Israeli schools flunk in OECD study
Published: 12.09.06, 12:55
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1. education
susan ,   israel   (09.12.06)
not surprising at all. i walked out of the system 7 years ago - not only because of the LOW salary but because of the 40 pupils per classroom and the 80 parents that you had to deal with. no one has any respect for the profession. one needs to devote a lot of time and effort in major reforms.
2. What do you expect?
Michael Steiner   (09.12.06)
Most Israeli resources (physical, monetary, as well as mental) are spent/wasted on keeping three million people subjugated and protecting the couple of hundred thousand colonizers in their midst. So long as there is occupation, there won't be enough money for education, health, pensioners, social security benefits, etc.
3. #2 Has hit the nail on the head
Aharon   (09.12.06)
All the money is spent on the settlers.
4. Education
Joe Simon ,   Kfar Aviv, Israel   (09.12.06)
Not enough money? Get rid of some of the superfluous members of knesset, togeter with their secretaries, office staff, cars, etc. In addition, cut out some of their inflated perks. Instead of the knesset voting itself a wage increase, let the knesset give the increase to the teachers.
5. Because all the money goes to the settlements
Alissa ,   Tel Aviv   (09.12.06)
6. Funny, the CBS say only about 50% get bagrut
Kathy ,   Raanana   (09.12.06)
7. i guess its wrong guys
Sombol ,   Gaza   (09.12.06)
come check out schools in gaza strip the calss room is too small and it contain more than 55 student in one reem so here is more croud than there i guess
8. Settlers are Israeli citizens.............
Avraham ,   Netivot   (09.12.06)
Settlers are Israeli citizens who pay taxes like anyone else & don't evade their army service like others do. If it weren't for the settlers the lefty snobs wouldn't be able to sit safely in their coffe shops & complain.
9. student scholarships
naftush ,   Kiryat Arba, Israel   (09.12.06)
Before faulting Israel for scanty student scholarships and loans, one should bear in mind that university tuition is heavily subsidized for all students and virtually waived for those who do volunteer tutoring.
10. to 2 and 3
Shai ,   Israel   (09.12.06)
Your comments are rediculous. Michael, I see you're back to your usual self after a short epiphany during the Lebanon war. First, to leave the settlements and establish new homes would take at least 5 to 10 years, as we don't have the capacity to rebuild tens of thousands of extra houses quickly, and if we do get such a wave of new houses, it will damage the current housing economy and result in less affordable housing, as it had when a similar wave occured in the late 1980's and early 1990's. Compared to what we'd pay for extra housing costs, the money paid to settlers to provide them with services and defense is minimal. You may not like this fact, but they really are economically facts in the field and it's impossible to get rid of them without huge negative economic impacts. A better answer is to swap lands so that the Palestinians get more of their Arab brethren and we get more of our Jewish brethren within our boundaries. And let's remember, the peace process hasn't been able to stabilize peace for 5 to 10 days. The time between your idea becoming accepted and implemented would contain may Palestinian violent actions, and support for the move would disappear before it could be implemented. So you'd have suffered the damage of removing these "settlers" with no benefit at all. Gaza is your proof,. Next, it would cost about $100 billion at least to implement your plan. Since your point is that removing settlements would free money for other things like education, let's look at this claim in more detail - The delta between what it would cost to defend "settlements" vs. to defend MOST of those residents inside the Green Line is not large (most live in north and South Jerusalem, and in places contiguous to the Green Line). You wouldn't need to remove all settlements to achieve a savings - perhaps only those that are difficult to defend. Also, the state costs for unemployment, housing during construction period, social services and other services once you've uprooted these families is also an expense - consider it well before wishing your wishes. But remember as well that even areas that have residents on them that are difficult to defend will still be defended by the IDF, the only savings would be that we aren't defending citizens. There is also the matter of withdrawals achieving the opposite of what we wish - you Michael supported a non-negotiated withdrawal from Gaza - you got what you wanted and we are all suffering from it. Not a single benefit was achieved. Why you insist on walking that path still is beyond understanding. But since we are talking about finding more money for education in the withdrawal from Settlements, in fact the withdrawal from Gaza and Lebanon has shown us that withdrawals only lead to MORE expenditures for security (NIS 20 billion for Lebanon alone). And let's nto forget, the residents of "settlements" are Israeli citizens - at least you're not, Michael, but maybe not Aharon neither. So possibly unlike both of you, they are entitled to the services you would like to take from them. Over the last two governments, they get not more, and probably less per capita than Israeli citizens INSIDE the Green Line. Compared to what they'd cost if they moved inside the Green Line (additional schools, infrastructure, etc.), keeping them where they are is a bargain. So if you want to support the idea of kicking Settlers out their homes, find another more convincing way to do it - saying that money that should have been spent on Education went to them is not more convincing than saying it went to paying the military costs associated with the recapitulation you counsel.
11. I quited the system too #1
And for exact same reasons. Most of the teachers that survive this system are real lazy. They just dont care who listens, hw, and parents. No way to survive more than 20 in a class
12. #7 - Sombol
Tsedek ,   Israel   (09.12.06)
Just wanted to say that I like your emailaddress LOL (I'm a fan of 2PAC as well) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tse.
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