Opinion  Ray Hanania
Being an occupier
Ray Hanania
Published: 23.10.06, 11:48
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89 Talkbacks for this article
31. No need to apologize Ray
Tipton ,   NYC,USA   (10.23.06)
They can't hear it anyway. Froth does that whether on the mind or otherwise. I know I can't hear much when I see a nice froth in the glass in front of me. Hey! How's that for a peace initiative: "Leave the froth in the glass!" Cheers
32. Ray: Stop occupying America and go back to West Bank
CrabbyMax ,   Chicago   (10.23.06)
We don't need you or your drivel in America.
33. Ynet - Do you want to lose all your readers???
Margaret ,   London, UK   (10.23.06)
Enough of Ray Hanania!!! Please
Dani ,   Tel Aviv   (10.23.06)
And there is no sign of any change. Look at all of the polls, including Gallup, McLaughlin, and so on. Yes- the US IS waking up.
35. nauseating
Dr. NO ,   jerusalem   (10.23.06)
I agree, Ray, you are an occupier of precious internet space. Perhaps a legal one, since ynet will have its readers put up with your nauseating sugarcoated crap pills. Let me thank you in advance for the hatred, mudslinging and whatever else you care to include in your talkbacks to talbacks. I will be personally offended if you miss this wonderful opportunity to just shut up. I hope you can also find it in your heart to thank me for taking the trouble to dig up this article that sheds a different light on your opinions: http://www.annaqed.com/english/politics/hananias_unreal_reality_gerald_honigman.html. Correct me if I got it wrong: your Palestinian parents emigrated to America in 1926? then perhaps you might like to approach the British Empire (as they had the mandate over Palestine at the time) for any injustice they encountered prior to their departure for the Goldene Medineh. While you yourself are an American-born citizen... Twisted?
36. To: Christian Arab from Canada!!
Hussein ,   Palestine   (10.23.06)
Where did you see this in the article?! Try spraying your hatered somewhere else or at least choose a relavent article.. Best wishes,
37. this is for Ray
Maya   (10.23.06)
I have always enjoyed reading your opinions, you write really well. I dont always agree with you, but you are the voice i am the most curious about hearing, as an israeli jewish person living overseas, I have made many muslim and christian arab friends from all over the middle east, and it saddens me that you alone are the window to the feelings of the arabs living by my house where i grew up. I want us to live together, I dont want you or your brothers to suffer, but the issue grows deeper than what you have mentioned, as the key word is mistrust. israelis fear it is not a country, but the whole country that the palestinians want, and it has happened time and time again in muslim history that when a state become muslim, the other reliogions are killed, discriminated against, traded as slaves or simply forced to leave (as has happened to 1.5 milion arab jews). how do we build trust with all this mess? i would be grateful if you could reply to my question, even by mail...
38. Ray what a great article and close to the truth
Ariel ,   Tel aviv   (10.23.06)
We need peace quickly in this region
39. A difficult article but we need to look at the mirror
Jonathan ,   Haifa   (10.23.06)
40. thank you so much for this article
Mohamed ,   Ejerusalem Palestine   (10.23.06)
41. Interesting Read
Yehuda ,   USA   (10.23.06)
Good analogy, but you’ve missed a very important piece of the story when after 40 years of occupation, the Landlord tells the tenant "This occupied land is your land and we’ll have to be neighbors forever. I had to occupy your land because you threatened my family’s existence. I’m trying to find a way to give you control of your land without risking my familiy’s life again. I know what, I’ll give you part of it back and you can show me the type of neighbor you will be.” After removing occupation from within the land, the tenant says “Let me first burn down your temples, no Jews allowed here. Now that’s done, let me now bring my beloved Hammas who will not rest until your family is annihilated. Wait, you are still occupying my borders and not let me import Iranian weapons freely – I am still under occupation. “ Ray, you’re a landlord. What would you do next? How would a Palestinian landlord treat his Jewish tenant?
42. Maya's genuine question deserves answer
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago, IL USA   (10.24.06)
First, thanks Maya for a very sincere and genuine question. I wish others would follow oyur lead and we could have a real dialogue going here. Who knows. Two people talk, then four, then 16 and on and on until we have everyone. I know there are many fanatics and extremists among my own Palestinian people. I feel them all the time in their own hatred, anger and bitterness directed as much against moderate Palestinians like me as against jews. I know some of them openly claim that peace is a strategy, not a goal, to destroy Israel. I also know that many palestinians also feel the same deep down. But I believe that there are far more like me who recognize that the conflict must come to an end so that both people can move on, so that our children can live in peace without fear of violence. There are many more like me who belive that we must compromise and do our best to fight for a peace that is fair. The two state solution is the ONLY solution. Only the extremists on both sides want "one state." Bcause they each believe one state will turn into their own state. It won't. Yes, even among those who hate Israel, I believe they will accept a two-state solution. I also know that there will be violence directed not just against Israel when a two-state solution is implemented, but also against Palestinians who accept the finality of that goal. Two states. We share in a real way Jerusalem.And we fight to defend each other not from each other but against the extremists who believe that violence and conflict keeps their chances of their hateful goals alive. I know it can work and I beg you to please do not give up. We don't have to agree our about how we view history. But we must agree on the future that is two-states, fair for both sides and that gives both sides what they need: Israel, security; Palestinians national dignity. That I will pray for with you. SHALAM Ray Hanania www.hanania.com
43. To Ray
NYC Girl   (10.24.06)
Don't you think you're overreacting just a bit by assuming the person behind post # 13 is a "hater?" It's interesting that you, as a comedian, don't seem to be able to take what appears to be no more than a joke, albeit a somewhat feeble one. Not only that, but when you consider some of the outrageous and hateful comments written by Jew-baiting knuckle draggers that appear on Ynet on a fairly consistent basis, I hardly think this one rises to the same level of hatred or fanaticism.
