Jewish Scene  Rabbi Levi Brackman
Confronting the self hating Jew
Rabbi Levi Brackman
Published: 01.09.06, 10:12
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31. No such thing as a self hating Jew
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (09.03.06)
They love themselves. It's other Jews they hate.
32. Schlz and Hollywood !
lisa ,   london   (09.03.06)
What planet do you come from ?
33. the etiology of self hating Jewish syndrome is
whoever ,   wherever   (09.03.06)
neurotic personality. i mean it. i am a professional, i have done my research, and i have participated in seminars to find out what is the reason of self hating jewish syndrome. these people have neurotic personality, and they are suffering from multiple manifestations of neurosis.( they do not enjoy life, they can not give joy to others, they suffer in their life, and they have to give suffering in their lives to others). now the questions is why do they have neurotic personality? the answer is that they have not received "enough love during childhood", they lack this universal glue, that is needed ( like oxygen) for the evolvement of emotion. due to this lack of required ingredient they end up with neurotic personality. in simple words they would be called "nuts", but look at them carefully, they have problems with kindness and love, they suffer from psychosomatic disorders, they belive love is a story ( perhaps lie), they want love to the level of sacrifice( to convince themselves and others that it is a lie), they look at love like a object which is tradeable, and ... notably criticizing from any thing is not hating. hating is spewing venom irrationally. next time you see a jewish who compare israel with nazi germani just try to ask about his childhood life. by the way if you are one of those, just talk with a psychologist, i promise you if you go through that you have a step of enlightment in your life.
34. to #31
whoever ,   wherever   (09.03.06)
that is wrong they hate themselves most and they are not aware of it this will come up while psychotherapy
35. dear marlene please read my comments above,
whoever ,   wherever   (09.03.06)
and encounter it honestly
36. LOL # 31
Sarah ,   The Netherlands   (09.03.06)
DACON9   (09.03.06)
38. Jewish Hatred of Judaism
Lance ,   Montreal, Canada   (09.03.06)
The writer's solution to this problem amplifies the problem itself. Here in Montreal, Jews are welcome in a Jewish congregation, almost exclusively "Orthodox," and "ultra-Orthodox," but this also applies to the odd other congregation not amoung these aforementioned categories, to the extent they can financially contribute to its upkeep, including providing its Rabbi with an income. Such is the economics of being Jewish in Montreal. There are no Jewish congregations that are truly and unconditionally welcoming; thus the large number of dissaffected Jews, to whom hostility to Judaism, with all of its deliterious consequences, necessarily follows. The Montreal situation is, I aver, not too much different from other North American Jewish communities, except, perhaps, that there is less "Orthdoxy" in other places. (It is estimated that more than 20% of Montreal's Jews live in poverty. What congregation will accept them?
39. To #28 Gilad Atzmon
Stefan ,   Tel Aviv   (09.03.06)
Hi Gilad, I had a look at your web site. What can I tell you? Stay in London, you seem to have all the characteristics in you that make the Europeans love you. A perfect match. Why do you think you get awards from the BBC? Because you're such a good artist? Do you think anybody can get a BBC award writing something positive about Israel regardless of the potential literary brilliance? Face it, Gilad. The Europeans did not want us (the Jews) in Europe, so they did get rid of us. Then they discovered that we are here (in Israel) and now they want to get rid of us here. There were so many like you that thought they can get away from it by running with them. It never worked and it will never work in the future. Where did the concentration camp survivors go during 1945-1948. Nowhere, they stayed at the camps because nobody wanted them. You know why it was so easy to solve the Holocaust damages? Because there were nobody left after it. That’s why Europe does not have to worry about it anymore. You see, reconciliation does not mean to forget. We wanted a reconciliation and the Europeans to forget. You'll learn the difference. Count on me. Think again, Gilad, maybe you did not get it right after all.
40. 39 Stefan,Tel Aviv: Well said Gilad can join the other
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (09.03.06)
selfhating Jew - DANIEL BARENBOIM - They'll make a great pair in their Hate for Israel: We all remember reality: "Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth. "Antisemitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently antisemitic, and ever will be so. "Why is this? You know that Zionism is nothing less than the dream and ideal of the Jewish people returning to live in their own land. The Jewish people, the Scriptures tell us, once enjoyed a flourishing Commonwealth in the Holy Land.
