Iran test-fires sub-to-surface missile
Dudi Cohen and AP
Published: 27.08.06, 14:27
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39 Talkbacks for this article
31. terror
timothy scott ,   urich usa   (08.28.06)
The first casualty of any war is truth.
35. READ #8! GOOD JOB!
36. 28 See what happens when they CORRUPT Jewish/Christian Bible
On the "verge" of losing is Ezekiel 38 regarding Israel v. Persia/Iran & Co. Messiah Christ's return to fight for Israel is in Revelation. "12th mad whatever" is take off of 12 Apostles! Someone's coming back to fight alright, but it won't be for Iran. The devil has greatly deceived these people.
37. Iran Et. Al.
RJC ,   Washington,USA   (08.28.06)
The peoplof the world, the entire world, need to WAKE UP!! There is a war brewing between Good and Evil. Evil being those who would kill themselves in the act of killing isralies and all other infidels. Infidels being defined as "anyone that does not agree with their hateful message" That's you and me folks. And the only way we will win over them is to stoop to their level. We shall have to do some evil things to beat them. But the main question becomes, Do we, the so called civilized peoples of the world, have the stomach to bear the brunt of the fallout for doing so. So far I don't think so, and fear a dire future is in store. We cannot negotiate with those that feel they have nothing to lose.
38. #17 - Marvin You are the Other Moron Neighbour!
Sammy ,   Canada   (08.29.06)
I really glad to hear that I have interested neighbours that they like to read my comments. You know why? because what i say it make alot of Sense. Truth does hurt but it needs to be said at times to remind people like you that they are People In palestine has more rights to thier land more than anyone else. History neber to be forgoten. Go back and read it if you think you so smart. I love Canada becuse here we have rights and freedom of speech and we more educated than you neighbour. So before you start judge me GO back to school and read some history about palestine and Islam And learn also how the jews and arabs were related and live in peace for centuries. I dont hate anyone. All my teachers and doctors and best friends are jews and I know them for years. The problem here is not being a jew or a moslem. The issue is You know how to be fighter but never know how to be peace player. If it makes Moron to ASK you to shake hands and Kiss and makup and live in Peace. THen soort to tell you are the MORON not me. Stop the Hate Mr Vein and Be nice Clean your Ice!.
39. #18 My freindly Jewish Neighbour
Sammy ,   Canada   (08.29.06)
You are stating facts from your point view or from media that you watch But also dont forget the facts as follows: 1> They are still Civilians willnot leave thier homes becuase thay have No where to go. Israelis have Bomb shelters in Gaza and lebanon they dont have this luxury. 2> kidnaping 2 IDF soldiers who they were raoming in lebanese boarder is it justify Making south lebanon look like Berlin in WWII? Also for 2 Soldiers justfies Killing over 1000 people and injuring thousands. I dont see that's makes sense at all. 3> You said Israel gave lands? Well they give one part and they occupy another? They still occupyng gaza which looks like prison and westbank and sheba/lebanon and Golan syria? 4> They want the palestinians to have democratic election. So tey did The People elected hamas. So Why would punish the palestinians for that. instead resume talks with Hamas? Stop calling them terrorists like you always do. If you go back in History Israel used same tactics to fight the britush in 1920 ans 1936 belford declaration etc.. 4> Arabs they dont go violence but they also have right to fight back if they attacked. You keep killing their leaders and bombing and demolishing homes and keep claiming they are used by terrirsts that's nonsense. In lebanon, Israel were Not attacking Hezboallah they were only killing Civilians. 5> Release those over 20K prisoners for god sake - they are humans - they have families like you and they gavent seen them for centures - stop being COLD hearted and selfishness. In North America The Animals Have more RIGHTS than Humans In iSRAEL.
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