US: Syria, Iran planning to topple Lebanese gov't
Associated Press
Published: 01.11.06, 20:50
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31. you make me laugh
rafik ,   france   (11.02.06)
Hi ynet, you really make me laugh at times, just look at the subhead of your article which says, " iran along with syria is trying to topple a democratically elected governement". Well, the question is : haven't israel, the us, the eu, and most arab governments ,if not all, and the whole world in general been trying to topple Hamas's goverment for almost 1 year now ? hasn't this government been democratically elected too ? why this one must be toppled legally with the worldwide consent and not the lebanese one ? because seniora's is like all arab and muslim governments, all are your puppets, and you fear this one to be toppled for your own security. let me assure you that no arab or so-called muslim pro israel gvnt will prevail in the 10 coming years. most of them will collapse and be thrown away into the history dustbin forever. just be cleverer next time in your propaganda, because this one is too obvious and therefore too stupid and crystal clear. I know you can do much better...
32. Syria, Iran planning to topple Lebanese gov't
Simon ,   London GB   (11.02.06)
Time to get real, you can not teach a pre-modern society like the Arab World about a post modern concept such as democratic freedom. So then one should not be suprised that Syria, Iran is planning to topple Lebanese gov't . Its probably a lot easier now the Christians have been driven out of Lebanon.
33. USA Cheat and Snow barking
South Leb Citizin ,   Hizbullah Country   (11.02.06)
Kicking out Seniora goverment is a legal right in the lebanese constitute So hizbullah and his allies are constitional They will do what 14 FEB allies(friends of BOLTON) did during Karami goverment and which is considered my USA a native and legal right that day!!! Democracy for USA is only permitted when it is applied by its DOGS only but when done by human being USA Snow barks a lot Greetings from south suburb(dahia) of beirut - Country of Hizbulla
34. we tested others power!
South leb citizin ,   south lebanon   (11.02.06)
We lebanese have tested others power here in lebanon We concluded that hizbullah is the only organization that have not used his military arm and weapons in the interior affairs Hizbullah want to defend lebanon against american plans that if wan will make lebanon as IRAQ every one kills every one!!!! WQe have not dead but we have seen the dead poeple!
35. to #31
Frenchman ,   Atlanta, GA   (11.02.06)
We French should keep our mouths shut. In the not-so-distant future we'll have Hezzbollah cells, supported by Iran and Syria seeking to use our own democratic liberties as knives to our own throats (Figuratively and literally). I am a good Christian; but, Islam, as practiced by Arabs, is a "great" religion which cannot tolerate my beliefs; therefore, is not one which garners any sympathy from me.
36. to rafik
johnny griswold ,   san diego   (11.02.06)
Hitler was democratically elected too. Should the U.S. have kept out of Germany's business? You may hate America, and that's your right, but remember, my country's soldiers will always be willing to die for your freedom. What do you think Iran and Syria are willing to die for? That's right. Allah and your destruction.
37. you make ME laugh #31
jason ,   usa   (11.02.06)
Hi Rafik, "Well, the question is : haven't israel, the us, the eu, and most arab governments ,if not all, and the whole world in general been trying to topple Hamas's goverment for almost 1 year now ? hasn't this government been democratically elected too ? why this one must be toppled legally with the worldwide consent and not the lebanese one ?" MYTH “The Palestinian Authority held a democratic election and Israel and the rest of the world must accept that Hamas was the victor.” FACT Winston Churchill said that “Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried.” It was a step forward, then, for the authoritarian Palestinian Authority to hold elections that by all accounts were conducted fairly. Nevertheless, so long as the Palestinian people continue to be denied by their leaders the freedoms of speech, religion, assembly and the press, the election cannot be considered truly free and democratic. While democratic outcomes are preferable to the alternatives, the rest of the world is not obligated to have a relationship with elected leaders whose policies and views are dangerous. Adolf Hitler was elected by the German people, but few people would suggest today that the rest of the world should have ignored his genocidal views and treated him as an equal just because he emerged from a democratic process. Similarly, the current Iranian president was elected and is still widely viewed as a pariah because of his threats to destroy Israel and to pursue nuclear weapons in defiance of the rest of the world. The Palestinian people chose to elect members of an organization whose avowed purpose is the destruction of