Opinion  Ray Hanania
Being an occupier
Ray Hanania
Published: 23.10.06, 11:48
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89 Talkbacks for this article
1. Dear Ynet,
Jonathan ,   London, UK   (10.23.06)
Dear Ynet, When are you going to stop giving this guy a platform to rant from? It is monumentally clear that his "views" are not appreciated by the vast majority, and his attempt at pre-emption of critical talkbacks - many of which he unfairly labels "hateful" when they simply take issue with the accuracy of his statements and his views - are pathetic. Another week, another piece of propaganda that hideously fails to pay any attention to palestinian terrorism and rejection of Israel, whilst criticising Israel for the protection of its people. Seriously, this is beyond a joke.
2. Dear Ray
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (10.23.06)
Do you have a lease contract with your tenants? Do they pay you the rent on time? If they are trashing your property and not paying the rent, you can evict them. It may not be nice, but it is within THE LAW. Do the tenants covet your property and want to make it their own? So tell them your price and sell it to them. Do the tenants expect you to give away your property for nothing and apologize for taking their rent money and then refund the rent money? And do you actually feel guilty for taking the rent money and expecting them to not destroy your property? Then Ray, you are retarded and you need a court-appointed guardian to manage your property for you.
3. I agree with #1
Jewish ,   Israel   (10.23.06)
This leftist is a retard.
4. What kinda' piece of crap article is this?
Only something y-net would allow to be broadcast.
5. OK
christina ,   HOLY LAND   (10.23.06)
I disagree with you sir Ray. It seems your views stem from a lack of fimiliarity with the Jewish Nation. It is true that Israel does not understand the language of the palestinians-that is because Jews are a merciful people and cannot fathom the mercilessness of our neighbours. The wall is the most extreme response it could think up to its citizens being blown up. I'm sure you could have come up with a more practical solution. I sincerely hope my talkback doesn't come under the category of 'hateful'- if it does-let me refer you to the 'educational programs' on palestinian tv and compare.
6. "Being an occupier"
Gaby ,   Boston, usa   (10.23.06)
Hanania should only write about his own experience. How about "Being a useful Dhimmi"
7. just like how arab christians are treated in muslim states
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (10.23.06)
it's sad how muslims oppress the christians, as ray describes. too bad you'll NEVER see an article from ray about that. if jews do it, it is unforgivable. if muslims do it, so what? they're arabs. (how's that for an example of coexistence?) at least christians have more rights and freedom under the jews than they would ever have under muslim rule. and we thank israel everyday for that blessing.
8. Ray: You Occupy YOUR Land (Chicago)- We'll Occupy OUR Israel
Yishai Kohen ,   YeShA, Israel   (10.23.06)
And that is called peace. But when you- or other usurpers try to steal OUR land, including Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, you will end up sorry. Just as the Philistines have for years. The more they try and steal our land and murder us, the more they will suffer. It's that simple.
9. Ahhh... nice analogy, but what about the fish?
JPS ,   Efrat   (10.23.06)
Ray looks at his fish and sees guppies. Let them go free in the lake and they'll be happy with their freedom and be able to go wherever they want and do their own thing. So harmless that nobody will even bother fishing for them. Unfortunately, Ray failed to mention that he's got a lot of piranhas in his aquarium. Not just one type, but several types. And if he ended their "occupation" and dumped them in the lake... As the great imam Homer ibn Simbson would say... DOH!
10. I get it.
Michael ,   Seattle, WA   (10.23.06)
Robert Frost wrote that "walls make the best neighbors" and they don't have to be ugly walls. They can be elegant and detailed. In a perfect world, everyone treats eachother with respect, but the perfect world demands that we all are equal in all aspects of who we are, what we believe, how we are taught. I see it every day in the US. Some people just act like turnips and I just have to suppose the parents raised them that way. Some are intelligent, but are overly agressive. Possibly internal chemicals make them that way. Some are like fish (some even bottom-fish). All of these people deserve dignity and respect even tho we sometimes feel they are undeserving. Both the Palestinians and Israel have an opportunity here to try to see themselves as something other than they are. An opportunity to show the world the possibilities that exist. But they need to step outside the safety of the boxes, break down the walls, even if they are detailed and elegant walls. Be neighbors, not landlords and tenants.
11. Very touching..
Boulder, CO   (10.23.06)
Way to go! Very touching.. Very nice article..vey honest and nicely put..
12. That was funny Ray, please stick to standup comedy
RA   (10.23.06)
Because you have no idea what you are talking about in this matter. Do your fish attack you and kill your family? Do your fish try to steal your property from you? Do your fish want to destroy everything you stand for and actively work to do so every day? No? I didn't think so. Ray, just go back to comedy and go back to Gaza or w/e the hell you came from. Your propaganda bullshit might work somewhere else, but as you probably already know, Jews are much smarter than you.