41. Re: #29 Jews of "conscience"
Stefan ,   Tel Aviv   (09.03.06)
I love the name of this group. You mean we (the Israelis) do not have a conscience? To your points (is your name Finnish?): 1. Do you think the "siege" is only to brutalize Palestinians or to avoid arms trafficking to the area (you can consult the population of Sderot)? 2. Is this the only fence in the world that bothers your conscience? Maybe you should also look at the suicide bombing statistics (90% drop). We already withdrew from Gaza for which we got a constant rocket rain in the country. Mr. Olmert had a program to withdraw from the west Bank too, but now he's too busy with Hizbollah and Hamas to do any of it. Why should we withdraw from East-Jerusalem? It was never a Palestinian city. It was occupied for 19 years by the Jordanians, but that's about it. 3. You don't seem to care that our neighbors do not respect the UN resolutions. The UNSCR 1559 demanded disarmament of the Hizbollah. It did not happen and we had to go to war that we by ourselves pay (around $5 bn). The whole world is paying for Lebanon for a war that was caused by their inability (reluctance) to fulfill the UN resolution. By the way, which resolutions do we not respect (but who cares, sanction Israel anyway)? 4. You want to see a real war here, do you? The only reason for not having a full scale war here is the military deterrence. That's why we are engaged in a terror war. You must know that the military does not help against it. Not even in the US. 5. Sure! Why should the Iranians pay the bill? They need all the money to build their nukes. Are you sure you're Jews? I can't see any differences in the message between you and Sheikh Nazrallah.
42. My professoinal opinion No. 35
Marlene ,   New York City   (09.03.06)
I did read your post and found it rather amusing since the syndrome you speak is something invented by other Jews who have no other civil recourse to discuss something other than labeling people. The contents of your post does not render you very credible. Maybe the real self-hating Jews are the ones who have now become the oppressors and the victimizers. The reality is that nothing is learned from history, and the roles simply change. Better to be a self-loving human being first and look upon others as equals. That is my "professional" opinion.
43. No. 41 - The chutzpah to bring up UN resolutions!
Marlene ,   New York City   (09.03.06)
Israel has shown contempt for approximately 65 UN resolutions since 1948! Where have you been? Sleeping? UN resolutions define Jerusalem as occupied by the way. However, you people make up your own laws, rules and regulations as you see fit. Israel does not even abide by the very provisions contained in UN Resolution 181 which carved its existence out of Palestine. Amazing how the oppressed, and the ones who have been ethnically cleansed from their lands are depicted as the perpetrators, the terrorists, etc. Hamas and Hezollah both were borne out of Israel's brutal occupations and/or invasions. If Jews considered the once British occupiers as brutal and Nazi-like, what sayeth you who make the British look angelic-like. Hooray for the Jews of Conscience!!
44. Re: #42 Marlene
Stefan ,   Tal Aviv   (09.03.06)
Marlene, You probably look at everybody else on this planet as equals, but you certainly don’t look at Israelis as equals. You look at them as something lower (untermenschen) although you call them oppressors (ubermenschen). What you don’t see is that you don’t demand the same standards from anybody else. You never, never see anything Israel is. You only see what it is not, regardless of the circumstances. I still claim that Israel is the most humane nation on earth given the situation it is in (not of her choosing). It is not difficult to act according to the Geneva Convention in Norway or Canada. The question is how do you do it in a real test? We can always take examples like Darfur or Tibet, of which you never talk of (no Jews there). But look at the heart of Europe like Bosnia or Kosovo. Even better, take a look at Northern-Ireland. That crisis has claimed practically the same amount of victims as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. So let's be fair... Stefan
45. Article is lacking...
Marjie ,   USA   (09.03.06)
I respect and agree with the Rabbi's views, but he doesn't really address what to do with the self-hating Jews who do damage to our people worldwide. Chomsky is the KING of the Haters! heh And if you have no idea what that means, Google "Chomsky Israel" and see what you find. It's one thing, and a very nasty thing, to be personally attacked by another of your faith, as the Rabbi experienced and I also experienced. And maybe that person can be brought back into the fold (there may be hope for Marlene), but what are you going to do about folks like Chomsky? Nothing. How the rest of us should respond to this is something I'd like to hear the Rabbi comment. There's a term "a shonda for the goyim" (I may not be saying that right), but in essence says, we shouldn't air our dirty laundry in public. But that made more sense in a world that didn't have the internet and blogging. Everyone is out there now.
