UN envoy: Israel turned Gaza into prison
Ali Waked and Reuters
Published: 26.09.06, 19:28
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121. Can you help me find Dugard's report?
James Gawthrop ,   Marietta, OH   (09.27.06)
"United Nations Human rights envoy to the Palestinian territories John Dugard has published a report Tuesday where he does not shy away from sharply criticizing Israel and the West for the situation in Gaza." I have Googled for this report and cannot find it. Can anyone steer me to it? Thanks, Jim G.
122. John DUGARD as 'U.N. Special Envoy'?
RIB ,   USA   (09.27.06)
Here's how the U.N. Commission on Human Rights operates. ~When it comes to Israel, however, too many of the experts have failed to act objectively, instead participating in the selective prosecution and a priori conviction of Israel. One of the most egregious perpetrators is 'John Dugard', special rapporteur on Palestine. . . - Hillel C. Neuer Or- Get a Clue! ~Dr. Moshe Sharon, Professor of Islamic History at Hebrew University, explains that there was "no possibility of peace between Israel and the Palestinians whatsoever, forever," since the Arab and Islamic world viewed the establishment of Israel as a "reversal of history." Sharon describes peace agreements with Arab Muslim states as "pieces of paper, parts of tactics, strategies," adding that they have "no meaning". Or this, a little something about 'the Palestinian PEOPLE!
123. John DUGARD's 'Propaganda Campaign'!
RIB ,   USA   (09.27.06)
Here's a little something on Durard's view of the 'Prison' and the 'Ethnic Cleansing' that HE perceives! Not that these "refugees" have a choice. Martin Sherman, Professor of Political Science at Tel Aviv University presented recent polls which indicated that most Palestinians, given the opportunity, would prefer some form of compensation and the opportunity to move to another country and get on with their lives. They cannot. The UN, UNRWA and the Arab countries won't allow it. No Arab country except Jordan -- where they now constitute more than two-thirds of the population -- accepted Palestinians as citizens. Saudi Arabia, for example, recently passed a law allowing all foreigner workers in the country to apply for Saudi citizenship in 2005 - except 'Palestinians'.
FM ,   Seattle, USA   (09.27.06)
Israelis can say whatever they want, make whatever excuses make them feel better, blame the victems, spin the news, yell "anti-semite"--whatever!! Someone said the people of Gaza made it a prison. Sure, they keep shooting their own kids and knocking down their own houses too, don't they? another person said "what about Gush Katif?" You weren't supposed to be there; that's why you got removed! You keep doing illegal things every damn day, keep stealing land, stealing water and resources, cutting off electricity, cutting off pay, cutting off movement. A hundred people have publicly said that Gaza is a prison and you people fight it every time. You did this to them! you are a population of terrorists, war criminals, racists, liars and selfishly misguided poeple who think that you're God's "chosen people" and that God "gave" you Palestine. what a bunch of bullsh*t!!! Your country was founded on terrorism and you successfully picked up where the nazis left off. Way to go! I'm sure your "god" is just brimming with pride from all the godly things you've been doing to the Palestinians. No, they aren't totally innocent, as they have some blood on their hands too, but they haven't systematically tried to "transfer" an entire population after they stole the land!! Someone else said "tough shitsky,arabs,your own fault" if so, I guess the holocaust was YOUR OWN FAULT then?!?! The fact that you can try to talk your way out of reality makes you all look even more pathetic than usual. The few of you that are good people should leave so you aren't lumped in with the rest of the trash that lives there, terrorizing people and trying desperately to justify it. Israel exists illegally and immorally. Maybe if we turned all of Israel into a prison like Gaza you'd see it differently...or would it be your own fault?
125. Response to 13
nea ,   new york, USA   (09.27.06)
How about if the Israelis stop stealing Palestian Land? That way down the road they won't be evicted from their illegal settlements!
126. #93 Where you incarcerated?
