Opinion  Others
From massacre to Lieberman
Tamar Gozansky
Published: 30.10.06, 17:08
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47 Talkbacks for this article
31. Arabs have no right to complain about "massacres"
RA   (10.30.06)
They commit them on a daily basis through-out the world. And if it wasnt for brave nations like the United States and Israel, the situation would be far worse.
32. Because of Oslo, Israel has to be tougher with its Arabs
Ken Dalton ,   Toronto, Canada   (10.30.06)
Anyone who thought that only Jews would pay a huge price for giving guns and land to terrorists was foolish. Oslo and other "Peace Agreements" that strengthen those that want to destroy Israel are always bad news for anyone that wants to live in peace.
33. Give him a chance!
enzo ,   london,uk   (10.30.06)
With the greatest respect for the Author of this political article, if the best way to stop the commies is to be a fascist, so be it! Nobody has seen Lieberman in action yet, still media & Co. come up with the most absurd analogies in order to undermine his appointment! Give him a chance, please!
34. Where were you during the ethnic cleansing of Gush Katif?
Ilan ,   Ariel   (10.30.06)
What was the claim we heard? It's no big deal they are just moving to a new home, happens every day no? When it is Arab homes it is different than when it is Jewish homes? Are human rights only Palestinian rights since Jews aren't considered human? Lieberman's ideology was made kosher by the Israeli Left when they gave their approval for the mass eviction of Jews from their homes.
35. Jewish self-hatred at it's best
Michael ,   miami,usa   (10.30.06)
All the self-hating,anti-Israeli leftists crawl out from under their rocks whenever a Jew w/ pride in himself, his country and his religion speaks the truth. The only ethnic cleansing in Israel occured when your writer and her anti-Israeli friends pushed the "Oslo" government to throw Jews out of their homes in Gush Katif. How sad it is that Israeli students get their brains washed everytime this woman opens her mouth.
36. So sad
SB ,   L.A.   (10.30.06)
It is so sad when our own people are so out of reality. Why do the people who cry of Arab massacres not cry about all of the Jews who were and are being constantly massacred. Please Tamar, read more history on your own people and write a list of all the Jews who were massacred by Arabs and whoever else and compare it to anyone who has been massacred by Jews. The comparison will be devastatingly small........Not that it is ok to massacre, but put things into perspective. Get INTO reality and act accordingly....or you too, one day will be begging for you life from someone who hates you just because you exist in this world as a Jew.......
37. Anti-Lieberman propaganda
Dan ,   Israel   (10.30.06)
Lierman's position regarding minorities is shared by the majority of mainstream Israelis: loyal and integrated minorities are welcome whereas hostile minorities who support Israel's enemies and dream about Israel's destruction must be separated from Israel. Any other sane democracy in the same situation would have acted in the same way. It is apparantly ok for these self-hating Jews to support an ethnically cleansed Jew-free Gaza and the West Bank just like virtually every Arab country has become Jew-free. Lieberman is only saying that we should redraw Israel's border so the Arab anti-Israeli communities along the border can naturally join their Arab brothers in the West Bank and carry on with their lives separated from us. The real racists and fascists are the Muslim Arab radicals and their self-hating communist Jewish allies who dream about a "pure Arab Middle East without a Jew-State.
38. Wasn't it her fellow commies that held Jews
jason white ,   afula,israel   (10.30.06)
captive behind the iron-curtain? Didn't they train and equip the arab armies? Did'nt the have technicians working the arab anti-aircraft batteries? Didn't the supply the arab with intel? Help plan the Yom Kippur war? Train terrorists to kill Jews?Ect. By the way what was the name of the left-wing member of the knesset whose daughter married a palestinian?
