We did it! They're killing each other
Orly Noy
Published: 08.10.06, 18:59
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1. Divide And Conquer!
2. Its no one's fault Palestinians are idiots
RA   (10.08.06)
Except for the Palestinians' of course.
3. STOP blaming Israel for all the Palestinian's problems
Sarit   (10.08.06)
Will you please stop? WHY are we responsible for people who want to kill us? Were we responsible for the Nazis b/c in pre-Nazi Germany Jews were doing well while most Germans were not???? Do you think if the Gaza strip had an airport and open borders the Palestinians would use it for commerce and tourism??? Will you please get a clue??? They had the hothouses and within 2 days looted the whole thing? Now what is produced there? Are you going to blaim Israel saying they held a seige on the hothouses? Then you talk of Intifada 3. I wasn't even aware that 2 was over. I guess Gilad Shalit doesn't count. Right. I guess this article is only about Israeli injustices. After all it is only us that does wrong things. I can honestly say that I loathe people like you.
4. Hard to believe there are still Israelis this clueless
Robert ,   USA   (10.08.06)
Do you believe in Leprachauns and the Tooth Fairy as well? That makes as much sense as beliving in the idea that ANY Palestinian faction is interested in living in peace next to Israel. In fact they never were, despite the horse manure eople like youwere willing to swallow with Oslo. The biggest mistake Israel ever made was to allow Arafat to scuttle down from Tunis to Gaza and set up a terrorist enclave right next to Israel's borders. Get a clue...Abbas, and Hamas are the same, they just approach the PR aspect differently. And in anyevent, the results of the Palestinian electionsand the polls should tell you that you're living in fantasy. The sooner Israeldrops the fiction of supporting a second Arab Palestinian staet and begins real final settlement talks with her neighbors, the better.
5. Life in Gaza very good for Arabs
Itzik ,   Haifa   (10.08.06)
Gaza is a normal Arab area. Most Egyptians want to move to Gaza. people in Sudan dream about Gaza. Nobody wants to leave Gaza. The life is much better than in most Arab countries. A few guys killed every day. So what/ Saudis kill a few people every day. The same in all other places. That is the rule in Islamic places that Gaza became. Gaza is the model of prosperity for all Arabs. You get free food (thanks to EU), free guns. What else a man needs?
6. If that is so
Casiopea   (10.08.06)
it only shows the Israeli government know the pals very well. They want it, let them have it.
7. true story
dave ,   herzliya   (10.08.06)
How many self-hating leftists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? NONE! They sit in the dark and blame it on the Jews
8. many people have no clue
whoever ,   wherever   (10.08.06)
find me two muslem fractions that have lived peacefully throught the history ( forget the issues with jews and christians, forget cleaning kufr and paganism also ) , lets make the response more elaborate. forget the animosity that exists between sunis and shiites. as you know (?)there are different factions of shite four imam shiites, eight imam shiites or ismailite, tweleve imam shiites. even they have been killing each other and have been the worst enemy of each other. there is no region throughout the history that eight imam shiites ( ismaililtes ), and twelve imam shiites ( asna-ashari that is iran's shiites) could leave peacefully together. bahai faith came out of the stomach of tweleve imam shiite in iran in 19th century, and have no contradictory thesis with its mother doctorine, open your eye and see what is happening in iran, yes the current religious govenrnment is kiling them and labeling them as non moslem. as a matter of fact many doctorines coming from the stomach of islam and calling themselves moslem, have been labeled as kufr, and the adherents prey of the mullahs ( ahmadieh, sufism, ...)
9. as grandmother said
fathiyya ,   rafah   (10.09.06)
better to deal with an empty hand but it was full before ..than the full hand which was empty before .i remember this when i read this article ///and the israili know something about all creatures not the palastinians ..let a cat to be hungry before its dying it will attack the owner ..or do you think that the palastinians will collapse and die while the clever israili dance on their ruins ..even in iraq with this awfull war ,,do you think america will dance on the beach of dijla and furat sooner or later the magic will turn to the owner salam israili you are the one creat the opurtunity for the intifada ,and evry oppurtunity to the war with the arab
