Ahmadinejad: Zionists different from Jews
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 18.09.06, 00:15
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61. Khalid - 15.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (09.18.06)
Khalid, There is no doubt what he said made sense to him and you because that is how you see things if one doesn't look in detail at the whole picture. The man may be simple but he is not a fool, indeed he has a very disarming way about him and this is why he is so dangerous. Like all you men of peace, it is not the words you speak that are threatening but your actions which are in the most opposite to what you say. The fools are the people taken in by the rhetoric, the people who still think that diplomacy is the answer. Diplomacy means negotiation which means give and take and that means you of Islam both receiving and taking while giving nothing but threats should negotiations break down. That is the way of Islam and so he and you must follow if you are true to your belief. Create a problem and get what you can from it is usually the way but this time it is a little more serious since one of us may well be extinct soon.
62. referendum
izaak ,   australia   (09.18.06)
if the iranian president believes in right of return then he must denounce all revolts against jewish return and advocate full poltical compensation for the jewish demographic loss .
63. to 55 Zeev - terms for surrender (1)
Shai ,   Israel   (09.18.06)
Why would you assume one has to like war to get it? Ask the Americans who were brought into WWII after standing aside passively. Why would you assume that supporting Arab causes doesn't make you susceptible to attacks by Muslim extremists? Ask the Spanish, and now the French who are being threatened by Al Queda. Ask all the Arab countries' where most of the violence by Arab terrorists occur, and their fellow Muslims who die in their suicide attacks (so being Muslim also won't save you). Why would you assume that only Arabs have suffered injustices and wrongs that need to be righted? Ask all those who were expelled from their properties in Arab countries, some like those Jews from Morrocco and Iraq, who lived there before Arabs did. Ask the survivors of the Holocaust. Why would you assume that only Muslims believe the things they believe strongly enough to fight for them? Ask those who survived the Holocaust who fought against those you place on the pedestal, those who knew that any defeat would have consigned them to the same fate they escaped from Germany. Why would you believe that surviving under all circumstances is better than living enslaved to a world that spills Jewish blood like water, Zeev? Why do you think that righteousness is something that excludes consideration of all the evil deeds of those who have oppressed us, those very same Arabs who seek to obliterate our state, and you included, and only considers the worst of our deeds? If I had a nickle for every time I heard about Emmaus from you, I'd be a millionaire. if I had a a penny for every time Arabs bring up Der Yassin, an event from 60 years ago, to justify their terrorism that occurs almost every week and would occur every day if we didn't stop them, I'd be a billionaire. Justice is not a matter to be decided by you and Palestinians, but is a matter of mutual recognition and COMPROMISE.
64. to 55 9continuation)
Shai ,   Israel   (09.18.06)
As you can see from my address, Zeev, if one of us is hiding it's not we Israelis nor me. While you hide in Geneva, safe from what you think I expose myself to, you can congratulate yourself that you can pass judgment when you have nothing to lose by following your advice. It is you who's hiding, not us in Israel. We literally live and die on our decisions, and don't; have the luxury of hiding behind our congratulating ourselves on how moral we are by attempting to influence the conflicts of others, as though you stand guiltless and we stand convicted. The very last person who should get the credit for being righteous for "giving the chance to Jews to get peace and survive" is Ahmednajad. i suppose you'd say that he did the same for Bush and Merkle when he offered that they should convert to Islam. You could argue that the Arabs of Gaza were merciful to offer the Pope to convert to Islam, or to otherwise suffer more destruction of their churches. In your world, one where Ahmednajad and his ability to win the next conflict (might) is right, I am gratefully and happily on the side of all you find wrong, Zeev. You have a Jewish name - if you are indeed Jewish, you are truly misguided regarding the meaning not only of your Jewishness, but of your right to call yourself a lover of humanity. I fail to comprehend how any lover of humanity could define what my actions should be based only on the prospect of whether I can win a war or not. You apparently have no values other than to live. I promise you if Ahmednajad gets his way, all the lovers of the freedoms of left wing humanity, such as those who support the rights of gays, prisoners, child abusers, animals, etc., because of their "humanity" will soon be splitting hairs on whether Shia is a more appropriate means of doing away with all these than Sunni Islam is. You, not I, are the misguided one. It is I who will not surrender because it is I who understand the value of humanity and all that is human, not you. I doesn't matter how much your heart bleeds for the oppressed, you are simply playing at being a liberal if you fail to understand the threat people like Ahmednajad are to your way of life. Put your life on the line, and those of your family, for what you believe in. Then, and only then, will I take tochecha from you.