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (09.27.06)
Where you incarcerated in Israel? How long? Where? When? Have you been in prison in other countries too? How does it rank compared to other countries prisons? Been to Israel several times, including Arab sections - but after the latest "intifada" I'll skip the Arab sections. Seems they don't want Jews there - oh, I guess you wouldn't understand that part.
127. Read this on Dugard
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (09.27.06)
aaron ,   ra'anana   (09.27.06)
this isn't ethnic cleansing - no cleansing is being done.
129. Hamas spokesman admitted responsibility for anarchy
surbitonite ,   Kingston UK   (09.27.06)
Only last month a Hamas spokesman admitted that the Gazans themselves were responsible for the anarchy, chaos & poverty by failing to provide & respect good governance. He also admitted that every time Israel eased restrictions, someone fired a rocket. (Seems they have enough cash for Kassams & other weaponry - what about all the money discovered being smuggled through to Gaza?) And what happened to the thriving greenhouse industries left intact by Israeli farmers - looted & destroyed by the Gazans. They have only themselves to blame. And they should immediately release Cpl Shalit.
130. Wait a darn minute here people...
Ari   (09.27.06)
First of all I wanna say to the Palestinians - TOUGH You support terror instead of talks, you kill people, you call for my country's utter distruction and yet you cry when i don't feel like cooperating with your demands. As for as the 'apartied wall'. Israel is not an apartied country. If that were true, then no Arab would have killed Israeli Jews on a bus or in a cafe since the two groups would be separate from each other. There are Arab MKs in the Knesset (for better or worse...) and Arabs enjoy all aspects of Israeli society. 'Palestinians' do not qualify. They wish to be a separate entity from Israel, so our concern for their welfare ends immediately. Israel cares for Israel and the Palestinians care for themselves. The problem starts when the latter decided to suicide bomb and shoot qassam rockets against the former. As for the whole 'return to the 67 borders and you will see peace' - that is a load of garbage. Why? Well, if the 67 borders were so wonderful, then why did the Arabs start a war in 67?!?!?!?!?!?! You cannot start a war and then decide you wanna take it back. Too bad. You made your move now live with the concequenes. There is no peace. Not that I can see. Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims have not given Israel any true incentive to pursue 'peace' in the manner they desire. When Palestinians actually make a real effort to extend that olive branch, then you will see Israelis welcome you with open arms. But demanding I leave my house or die isn't providing me with real motivation. Anyway, weren't the Palestinians screaming how they don't want to play by the roadmap and hence no money, isnt that how this started? I feel nothing that you are starving. You brought it on yourself. You can comfort yourself with the self-righteous pity from leftists and anti-israeli/semitic people.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.27.06)
Bible, Leviticus 24:17 "If a man takes the life of any human being, he shall surely be put to death" Black Africans are the indigenous people of Sudan and are the majority population. The black Southern Sudanese Christians explain what "peace" means: If you agree to become a Muslim, you will have peace. If you reject Islam, you are at war. From 1955-1973, 1.5 million Christians were slaughtered by the Arab Muslim government in Khartoum. From 1983-2005, two million more Christians died from Khartoum's jihad. Murdering infidels is not considered a crime. Non-Muslim infidels are regarded as not entitled to human rights. Hundreds of thousands of Christians have been raped. Hundreds of thousands of Christian children and women taken for slaves. In the refugee camps, the Islamist religious supremacist Khartoum government requires refugees to become Muslims in order to receive food and water. The genocide has resulted in the largest population of refugees on earth since the Second World War. The jihad in Sudan against Darfur's black African Muslims by Khartoum's racist Arab Muslim regime began in 2003. 400,000 black Muslims are dead. STOP Genocide - STOP Slavery - FREE the Slaves Bible, Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death"
132. 112/119
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (09.27.06)
112 - i live here because my arab wife is from here. we do not live in the place she is from because of the muslims who are so hateful. we live with jews who are so nice to us. i don't hate anyone but i'm not dumb enough to be around people who look down on me and won't let me live free. i love arabs but muslims are perverting everyone. why do you not care about your situation? if my life was being controlled by what muslim terrorists do, i would want to do something about it. do you know you would be able to life safe and comfortable lives if you would care about what happens? you are being held hostage by your own terrorists. i think you are silly for complaining when you refuse to care. will you start to care enough to stop your terror on israel? you wanted jews out of gaza, and you got it. please stop the rockets and kidnapping so your children will be able to eat. israel wants to leave you alone - please care enough to leave israel alone. 119 - 'occupation' in not license to kill. stop fighting and negotiate. because muslims refuse to negotiate (that means give and take) they insist on fighting on the false assumpttion that killing in the name of religion in an all-or-nothing battle is moral. no, it is immoral and making a mockery of that religion. get your facts straight - if you'd leave israel alone, israel would leave you lone. see what happened with lebanon after israel got out? your twisted logic only works on you fanatics. if it's your "right" to "resist" then accept what comes with that and don't complain.