13. I apologize for causing offence with my poor analogy
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago IL   (10.23.06)
14. Ray, can you wirte an article about sucide bombers?
DR ,   Florida, USA   (10.23.06)
All we hear about the Palestinians is how poor and miserable they are and how Israel is making their lives not worth living. Well....I want to know why they dress their kids in mock suicide belts, give them guns, make them burn and walk on Israeli flags etc. I want to know how a whole culture can thik that this is a good way to raise their children. Why does nobody talk about these issues? Isn't this considered child abuse or at least brainwshing??? Please write one article about this Ray, I'm waiting to see if you have an objective point of view, which I don't think you do.
ANDREW ,   MIAMI,FL   (10.23.06)
get it through your head ray - we have returned home - we are not occupiers
16. Geez, Ray
Michael ,   Seattle, WA   (10.23.06)
17. #12
Carl ,   Stockholm   (10.23.06)
"Jews are smarter"....hhmmm...reminds me of another racial dogm some 60 years ago with disastrous consequencies....
18. #17 typical European
Elle ,   NYC   (10.23.06)
The Swedes supported Nazi Germany and have Jewish blood on their hands yet even they have the nerve to come to a Jewish website and repeat that same old tired argument that" Jews are like Nazis" to absolve them of their guilt. No sir, Jews are not like Nazis in any way shape or form. Palestinians have multiplied their population at least 5 times since Israel was established whereas the Nazis (with the Sweden's help) killed a 1/3 of world Jewery. I see Italians walking around with "Italians are the Best" T-shirts all over NYC. How come nobody screams that they are like the Nazis -even though their leader too was aligned with the Nazis? By the way I love Italians and was just using this as a ridiculous example... Tell it walking, no one here cares for your boring, tired analogy. Not in your wildest dreams could we be as murderous or vile as the Europeans.
19. Calm down everyone
Christian Bianrossa   (10.23.06)
Don't you guys on here know that the Palestinians are a peaceful, loving, understanding, tolerant people? They have brought so many things into this world and are so kind they even gave out candy on 9/11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyaixXr6PvI&eurl= Look at those lovely faces! I wonder where Ray's allegiance lies when he, as an American, has to watch that video. I'm sure he'll make some excuses and apologize for them as he always does.
p HENRY ,   longmont U S A   (10.23.06)
21. Here's the "Award" Hanania received
Seth ,   Washington, DC   (10.23.06)
Hanania's Award is for the least funniest mediocre Christian standup comedian living in the United States masquerading as a Palestinian.
22. Maybe this stuff plays well in Dearborn comedy clubs?
Josh   (10.23.06)
23. Honest
MMH ,   Austin, TX   (10.23.06)
An interesting perspective to put things in, while at the same time being amusing and honest. I hope the readers will read this from that perspective (especially those that are isreali or jewish): that is ask themselves how they would act if they were in the place of the Palestinians. A question I think too few people ask themselves...
24. Muslims are not living in our times Yet.
Christian, arab and ,   Canada   (10.23.06)
Muslims do expect to worship their mohammed wherever they want, and they can even pray to THEIR MOHAMMED in Rome, yet in Saudi Arabia and other MUSLIM countries you can not worship G'D in your own way, they do not even let you carry your "BIble" and even worse there is not ONE Church is allowed. so MUSLIMs if you want to be treated fairly then maybe you its you, yes YOU HAVE TO PLAY FAIR.
25. Poor Andy #15...
Tipton ,   NYC, USA   (10.23.06)
...he thinks Israel only occupies Hebron.
26. I am shocked!!!!!
eva ,   rome,italy   (10.23.06)
did your tenants has blown up your children, parents, friends,or maiming them for life..Ray what inblanced hateful article, analogy my foot
27. How well are Ray's fish doing?
Steve ,   USA   (10.23.06)
B"H You said "you are very respectful because you used the definition of Palestinians that includes East Jerusalem in the phrase occupation". It is very difficult to have a respectful discussion therefore and disagree with you Ray from your perspective, as far as I can tell. So I will just ask a few simple questions that do not include your keywords, being as least "disrespectful" as I can. How well are the Hamas fish doing? How well are Abbas's fish doing? How well are Ray's fish doing? I do not think the occupation is so problematic for you Ray as long as you are the occupier. It is just a matter of who is on top and how much lower the other fish are, right? Quote: Me): Well, first let me say you are very respectful because you used the definition of Palestinians that includes East Jerusalem in the phrase occupation. That is very respectful and therefore I owe you a very honest response.
28. Didn't write #13
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago, IL USA   (10.23.06)
Just so you all know, I didn't write #13 ... but that's typical of haters to hide behind tricks, afraid to deal and discuss issues, and focus on the person rather than the politics. I guess I am winning when they only way to respond it to lie, cheat, violate their own religious beliefs and embrace fanaticism Thanks SHALAM! Ray Hanania www.hanania.com
29. #1-don't be so surprised
Michael ,   miami,usa   (10.23.06)
#1 you are 100% correct, but this is why Ynet allows this anti-Semite to use this web site to spew the same, tired excuse as to why Philistinians blow themselves up and produce nothing but death and hate. The leftists that run this web site would also like to blame Israel/Jews for all that is wrong in Israel and the world.
As you can seer the 'jew' is trying to silence dissent- you know they dont live in a democracy after all in israel- but USA is waking up and we dont like ISrael anymore so they better behave- KEEP TALKING RAY.
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