Breaking with tradition
Maya Feldman
Published: 21.10.06, 19:54
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44 Talkbacks for this article
31. The thesis
Stefan ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.22.06)
The Israeli and Judean kings from the Hebrew Bible books Kings and Chronicles are practically all mentioned in external sources (Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian) in the right order and timing. The foreign rulers mentioned in the Hebrew Bible are all accurate and in perfect chronological order compared to external sources. The accuracy appears extraordinary if not amazing. Therefore the Finkelstein & Silberman thesis that the two united monarchy kings (David and Solomon) immediately preceding these kings would be basically fairytales appears illogical. Moreover, the Dan stele confirms the existence of "The House of David" (again written by an external party). Therefore, in my mind, the proof of non-existence should consist of positive hard evidence of another ruler(s) at that time, not the suggested lack of proof.
32. Archaeology and Israel
Moe Chile ,   London, Canada   (10.22.06)
I had read Finkesteins and Silbermans book " The Bible Unearthed" several years ago and found it to be full of contradictions regarding the unified kingdom of Israel under the reign of David and Solomon. I will not be reading this new book however because of the biased and crass handling by the authors in their previous tomb. I would suggest to anyone who has interest in this subject to do their own research and deliniate for themselves what the truth may be. I, for one, do not support Finkelstein and Silbermans' view based on my own research, which has clearly led me to an opposing theory about the Unified Kingdom of Israel. If one does his or her's homework they will surely come to the proper conclusions. If I may suggest a place to start; Timothy Harrison : Megiddo 3: Final report on the Stratum VI Excavations. Also for fuuther reading try Yigael Yadin. Shalom aleichem
33. #16 in Ramallah
judy ,   UK   (10.22.06)
Don't get too excited about this book. It actually works against the islamic-palestinian argument by aiming to show that the Jews were the true aboriginal inhabitants of the Holy Land. Yes, the book argues that the Exodus never happened. But instead it demonstrates that the Jews were orginally Canaanites who had lived in the land for time immemorial. Whether they were powerful or not is really beside the point.
34. #5 Because if they attack koran, their head gets chopped off
AK   (10.22.06)
35. #8 Theories are not proof
AK   (10.22.06)
The fact that something wasn't uncovered doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. But then, in archeology, like anthropology, only a piece of a bone or a shard can put the entire well established theory into a dust bin. Mr. Finkelstein’s theory, he needs something new to get published, is just that, one of many theories. And if he wants to see what is being excavated from Temple Mount, why doesn’t he visit the city dump, where most of the artifacts end up after Arabs, put in charge of destroying Jewish heritage on Temple Mount, remove them, so later archeologist will truthfully find nothing.
36. To Judy
Jamal Aboud ,   Ramallah   (10.23.06)
We don't deny that the Jewish people lived in the Holy Land. It is in our Book. We reject the myths that deny the palestinian people their rights. If this true, Arabs and Jews should live in peace and share the same land. Stop using myths to justify occupation.
37. To #35 Aboud - I don't recall
Darren ,   Tampa, FL USA   (10.23.06)
Dear Aboud: I don't recall the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob giving the land to 13 tribes of Arabs and Israelis. God gave the land to the TWELVE Tribes of Israel, i.e. the children of Abraham, Isaac, & JACOB...not Ishmael. The land (incuding Judea & Samaria) is OCCUPIED land by the ARABS. That land belongs to the Israelis. Arabs and misnamed Palestinians need to return to their respective lands, i.e., Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, & Kuwait. Have you noticed how the surrounding Arab lands treated the "Palestinians" like Pawns? Like dogs? They never allowed them to integrate into their countries. Instead they treated them like second rate people locked up in refugee camps. They were nothing but pawns because the Jew is so hated. The refugee camps did nothing but populate and bust at the seams, but the Arabs simply blamed the Jews. These same Arabs who threatened they had to leave the Israeli area just before the 1948 war or suffer the consequences of the Jews. The Jews offered that they could stay and many did, i.e. the Arab Israeli. If Paestinians would stopping warring against the world, the Jews, and themselves, and really look at who has been treating them like dogs, i.e. the surrounding Arab nations, then they would no longer let such nations use them as pawns. Speaking of "occupied" and refugees, nearly 800,000 to 900,000 Jews fled Arab lands on and before 1948, but the world is silent as to them. What of their right of return? As if they were stupid enough to return to such tyrannical regimes. Here's a compromise, "Palestinians" can have the lands that the Jews fled from from the surrounding Arabs nations and they give up all claims, albeit fraudulent, the any lands in Israel. Sounds like a good deal to me!
