Ahmadinejad: Why so sensitive about Israel?
Published: 21.09.06, 11:16
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31. Ahmadinejad and CNN - the problem
S Judah ,   london   (09.21.06)
And did the CNN reporter mention to him that the Palistinians were actually occuping Jewish Land. I bet not ? why not? let us e-mail CNN and ask what happened to their reporters knowledge of history. The Iranian we can ignore he is a loud mouth fanatic. The CNN reporter, that we cannot ignore nor forgive.
32. 20-30 thousand protested at the UN to support Israel yesterd
Heather ,   Lancaster, PA, USA   (09.21.06)
Exactly. If the media is supposedly so pro Israel, why didn't they cover this event? (I was there btw.)
33. zionist regime?
Fox ,   Pittsburgh USA   (09.21.06)
I never understood this term, nor this claim, until I read the Iranian prez. comment that all groups in the Palestine area should be involved in the government. He has a point here. The best solution for "Israel" is for it to be a completely non-religious, non-ethnic state, representing *all* its inhabitants. The Israelis need to recognize the rights of the Palestinians, and vice versa. On the other hand, the prez. comments questioning the holocaust is the sort of stupidity that undermines any sort of valid alternative viewpoint regarding Israel as a nation.
34. Why is the US so sensitive about Israel?
John ,   USA   (09.21.06)
A better question is "Why does the US provide such inordinate support toward Israel?" One reason is that AIPAC and other Jewish supported lobbies pretty much own the US congress. When even a few voices of dissent in congress tried to say the the bombing of Lebanon was excessive and unjustified, they were quickly beaten down and silenced, threatened with losing their jobs. Too much money goes into congressional elections in the US from Zionist support organizations. Its the elephant in the room here in the US: Everybody knows it, buts it's a taboo subject. (Do a Google search on "Van Hollen Israel" and you'll see what I mean.) Another reason is that 90% of ALL media in the US is controlled by one of only 5 companies. There's so much noise and disinformation in the US that the idea of a free media is a total joke. I can't say it's Zionist controlled information, but I have my suspicions. So basically the answer is that Americans do not have control of their own foreign policy, it's heavily favored toward Zionism. Most Americans are too ignorant to understand this problem. So while I don't like the Iranian leader and I think he's as slimy as everyone else, I can't deny that he makes some valid points.
35. Abdul #19
Chatich   (09.21.06)
"Israel is the prime cause of instability in the region". Yeah, right - just as a policeman would be the prime cause of instability at a bank robbers' convention. Without Israel, the middle east would be a vast, barren cess pool of evil and death, devoid of anything good or righteous. Israel is like a beauty mark on the middle of a warthog's buttock, a majestic oasis in a vast desert of human waste. Long live Israel and her lofty values.
36. #12 and #16
YMS ,   Kuala Lumpur   (09.21.06)
I'm sorry that you two might have misundertood my post earlier. I was only referring to those questions regarding. the unconditional support from America to Israel and the obvious double-standard of America towards Israel-Pals conflict. Truely and verily I do not deny Holocaust. I know very much that it happened, its just that Israel always uses Holocaust to justify oppressions and discriminations against other people in the name of survival.
37. Answer to # 22 and #31
Brenda ,   Indiana, USA   (09.21.06)
I just cannot understand how everyone who is so knowledgeable could be so stupid when it comes to a history of the Mideast. Israel is not occupying anything. That land was given to them. The Israeli's just came back home which is one of the prophecies of the Bible. I wasn't impressed with the Anderson interview either. It's almost as if these reporters are afraid to ask the hard questions and keep at people like Ahmadinejad and Chavez until they answer with the way they really feel. Both of these men are scary but I have to say that Chavez came off like a stand-up comedian but the menace was still there. Chavez needs to get smart, he may be in bed with the moslems like Ahmadinejad now but if people like the Iranians ever get more powerful, Chavez will be one of the first to go. OH, I forgot he'll probably convert and manage to keep his head. I think both of them are really cowards. Moslems talk about respect and not saying bad things about their prophet but that seems to be totally one-sided. They have no respect for any other belief but their own. I tell you people things will not be well for them. Maybe not in my lifetime and maybe not for decades yet but when the Lord decides to take control out of human hands and handle things himself, they will be destroyed.