133. come on marc!
jon ,   united states   (09.27.06)
youve got to be kidding, un= nations against israel? wow ! israel is one of the most repressive military states i have ever seen! and the human rights violations that occur daily are criminal. i have written my congressmen and called for a halt of arms sales to israel as have many americans. no longer want to be blamed for the bloodshed israel causes for its so called survival. the only ones who have threatened israels survival is israel.
134. I can't believe what I am reading here...
Chris ,   TN   (09.27.06)
All of you who think that all Palestinians need to do is be peaceful are kidding yourselves. All you who think that Israel went into Lebanon becuz 2 soldiers were kidding are kidding yourselves. The fact is that Israel kidnapped a couple civilians 2 weeks before that happened. And the facts are that Israel's marching into Lebanon was a trial to see what would happen if the US went into Iran. Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years but that does not give them the right to shoot first ask questions later like they do EVERY DAY along with the US. And to say that people in Gaza are fat and can't be starving and that they can just go back where they came from....reminds me of the racist talk that comes out of America directed at Blacks.
135. to#124 (FM)
RD ,   Israel   (09.27.06)
1. From the Jorden river to the Med sea, from the mount of Lebanon to Eilat sea. This is our land. No strangers, only the jewish people! This land shall be defended as needed by all means even if the war will last 1000 years. 2. No tears for them as we offered peace more than once during the last 20 years. Have been answered with bombs. 3.And yes we are the chosen people-this is a fact. A misfortune for u. 4. We don't give a damn on the likes of u.
136. You can get off my land FM Seattle.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (09.28.06)
I'm American Indian---you are trespassing and are a hypocrite. We Choctaw despise all the hypocrites who accuse Israel, and have committed the exact same offense. Didn't you herd us onto reservations FM Seattle. Clean up your own backyard and move back to Europe.
137. Dugard a Stooge At Best
Captain Straulsin ,   Dallas, Texas, USA   (09.28.06)
Dugard is unexcuseable in his comments. Where does he mention that the elected government of the Palestinians has as its sole goal the complete ANNILIATION of JEWS. And using the term, "ethic cleansing"? This Dugard is truely either uneducated or simply sick minded. It seems Dugard expects Israel to be the Palestinians mother hen! And how is it Israel's fault that all the money promised by the world powers to physically build up Gaza has been placed on hold? The UN, in appointing a South African to this post, shows again its unabashed, anti West and anti Israel policies. Surely all in the UN knows (and probably not many in the US population) that South Africa was one of the few countries that would trade with Israel since inception of the State of Israel. And since that all happened during Apartheid, it is equally expected that with the elimination of Apartheid, no true South African will say or do anything positive about or for Israel - and I cannot blame them. But hey there UN, is all this news to you? I don't suppose maybe you could get a Swede, a Dutch, a Thai, or a Canadian as your PA envoy. No. Because they might actually NOT have a predisposed hatred of Israel, and might actually call a spade a spade. God forbide such thinking be embraced by the UN, headed by Mr. Koffi Anan. Of yes, how we all love the HEAD of the UN being one who steals MILLIONS during the Iraq oil embargo, and suffers NO CONSEQUENCES. The UN under Annan has become nothing but a finely cloaked gathering place for "civilized" condemnation of everything US and pro West. Maybe it is time we and our allies simply walk out for good, for NO good has come or can be expected from that building. Surely Mr. Trump has an empty building next door the sane countries in the world could rent - OH, I'm sorry, that would be diplomatic "ethic cleansing"!!
