Poll: Most US Jews support Palestinian state
Published: 23.10.06, 17:04
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31. KYLE
after what you jews have done to the ARABS how could thy want jews near them- the JEWS just BOMBED a childrens hosptial in LEbanon- they left cluster bobs for later--they go on killing sprees in GAZA- against kids with rocks- you are a gross people that need to be held accountable- just like the NAZIS.
32. 17 exactly
jews are panicking- calling joe bob and his cousin anti-semties. its hilrious to watch-
33. most U.S, Jews I have talked to
jerome ,   basalt, co   (10.23.06)
don't support a Pally state! I've talk to many people and it was my own survey in a way that we talk politics and most Jews and non- Jews feel the Pally's should not have a state of thier own because it would just be another hateful-terrorist state. I don't know what U.S. Jes the American commitee interview but it wasn't the People I've talked to.
34. Recent polling
Yosef Yaakovlev ,   Baltimore, USA   (10.23.06)
I am an observant Jew and quite aware of the bitter realities. Frankly, I am tired of these endless polemics and head games - we shall get exactly what we deserve, just like in the past. Those who do not learn from history, are bound to repeat it. Shalom al Israel.
35. To No. 14, John
NYC Girl   (10.23.06)
If, as you say, most Palestinians want their own state why, then, when they were given the opportunity to hold free elections, did they elect an irredentist terrorist organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel above and beyond any other goal. And if, as some people claim, the election of Hamas was a response to the rampant corruption of the previous administration, why do the Palestinians still venerate the execrable Yasser Arafat who robbed them blind and lead them down their current path of self-destruction? Believe me, there's a mindset at work here that most Americans can't even begin to fathom, but I think it behooves all of us to start learning.
36. #31
jerome ,   basalt, co   (10.23.06)
you can't be serious can you?!?!? if you are you either believe your own lies or are the most mis-informed fool on the face of this earth. If you look into the mirror you will see a real nazi or a Islamic hypocrite which is one in the same. If the Israelis bomb a HOSPITAL IT'S CAUSE THE aRABS SHOOT ROCKETS FROM the HOSPITAL! Everyone that is not ignorant knows this.
37. #19
Sam Weinstein ,   USA   (10.23.06)
First of all I was in the Yom Kippur War and friends of mine were killed wounded and captured. I support Israel because as a Jew it is a Jewish State and is there to protect our people. It is not a Israeli State it is a Jewish State What happens there affects me even in the USA
38. #30
jerome ,   basalt, co   (10.23.06)
my email to #31 aslo applies to you ignorant fool look into the miiror!
39. answer to the opposed!
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.23.06)
those american jews who oppose the way israel is defending itself and making sure to survive as a state for the safety of all jews in the diaspora should and do not have a RIGHT to demand israel curb its defense operation. AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT SEND YOUR SONS INTO THE IDF/IAF, AND AS LONG AS YOU REMAIN IN THE USA SIPPING YOUR HOT COFFEE IN PEACE AND PROSPERITY...YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CRITICISE ISRAEL AND ITS ACTIONS. you do, in fact, as any person is allowed to criticise, but not if you are giving nothing up, like a son or daughter, for israel to remain your security blanker in this world. think what will happen to us jews if we didn't have a country to represent us, to run to in times of tgrouble. don't criticise too much because history tends to repeat itself and where will all of you then?
40. Ahamad Ahabal #27 Here is a game
John ,   USA   (10.23.06)
I want to know the answers, I want to know the truth. So we will play a game! I grant you three wishes. These are all a powerful wishes, they can do anything you want. The only rule is you must use your wishes to end the plight of the Palestinians. Please tell me what your wishes are, and why you use them. Good luck!
Yaacov ,   Raanana, Israel   (10.23.06)
42. To No. 17
NYC Girl   (10.23.06)
You've hit the nail on the head. One of the reasons that Arafat turned down the offer that was presented to him on a silver platter by Ehud Barak and Bill Clinton was because it would mean relinquishing his status as a "revolutionary" and taking on the mundane tasks of running a state...and he just wasn't willing to do that, regardless of how it might have benefited his people.
43. # 31 Kyle
malcolm   (10.23.06)
Your Jew hate is vile and you are a self righteos liar. Liar because you couldn't care less about humanity or even the Palestinians. Not a peep from you concerning the brutal murder and genocide in Darfur at the hand of Muslim Arabs. 200,000 murdered so far and another 1/2 million in the pipeline to be btchered. But Why are they less of an issue for you, Kyle? Because all care about is hating Jews and you'll support anyone who wants to destroy Israel. You'll even support the most over-supported, financed, oversypathised with group of hate filled murderers on earth, THE PALESTINIANS.