38. what about the hebron 1929 Massacre?
michael   (09.21.06)
39. #34, John
Chatich   (09.21.06)
"Do a Google search on 'Van Hollen Israel' and you'll see what I mean" --- Well, your suggestions produced nothing but lies and propaganda, but I did a Google search on "works of fiction inspired by jew-hatred" and "manufactured anti-semitic conspiracy theories" and I now see exactly what you mean. Shalom
40. Steve G.
Mike ,   U.S.   (09.21.06)
Steve, i think you may not have all the facts when you say that the majority of u.s. citizens have consistently voted and voiced their support of israel. if you mean AIPAC ensures that votes in this country support israel then yes you are correct. but if you ask average citizens they don't really want anything to do with israel. if you believe israel stands for the dignity of human beings and tolerance how can you explain their track record for killing innocent folks and treating arab folks so poorly. if there were facts to back up your statement it might be more believable but the facts prove otherwise. i don't think anybody really wants to aspire to be like israel for a country i don't know where you got that information either. you should do some more research and maybe you will find some truth but these statements are way off base....
41. #34
Ram ,   London   (09.21.06)
I can see you have decided "the bombing of Lebanon was excessive and unjustified". Further more that "AIPAC and other Jewish supported lobbies pretty much own the US congress". Your further comments are in line with the above train of mind. Whether you real name is John or Ahmad, it appears that whatever education you have had has certainly made you shine in your written english. However, there is no doubt in my mind that the culture of "denial of the truth" is well imbedded in you. To say that Jews are in control of Congress can only come from a distorted mind that negates the fact that, if it were to be so, there would be no Israeli/Palestinian problem nor, for that matter, an Arab/Israeli problem. US policy favours democracy! It doesn't support backward authoritarian regimes and bloodthirsty "brainwashed from birth" people that are the REAL "root cause" of most of the evil in the world. The US has actually acted to the advantage of Israel's neighbours by continually restraining it from taking what to any other country would be acceptable as "the right to retaliate". Arabs have plenty to thank the US for.
THIS IS WHY ,   ..............DACON9   (09.21.06)
43. 34
David ,   London   (09.21.06)
There is a much simpler answer to the question of why the US provides such support towards Israel: Israel is the only democracy in the middle east!
44. Why do so many angry Jew haters...
Nathan Tableman ,   Hobokeb, NJ   (09.21.06) these Israeli news web sites? It is odd to me. You hate Israel, you hate lobbies (AIPAC), you hate this and that, but it all ends in your hate of Jews. So go read your own news outlets, go hate Jews and Israel somewhere else. The only thing I can think motivates you is the desire to seem important and engaged in the debate. Sucks to be an Arab, sucks to be a Pally, sucks to be unchosen, sucks to not have G-d give you the land, sucks that you do not know the impact of genocide on your family and thereby completely dismiss it as a rationale, sucks that you even know how to use the internet. But please just go hate over there (and I am pointing at Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc... where you wouldn’t be allowed to do much of anything).
45. To 36
Shai ,   Israel   (09.21.06)
Thanks for your clarification. The Holocaust was a formative moment in the creation of Israel as an internationally recognized state. However, the roots of what is today "Israel" began thousands of years ago. Modern Zionism's enterprise to establish a state preceded the Holocaust by 60 years. So I'd like you to consider the following: 1) What other state has to justify its existence to anyone else? Why is Israel called to task, whether it be as a safe-haven from the next Holocaust, or as a continuation of our thousands year-old legacy here, to explain its existence any more than the United States does, or even Malaysia? What difference should it make to you that some people see the importance of Israel as being a safe-haven, especially when Palestinians and their supporters are hell-bent and ensuring that Israel is not a self haven? Why does our existence as a state have to have ANYTHING to do with the Palestinians, such that you claim that we "justify oppression" because of it? We do not "justify oppression". Yes, we are a worried nation. I think after the Holocaust we have the right to be. But if you think that bombing us in restaurants and busses is the way to get us to loosen up so that our efforts at self-defense can be expressed in ways that do not feel like "oppression" to the Palestinians, then it won't make a difference if I answer your question. 2) Why does it bother you so much that America is Israel's friend? Does it bother you that practically the entire United Nations is the friend of Palestinians? Doubt it. Of course the reason it doesn't bother you that the UN is the Palestinians' friend is because you think everything they do is right, and everything we do is wrong. The only nation getting in the way of your perfect trifecta is the United States. "If only", you posit", the US would not protect Israel in the UN Security Council, aye, the world would be so much better because we'd give those arrogant Israelis not only a piece of our minds, but we'd force them to give the Palestinians what we think they deserve (everything) and give the Israelis what they deserve (nothing). Does your sense of righteousness arise when the Chinese and Russians protect Iran on the nuclear issue? Doubt it. How about Darfur, Sudan? Does your heart bleed that Sudan's allies run cover for her, resulting in literally hundreds of thousands of dead civilians at the hands of terrorists? Doubt it. So, YMS, don't be so surprised at our unwillingness to answer your questions, or those of Ahmednajad. You come off to yourself as expressing curiousity and a desire for healthy debate. But to me you come off as a person who can't grasp any answers than the ones you wish to here. You won't get those from me.