38. #37 meant for #36 not #35 Sorry
Darren ,   Tampa, FL USA   (10.23.06)
39. To finkelbreath and silberbutt
Bush ,   USA   (10.23.06)
Keep reaching for that star. i am sure you will be very successful in convincing the anti semites of the world how right you are even without them reading your book. As for the arabs iranians and christians (besides palestinians) who have very strong beliefs to the Jews and their prophets they will spit and laugh at your life wasted and wasting away to prove nothing that will benefit or hurt anybody just as the last 38 talkbackers and the many billions of the world can refute.
40. #36 Jamal
judy ,   UK   (10.23.06)
Yes, I accept that we have to share the land Jamal. Although may I point out that Palestine was partitioned once when Transjordan was created, and will now be partitioned again, so that there will be 2 Arab states in Palestine. O.k, if that'll bring peace, so be it. But will it?
41. Finkelstein
Isabella ,   Edinburgh, Scotland   (04.11.07)
Amazing! "I trust God's word ....." People always say this, forgetting that these words are put into the mouth of God - or Jesus or whoever it may be, BY MEN! I trust God's word indeed! Truth is, you cannot argue with what the Earth says. Best to get over it and try to be open minded and intelligent and truly spiritual. It is not a good idea to try to make spiritual things into materialistic, concrete history when it is not. Why lie to onenself or to anyone else. Why not love the Truth???
42. Finkelstein and Silberman
Isabella ,   Edinburgh, Scotland   (04.11.07)
The Torah is now apparently proven to be the inspiration of the Samaritans. It was "borrowed" by the Levite priests and they pretended it was "found" in the temple. It is you who are a seculrist, but more importantly, why not look for the absolute truth with an open mind. THAT is healthy, and Fikelstein and Silberman are brave and healthy,
43. Finkelstein
Isabella ,   Edinburgh, Scotland   (04.11.07)
Amazing! You could not be more wrong. Palestine was beautiful and plentiful and full of peace until the Jews invaded it and proceeded to murder and rape and steal. Palestine was famous for it's fruit - oranges and grapes have been famous throughout the World for manuy many centuries, long long before the Jews invaded and stole the beautiful land - even destroying olive trees which did not belong to the, trees which were centuries old. Search for the Truth. You will find it in archeology. After all, what could be more truthful than th Earth? You will be much happier if you do.
44. Ten Commandments
Isabella ,   Edinburgh, Scotland   (04.11.07)
Try googling The 42 Commandments of Ma'at. The Ten Commandments were copied from ancient Egypt. The psalms were mostly ancient Egyptians or from Msopotamia. The Song of Songs was the song of a priestess of ancient Sumeria, a love song to her King. In 2334BC Sargon 1st. was placed in a basket which ws sealed with pitch and floated downm the River Trgirs until it lcame to rest in the reeds at the bottom of the garden of the palace. He was found and grew up in the palace and became Sargon the Great. It was Hammurabhi who was inpsired to inscribe The Law on stone in 1780BC. You should all read the Epic of Gilgamesh. You will see that it was Ut-Nishpatim who heard God whishper to him through the reed walls of his house in ancient Sumeria that a Great Flood was coming and told him to hurry to build a boat - which he did and put food and seed and animals into it and all the rest - and the Flood came and after many days floating in his boat Ut-Nishpatime released a pigeon (or dove) and it returned so he knew there was no land near by - next day he released a swallow and it too returne to the boat. Finally he realesed on the next day a raven which did not return - and os on and so forth. The Truth is so much nicer than lying to oneself or bellieving the words men have put into the mouth of "God"! It is also so much heallthier and happier for everyone concerned to be part of the Human Race insetad of having to believe stories told by ancietn priest for political purposes to control people.
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