Report: Hamas weighs targeting US
Published: 14.10.06, 11:25
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31. So very right..
Infidel-USA ,   California, USA   (10.15.06)
Johnson's right: We're just spoiling for a fight~! C'mon Hamas...declare war on us. You won't know what hit you.... heh, heh, heh... ~Infidel
32. hm..
DK ,   Israel   (10.15.06)
here comes world war 3...
33. U.S. Would Rather THOUSANDS DIE than OFFEND One Muslim
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (10.15.06)
Council on American-Islamic Relations: "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth." - Omar Ahmad (CAIR co-founder). Addressing a youth session at the 1999 Islamic Association for Palestine's annual convention in Chicago, CAIR founder Omar Ahmad praised suicide bombers who "kill themselves for Islam," Guarding America's freedom and protecting Americans is NOT U.S. policy. Protecting Israelis and preventing Islamic conquest of all Israel is also not the U.S. agenda. There is no war on terror! We are witnessing the death of Western civilization. August 18, 2006 Controversial Muslim group gets VIP airport security tour Feds show CAIR latest screening steps, sensitive counterterrorism procedures The Department of Homeland Security took a Muslim group with known past ties to terror organizations on a VIP tour of security operations at the nation's busiest airport at the same time British authorities were working to break up a plot to blow up U.S. airlines. On June 21, a senior DHS official from Washington personally guided Muslim officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations on a behind-the-scenes tour of Customs screening operations at O'Hare International Airport in response to CAIR complaints that Muslim travelers were being unfairly delayed as they entered the U.S. from abroad. CAIR is a spin-off of the Islamic Association for Palestine, identified by two former FBI counterterrorism chiefs as a "front group" for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Several CAIR leaders have been convicted on terror-related charges. ...U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents were asked to describe for CAIR representatives various features of the high-risk passenger lookout system. In a meeting, Brian Humphrey, Customs and Border Patrol's executive director of field operations, assured CAIR officials that agents do not single out Muslim passengers for special screening and that they must undergo a mandatory course in Muslim sensitivity training. The course teaches agents that Muslims believe jihad is an "internal struggle against sin" and not holy warfare. Customs agents involved in the CAIR tour at O'Hare tell WorldNetDaily they were outraged that headquarters would reveal sensitive counterterrorism procedures to an organization that has seen several of its own officials convicted of terror-related charges since 9-11. "Isn't that nice of CBP," one agent said, to provide a "group like CAIR with a guided, behind-the-scenes tour of our customs facilities, explaining how programs designed to catch Muslim terrorists work." A Customs and Border Protection supervisor... "It's all about how Islam means peace and tolerance," he told WorldNetDaily. "We're told how to deal with Arabs and Muslims, that they are loving people and not terrorists. That jihad is struggle with sin and has nothing to do with violence." CAIR – which is bankrolled by the Saudis and the United Arab Emirates, two countries that formally recognized the Taliban – also offers religious and cultural sensitivity training about Islam and Muslims to the military... Also in June, CAIR was invited by the Pentagon to a ceremony dedicating the first Islamic center in Marine Corps history at Quantico headquarters outside of Washington. Washington-based CAIR also has regular meetings with the FBI and Justice Department. In fact, FBI case agents complain the bureau rarely can make a move in the Muslim community without first consulting with CAIR, which sits on its advisory board...
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (10.15.06)
Over 80% of U.S. mosques are filled with Saudi hate literature indoctrinating Muslims to intense hate of Jews and Christians. For years, U.S. prisons have allowed the wide dissemination of Islamic hate literature - resulting in converts to violent, radical Islam. Council on American-Islamic Relations: "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth." - Omar Ahmad (CAIR co-founder). Billions of tax dollars needed by our countries for defense and for the hungry and homeless were given to the PA/PLO. 10,000 Gaza and north Samaria Jews were rendered jobless and homeless - forced into poverty - thousands of the Jews' high-tech greenhouses, hundreds of farms and other businesses were presented as gifts to PA/PLO global jihadists who proudly proclaim their goal is Islamic conquest of the Jewish Holy Land. When Israel surrendered Gaza in 2005, the recently discovered gas off the shores of the Gaza Strip came under the control of the PA/PLO - huge profits are expected by 2010. 22% of Israel's population currently live below the poverty line. Many children lack warm clothing, basic school supplies and even worse, lack food. ALL of the colossal amount of oil and natural gas in Sinai was discovered by Israel when Israel controlled the Sinai from 1967-1982 - it was all turned over to Egypt - in exchange for a 'peace agreement' - a piece of paper. 22 huge, oil-wealthy Arab countries give next to nothing in financial aid to Palestinian Authority society - allowing even more money to finance global jihad against Israel and the Free World's people. Addressing a youth session at the 1999 Islamic Association for Palestine's annual convention in Chicago, CAIR founder Omar Ahmad praised suicide bombers who "kill themselves for Islam," The U.S. provided and continues to provide military training and weapons including thousands of U.S. M-16 assault rifles and bullets to the PA/PLO. Every single one of the Palestinian Authority security services are involved in terrorist attacks against Israel. American leaders have blood on their hands. There is no war on terror! We are witnessing the death of Western civilization.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (10.15.06)
U.S. public schools infamous for their hostility to Christianity and Judaism are indoctrinating America's children into Islam. Breaking G-D's commandment: "You shall have no other gods before Me", America's children are being taught to follow a god we and our ancestors never knew. As American soldiers fight and die in Iraq - to spread democracy??? - we have lost our freedom in America. December 13, 2003 JUDICIAL JIHAD Judge rules Islamic education OK in California classrooms Dismisses suit opposing requirement students recite Quran, pray to Allah Requiring seventh-grade students to pretend they're Muslims, wear Islamic garb, memorize verses from the Quran, pray to Allah and even to play "jihad games" in California public schools has been legally upheld by a federal judge, who has dismissed a highly publicized lawsuit brought by several Christian students and their parents... ...the suit was filed by the Thomas More Law Center against the Byron Union School District and various school officials to stop the use of the "Islam simulation" materials and methods used in the Excelsior Elementary School in Byron, Calif. The World History and Geography class in question is part of a curriculum being taught to seventh-graders all over the state, and is included in the state's curriculum standards required by the state board of education. Although the standards outline what subjects should be taught and will be included in state assessment tests, they don't mandate how they're to be taught. In the three-week course, Excelsior teacher Brooke Carlin had students assume Islamic names, recite prayers in class, memorize and recite verses from the Quran, and had them simulate Ramadan fasting by going without something for a day. The final test required students to critique Muslim culture. The Islam simulations at Excelsior are outlined in the state-adopted textbook "Across the Centuries," published by Houghton Mifflin, which prompts students to imagine they are Islamic soldiers and Muslims on a Mecca pilgrimage. The lawsuit also alleges students were encouraged to use such phrases in their speech as "Allah Akbar," which is Arabic for "God is great," and were required to fast during lunch period to simulate fasting during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. "While public schools prohibit Christian students from reading the Bible, praying, displaying the Ten Commandments, and even mentioning the word 'God,' students in California are being indoctrinated into the religion of Islam..."
DAN ,   USA   (10.16.06)
Ms Rivera is correct. Everything she says in #33, 34 & 35 has been reported in U.S. newspapers and there has been no outcry against any of it. And if the Democrats take control next month the U.S. will stop taking any military action and become a talking tiger with no teeth.
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