46. TO 34
Shai ,   Israel   (09.21.06)
Right - Jews control everything. You have your "suspicions". Listen John, Americans aren't stupid, as you suspect, you haven't cited any proof for your assertion that they are. Moreover, you ignore the great deal of control that Arabs, for example, have over the American economy, news networks like CNN, and international political playing fields like the UN, organizations of non-governmental organizations and in religiously aligned national organizations such as those representing the more than 50 Muslim states in the world. On all fronts, Israel is completely trounced because of the strength of Arab influence. Yet somehow, you find it "suspicious" that Americans are less influenced by the views of the rest of the world, and as an American I am a bit puzzled as to your conclusions for why. I find Americans to be, largely, idealistic people, "can do" people who respect others who are idealistic and "can do" people. Whether people or nations, I sense that Americans have little patience for those who blame their problems on others and do NOTHING to help themselves, and who are blind to how their own actions put them in their situations. Americans are problem solvers, and have an acuity for finding what causes the problems. I suppose most Americans use that acuity to conclude that Arabs, and not Israel, are causing most of the problems in the Middle East, and they have little patience for those who can't abide one tiny Jewish state in the vast see of Arab and Muslim ones. It just doesn't seem like Arabs are being very good sports, to them. It is THIS, John, that makes Israel look like the horse to bet on in the race with the Arabs. It is THIS, not some hidden behind the scenes cabal (that obviously isn't doing such a good job if there is one) is manipulating everybody's mind. Get real.
47. 43
American ,   USA   (09.21.06)
Israel is not a democraacy- it favors the' jew'-- it priveleges one race/religion- it is at best a theocracy- alot like your arab neighbors- except in actuality- LEBANON--- EGYPT ---JORDAN EVERYONE cAN VOTE!!!! people are darn tired of the zionist lies- its taking of US tax dollars- its brutal attack on Lebanon and GAZA-daily- THE USA IS OVER YOU .
48. 44- BECAUSE
American ,   USA   (09.21.06)
the USA gives so much welfare and aid to the zionist jewish state that the ARABS are blaing US for the jews ugliness- and we HAVE to watch you people. beleieve me- we wish we didnt .
49. To 33
Shai ,   Israel   (09.21.06)
Religous? Only 15% of the Jewish population can be described thus, and their political influence is nominal. About 90% of the Arab population is religious (Muslim usually). I would guess that the Arab population would probably have an easier time with religious Jews than non-religous ones, based on articles I've read about communications between the rabbinate and Hamas for example. Non-religous Jews come off to most Muslims as European implants, because it is only in Europe, they believe, that religion plays almost no role in life. They find threatening, and yet, you propose a very European solution to dissolve that threat It's the exact opposite of what would help. I don't think you found the problem here. Ethnicity? The Jews are made up of dozens of ethnicities, from Ethiopian to German to Morrocan to Yemeni to Iraqi to Italian to French to Russian - you name it, of 120 countries and over 80 languages, our Jewish population is represented. The diaspora has distributed us far and wide, and we literally have returned from the 4 corners of the earth. I don't think there is a single ethnicity here such that making it "non-ethnic" would have any perceivable effect. Face it - our Knesset represents "all" this country's inhabitants, even those who hate her (just read the news, man!) There is no easy solution such that a modification of our form of government, or anything else, would help. In the US, I suppose, you can afford to dream. We've been there, done that - there is no hope that Arabs will accept a Jewish state here. The problem is theirs to solve, we cannot do it for them. In the meantime, we'll simply defend ourselves. There is no other choice.
50. Iran want the right to Nukes
Sal ,   US   (09.21.06)
And you will have them over your heads soon, criminals and islamofacist, godless people.
51. John
Mike ,   U.S.   (09.21.06)
John, you are on the money with your takes. i wish more people would wake up like you have done. as folks who have a better understanding of what is actually happening we should continue to educate and back up with facts.....