ANDREW ,   MIAMI   (09.18.06)
66. #6
sheldon waxman ,   south haven, usa   (09.18.06)
Iran is not Arab. They were formerly Persians, like in The Persian Empire. They speak Farsi not Arabic. They are trying to regain their Imperial status of long ago. All of his questions have been answered many times over. He's a nut case.
67. 52 zeev, geneva : Why using a Jewish Name for your Blatant
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (09.18.06)
Jew Hate ? Now lets see - and Geneva ? Do you hang out in the Paquis ?Geneva’s red-light district as all Arabs do - because you sound rather like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's brother
68. Ahmadinejad was born yesterday
"They put in prison those who try to do research. About historical events everybody should be free to conduct research. Let's assume that it has taken place. Where did it take place? So what is the fault of the Palestinian people? These questions are quite clear. We are waiting for answers," he told Time. It is clear from this quotation that Ahmadinejad was literally born yesterday and has not even studied 20th century history. He pretends that he wants some sort of enlightenment about it, so we should give him enlightenment. Let Angela Merkel host him for a tour of Auschwitz. Let Bush take him to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. And Mr. Ahmadinejad, we don't need to "assume" that the Holocaust took place when the eye-witnesses--both Jewish and otherwise-- are still living and have recounted the genocide time and again. If it didn't, then what made Europe's Jewish refugees flee to Palestine right after WW2? and why do you "assume" that the "palestinians" had a nation in that land to begin with? can you "prove" it?
69. Why dont you answer his questions??
Kenan ,   ottawa, canada   (09.18.06)
All i see here is a bunch of hatred and trash talk left in your comments. Why dont you guys start answering the questions that hes asking about the holocaust... I am sick of the holocaust being thrown in everyones face... what about the 20million russians that died... no one even knows about them... but hey... Its all good as long as we all remember the 6 million jews. come on... the whole world see's right threw this game.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.18.06)
56 Muslim countries. Only one Jewish state. 22 HUGE, oil-wealthy Arab countries cover over six million square miles, over ten percent of the land surface of earth. TINY, over-crowded Israel, only one tenth of one percent of the Middle East. Stop the land grab of Jewish land! Racist Jew-haters, Islamist religious supremacists seek to deny Jews the right to live in their Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria because they are Jews and not Muslims. Around 1948, Arabs violently ethnically cleansed one million Jews from Arab countries. Arab governments seized the land, homes, bank accounts, businesses and assets of the Jews. Most Jewish refugees fled to Israel where the religious terror war against Jews never stops. It is unacceptable to Muslims for Jews to have self-rule. A bloody jihad that spans the globe. It is essential Arab countries compensate the Jewish refugees and their descendants - half of Israel's Jewish population - in land and finances. This urgent human rights issue must be discussed constantly with Road Map architects - U.S. EU, UN and Russia, and in homes, schools, social activities, cultural events and synagogues.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.18.06)
Right of return is non-negotiable. All Jewish land stolen in the 1948 Islamic invasion must be returned. In 1948, Egypt invaded Gaza, ethnically cleansing all Jews. In 1948, Jordan invaded Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem, ethnically cleansing all Jews. Jordan destroyed 58 sacred synagogues in Jerusalem. In 1967 when Israel won Islam's war of aggression against it, Jews returned to the areas of their homeland they had been ethnically cleansed from for 19 years. Fascists DECEITFULLY call this return "occupation". Under international law, territories are considered "occupied" only when taken in an act of aggression which does not apply to Israel. Judea, Samaria and Gaza are not 'occupied territories' according to international law because they were not taken from any foreign sovereign. The religious terror war against Jews never stops. It is unacceptable to Muslims for Jews to have self-rule in the tiny, re-born Jewish state. It is a bloody, global war to subjugate every nation to Islam, ruled by sharia law. The return to Jewish ownership of the land, homes, properties & businesses stolen from the Jews in the 1948 Islamic invasion is an urgent human rights issue requiring constant discussion with Road Map architects - U.S. EU, UN and Russia, and in homes, schools, social activities, cultural events and synagogues.
