Tehran students to learn of ‘Zionism’s weakness’
Dudi Cohen
Published: 09.10.06, 12:11
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61 Talkbacks for this article
31. #28 Not much hope for you unless you start over
T M ,   L J US   (10.09.06)
Jewish refugees from Egypt, Iraq and Yemen came to Israel from Islamic persecution not Zionist persecution. The Jews will always be here to tell the story straight, after all your lies are dust along with, yet another evil empire.
33. #31 Utterly Ignorant
Dovy ,   Toronto   (10.09.06)
Too bad you know so little Zionist history. If there was so much islamic persecution, why did so many Jews remain in Arab countries (and Iran), you jerk?? Haven't you read about the Mossad's bombs planted in synagogues in Baghdad and Cairo?! Read all about it in the book by Naim Giladi. He worked for the Mossad in Iraq in those days.
34. #31 Jews from Arab countries
Rustum ,   London, UK   (10.09.06)
What a total load of nonsense you wrote. You must believe your own ideological rubbish. Most of the Jewish refugees from Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia, Algeria, etc, left their countries of birth and SOME of them made their way to Israel. This was not a result of religious persecution in almost all cases - but a result of the upheavals and demonstrations brought about by the founding of the state of Israel. Jews lived in Islamic areas for hundreds of years and put up with much less persecution than they did from European countries - so I suggest you are the one who should go and study a little history and not force history to fit your revisionist nonsense. You might hate Moslems, you might hate Arabs - I think you do from the tenor of your note - but do try and keep your own blind prejudices out of the retelling of history. Fahimt?
35. Payback for Danish Cartoons again?
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (10.09.06)
36. #34 Rustum - are you reading Iranian textbooks?
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (10.09.06)
Do you really believe what you are writing? Both sides admit about the same about of Jews left Arab countries as Arabs that left Israel. The difference is the Jews weren't put in "camps", the Arabs were (and most still are). Wonder if Iran will be teaching their kids why they are STILL IN CAMPS? "Jews live in Islamic areas .... much less persecution then they did from Europe..." - how pathetic? Why should we have to live with persecution from anyone? Just what is it about the thought of a Jewish country that keeps the Arab world awake at night?
37. #28 dovy you dont deserve to live in the freedom of the wes
Scott ,   Fort Myers, Florida   (10.09.06)
"I say accomplishment of a world without America and Israel is both possible and feasible." -- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, October 2005 "The world will be in the hands of Islam over the next few years." -- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, March 2006 dovy i really wish people like you lived in iran instead. whether your of the looney left or the extreme right like the mullahs of iran, where after they kill jews and christians, they'll hang gay and pot smoking canadiens and europeans next. Hamas charter: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." Hamas charter: "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors." learn THAT terrorism dovy! study that! dovy youre a traitor to the free world and not worthy to partake in its freedoms that so many have fought, died for and defended. "I would die for my cause, would i also not lie for it?" - Yassir Arafat but dovy believes the president of iran wants to teach and educate. pathetic.
38. #36 do try and understand
Rustum ,   London, UK   (10.09.06)
The issue, Robby of San José, was that TM in #31 implied that Jews left Arab countries because of religious persecution. Do try and stick to the subject. The point I was making is that there was comparatively little religious persecution in Islamic countries compared to that suffered by Jews in European countries. Is that clear enough? Or do you want to obfuscate the matter a little more?
39. Rustum indicts himself #34
Mike ,   Atlanta, USA   (10.09.06)
Most of the Jewish refugees from Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia, Algeria, etc, left their countries of birth and SOME of them made their way to Israel. This was not a result of religious persecution in almost all cases - but a result of the upheavals and demonstrations brought about by the founding of the state of Israel. " OK, so not religious persecution but ethnic/racial persecution. Boy do you Muslims split hairs!
40. Dovy
Mike ,   Atlanta, USA   (10.09.06)
And what do you suppose these middle school children should do with this knowledge?
41. #38 My point Rustum ...
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (10.09.06)
Is will the Iranian textbooks, or for that matter, any one in the Islamic world ever answer the question of "WHY are there 2.5 million Arabs still kept in "camps" in Arab countries?". There are over a billion peole in the Arab/Islamic world - why do they refuse to absorb a mere 2.5 million of their Arab brothers? The Western world has welcomed refugees from EVERYWHERE, including the Islamic world - and they BECOME CITIZENS, they are not put into "camps". Just answer - WHY?