138. Hypocrites are all around us
FM ,   Seattle, USA   (09.28.06)
This is a quote from someone else making the same point: "FM, even if we accept your premise ----- God did not give us the land, which I do not accept it ----- you are living in Washington state, land siezed from an indigenous people as is most of north America. What is your justification other than might makes right? " and here was my response: "What the Americans did to the indiginous population here was terrible. I'll be the first to say it. " I'm not guilty of that crime against your people Steve, anymore than I'm guilty for the slavery in this country or Germans today are guilty for what he Nazis did. It's stupid to blame me for what other people did. we all came from somewhere else at one point, Steve. Your people originaly came from Asia, so why don't you go back there?
139. Hans the Dorkoff from Germany
Bushwackin ,   USA   (09.29.06)
Has this Hansoff the Dorkmark ever seen Gaza. I have a feeling he never lived through the Berlin wall. Cheers Dorkoff
140. U.S. and E.U. Owe Palestine NOTHING!
Knave Dave ,   U.S.A.   (10.01.06)
Some people act as if the U.S. and the E.U. OWE Palestinians our own money and owe them economic interaction. In very fact, we are perfectly free to interact with whomever we want and to avoid whomever we don't care for. That's a basic human right. Right now, we don't care for the Palestinian government, so we want nothing to do with it. If the Palestinian people think they can vote for a government that they know the U.S. hates and that the E.U. doesn't greatly care for and still have commerce with those major regions, they are only fooling themselves. You want to be respected, choose respectable government. You want OUR money and OUR trade, be anation we WANT to support and WANT to trade with. We owe you NOTHING! We GAVE YOU democracy (through this same kind of pressure) and MILLIONS of dollars of our own money. NOW, YOU NEED TO PROVE YOU'RE WORTHY OF DEMOCRACY AND ANY MORE MONEY before we give you any more assistance of any kind. Otherwise, we have no interest in doing business with you. Don't thumb your nose at us by choosing a government you know we hate and then ask for our support and economic interaction. The choice is in your hands. Chose life and prosper, or chose a nation run by violent people and be isolated because no one wants to come near you. We respect your choice of Abbas and detest your larger choice of Hamas. WE OWE YOU NOTHING!
141. You have to expect UN to be anti-Israel
Knave Dave ,   U.S.A.   (10.01.06)
As stupid as this artice is (and it is REALLY stupid), you have to expect the UN to be sour on Israel. You may recall that the land that Israel exists on was not actually won by Jewish blood. It was won from the Ottoman Empire by French, British, U.S. and Arab blood. You may also recall that it was the League of Nations/U.N. that gave Israel a place to exist. And then you may recall that Israel has spent every single year of its existence since then thumbing its nose at the borders the U.N. gave for free to Jews. No one paid the victors of WWI for that land. No Jew won that original grant with his own blood. It was won by the blood of others and given to Jews. You cannot thumb your nose at the body that gave you a place to exist by constantly ignoring the boundaries it GAVE you, and then expect that same body to support you in any way. It's AS STUPID! as Palestinians expecting the U.S. and E.U. to support them now that they've elected a government that they knew the U.S. hated. THINK!
142. You hit the nail on th head
BOB ,   RED BCH LA county   (03.22.07)
Great comment #65
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