72. iran
joe m ,   ny,   (09.18.06)
Hey Khalid....If the iranian presisent makes perfect sense to you...maybe you need a mental examination. At the very least, go back to the middle east and get the heck out of our country. You will soon see what america can do when threatened by a facist government
73. #52
joe m ,   ny   (09.18.06)
Hey # 52 Since switzerland let's basically no-one become citizens in their country....maybe the palestinians can go live with you guys since you are so concerned? America has taken many and improved their lives? What has your country done to help anyone? Shut up and make cheese.
Bush ,   USA   (09.18.06)
THANK YOU ABDUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT. David just give me one secular answer to your rights to the land of Israel. Why is that so much to ask. Ahmadinejad is just asking a question. He has no gun to your head. Answer the stupid question. If it is not about the holocaust what the hell is it about. I don't think you can answer and if you don't answer Iran he will only try harder and won't let go. Any answers?
75. Ahamidinejat
Nash   (09.18.06)
All he wants an answer! why can't some one answer him back and shuts his mouth?
76. Ahmadinejad: Zionists different from Jews
Keith Dawid ,   Mumbai,India   (09.18.06)
77. Immaturity of Youth
Jack Shattuck ,   Claymont, DE - USA   (09.18.06)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wasn't born until Oct. 28, 1956 - He missed the War of Independence and the Suez Crisis, and most importantly, was too young to watch and learn from the Eichman Trial. Wonder if he got his education about the Shoah from Mahmoud Abbas' doctorial dissertation?
American ,   USA   (09.18.06)
79. ZEEV
pierre ,   belgique   (09.18.06)
You as a swiss,would agree,with people like this Dispicable individual;;what about all the jewish,citizens from all the arab countries,and Iran as we're on the subject,that were chased from their homes,with out a cent,All their worldly belongings stolen forever,Can they go back and claim their homes??The palestinians had plenty of opportunity to make peace and live IN PEACE,with the Israelis,but ,they have always chosen the opposite direction;just take a look at Gaza.and talking about oppression,I wonder what you call the Irainian treatment of its citizens?and shall I go further to remind you of the SWISS,during WW2??Honestly speaking ,everytime I see a talkback like yours from people like you In Switzerland ;I get that horrible feeling that you are quite capable of re-writing history..OH and can Jews,move to gaza,,,???or bethlehem or Jenin,or Ramallah???,
80. to Ahmadinejad and #52 Bush
T M ,   L J USA   (09.18.06)
I dare you to read "From Time Immemorial" by Joan Peters for secular reasons. For religious reasons look 1) IN THE TORAH 2) LOOK IN THE KORAN what reference to the land of Israel belonging to the moslems. During the Turkish rule up to 1917 there was very low population in Israel including Arabs. Under the British Mandate, the British imported hundreds of thousands of arabs from arab lands to prevent the Jews from establishing a homeland in their universally accepted inheritance, the Torah. During the 1948 war they left of their own volition, meaning they were not "refugees" but people trying to return to their arab homelands. However, those countries prevented them from returning to their land, making them refugees in their own home.