46. 23#
"I am proud to be a Jew when Israelis on the left and on the right support the government's decision to fight" And now, where it is?
47. to gilad atzmon
bauer hans ,   stuttgart germany   (09.03.06)
some jews need to stay in business, once to make it to the top ,jews had to babtize, today one must not go that way , just be a tool of the israel criticism. a bad fusion to the jewish nation.
48. Re: #43 Marlene and the UN
Stefan ,   Tel Aviv   (09.03.06)
Marlene, Just a few words. You must know that there is no such thing as a UNSCR against any other nation than Israel. There was a short period that it was possible against Iraq. Just few days ago it was impossible to produce a resolution against Sudan on genocide in Darfur. Chapter VI resolutions are just recommendations anyway and most of those against Israel have been condemnations, not requiring Israel to do something. The actions of the UN against Israel are basically pure anti-Semitism or racial tunnel vision. As you probably remember, Jerusalem was assigned in the UN resolution 181 as an international zone. Then Jordan occupied it for 19 years. Jordan has dropped any claims on Jerusalem and the “international” has not claimed it either. Therefore, it belongs to Israel. Rightfully so, because Jerusalem has had a Jewish majority at least for the last 150 years.
49. To Marlene and Arja -- IMPORTANT!!
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (09.03.06)
We the jews living in Israel are also "jews of conscience" and all we ask is to live in peace. Even those of us who know how many horrible mistakes Israel has made are aware that Israel has started down a path towards reconciliation while firmly recieving a slap in the face. Hezbollah and Hamas are responsible for the recent bloodshed , not Israel. If you can't see that then you are plain ignorant.
50. Chomsky etc
Stefan ,   Tel Aviv   (09.04.06)
I agree with you Marjie, If I may, I would like to do just a little fine tuning on your message. Chomsky is not the classical self-hating Jew. He hates the Jews but he clearly loves himself. His writings can be found decorating every self-respecting neo-Nazi web site. A decent person would have serious problems with this fact. One can not just ignore this happening by saying that I did not submit my opinions to the neo-Nazis and I can't help their use by them. This is not the question. The question is: Why do they want to use this material? If Chomsky's texts are indistinguishable from the neo-Nazi agenda, he should have a serious problem with it unless he does not have a problem with it. Because he does not seem to have a problem with it, it is a serious problem for every decent human being.
51. Marlene the Moonbat why doesn anyone really waste Their time
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (09.04.06)
52. SELF-HATRED, JEWISH. (1 of 2)
gerd schulz ,   germany   (09.04.06)
SELF-HATRED, JEWISH. The phenomenon of self-hatred arises among minority groups forced together by outside pressure, and produces a negative attitude on the part of members toward their own group, but the very word is absent from important dictionaries of the English language, and it would appear to have been coined by Theodore Lessing (see below) since in his book dealing with it he gives it in quotation marks. It was first diagnosed in Central European Jewish social theory and fiction. As expressed by Jews, it is both a group phenomenon and an individual trait. One Jewish group may take a hostile position toward another, e.g., German Jews against East European Jews in Europe; Orthodox Jews against Conservative and Reform Jews in the United States and the State of Israel; and vice versa. A Jew who expresses self-hatred, according to Kurt Lewin, "will dislike everything specifically Jewish, for he will see in it that which keeps him away from the majority for which he is longing. He will show dislike for those Jews who are outspokenly so, and will frequently indulge in self-hatred" (Lewin, Resolving Social Confiicts. p. 164). With the decline of positive traits of Judaism and Jewish identification in Western Diaspora communities, both in Europe before World War II and in the United States afterward, self-hatred became endemic. The most important early analysis of the phenomenon among Jews appeared in Berlin, 1930, in Theodor Lessing's Juedischer Selbsthass (Berlin, 1930). To the self-hating Jew, all misfortune derives from the fact that one is Jewish. The Jews, moreover, are held responsible for their own fate and are therefore "to blame for all their misfortunes." Clinical reports by Lessing include Jews who urge the Aryans to exterminate