10. It's an annoying disease!
RIB ,   USA   (10.09.06)
Ignoring the FACTS! ~Just prior to the 1967 War, Egypt ordered the international force to leave the Sinai. After the withdrawal, the Voice of the Arabs radio proclaimed on May 18, 1967: "As of today there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel...The sole method we shall apply against Israel is Total War, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence." An undying, fanatical hate that seeks the annihilation of Israel and a second holocaust of Jews. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vjRyw7YMfc&mode=related&search= These people? want YOU dead! Amin Al Husseini: http://www.tellthechildrenthetruth.com/amin_en.html Amin Al Husseini: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m2OzEvyrsw
11. Noy: Quit the self-flaggelation
Don't crap on your ,   neighbors' porch   (10.09.06)
Israel is not all powerful. Arabs surprise attacked Israel in 1948 and 1967 creating the arab refugee problem. They literally sh*tted arab refugees on Israel's doorstep to create a political weapon of domestic strife, division, media sympathy, and controversy against Israel. This "new" peoples is to ensure economic drain and a grievance flash point by which to politically destroy Israel as they‘ve regularly failed to do militarily. Please get history and facts, Arabs sh*t too. http://www.conceptwizard.com/conen/conflict_2.html EXAMPLE: Every one craps. If my neighbor craps 100 times a day, does it come out of my assh*le? No. If I crap 50 times a day, does it come out of his assh*le? Of course not. We individually produce, carry, and sh*t our own crap. So, how can one say, “You made me crap!” when he shoots someone? or “When I crap, you are responsible!” How can the arab refugees say, “Our hemorrhoids are your fault!” Remove them or terrorism! CRAP & HEMORRHOIDS --Decades of willful refugee status, due to failed military aggressions and politics --Homelessness, due to brother arabs creation of political pawns w/ UN support --Allege they want to live and prosper, but vote terrorists in, worship death, vow genocide and destruction on others --Jailed leaders, due to terrorist sponsorship and support --Frozen welfare payments, due to terrorism and infighting --No food, destroyed prosperous high-tech greenhouses (can‘t read, burn books) --Border blockades, due to terrorism --Civil war, due to power plays, violence and arab divisions --Thug-bully-hatred-murder-human sacrifice mentality and culture Blame is the losers way. Sowing and reaping is a law of the universe.
12. The height of liberal thinking; complete idiocy.
13. For non liberal thinkers:
14. 9. Grandma meant, woe to you when peasants rule
15. Good grief..."We" didn't do it.
jps ,   Efrat   (10.09.06)
If there is any doubting the lack of ability to think in advance, then Orly Noy should do herself a favor and simply look in the mirror. Instead of heaping the blame on Israel for the Palestinians' problems, Noy would help the peace process along if she would investigate the reasons the Palestinians and Hezbollah occupiers of south Lebanon are totally unable to analyze the future implications of their actrions? Actually, any schoolkid could analyze the Palestinian problem in a few seconds: Hamas won the election because Fatah was so corrupt. Hamas has clearly stated that it does not want peace with Israel. Abbas is weak because he really is a weak president, not because Israel says he is (good grief! doesn't Noy read the newspapers that describe in detail how Abbas has surrounded himself with do-nothing yes-men?). It's high time that Noy and others in the "peace" camp wrote some truthful analysis articles about the Palestinian catch-phrase "the right to resist the occupation". Once the peace camp understands that this is a thinly veiled cover to a continuation of war, then maybe they can come up with a new and possibly workable strategy. In the meantime, the peace camp itself is unable to analyze the results of their own actions.
16. Is ynet,the clone of Harretz?
Don Saliman ,   Nahal Oz, Israel   (10.09.06)
What a bunch of garbage. Israel is not the blame for everything that goes on in Gaza and the Gaza strip. This Orly Noy and other far leftist are blind to what really is going on and their narrow minds only fault Israel. The "occupation is the fault mind",if prevails,will destroy Israel. Thanks to Orly Noy and others like her,the terrorist find hope.
17. History Lesson: WAR! also brings PEACE...
18. This is an idiotic piece
Zvi ,   USA   (10.09.06)
Israel did not make Abbas weak. Abbas made HIMSELF weak by being passive -- a follower rather than a leader. Israel did not make Hamas violent. Hamas made ITSELF violent. Israel did not make Islamic Jihad try to bomb the Gaza border crossings, forcing them to close. Islamic Jihad did that BY ITSELF. Israel should be under NO obligation to facilitate Hamas' consolidation of power over Fatah. Hamas is sworn to commit a genocidal massacre of Israeli Jews. No nation is under obligation to aid in its own genocidal extermination.
19. Oh my God: This could lead to violence! DUH!!!
Daniel ,   Amsterdam   (10.09.06)
The writer of this article is blissfully unaware that Israel is in the midst of a war, and that wars can only be won through victory. The Palestinian infighting could lead to violence, he writes. But the only thing which truely leads to violence is out enemie's ability to cause us harm. Therefore this infighting is good. Victory involves the defeat of your enemy. If you refuse to defeat him he will continue trying to defeat you. And if you insist on not winning, he will eventually succeed where you chose to fail. This writer obviously thinks a deal with an enemy hell bent on his destruction is possible. It would be nice if Ynet would hire some writers who understand current affairs. Or is this the only thing Israel has to offer? No wonder then, that the Arabs believe they will eventually succeed.