81. To No. 35 and the issue of Palestine
Marlene ,   New York City   (09.18.06)
The issue of Palestine was the Zionist dream. Most Jews were not Zionists and were certainly not interested in becoming farmers in Palestine, so the State of Israel is built on the Zionist dream and the Holocaust. We also need to remember that not all Jews are Zionists, and all Zionists are not Jews, and that there are millions of Christian Zionists who support Israel according to their interpretation biblical prophecy. As for Adhmadinejad..there is nothing wrong in the questions he has asked, and moreover,there should be one state for all people! The real Holocaust deniers in my own opinion are those who want to educate the world about it, or who suffered through it, and yet oppress the Palestinians and treat them like sub-humans, just the way Nazis treated the Jews before they were carted off to concentration camps.
82. I agree to you that the Torah is the only proof
BUSH ,   USA   (09.18.06)
to our rights for the land. Why can't someone tell him that. He is asking for a debate on the holocaust and Israel. Let us pile the proofs on his desk. Why is Israel ignoring his requests, calling him names and in sane and asking the world to stop the madman. He is not coming to Israel with warfare. He has no gun on anyones head. All he wants is an answer. The Israeli govt have no answers because the only answer is the Torah. But since they are so far removed from the Torah they are too stubborn to answer him. They can't handle the truth. On the contrary they are ignoring him, calling him mad, and obssessed with Jews. Sooner or later if he doesn't get his answer he might come with his army.
85. Achie whatever
Hilda ,   USA   (09.18.06)
Dismissing this man as simply a madman is making the same mistake that people did with Hitler. He says what he means and means what he says. He is dangerous and we should take him seriously--and get rid of him
86. to #12 Observer.
Hilda ,   USA   (09.18.06)
No, he does need to be a suicide bomber. He has surregates do his dirty work. Who do you think financed Hizbollah's missiles and also is doing it for Hamas?
87. G-D is the GREATEST ZIONIST in the Universe !
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.19.06)
Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Hebrew Bible, not once in the Koran. Bible: Zechariah 1:14 'Thus says the L-RD of hosts, "I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and Zion." A future day is coming when G-D will judge the enemies of Israel! Bible, Joel 3:2 "I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land."
88. Linda!!!
Seth ,   New York, NY   (09.19.06)
Linda, You are great!!!
89. Palestine
Jerry Meents ,   Ogden, Utah.   (09.19.06)
Hey # 81, there is a Palestinian Country. It is called Jordan. Jordan was ceated from 75% of Palastinian soil, and most of the citicens who live there are Palestinians or from Palestinian back ground. Jewish people are not allowed to live in Jordan. So why can't the Jews have a small piece of there land back from were they were forced to leave by the Romans, and have there own goverment? It is clear that you don't know what did take place in the occupied country's during 1939-1945. The Palestinians and there Arab brothers invaded that little piece of land that tthe Jews got back from there original land from were they came from. And there is a state of war ever sinds going on for almost 60 year and killing women and children for almost the same time and rejecting any peace proposal for all those years. And yes you and the Arabs would love to see a one state for all people. The Arabs breed like minks and the Jews don't. And with 5-6 million so called Palestinians Israel would disappear and the Jews would have to live under Islamic law. Check on the Jews who live in Iran than you get the idea.
90. Israel's "right to exist"
gerd schulz ,   germany   (09.19.06)
Our right to exist--have you ever heard of such a thing? Would it enter the mind of any Briton or Frenchman, Belgian or Dutchman, Hungarian or Bulgarian, Russian or American, to request for its people recognition of its right to exist? Mr. Speaker: We were granted our right to exist by the God of our fathers at the glimmer of the dawn of human civilization four thousand years ago. Hence, the Jewish people have an historic, eternal and inalienable right to exist in this land, Eretz Israel, the land of our forefathers. We need nobody's recognition in asserting this inalienable right. And for this inalienable right, which has been sanctified in Jewish blood from generation to generation, we have paid a price unexampled in the annals of nations. Mr. Speaker: From the Knesset of Israel, I say to the world, our very existence per se is our right to exist! (Menachem Begin to the Knesset upon assuming the premiership in 1977)
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