42. freedom of speech
American ,   USA   (10.09.06)
Iran has a right to its view points- we all have to put up with the zionists distorted viwe points-- who I beleive are NO better then the Arabs-byt the WAY---the ARABS WERE in that area FIRST and the white jews immigrating back on USA welfare should remember this FACT.
43. #42 American - Opinions
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (10.09.06)
Of course everyone has a right to their own opinion. But teaching you're own fears and hatred to impressionable young people is ignorant and irresponsible. Kind of like letting the KKK teach American kids about history.... As for your comments about the Arabs being there first, and white Jews on welfare - can you clarify what you mean, or are those typos?
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (10.09.06)
Will the people of the Free World retain their freedom? Alija Izetbegovic stated in the ISLAMIC DECLARATION that: - "there can be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic social and political institutions"; Muslims are waging civil war against us, claims police union By David Rennie, Europe Correspondent (Filed: 05/10/2006) Radical Muslims in France's housing estates are waging an undeclared "intifada" against the police, with violent clashes injuring an average of 14 officers each day. As the interior ministry said that nearly 2,500 officers had been wounded this year, a police union declared that its members were "in a state of civil war" with Muslims in the most depressed "banlieue" estates which are heavily populated by unemployed youths of north African origin. It said the situation was so grave that it had asked the government to provide police with armoured cars to protect officers in the estates, which are becoming no-go zones. The number of attacks has risen by a third in two years... Instead, officers – especially those patrolling in pairs or small groups – faced attacks as soon as they tried to arrest locals... He said yesterday: "We are in a state of civil war, orchestrated by radical Islamists. This is not a question of urban violence any more, it is an intifada, with stones and Molotov cocktails. You no longer see two or three youths confronting police, you see whole tower blocks emptying into the streets to set their 'comrades' free when they are arrested." He added: "We need armoured vehicles and water cannon. They are the only things that can disperse crowds of hundreds of people who are trying to kill police and burn their vehicles."... The military religion of Islam intends to conquer the world. An authoritative Muslim stated: "Thanks to your democratic laws we will invade you; thanks to our religious laws we will dominate you."
45. robby
American ,   USA   (10.09.06)
the jews immigrating to palestine / israel are mostly khazars- eastern euros and some from brooklyn.. not 'semitic' at all. they are Welfared by the USA and other jew charities- infact the jew immigrant gets free health care- welfare for a year at about 25,000$ --and free housing, school/ trades school and hebrew lessons--- how does a country afford that / well ...IT TAKES USA TAX DOLLARS with NO shame-- thats how.. crying poverty when the USA has its OWN HUGE problems- the USA is making a big mistake supporting this racist nation-israel apartheid ,.. the ARABS HATE us now because of how the jew treats them. and You should listen to some of what the jew teaches its jew kids- it is AS racist as the ARabs- just read these talkbacks-
46. They should also learn about all the Zionist productstheyuse
Daisy ,   USA   (10.09.06)
Iran can't live without Israel and really want to be like them. There is a thin line between love and hate.
47. #48
Rustum ,   London, UK   (10.09.06)
Boy, you don't answer questions very well or still to a subject. Then when you cannot answer the question or deal with the subject - i.e. the Jewish exodus from the Arab world and the relative easy conditions in the Arab world for hundreds of years compared to Europe, you simply switch the subject. It's a matter of huge ignorance in modern Zionist history, i.e. just how short a period of discomfort there was for Jews in the Arab world, and how this discomfort and the ensuing exodus was caused almost completely by the founding of Israel in 1948. The subject is extremely sparsely covered in history books - you need to dig through Gilaadi or some of the Israeli authors of Iraqi origin, to get near the truth. This of course is beyond most of the rabid Israel right-or-wrong supporters who simply wish to believe that Hiterlism ran rife in the Arab world. It simply did not and history cannot all be tainted with the simplistic catch-all of "anti-Jewish hattred", particularly when the new Yishuv was trying its hardest to force the Jewish "cobbers and tinkers" to emigrate to the new state. Black and white is not always the colour of history.
48. Poverty?
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (10.09.06)
What USA are you living in? Unemployment is about 4 per cent and the stock market is bustling. The Real Estate market is on fire, and as usual immigration to America is maxed out. If all those people hate us then why to they cry so loud when we lower the numbers we allow into our country? Judging from your grammar you are not an American. Let me guess, we wouldn't let you in, right? Do I detect some jealously? BTW - might want to take a geography test, there is no country call Palestine.
49. and israel cant live withput USA aid
American ,   USA   (10.09.06)
daisy are you stupid? thanks in advance.