20. # 3: AGREE !
Nowhere Man ,   Metropolis, Zion   (10.09.06)
Israel may have done mistakes. Israel is not responsible for educating Palestinians from guerilleros (some would say terrorists) to statesman. One could be grateful enough to Israel for having created and built itself the Palestinian identity...
21. Kudos to Orly! Right on!
Arja ,   Canada   (10.09.06)
You and Amira Hass are able to see the reality that lies beneath the matrix of illusions and falsehoods. It takes courage to express these unpopular truths regarding the reality of how Israel is treating the Palestinians. Keep on keeping on!
22. Yes, Everything IS the Jews fault
malcolm   (10.09.06)
If little Jihad gets a pimple on his ass....blame the Jews. If Jihad straps on a bomb belt...blame the Jews. If Jihad penetrates israel and murders ....blame the Jews. If Abbas showers Jihad's mother and family with cash...blame the Jews. Noy...whose your DREAM candidate for the next government? ALiza Olmert?
23. Did the 2d Intifada ever end?
Jew ,   Eretz Israel   (10.09.06)
There was a homicide bombing in Tel Aviv and Beer Sheva how long ago? How short is your memory, you dumb pathetic leftie?
24. Chess playing
GB ,   USA   (10.09.06)
If this is chess then you will lose big??? 1)Hamas was created by Israel in 1988 to counter the Plo as sole representative of the palestinian people. Big mistake for you cannot control hammas now. 2)Deporting 400 Hammas activists to Marj Alzuhur in 1991. Gave Hammas access to Hizbullah and knowledge of explosives and suicide bombimgs. check history for accuracy hammas did not have that capabilty before then. 3)destrucion of all PA security services in the 2000 intifada to weaken Arafat. but the vaccum left was filled by Hammas and Islamic Jihad. 4)Hammas is in power now and threatens the regimes in jordan and egypt.If these regimes fall then you will have three external war fronts and an internal war front.how long do you think it will take Hammas to get rockets that can hit tel-aviv.Is destroying power plants in gaza and civilian infrastructure a victory. The hammas infrastructure in Gaza is still intact. Unilateral withdrawl from Gaza was stupid because it left an intelligence vaccum for you and this was evident in the kidnapping of shalit. and you dare call this planning and chess mastery of the political game . That is syupidity and arrogance stemming from allowing the israeli military establishment conduct politics. yes you want to support abbas now and that is because the U.S realizes the mistakes it had made in allowing israel to deal with the issue on it's own.
25. bs - they are already united around a common objective
michael ,   tel aviv & london   (10.09.06)
all the factions want the same thing including Abu Mazen. They want to destroy Israel. Only their chosen methods are different! People like Orly Noy seem to live in some wishful thinking land and pay no attention to what's happening on the ground. 1960's flower children that sit around in TA coffee shops saying 'how it ought to be'. Really a pity to give them column space .. most of them have some kind of guilt about being born in Israel !
26. for all the non-israelis
willi wanka' ,   israel   (10.09.06)
now do you understand what we have to deal with from home? not only we have to stand againts those who dispute and hate but we have psychotic self hating wankers among us. bloody hell!
27. no. 13 - don't mix up
liberals .. concervatives ... there's a bigger range than that. many israelis will concider themselves liberals - but that doesn't mean they're dumb asses such as Orly Noy. being a liberal deosn't say you should act like a twat and bring your country down .... literaly.
28. Israel's fault
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (10.09.06)
Jews are supposed to be smart people. Why are there so many retards in Israel they even have their own political parties, occupy high government positions, and write op eds for YNet?
29. i wouldn't be talking if i were you .. Kyle.. from southpark
Israelonia   (10.09.06)
blame Canadaaa ... blame Canadaaa ....
30. #3
Hmm... what did Israel ever do to the Palestinians??? Let's see Israel was established in a land were MANY other people were already living. Israel then kicked many of them out of their homes. In 1967 Israel took over the W. Bank and Gaza and tried to control millions of people while giving them very few political and economic rights. Do you really expect that you can control the lives of 3 + million people without allowing them to become citizens or have freedoms! How would that ever work? European countries tried it all over the world and eventually found it didn't work. Israel is not responsible for all Palestinian problems, but by not giving Palestinians the freedom they deserve and building settlements on their land, etc Israel has just expounded the problem. Now Israel has helped to cause this problem and MUST help to resolve it!
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