Jewish Scene
Non-Jewish sperm 'legitimate'
David Regev
Published: 05.09.06, 15:49
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31. what no sperm?
boy mitzvah ,   tel aviv   (09.07.06)
what a sad story, as a thoughtful person that i am, i am willing to give this lady my sperm, but only extracted in the natural way, so lets go forth and multiply.......oh vey!...shalom
32. Re #28: Gabriella
Steve ,   USA   (09.08.06)
B"H "The only option would be A.I. from a goy , accompanied with all the hallachic implications here presented. Even though she may parent children this way, everyone agrees it falls short of being ideal." My question is why she would need a divorce at all for this? You are saying that she would find someone to raise the children with and that she would have children via artificial insemination without a get is the hallachic implication. Then she could live and raise the child with someone else. As long as they do not commit adultury, they would be able to raise a family. They could live in separate nearby houses to not violate ehud unless accompanied with the child who is capable of talking after he or she gets weaned. Some people are "gay" and not interested in women, but say they are only interested in raising children. Would this then be the role for a "gay" partner who did not want sex with that woman? I contend that there is something very twisted with this situation where she and he are not divorced. But I am curious with its possible outcome, anyway. What is the real barrier here. Why does she need another "marriage" with the way this one turned out? In other words you state: "she would be free to find another husband, someone to share her life with and bring up children in love and family" I contend if: she would be free to find another man, someone to share her life with and bring up children in love and family ... it would not need to be a husband necessarily. My concern is that if she finds another husband, the sexual relationship with her new "husband" would compromise her relationship with her child. I have seen that happen so often, and it is very destructive for the resulting child. In other words, her capability to remary is not in that child's best interests as far as I can tell. Finding someone caring to raise the child is. Moses found Aaron for example to raise his children and he did not remarry as I understand it. Miriam was incorrect in insisting that Moses find another wife among the Jewish people (to swap the genders here, but elucidate the concept).
33. #32 Hi Steve !
gabriela ben ari   (09.08.06)
Well by now it really began to look weird. You still need for a reason good enough to understand why she needs a divorce (above all the ones I presented to you before) , and you claim you still can't understant why a divorce at all given all the other "alternatives" you presented I don't know if you are joking, pulling my leg or really meaning what you wrote but HOW ON EARTH PARTNERING WITH A GAY WOULD MAKE HER HAPPY DEAR ???? Don't you know normal women need sex WITH MEN and regularly !!!???? Or do you think the ONLY thing she (and any woman) craves for the rest of her life is that child and period. Not that we know her personally, but why do you take for granted that such sick and crooked and perverse "solution" has a point ? Something wrong here please ? Are you, yourself a get denier ? Honestly I wonder how you came up with this pervertion qu: S: "My concern is that if she finds another husband, the sexual relationship with her new "husband" would compromise her relationship with her child." My gosh, that new man could be her husband AND father of the child to begin with, if she could only get her get. Secondly even if he is not his biological father, NOTHING could be more beneficial for the child than a loving adoptive dad. Well by noe I hope you've got some idea about women's rights and needs good bye and Shabat Shalom
34. Re #33 Gabrielle
Steve ,   USA   (09.10.06)
B"H I hear you saying that the woman needs sex with someone whom she loves and this is what it boils down to, that she has regular sex with a husband that cares and is dedicated to her and her children. But she is unable to have children with her husband. So flip gender roles. Perhaps that is what that man wants also. What he does is always expected to be different than what he wants, however. But she claims that he is "cheating" on her. Cheating can mean a lot of different things. She claims that he has a child with another woman. Does that mean he is caring for another woman's child, or that he is the biological father? In terms of the child's being raised on her side, biological or not does not seem to matter since she cannot bear children without artificial insemination at best. She just wants a "legitimate" child. His response has not been heard at all. There is some possibility that she could be lying or misunderstanding the situation, or even misreporting it. It is pretty strong motivation for her lying about the situation, that she has been unable to have a child with her husband for six years and her biological clock is "running out". Plus she needs a loving relationship for her child. There is no guarentee that she would be able to have children with a different man either. She is not wanting to adopt in the article. There has been no proof that the fault is that of her husband, that he is "defective" in his ability to father children biologically. Indeed she claims the opposite, that he had a child with anohter woman. To quote you: "My gosh, that new man could be her husband AND father of the child to begin with, if she could only get her get. Secondly even if he is not his biological father, NOTHING could be more beneficial for the child than a loving adoptive dad. " If she has an issue with fertility, it is not necessarily the husband's fault. I see no proof that it is the husband's fault that she cannot have a child via artificial insemination. It is the law that requires both signatures. If the state thought this situation were proper, the law would require only one signature. He just gave up as being the biological father at most as far as I could tell instead of getting upset about it. He is tired of trying something that is not working for them. On your second point, "Secondly even if he is not his biological father, NOTHING could be more beneficial for the child than a loving adoptive dad." I am not sure that condition currently exists. Who is the loving adaptive dad for this child? Does she have someone lined up? Would she be called a cheater in such a circumstance? And why would the dad or husband have a different standard? Why is he judged by one standard and she has another standard in terms of "cheater"?
35. #19 - Language is how it's used
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (09.13.06)
These days "goy" is used a an insult, and you know it!
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