50. #34 lol about to be exposed as a liar
Jonathan Levi ,   Jerusalem Israel   (10.09.06)
Considering my family came from Tunisia I think I'd know a little more on the issue than you would. For starters, anti-Jewish sentiment started to spread in the city of Tunis during Nazi occupation (check your history books Rusty because Nazi occupation was before Israel was created). My grandparents decided to leave Tunisia due to this before the founding of Israel. Sooo I suppose your such an expert on the matter so I'll go and listen to a second hand source like you instead of hearing it from a first hand source. Pleasure talking with you as usual Rustum. Your knowledge is so beautifully skewered and twisted. Saalam my "friend".
51. #41 Rustum gets very touchy when proven wrong
52. Rustum to clarify one point
Jonathan Levi ,   Jerusalem Israel   (10.09.06)
My grandparents did not leave Tunisia because of nazi persecution. They left because the Arabs as a result of nazi occupation started to turn violent against the Jews. My grandparents had often admitted that had the Arabs stood by them they would have never left.
53. #47 - did you mean #38
Robby Brodsky ,   San Jose, USA   (10.10.06)
You stated #48, but I assume you meant it for #38. Yes - there is often gray. We can debate history from today till doomsday. You can point to your sources, I can point to mine - for example I will read up on this author also. I am not avoiding the question - I find it ironic you believe it is ok for Jews to live under Islamic rule (i.e. Dhimmi), but Arabs should not live under Jewish rule, because there is little "persecution"? But please, tell me, why are their still 2.5 million Arabs still in camps in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt? Why has the Arab world kept these people in camps since 1948? The Western world has welcomed refugees from EVERYWHERE, including the Islamic world - and they BECOME CITIZENS, they are not put into "camps". Just answer - WHY?
54. To Iran : BE Real To Your Students.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (10.10.06)
THE Iranian Government should invite Zionists from Israel to come to Iran and teach their students about Zionism. BE real to your students. Give them the information straight from the source. WHY give them second-hand information? You want to teach Japanese dance to your students -- you get the dancers straight from Japan. Wouldn't you?
55. #33l read your "Giladi" now you read "From Time Immemorial
T M ,   LJ US   (10.10.06)
I followed your advice I did my history from your favorite website "Jews Against Zionism" Naim Giladi said the words "...I came to learn were Zionist bombs. Im sorry but this is not called bearing witness. A witness planted the bomb or worked for the Mossad and had documented evidence. Your propaganda is not considered a good source. "From Time Immemorial" by Joan Peters documents in detail Islamic based persecutions of Jews -850,000 jewish refugees cannot be explained by a couple bombs in Baghdad. While your reading Dovy, you might also catch the chapter on how the British imported "illegally" 300000 Arabs from 1918 through 1948
56. #33 About bombs planted in Baghdad, read...
T M ,   LJ US   (10.10.06) for a full discussion. Please dont stick to your pure antizionist texts.
57. 42. Arab in "America" Be truthful...
Truth ,   USA   (10.10.06)
Jews emigrate to other countries and become doctors, professors, lawyers and historic innovators. Arabs emigrate and head straight to the welfare office. --Israel --USA --UK --EU --Canada --Australia --Etc. They repay the grace of their hosts with terrorism and coveting their land In terms of Israel's land: This article demonstrates the classic generational hate syndromes promoted through hateful slander Hatred destroys the hater. Fear and ignorance is hate.
58. Mad-Jihad sent thousands of kids to minefields
59. To Linda #25. He Himself Will Taste.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (10.10.06)
You have quoted from the Bible, Obadiah 1:15 :"Your dealings will return on your own head". THIS is nature's law. Whatever one sows - that he will reap. To put it in another way. Whatever action one performs - he will be paid in kind. Put yet another way. IF one performs a pious activity - he himself will taste the sweet fruits of it. IF one performs a sinful activity - he himself will taste the bitter fruits of it. Hope everything is well with you.
60. They Are Compliers In The Crime.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (10.10.06)
One headline read:"Suspect in terror hunt used veil to evade arrest". A headline of Oct 9th 2006 in the UK. This man was wanted because of serious terrorist offences -- but escaped capture by disguising himself as a Muslim woman dressed in a burka. So, the veil should NOT be used on the streets and in Government offices, Government buildings : IF they do - they SHOULD be given a hefty fine. The veil should be used in their own shops and their Mosques. So, all those women dressed in burka in UK - are in fact protecting terrorists. They are compliers in the crime. It was revealed that al-Zarqawi often dressed in a burka to evade American forces hunting him. And certain people call him a "hero". What a shame! He was a coward!
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