44. what took you so long Ray?
Lois D. ,   Baltimore, Md   (10.24.06)
It's about time you wrote something that presents the occupation the way it really is without blaming the Palestinians for their misery and suffering. Congratulations!
45. This is for Maya
Lois D. ,   Baltimore, MD.   (10.24.06)
You sound like you mean well, but you also sound like you're really so far removed from everything going on. As an Israeli, you should already know about your racist country, and stop making excuses for it. If you don't know, then you're really out of touch with reality.
46. Ynet keeping HOPE and PEACE at reach!
Sarah ,   Ramallah   (10.24.06)
More Talkbackers receptive to Mr. Hanania's columns. It seems the "haters" are always going to be louder and out-number the moderates but it sure gave me some readers of Ynet are brave enough to post positively and therefore, really want a just and lasting peace that takes into account both parties. This column requires reflection. Something "haters" refuse to do. Great article.
47. #24 No Clue
Sammy ,   USA   (10.24.06)
Muslims don't worship the Prophet Muhammad, they worship GOD. Your ignorance of Islam is very evident.
49. Actually, Ray
Jonathan ,   London, UK   (10.24.06)
"I guess I am winning when they only way to respond it to lie, cheat, violate their own religious beliefs and embrace fanaticism " From where I'm standing , it appears that the ones who are winning are those who oppose you, as it's got to the stage where your sole tactic against those who oppose your one-sided view appears to be to slander and libel them as "haters", "liars", "cheats" and "fanatics" and then claim that the other side are the ones who are going after the man and not the argument. Which, as well as many other things, makes you a deceitful hypocrite. Oh, and could I ask - do youa ctually get work as a comedian? Because not one thing of yours has ever made me laugh in anything other than amusement at how poor your arguments are, how badly your points are made and how quickly you leap to viciously slander and attack anyone who opposes you. You claim to be a "moderate" in favour of dialogue, and yet anyone who disagrees with you is labelled a "fanatic" and viciously insulted. Interesting approach to "dialogue". Once again, Ynet - what are you playing at?
51. Maya - building trust
Michael ,   Seattle, WA   (10.24.06)
To be "trustworthy" one must first have trust placed with them. It seems difficult to trust in an environment where so many preach hate and violence. Maya-your comment was well thought out. Ray??
52. To No. 23
NYC Girl   (10.24.06)
You asked how would they (meaning Jews or Israelis) act if they were in the place of the Palestinians? Don't make me laugh. The Jews have been in far worse places than the Palestinians could ever imagine, and do you know what? They didn't strap bombs filled with nails and rat poison to their bodies and walk into cafes and shopping malls and blow up a lot of innocent people.
53. Thank you Ray and Michael of Seattle
Arja ,   Canada   (10.24.06)
liked it, Ray. I kept waiting for the twist and you got me at the end! ;-) It still amazes me how some Israelis can view themselves as "merciful" or act "righteous" in their treatment of the Palestinians. The collective punishments are heinous... just as they are when the Americans use them against the Iraqis or power-tripping teachers use them against their students. The stereotyping of any group of people shows ignorance. I mean, I shouldn't stereotype Jews by how Israel treats Palestinians or by their war on Lebanon OR the feedbacks at YNET. I've been told that if only I read Hebrew I would see a more accurate portrayal of Israeli Jews. Similarly I must not stereotype Americans by the war in Iraq or how the CIA has regularly interfered in other countries starting with the 1953 overthrow of the western educated Iranian leader who wanted to nationalize the oil. I know that Americans in general are very friendly people, even the ones who support Bush, so I'm assuming, that Israelis, are very kind people on an individual basis. BUT, I am totally baffled how these NICE people, Americans and israelis, tolerate or even advocate the immoral and monstrous behaviours sponsored by their governments. Based on my knowledge of the USA and Americans, I've decided that there is a lot of FEAR. Fearful people downshift into a flight/fight mode and are unable to THINK logically or even to FEEL compassion, because compassion requires an ADVANCED LEVEL of thinking, of being able to put oneself into another's shoes. If it weren't for such Israelis as Amira Hass, Tanya Reinhart, Yehuda Litani, and many many others I have encountered online, I would totally despair for the future of humanity based on the actions of our governments and the comments in the feedbacks at YNET. Michael, I really appreciated your comments. Like you say it is a great opportunity. I'd say a great opportunity for humankind, not just Israelis and Palestinians. In fact, I've read about some interesting ideas for a ONE STATE solution - a REAL democracy with both Jews and Palestinians living together. Check out, www.one-democratic-state.org/
54. You had me fooled all the way Ray!!!
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (10.24.06)
I really thought you were refering to the slum lords in Jordan/Syria/Egypt/Lebannon that keep millions of Palestinians in "refugee camps". Your analogy fits perfect.