39. Kfar Kassem is not a valid argument for today
Len   (10.30.06)
Lieberman represents a reaction to Iranian, Syrian and Hamas threats to the state of Israel. Election of Hamas Government and Hizbullah have been a disaster for the Palestinians. Reconciliation On November 20, 1957, 400 distinguished guests and representatives from different sectors of Israeli society, including Knesset members, cabinet ministers, members from the then ruling Mapai party, national trade union officials, and notable members from neighboring Arab villages, held a reconciliation ceremony in memory of the victims at Kafr Qasim. The government subsequently distributed reparations to the family of the victims. In October 2006, Yuli Tamir, the education minister in Israel, ordered schools around the country to observe the Kafr Qasim massacre and to reflect upon the need to disobey illegal orders. The townspeople of Kafr Qasim annually observe the massacre and a commemorative memorial was raised in the village. A museum dealing with the events was opened on October 29, 2006. Following public protests, eleven Border Police officers and soldiers involved in the massacre were charged with murder. On October 16, 1958, eight of them were found guilty and sentenced to prison terms. Malinki received 17 and Dahan 15 years imprisonment. The court placed great emphasis on the fundamental responsibility of Shadmi, though the latter was not a defendant. The court of appeal (April 3, 1959) reduced Malinki's sentence to 14 years and Dahan's to 10. The Chief of Staff further reduced them to 10 and 8 years, then the Israeli President reduced them to 5 years each. Finally, the Committee for the Release of Prisoner's ordered the remission of one third of the prison sentences, resulting in all the convicted persons being out of prison by November 1959
40. Vilner & Tubi
Simon ,   Brooklyn, NY   (10.31.06)
Just to remind everyone: Vilner & Tubi were the leaders of the "good" Israel Communist party financed and supported by KGB (unlike the leaders of the "bad/revisionist" Communist party Mikunis & Sneh).
41. #20 & Gozansky: You are so wrong
Anna ,   Canada   (10.31.06)
Warren Buffet doesn’t think Israel is close to end, nether Microsoft and others. Lieberman is a fresh force that Israel needs to make accountable some of the most notorious Israeli bashers who is abusing the laws of the democracy in the country and who has to be brought to the justice. You are the same people who are saying Israel is improper and unbalancing responding to the Hezbollah attacks. You are the pessimists without a vision to the future.
42. she is just upset that this russian is no communist
pinny ,   USA   (11.01.06)
43. 16# you are sooooooooooo sick
Lieberman sounds SOOOOOOOOOOO sefardic btw
44. #20 John, London, UK
zov ,   Rosenberg, TX   (11.03.06)
John is the only touchy arab who is so concerned about jews and Israel. With so warm feelings he wants to save all of us and is deeply suffering from our stupidity and rejection of his profound visions.
45. Liebernan
Ian MacLeod ,   USA   (11.09.06)
You who speak of the murder of civilians as "strength" have forgotten the lessons of the concentration camps. Who should know better than Jews what it is to have their homes of generations reft from them, and then have each place they try to go also be denied to them? Everyone must be someplace. When would such people be justified in fighting? Never, according to most here, it seems. Perhaps you are right, and going far elsewhere would be best. It is still only human to cease to tolerate being pushed at some point. And the murder of innocent civilians is never, CAN never, be justified. We here in the US are fighting that one. We have a Lieberman for president. Try this: nevermind the words. What are the results of the policies? Evil hides in darkness and behind soothing lies, but their acts show them for what they are - if you choose to look. Infants who burst into flames?? Uranium-235?? HOW IS THIS JUSTIFIED? And I have read such reports elsewhere than here; they are real. Take someones' home, take many rights and most dignity, treat him as less than human - and then be surprised he is an angry man. In millennia of wandering, have you learned nothing at all? Fairness would buy you peace. Or it could have, once. Now, I don't know. We have a debt to pay in the Middle East ourselves, though we were lied to and did not know at the time. We do now, and we are working to make a change. What our leaders have done will poison it all, though Israel included. DU is a horrible poison that reduces to nano-particles, and breaks down over more than twenty steps into isotopes that are all dangerous, WILL be dangerous for ages. Now you use it too. Watch what happens to the mutation rate when the wind blows from Lebanon or Palestine. The sands from Iraq and Kuwait will arrive here 4 days after a sand storm; our OWN mutation rates, cancer rates and learning disabilities correlate exactly with it, and our returning soldiers are sick with it. Murder is not a righteous solution, not for you, us, or anyone else. The world will support us all, feed us all, if we do not insist on taking the food from our neighbors' mouths, or their lives and a bit of space on which to exist. God made it that way. The nature of an animal is as fate for every creature but Man, who has Choice - free will. Other creatures know not to foul their own nests; we must choose not to, and too many times we choose wrong. "Left", "progressive", Liberal" - these are not evil words. They all denote ways that seek to include everyone in prosperity. When such words fall into ill repute, know the speaker for evil, or a fool who follows evil and seeks to sound wise..
46. Gozansky is a brave and courageous woman
Harith ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.13.06)
Congratulations to Ms. Gozansky for having the courage for speaking up against the official racism endorsed by the Israeli government! If Israel survives and manages to live in peace with her neighbors, it will be thanks to the courage of people like her!
47. Harith get your head checked...
John Doe ,   Kfar-Saba, israel   (11.13.06)
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