Wafa Sultan: I know they want to kill me
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 11.10.06, 22:57
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91. to maansingh iam sorry i misjudge you
farah ,   tora bora afghanstan   (10.13.06)
i thought you are awlking talking man who is slow in disecting every word that make itelect. I am sorry if i shaking your wheelchair and cause too rattle all of the sudden you became vulgar and blasphmous instead of you ansewr the question about the big oven take you soow and moow on others iam sorry to shake you and get mad
92. Wafa Sultan the brilliant lady. re:# 90 tea man
Kathy   (10.14.06)
tea man Get a life and stop your exaggerations. 1]The Iraqi affair is self evident as to why the U.S & Britain went in to rid the people who sufferred by Sadam. 2] The killing of Muslims by muslims daily is the proof that Islam is definitely not a religion of peace.What sort of religion kills its own people pray tell us that?It happens everyday without end. 3] The so-called Palis' are a terror organization and whatever they do and (if they suffer)IS SELF INFLICTED. Please do not twist the issue to suit your purpose. They could have had a decent country of their own a long time ago,but thanks to that "Thief Arafat" who squandered billions given to him by the world and pocketed it for himsel,and left his people without anything.In any case he did not belong to them.He was an Egyptian and wanted kudos from the world.Very nice I don't think! 4]Israel left Gaza with all its amenities and infrastructures,and what did they do? They destroyed the Hot Houses and everything else,and instead of benefitting from it,they turned the place into a launching pad for their Kassams against the Jewish civilian population. What possibly do they gain from this behaviour? Nothing but misery.They say they are starving,I say to that HOGWASH! In point of fact they should be going on a diet,the majority are too fat.So there's an answer to this bit of a lie. The funny thing is,they have enough money to buy their amunitions--rockets and such,and they keep on whinning to the world and begging for more which would be for further ROCKETS.So please let us not distort the truth,and say it like it is.Pure stupidity. Nuff said
93. Wafa Sultan. .. What a long waffle from you Bou-sa Merde.YES
Kathy   (10.14.06)
I have emulated rachel's appellation to you.Very apt and worthy of your thought faculties --should you have any. You gave us a long story about Muslims who are trying to advance the mode of their religion.Sorry to disappoint you Bou,but the majority shiver in their boots and dare not raise their voices for fear of being murdered,and failing this the application of "fatwa" They fear it like the devil incarnate! Sorry to say ,that is what Islam is preaching and practicing today.Murder and mayham is the order of their daily diet. Surely you haven't already forgotten about the Salman Rushdi affair,having to remain in hiding for so many years with the stupid "Fatwa" imposed upon him my some loony mullah? Well have you? Yes there are some rare and courageous Muslims like Wafa Sultan,BUT unfortunately ,they not only live in hiding,but are daily afraid for their life Bou-S. mon cher. Wafa has been to Israel and also appeared on the radio. She is not forced and does not need renown for what ,after all what good Muslims should be doing.Raising their voices and saying: Enough! ! Just a reminder.What was all the hullabaloo about the Prophet's cartoon episode?when no one even knows what the man looked like.And another thing.The disgusting cartoons depicting Jesus in a most offensive way too.Did the Christians go around burning Mosques,flags and the rest at the time hmmm? The more you deny this phenomenon the worse it will get for the lot of you,I fear. Please tell us this:Who has attacked the U.S Madrid, Bali , Philipine,Thailand,London.Istanbul,even good ole' Saudi Arabia and Jordan? There are more examples for which I neither have the time or the patience to remind/educate such as yourself. The proof is there for all to see. And now we have that fool Ahmedineidiot joining the fray,hoping that the Mahdi will be resurrected.Utter cod's wallop! All of this has been plagiarized from The Jewish Holy Bible and the Christian N.T. For without those two,there would not have been a Muslim faith.Oh I forget,there would: By conquest first ,then by "Submission & the Sword" Get a Life Bousameer...
94. # 65 Danny and Israel....
Kathy   (10.14.06)
Bousameer Please don't denigrate what Danny has been trying to explain which by my experience is absolutely true. Yes,the land was almost barren and just desert.It had begun to be cultivated in the 1900 by the first Jewish pinoneers,me ole' chap. And if has been going from strength to strength since.In 1967when I visited Tel-Aviv the apartment of a relative who lived there, was still surrounded by desert.This gives you an inkling of what it was in the 1900's ,and even further. By the way,no point in giving us the Dubai example furthermore they are incredibly rich to boot. Otherwise,where is the "dosh " to build such a place coming from? The world most certainly has not been donating money for those luxuries to an already oil rich country for sure.Therefore,a futile comparison and a ridculous one too. I would like you to look at the computer you are using MON CHER,Who do you think patented the high quality of its technology?Its microchip. Also many more accomplishments by our distinguished,clever and industrious men and women who never stop inventing many more scientific projects to help humanity. If it wasn't for two Jews who found the cure for Polio,you would still be suffering and even leading a dreadful life--if at all.Think about it...