55. Honest respnse to an honest writer from a right-wing jew
Daniel ,   Atlanta, U.S.   (10.24.06)
Maybe you're right, maybe the majority of Palestinians do want peace, but that doesn't matter. What the majority wants does not matter, what matter is what the people do. For the past sixty years, the Arab world has been trying to destroy Israel, and regardless of whether the arabs have wanted peace, they have been empowering leaders who want nothing but our destruction. You must understand, Ray, that as much as we want to withdraw to the '67 borders and sign peace agreements and live in peace and harmony, we can't, because as soon as we do it wewill be destroyed. Remember, that the territories were occupied in response to preparations by Egypt and its allies for a war of annihilation against us., and that war would have occured whether or not the majority of arabs supported it or not, and its result would have been our destruction, again regardless of majority support. Perhaps what has happened is largely our fault. Perhaps in '73 we should have occupied Cairo and Damascus, and then put the areas we had occupied through massive de-radicalization, before negotiating a partial withdrawal. But we must all pay for our mistakes and misdeeds, whether intentional or not. We have paid for stopping the Arabs from fleeing the territories in '67, and for not destroying Hamas and the other terorist organizations. We have paid for it with forty years of deah. But the Arabs must also pay for trying to destroy us at least three times since the day of our independence, and they must pay for it in the only currency they know, land. Hopefully the shock of losing their homes will spur the silent majority you speak of to rise up and overthrough the radicals, and then we can have peace. But if it doesn't, then the extra territory will serve to protect us from the radicals around us. Finally Ray, consider this: If the Palestinians overthrow their radicals and we betray them (though we have never done it before) and evict them, they can go and be welcomed in any of twenty other Arab countries, but if we give them a state, and they betray us (as they have done in the past) we will be destroyed as a people.
56. #55
Neil ,   New Zealand   (10.24.06)
So you admit that Israel attacked Palestine before they attacked Israel. (as the arabs were preparing to attack Israel) You say that only by loosing land will they understand. It looks to me that Israel carried out a premeditated war to take over land that does not belong to them.. If not, build the Aparthied and Racist wall on the Green line. Don't steal land which is not yours. Negotiate in "GOOD FAITH" and work hard to get the peace that your children deserve. Impliment UN resolution 242 if you believe in international law. The vast majority of the world see what Israel is doing is a land and water grab. Be open to treading the reality of the actoins of the IDF and the Israeli government. Consider if it was you on the other end of the Main Battle Tanks, 1 ton bombs, F15 and F16 bombers, Helicoptor gunships, etc. Consider why Palestinian children need international and Israeli minders to get to school past Israeli adults throwing stones and other ofal. Consider why Palestinian farmers need international and Israeli minders so that they can harvest their crops so that they are not killed by neighboring Israeli settlers trying to drive them out. Look in the mirror. Be honest. Read what is really happening. 2 soldiers killed and 1 soldier kidnapped by Hammas. Over 240 Palestinaians, mainly civilians, killed by the IDF. 3 soldiers verses probably over 150 civilians. Be honest. Ask your Israeli government for negotiations and honest peace efforts. To do anything else is continuing to sow the seeds for you ongoing wars. Eventually, they will extend to other countries who are stronger than Lebanon. Ask your government to negotiate for peace instead of stealing land and water. I hope for peace in the Middle East but fear for war given the actions of the Israeli governments actions with her neighbours.
57. To #53, Yes the Arab countries are very peaceful & humane
Christina ,   Atlanta   (10.24.06)
and also Europe who colonized half the free world. Let's not leave out the Indigenous Indians the Canadians killed en masse. No let's just focus on Israel and America. Hypocrite thy name is Arja...
58. arja a hypocrite?
Dr. NO ,   jerusalem   (10.24.06)
Much worse - Arja is a Karelian Finn who has taken refuge in Canada. She is not motivated by any desire to bring "justice" to the "oppressed" Palestinians, rather by her imbued hatred for the Jewish people, which she now extends to Israel. The Karelian Finns are the only minority in Europe to have fought against communist Russia, by actually volunteering en masse for the Waffen SS, donning their uniforms and operating on the Eastern front. Those troops were found to be collectively guilty of war crimes. Take her words with a grain of salt, as I believe she represents no-one but her misconceptions.
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