the Jews like vermin, and others who remained childless or even committed suicide so as "to remove the stain of Jewishness from mankind." Lessing therefore describes Jewish self-hatred as an acute pathology of psychosis. In Western democracies, on the other hand, Jewish self-hatred appears as a chronic malady of neurosis. But, while  in Central Europe the self-hating Jew removed himself as far as possible from Jewish associations, in the United States he found himself at the top of Jewish community life. Lewin diagnosed this phenomenon in 1941. "In a minority group, individual members who are economically successful... usually gain a higher degree of acceptance by the majority group. This places them culturally on the periphery of the underprivileged group and makes them more likely to be 'marginal' persons. They frequently have a negative balance and are particularly eager not to have their 'good connections' endangered by too close a contact with those sections of the underprivileged group which are not acceptable to the majority. Nevertheless, they are frequently called on for leadership by the underprivileged group because of their status and power. They themselves are usually eager to accept the leading role in the minority, partly as a substitute for gaining status in the majority, and partly because such leadership enables them to have and maintain additional contact with the majority." This type of person Lewin calls "the leader from the periphery." He uses his position to de-Judaize the Jewish community and remove those traits which make Jews Jewish. [Joseph Neipris] (EJudaica)
53. SELF-HATRED, JEWISH. (2 of 2)
gerd schulz ,   germany   (09.04.06)
With the renaissance of Jewish pride and self-respect consequent upon the establishment of the State of Israel and its positive impact upon Jewish and world public opinion of the 1950s and 1960s, Jewish self-hatred tended to decline. Indeed, the rise to public prominence of clearly identified Jewish personalities in the Western democracies and of the State of Israel served as a powerful antidote to both public and private self-hatred. Evidence of the development of Jewish self-respect is the dramatic shift in budgets of Jewish community federations and welfare funds, and of public opinion affecting those budgets in favor of positive evidences and programs of Jewish self-identification. Lewin regarded Jewish self-hatred as a social-psychological phenomenon in that it occurs among entirely normal persons. He therefore concluded: "Jewish self-hatred will die out only when actual equality of status with the non-Jew is achieved. Only then will the enmity against one's own group decrease to the relatively insignificant proportions characteristic of the majority groups. Sound self-criticism will replace it." It is generally maintained, therefore, that through Jewish education feelings of inferiority and fear may be counteracted by positive identification with the Jewish people. For example, Zionism in the Germany of the 1930s was a powerful force in the face of Hitler for hope and Jewish affirmation ("Jasagen zum Judentum"). On this subject Lewin further commented: ". . . there is nothing so important as a clear and fully accepted belonging to a group whose fate has a positive meaning. A long-range view, which includes the past and the future of Jewish life, and links the solution of the minority problem with the problem of the welfare of all human beings, is one of these sources of strength. A strong feeling of being part and parcel of the group and having a positive attitude toward it is . . . sufficient condition for the avoidance of attitudes based on self-hatred." Since, as noted, Zionism before 1948, and the State of Israel thereafter, provided that locus of unity and long-range view of a past of courage and a future of hope which Jewish self-esteem demands, it is not to be wondered at that the growing impact of Zionist activity in the Western countries as well as in the Jews of the U.S.S.R. has materially limited the formerly commonplace and endemic expressions of this phenomena. (EJudaica)
54. All Jews
Petra Blumenfeld ,   usa   (12.21.06)
If we forget our book, we forget who we are. If we forget our G-d we are g-dless heathens. Our religion was drastically changed after Israels fall to Rome, over 2,000 years ago. No more Levite Priests, Rabbis were substituted. No more animal scacrifices, prayer would be substituted. There is no Zion without the G-d of Zion who dwells there. Either we are or are not Jews. Our laws, our history all hinge on Israels G-d. Israel forever!!!!!
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