95. God bless this lady. She can live in US anytime!
Anti-facist ,   USA   (10.15.06)
96. God of Israel, bless and reward Wafa with great
protection and peace. In Jesus' name, amen.
97. To Farah#91. HOW So??
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (10.15.06)
You write :".. you became vulgair and blasphemous ..". HOW so?? Because I stated that ".. walking around the Kaaba in Mecca 7 times" IS worship?? Hope everything is well with you.
98. #94 - Kathy - Danny and Israel
BouSameer ,   Beirut Lebanon   (10.15.06)
I do not doubt the wonderful job that Israelis have done to the Land, my problem is that I often hear these achievements mentioned as an argument to justify the appropriation of lands from the Palestinians. No, Dubai was not very rich. They had the courage and vision of oppening up their country and imlementing a very liberal legal system. It paid up, as investments flowed very rapidly to this country. Certainly, the fact that their neighbours are rich has helped. I am very aware of the genius of the Jewish race and their countless great contributions to humanity, and don't need a lesson in this. Moslems also had their great contributions, even though the last 500 years have not been very prolific, heuh, to put it mildly... You should stop lecturing me about Jews, i have plenty of them as friends. I think qu'il reste quelques petites nuances qui nous set us apart...
99. Kathy - 93 - you're preaching to the wrong guy
BouSameer ,   Beirut Lebanon   (10.15.06)
I found "Merde" to be humourous the first time, but now it's a little vulgar. I am aware already of what you said, and I have admitted that wafa has valid points, that she was courageous and definitely had guts.. Unfortunuately, I would have loved to have a level headed debate about the issue, most comments however are so irrational and irritating that it's hard to come up with rational coments in response. So in short, you are preaching to the wrong guy. I will not answer all your examples, they seem to be valid or correct for most. My reservation about wafa, is that she is getting too close to US right wing political streams, who have been demonizing Islam, as part of a larger political agenda. This could defeat the purpose of her mission. Also, for someone who thinks that he will be remembered 300 years from now makes me suspicious as to how level headed that person is. There is no question that she is genuine and sincere in what she does. I disagree with her approach. of course and I could be wrong: She's asking Muslims to abandon their religion. I prefer a collective reform movement. Me, get a life? thanks, I have a great one already, wouldnt trade it for anything else...
100. Wafa Sultan. also # 99 Bousameer--Beirut
Kathy   (10.15.06)
Bousameer hello Thank you for the response. I agree,there was no justification at all in repeating the explitive I used by emulation.Please accept my apology. When I get vey annoyed,then sometimes I revert to this type of riposte.This time however,was not one of them. Get a life is a form of expression,and not meant to be taken derogatorily.I am glad to read that you have a great life. Bon chance ...
101. Kathy - 100 - Thanks..
BouSameer ,   Beirut Lebanon   (10.15.06)
for your sweet reply. No worries.. I understand. Debates are not always meant to be courteous. Bonne chance à toi aussi. Peace :)
102. Wafa Sultan
Lucio Pardo ,   Bologna ITALY   (10.16.06)
Thank you for existing. You taught courage to everyone of us and gave us hope for the future. Hod baàtack uè émsci (in hebrew lech-lechà) lucio pardo
103. Wafa Sultan
Leon Hussin ,   U.S.   (11.24.06)
Finally someone who talks sense. I believe that she would say these words no matter what the root of terrorism. She supports no religious order, just condems the current violence regardless of the cause. Sees radicals for who they are and comprehends the use of religion as a means to a way, a bad way. Should she or her family ever need any assistance of any kind I will happily provide what I can, and must. Your servant Lee
104. Mrs. Sultan Wafa
Reuven ,   Los Angeles Calif   (01.05.07)
No one is more brave than you to be able to tell the truth to the entire word. We thank you for being straight forward, and telling it the way it. We stand by you. and may God bless the free world.
105. Wafa Sultan, #99 & #100
ima_nemisis ,   Houston, TX   (01.11.07)
BouSammer my friend, Wafa is not demonizing anyone. Radical Islam has done that far better than she can. Lest us not forget who started this thing. The over 3000 dead from 9/11 will not go unpunished. The radical Islamic terrorist policy makers for that incredibly ignorant and stupid act are known. One by one they are marked men and will perish by an avenging hand. Radical Islam to return to its senses and needs to apply the first verse of the Hippocratic Oath before deciding on every action they contemplate: "First, do no harm...". If Radical Islam (and all men) would heed this to any decision they make would make the world a much better place. I ask Osama bin Laden to consider having himself (and all his followers), and terrorists of all ilks to seriously commit themselves to following Hippocrates' First Rule. If so, there can be so suicide bombers, or car bombers, or IDE setters, or intentional civilian murders, or the use of WMDs against civilians and non-combatents. It is up to Moderate Islam to squash festering radical Islam and it should be from every mosque pulpit. If not, then nothing will stop(or justify) the hate and ignorance which all of Radical Islam (specifically Al Qaeda, and others) glorify. Their actions demonstrate to the world the 'face of Islam,' and makes all of Islam look ignorant if for no other reason thans moderate Islam rarely condems it). Wafa Sultan has simply pointed out rather forcefully (and correctly) her observations. Pax, Ima_Nemisis