52. Shai
Mike ,   U.S.   (09.21.06)
you seem to suffer from the same mental illness that i believe so many jews suffer from and this is that everybody is out to get you. rather than stand on your soap box and point out that everyone hates israel look to find the root cause for that hatred. you are correct that probably 3/4th's fo the planet does not agree with Israel's behavior. I don't think most folks simply hate jewish folks but rather their behavior. has this not gone on long enough? we always end up back at the same place. it bothers most americans that israel is blindly supported because we do not agree with israeli behavior plain and simple. read mersheimer's article if you don't believe aipac and the criminal element that has enormous power over the american agenda are not wreaking havoc on this country. the facts are all over the place do your homework. it is probably very tiresome to live in israel and try to defend all the poor behavior i would not like to do that. the defense theory that israel only tries to protect itself from blood thirsty muslims does not hold any water anymore. most folks know that israel is vicious in it's dealings with muslims and has been practicing ethnic cleansing for many many years. in fact israel has killed more muslim children that muslims have killed israel' that defense? please spare me of the very few occassions that muslims have used children to strap bombs to we both know that is rare and pales in comparison to what israel does to muslims on a daily basis. in fact, i believe that a muslim is killed almost daily by israel all in the name of defense. too many innocent folks have been slaughtered for anybody to believe that. the u.n. is controlled by both the u.s. and israel. if it serves those interests we agree with it. it if is critical of israel we don't agree with it. the russians and chinese know full well about zionist influence in america so they vote against that all the time. in fact russia threw out the oil thieves who were jewish and tried to control that country not long ago. i believe most of them fled to israel which is typical. again try to get out of the mental illness that has taken place over there and look for root causes rather than get caught in the war machine propaganda......
53. Lebanon/Hizbullah/Syria/Iran WAR AGAINST Israel & FREE WORLD
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.21.06)
Lebanon's government colluded with Hizbullah in unprovoked, vicious acts of war against Israel. Lebanese army radars were used to lock in Israeli targets for Hizbullah missile crews. YNETNEWS (08.12.06, 16:52) Siniora accepts deal, praises Hizbullah ...steadfastness of resistance fighters in field was very important,',7340,L-3290107,00.html Islamists lie about the number of civilians wounded and killed. Photo Fraud in Lebanon's new movie: Israel repeatedly warned Qana residents several days in advance via leaflets and radio to leave the area - 150 rockets were launched from Qana - these rockets killed 18 Israelis and wounded hundreds. Less numbers of Israelis were killed than Lebanese because Israel does not immorally use Israeli civilians as human shields. Israel protected her citizens - over one million Israelis lived for one month in bomb shelters. Israel's third largest city Haifa, was under regular rocket barrage. Hundreds of rockets were fired at northern Israel every day, many times more than were daily fired at Britain during the Blitz. Iran's guerrilla army Hizbullah rained down over 4,000 rockets on Israeli population centers. The rockets packed with thousands of metal ball bearings to maximize the suffering of Israeli victims. Iran's terrorist army Hizbullah committed war crimes using Lebanese civilians as human shields to protect rocket launching teams - setting up rockets and other weapons in apartment blocks, schools and mosques. Embedded in densely populated civilian areas, Hizbullah despicably shoot from inside mosques, hospitals and schools in south Lebanon. Images show Hizbullah using high-density residential areas to launch rockets:,,19955774-5007220,00.html Global jihadists Hizbullah's goal is the murder of every Jew on earth. On October 22, 2002 Hizbullah's leader Nasrallah told Lebanon's Daily Star: "If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." The purpose of the PLO as enshrined in its charter is the destruction of Israel. PLO terrorists were implanted into Israel through Oslo "peace" accords. The Hamas Charter states: "Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims... Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it..." Iran proclaim repeatedly they intend to destroy America and wipe Israel off the map. Iran is dangerously close in achieving nuclear capability to execute their genocidal goal. Hamas and Iran's terrorist army Hizbullah, fully trained and armed with the most advanced sophisticated military equipment fight Iran's war against Israel and the free world. The ultimate goal is the entire world subjugated under Islamist rulers. Surrounded by 22 huge, hostile Arab nations, tiny Israel's battle for survival is a fight for freedom and human rights for all nations.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.21.06)
2006 Khatami visit protested by Christian group Official: He enjoys in America what Christians in his country don't have September 8, 2006 ...The comments come from Sabri Atman, a member of the Assyrian Christians... "Our people are scattered across the world because of radical Moslems like Khatami and their slaughter of our people," Atman said. "How about my people? Why does nobody talk about my people," Atman said. Christians have been in the Middle East from the time of Christ. But they have faced a number of purges by the rulers over time, including the present attacks on Christians by powerful Islamic factions across Iran, Iraq and neighboring nations, Atman said. He said the Assyrian Christians are "the original people" in the region but they no longer have the same rights in their country that Khatami does in the United States. "While he enjoys the freedom to say whatever he wants against America, the Assyrian Christians in his own country suffer even as we speak. He does not afford to others the freedom he enjoys in America," Atman said. Atman noted just one or two generations back, Christians made up about 20 percent of the Middle East population. "In Turkey where I was born the Christian population was originally 33 percent. Today it is under 2 percent. The greatest reason was the Assyrian Genocide of 1915 in which nearly three million Christians were slaughtered throughout the Middle East," he said. "It is an insult to every one of our martyrs who were slaughtered at the hands of those like Khatami who think nothing of abusing Christians while they take advantage of the freedom of America and other freedom-loving countries," Atman said...