TIME FOR TRUTH ,   FL,USA   (10.23.06)
SAM WALKER ,   TX,USA   (10.23.06)
46. #42 NYC Girl
malcolm   (10.23.06)
Sorry, you didn't hit the nail on the head. Yasser Arafat NEVER intended to make peace with Israel. His uncle was none other than Haj Amin el-Husseini, a close friend of Hitler & Eichman From a very early age he was bred on Jew hate. Later. Arafat was re-invented by the KGB and they presented him to Jimmy Carter as the Born Again Ex-Terrorist. he even was welcomed to address the UN. Then Clinton tried to out-Carter Carter for his own legacy quest and hero peacemaker. He too allowed himself to be conned by the savage murderer for years and even let the vile swine sleep in the White House 17 times. With Oslo he saw an opportunity to destroy the Jewish state from within and make billions in the process.
47. Not now not ever and re:#30
Josh   (10.23.06)
The pole is meaningless unless you see who was polled (the sample) and what exactly the questions are. If they polled the Hassidim in NY they would have a different outcome. To #30 The Arab pirates probably could be considered terrorists. There may have been no terrorist, but then again the movies have been promoting the idea for over 20 years before the fact The terrorists are coming the terrosists are coming; It was bound to happen. Just needed a stupid excuse, like blame it on the Jews and a little help from the CIA in training Bin Laden armies. Muslims appear to be easily manipulated by their leaders. I like stories like Die Hard where german terrorists (who?) blow up a building to steal bonds. Kinda like the trade towers and the missing gold theory. At least we know Russia is no longer the threat. More govenment creating and enemy with some hysteria and offering a solution while making money on weaponry with tax money. Its also a great jumping off point for starting wars. Lets face it terrorism only works because the media promotes it. It is the weakest form of war and solves nothing unless the politicians play the game like give back land and take some back and give back land and take some back. Almost like teasing a dog, only a dog wouldn't play the game for more than an hour. As long as the war machine makes money from terrorism there will be no Palestinian state. Even afterwards, don't think the world will give them a state anyway.
48. John, USA, #40, the game.
ahamad ahabal ,   gaza   (10.23.06)
Dear John, Here are my wishes. 1. That nearly 60 years ago the arab world had chosen to accept the united nations partition plan creating two states. The jews said yes, the arab world said no and started a war that has gone on now ever since. Compromise on our part back then would have meant no arabs fleeing the warzone for the safety of the arab worlds refugee camps, and therefore the 1,000,000 jews that consequently fled nearly every arab country for the safety of israel would have stayed. The new business relationships between the arab world and the newly created jewish communities throughout the middle east would have created a different middle east. Arab democrisys would have begun to emerge and the arab world would have been a light unto the nations instead of what it is now. 2. That general yasser arafat would have compromised with the israelis only a few years ago at camp david with clinton. Oh what was almost....but compromise would have meant him having to create jobs and an economy and all the other requirements that a leader must do, and arafat just wanted a place for an elderly terrorist to retire. 3. I wish that the entire arab world would have absorbed the arab refugees from israel instead of keep them in perpetual misery for the benefit of the arab world's leaders. But we are not ones to accept responsibility and to accept the results of what we started. So tell the jews to stop moving forward with their lives, stop creating, stop building, stop solving, stop...just stop....because we are not yet ready to move forward. We want to stand still. It has only been nearly a hundred years, what is another hundred years? After all, our weapons improve year after year, despite the fact that we stand still.
49. to # 19
Jellybeanz ,   Chicago   (10.23.06)
You don't care what we say but care about Americans and American jews sending billions of dollars a year to you and those squatters!! so shut your mouth!
50. Thanks Ahamad, #48
John ,   USA   (10.24.06)
I think your wishes are reasonable and intelligent. I wish I could grant them to you, unfortuantely I can't. I hope we can resolve these issues anyway. Good luck and happiness. I try to help on this end. I just want everybody to win somehow. Thanks again.
51. To No. 26, Malcolm
NYC Girl   (10.24.06)
I'm well aware of the facts you've cited and I'm in complete agreement with you. In previous posts I've indicated that the Palestinians don't want a state, what they want is the destruction of Israel. I was just agreeing with the point made about Arafat never intending to give up his status as a "revolutionary" to take on the business of running a state. But, believe me, there's very little about Arafat that I haven't known for a long time, and, frankly, I think the U.S. is being duped by Mahmoud Abbas in much the same way.
52. Money to Israel
Orna ,   Jerusalem   (09.06.07)
To Jellybeanz #49: The American government sends money to Israel for its' own political reasons only. And the majority of non-religious American Jews who give money are not the younger ones-they just don't care.
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