less draft dodgers that way. We wouldnt want to overwhelm our friend and neighbor to the north of us with refugees. Godspeed to all friends of Israel.
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