55. #52 PA CALL for the MURDER of all JEWS & MURDER of AMERICANS
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.21.06)
PA/PLO are the recipients of mega U.S. tax dollars. Americans are immorally forced to finance jihad against Jews and Americans. The planned genocide of Jews by PA/PLO/Hamas, Hizbullah-Syria-Iran et al, breaks international law and must be addressed by the International Criminal Court. The U.S. EU, UN Road Map Islamic Terror State Two in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem will reduce Israel to an INDEFENSIBLE 6-10 miles wide at mid-section, thus enabling a second Holocaust of Jews. The Palestinian Authority teach through their mosques, media, summer camps, and public education system, that murdering Jews is a religious obligation. Human bomb killers of Jewish innocents are revered and considered heroes by PA society. Palestinian Authority society are taught murdering Jews is the highest goal in life and attains paradise: The Palestinian Authority hailed as heroes the terrorists who brutally murdered defenseless 8 months pregnant Jewish Gaza mother, Tali Hatuel, and four little daughters in Gush Katif in May 2004. Thousands of Palestinian Authority Muslims celebrate in the streets and pass out sweets whenever Jewish innocents, including children, are murdered by human bomb killers. Effigies of burning buses are features of PA school pageants and summer camps. Streets and soccer teams are named after suicide bombers. Adults and children train in terrorist training camps. Terrorists have been captured at Israeli checkpoints, posing as ambulance drivers, doctors and patients. Terrorists have hidden explosive suicide belts under gurneys carrying sick children and in the garments of pregnant women. Red Crescent ambulances transport terrorists, weapons and bombs. Broadcast from Gaza mosque, Oct 13 2000, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, on Palestinian Authority TV (transcribed by Memri): "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them..."
56. 1-Yes we are the "puppy". Our God is the God of Israel
American ,   USA   (09.21.06)
Arik Silverman ,   MIlwaukee USA   (09.21.06)
Why? I just finished reading Margaret Truman's book about her father, former US President Harry S. Truman. Truman's state department (foreign office) officials wanted no part of Israel because they didn't want to antagonize the Arabs (oil, Suez canal). But fund-raisers for the Democrat Party told Truman that friends of Israel were large contributors to the Democrat Party, and if he didn't support Israel, they might cut off the money. Similar situation in the British Labour Party.
58. To 52
Shai ,   Israel   (09.22.06)
Utterly tendentious bullshit from beginning to end, Mike. Not worth my time to respond. You wouldn't be able to absorb it anyway.
melvin ,   u.s of a   (09.22.06)
by force, united states had no enemies in the middle east and the muslim world . if there is a JUST resolution to the palestinian and israeli conflict , then MOST of the conflict with the muslim and arab countries will be resolved. then those of you who have nothing else to do except bashing muslims, iranians, arabs etc. your only worries will be to sit down and munch on homus, falafel and kabob and curse these delicious foods for making you fat.
60. Mike 52
John ,   USA   (09.22.06)
Your're so right Mike. I have long thought that the Jewish people in general have long suffered from post traumatic stress disorder, and thus I see it in these posts here: so many are just arab bashing, and seem well beyond reason. Also, when I look at the wars in Palestine and Lebanon all I see are the dead children in "Stalingrad South" and Gaza among many places. While I defend Israels right to defend itself, I have long been distressed at the conduct of Jewish forces, the murders of civilians in the name of Zion, etc. While I don't deny there has been plenty of atrocities on the Arab side, it just always seems to me that Israel had the moral responsiblility NOT to commit atrocities. I have also felt that "we are not Nazis." but I have been troubled by the treatment of the Palestinians, and now the Lebanese, most of which had nothing to do with Hezbullah. If you heard the stories of the Israeli 'Refusniks" it could make you cry. But most of the Israeli public won't listen to this. They call them traitors, but most of them just wanted to be Jewish heros. And Americans think Israel is a solid monilith of Arab haters, but of course they don't get the whole story.
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