106. Re; All of the above...
jbm ,   Hrtfrd, USA   (07.11.07)
First off, I'd like to thank G_d for His love and faithfulness to me and to many, many other's in my life, as well as many millions alive today, and as NO ONE else really cares for any of us personally like He does! So, Wafa Sultan has articulated the 'obvious truth' in a world gone absolutely mad, and as you can see 'hatred, ignorance and wickedness' abounds even in these email/web discussions! -Some will deny the truth outright, (the self-rightous ones) some will make excuses for the sinful nature of other's and themselves, (the religous rightous ones) and some even will defend all of the 'obvious' lies and sinful behavior of themselves and other's, (the decieved, self-rightous and religous rightous ones!) and still other's will also act as if everything is just fine in face of this truth and all of the lies exposed! The real 'problem' with the 'true TRUTH' is that once you hear it you must do one of two basic things as a human being; accept it for what it is, (as ugly as it gets, and boy is it ugly!) or deny it wholesale! And then, finally, because of our sinful 'human nature' only One can tell us truthfully about our (obviously) fallen nature, and He's the one who made us in His 'image', with the gift of the 'will' to choose 'right from wrong'! Don't you think He knew what would happen here on the Earth?! Don't you think that if He really loves all of this world's people's He would provide a way of escape for each one of us personally, IF we would only seek it for ourselves and then for other's sake?! Consequently, everyone who humbles himself or herself to the TRUTH always starts w/ themselves first and admits the errors of their ways to G_d, and then to othre's seeking forgiveness and restoration, which is ALWAYS G_d's will for His choosen ones! In other words, we're only human, and in our fallen humanity, we aren't wise as He is, and we ALL are full of errors in our thinking, acting and speaking one to another... He is the ONLY one who can help each one of us! He is the one w/ the answers, not another human!!! While I agree whole-heartedly w/ Wafa's anaylsis and exposition of the truth, as well as deeply admire and respect her for her willingness to share the truth w/ the world, she does fall short as to the true nature of this 'war' that we are ALL in... Bottom line, it's a spiritual battle and the truth WILL prevail one day (forever and ever Amen!) and the only question for each one of you is to find out the true TRUTH for yourselves, by finding out who He is first, accept Hiw will for your life, second, and then repenting of any wrongdoing that He shows you on your part, and then thirdly, love your brothers (all men and all cultures everywhere!) in this world no matter how they treat you and no matter what befalls you! ALL of the true believer's within the Jewish and Christian 'sectors' all know and believe this and follow this practice as much as 'they are able' in this fallen world, (we all make mistakes along the way, and we learn...) and the Muslims as a people and culture don't even understand that as far as the evidence goes that's on the record, they don't understand this! -Which is exactly what she said to the world back in '06! Beware, evil is much closer to your heart than you might realize, and on the other hand G_d's love is even closer still, IF you only reach out and grasp onto it for yourself!!! (again, you can only recieve this awesome and fantastic love from Him, as He is the ONLY true source of that un-conditional love in the universe) -jbm 07/10/07
107. sultan has mantel proplem
amal killer ,   toronto   (12.13.09)
she has no write to take about the islamis religen like that she seemes to me has mantel proplem
108. Wafa Sutan
Nunes Pedro ,   Oranjestad, Aruba   (08.02.10)
Wafa, Instead of wanting to kill you they should erect a statue in your honor because you told only the truth and you try to reconcile two opposite factions. Too bad that "fanatics" won't even listen to your wise words. They only respect "their own opinions" God bless you !!! Pedro.
109. Wafa
Wilma ,   USA   (04.06.11)
Thank God for this woman who is telling the truth about Islam.
110. הקץ לגזענות
אפרת ,   ירושלים. ישראל   (11.09.12)
היי! התרגשתי מאוד להיות עדה לאמת שבדבריך. בזכות אנשים כמוך - הלוואי ובאמת יקיץ הקץ לגזענות, לטרור, לחשיכה ולאלימות. את אומרת דברים נכונים המבוססים על מציאות וכאב שלא כמו האנשים המתלהמים והפנאטים שלצערנו גדלת וסבלת איתם טוענים. מחזיקה לך אצבעות ומאחלת שחזונך יצא לאור ואת לחופשי.
111. -הקץ לגזענות-
אפרת ,   ירושלים. ישראל   (11.09.12)
היי! התרגשתי מאוד להיות עדה לאמת שבדבריך. בזכות אנשים כמוך - הלוואי ובאמת יקיץ הקץ לגזענות, לטרור, לחשיכה ולאלימות. את אומרת דברים נכונים המבוססים על מציאות וכאב שלא כמו האנשים המתלהמים והפנאטים שלצערנו גדלת וסבלת איתם טוענים. מחזיקה לך אצבעות ומאחלת שחזונך יצא לאור ואת לחופשי.
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