Captives' families: Annan gave no new information
Neta Sela
Published: 29.08.06, 20:35
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23 Talkbacks for this article
1. Everything has a price
Wissam ,   Beirut/ Lebanon   (08.29.06)
I understand the request of the families of the POW, but lets be resonable here, they and all the "israelis" will not get any thread of information without a price. The war has taught us that there is no mercy between two enemies, and "israel has managed to prove that clearly, by throwing 3 to 20 tons bombs on residential areas! be ready to pay the price! Note: I can assure you that the POW will be treated with mercy, unlike your treatment to the tens of thousands of prisoners you hold in captivity.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (08.29.06)
Treason and maliciously endangering IDF soldiers' lives by Arab MKs is allowed in Israel whilst patriotic Jews are punished and jailed and regarded as ENEMIES OF THE STATE. It is urgent that demonstrations are held outside the Knesset and outside Israeli consulates world-wide to protest that Arab MKs are allowed to commit treason - collude with the enemy - repeatedly call for intifada against Israel - and encourage global jihadist religious supremacists to kidnap IDF soldiers. And to protest the persecution and politically-motivated, unjust jailing of Jewish patriots. Arab MK: 'I Advised PA to Kidnap Soldier' Jul 09, '06 / 13 Tammuz 5766 by Hillel Fendel Knesset Member Wasal Taha, corresponding publicly with internet surfers on the Arabic-language IslamOnline site, said he repeatedly advised PA terrorists to battle and kidnap Israeli soldiers. According to a report in Maariv newspaper on Sunday, Taha told surfers on Thursday that he repeatedly advised the PA Arabs to stop shooting and targeting civilians, and to concentrate on IDF targets...
DAVID P. ,   SANTA CRUZ, USA   (08.29.06)
4. #1 Treatment of prisoners
NL ,   Israel   (08.29.06)
Let's not even delve into why the prisoners were arrested and put into Israeli prisoners (specifically targeted regarding a specific crime unlike IDF soldiers' kidnap for being part of an organization/religion). Let's only look at treatment of prisoners: Lebanese/Palestinians in Israeli jails receive documented medical treatment and Red Cross visits. Many receive family visits as well. Meanwhile, not only has not one single kidnapped soldier received a Red Cross visit, the kidnappers haven't even provided proof of life. So please, don't make me laugh at your talk of 'mercy'. There is NO logical comparison or moral equivalence between the treatment of prisoners in Israeli jails and the treatment of Israeli prisoners in Arab countries.
5. idea for #1
phil ,   usa   (08.29.06)
really now...israel allows visits from relatives...u arabs wont even let the ICRC visit here is an idea: why dont u join ur fellow arabs in an israeli prison. they u can speak with first hand knowledge!
6. to wassam
jj ,   montreal canada   (08.29.06)
Everything has a price and you paid dearly for hez's admited mistake. Would you like to increase the stakes?
7. 1#
Lior ,   Haifa   (08.29.06)
israelis treat arab prisoners as jewish prisoners.. well u say theyll be ok? last time u kidnapped 3 soldiers they returned as dead well nice treatment u executed them.
8. PICTURE : Kofi and Nasrallah Shaking Hands
(08.29.06) The man works for the enemy
9. Video On What Arabs Teach Their Children And Preach
Video On What Arabs Teach Their Children And Preach. Obsession
10. Wizzam is right
Besalel ,   Kew Gardens, NY   (08.29.06)
He is speaking the way the Arabs should speak...they recognize the natural conflict between enemies...why dont we?...there is a price to pay and israel is not willing to pay it...the price is either fold and capitulate to the enemies' demand or fight your enemies...israel is not prepared to do either...its a disaster that we jews are living a constant contradiction while they know what this conflict is really about....please, israel, either give in to the terrorists or fight them...enough of this limbo nonsense....
11. To All responses for #1
L ,   Israel   (08.29.06)
Don't even waste your time responding to him, #1. He was brainwashed from birth. Sad......
12. to no 1
philip   (08.29.06)
you really dont have a clue i work in the the israely prisons i am a social worker i pray to god that our soldiers are reciving half of the good treatment that jewish christan and arab prisoners are reciving thay have good food ( at work i eat the same food) have clean rooms allowed to pray as thay please thay even have entertainment,. and allowed viseters so what the hell are you talking about get your facts wright before you speak and if you are pleased that you have two of our soldiers please remember you never know what developes from these things. we at leaset gave lebannon warnings to move from areas that will be bombed nesralem killed people for spite but putting my anger asside i wish lebannon and its people to live in prosperaty and peace and build a beauitful country again and the hisbala may all burn in hell as there god (not ours) will do to them as thay interpatate the koran as book of hate and killing and not as a book of peace as in was intended shalom
13. Why ceasefire without soldiers' release?
Larry ,   Eastbourne, UK   (08.29.06)
I believe the government said that the ceasefire could not be conditioned upon the release of the kidnapped soldiers because it had to have regard to the loss of life that would result from the war continuing, i.e. further deaths of soldiers in fighting and of civilians from rocket and missile attacks in Israel. However, no explanation has been given for the deficiency of the UN resolution, which mentions the need for the soldiers to be unconditionally released but crucially does not demand this in its operative section. I think the government failed the soldiers here.
14. What did they expect? Annan works for Arab oil money
Bennie ,   Jerusalem   (08.29.06)
Annan never has fairly represented the interests of Israel and Jews. He has always been ready to unfairly criticize Israel, bargain against Israel in favor of Arab and Islamic terrorists, and tries to weaken Israel. I don't know why the families honored Annan by meeting with him.
15. Don't trust the UN, they don't care about Jews.
Joseph A. Cleary ,   Sapulpa, Oklahoma us   (08.29.06)
Any one who trust's the UN is blind and deaf; as the UN is to the troubles of the Jews. The UN wants to give money to the Hezbullah but none to Israel, how is that fair.
16. To #1
So we can kidnap Seniora? A 100 lebanese? Just pick them from LEbanese soil and let you pay 20 billion dollars for it? Everything has a price no? You deserved 20 tons of bombs and ten times more for starting this stupid war by abducting and killing Israelis on Israeli soil!
17. Israel does not know how to bargain with Arabs
Ahmed ,   Beirut   (08.29.06)
You idiots will probably give us 500 to 1000 hardened terrorists in return for 2 of your manchild young soldiers. Then we will just kidnap a couple more, or maybe kidnap some women and children next time. Then you will give us a couple thousand of our jihadi heroes in return. You are no match for our Arab intelligence and guile.
18. least you say terrorists...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (08.29.06)
Isareli soldiers are just serving their country to protect people. All the Arab/muslim prisoners in ISraeli jails are either known or potential terrorists. If one cannot see the difference, then one is retarded. Case in point...#1, Wissam!!!
19. #17 - Ahmed
Lilly   (08.29.06)
As far as I am concerned, I would give you all Arabs in jail in Israel. They live a comfortable life at Israelis taxpayer's expenses instead of rotting in Lebanon.
20. You ASSume he even cares!
Arie ,   Afula   (08.30.06)
Lebanese ,   Lebanon   (08.30.06)
why must others care if your smart leader doesn't care.He was told from 1st day that way to return soldiers is very simple,negotiations & after exchange of prisoners as was done much times ,but he is such a DUMB that he didn't understand & he not even didn't bring soldiers back home but he instead brought much disaster to israel.good luck israelis with such morons as olmert & co
sandgroper   (08.30.06)
The whole of Lebanon should starve until our boys are returned home safely. It's their choice.
OLMERT OUT!!!!!!!!!! ,   USA   (08.30.06)
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