Israel by violent means. Hamas is recognized throughout the world as a terrorist organization. Since the election, Hamas leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to the Hamas covenant calling for the liberation of all of Palestine and they have made clear it they have no intention of disarming. Israel now has on its borders a quasi government run by people who oppose negotiations and compromise. Hamas can now take over all of the security services and weapons that have previously been given by Israel and others to the Palestinian Authority to keep the peace. The institutions that were bound by agreements to stop the violence, confiscate illegal weapons, end smuggling and cease incitement are now controlled by the very people most responsible for terror, gun running, and the use of the media and schools to demonize Israel and Jews. Most of the world understands that Hamas is not a partner for peace and that it is a terrorist group that threatens the stability of the region. The United States and other countries rightly have said that it must recognize Israel and renounce terror before any diplomatic or economic support can be given to the PA. Of course, we went through a similar exercise in 1993 when similar demands were made of the PLO. Yasser Arafat made the necessary commitments in a letter to then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, but he never matched the words with deeds. The world will be wise not to make the same mistake with Hamas. “Palestinians need to understand that the exercise of self-government carries consequences. For too long, the international community has failed to extract a price for the Palestinian recourse to terror. That failure has not brought peace, but far worse it has produced the "Palestine" we have now: destitute, savage against both Israelis and moderate Arabs, and, so far, incapable of managing its internal affairs peacefully and competently. By refusing to render Hamas respectable, the U.S. and Israel aren't punishing the Palestinians. They're educating them.” — Wall Street Journal 158a this isnt propaganda i havnt seem a anti-Zionist website explaing about Hamas and how they act more peaceful
38. To #14 Tony
Johnny O ,   Australia   (11.02.06)
You call yourself lebanese and say that Israel should have "finished what they started". All this from the comfort of your bedroom in Canada. You are a very brave person. Why dont you go to your precious lebanon and help them if you had any balls rather than rant and rave from the safety of a far away country. Lebanon never has been and never will be a democracy.
39. To #23
Johnny O ,   Australia   (11.02.06)
Yeah, and the sooner israel can rape lebanon and use its water resources and every other resource.
40. Under this circumstance, Labonon stops flow?
Steve ,   USA   (11.02.06)
B"H If Lebanon is not stable enough to stay in power, how is it supposed to stop weapons flow from Syria? UNIFIL has not been given the mandate by the "weak" Lebanon government. Just like in Israel, the war was very destabalizing, and I can see the possibility of Lebanon's fall. What a setup! Hizbullah, an Iranian proxy, attacks Israel. Israel attacks Lebanon in "defense". And then Iran and Syria take over Lebanon because it cannot rebuild itself. The idea of rebuilding homes is not a bad one. But is there time enough now? What a disaster this war has been for Lebanon. I do not think the IDF won. But I certainly see a great loss for Lebanon which is a shame. Who is the more peaceful neighbor? Lebanon, Syria, or Iran via proxy? Does it not make sense that the Shaaba Farms gets negotiated if Syria takes over Lebanon as Syrian territory? The Shaaba Farms negotiation was one for Lebanon's sovereignty and Lebanon could not even see that coming. If Shaaba goes to Syria then so does Lebanon. What a shame for the Lebanese. That is what Israel needs to prevent. It needs to prevent the Arabs from launching a war from Israeli territory against another nation. I see reason for Jordan and Egypt to be concerned. We cannot allow what happened to Lebanon also happen to Israel.
41. FADI More like the Shite Croissant revolution ha! :]
Milo ,   Beirut   (11.02.06)
42. #1 Lina
John ,   NZ   (11.02.06)
First of all, I know your Govt. is useless. BUt why do you need protection from Israel is not for Hiz. kept attacking Israel. Looks like your dad has join Mafia. If one join a Mafia community, they protect you from rival gangs. Look @ Jordan, it'a a good example. What I am saying was if Hizbollah is not in Lebanon, the Lebanese can live peacefully alongside Israel just as Jordan.. and that's the bottom line.
43. #31 You make me sick, You should go back where you came from
John ,   NZ   (11.02.06)
44. well said, Jason
Michael ,   Seattle, WA   (11.02.06)
45. to # 36
niki   (11.02.06)
well spoken! with people like you, i'm proud to be an American, god bless!
46. #33&34
jerome ,   basalt, co   (11.02.06)
The only thing I can sya after reading your opinions and view is what an ignorant fool you are!
47. Mounting Evidence.
Dr.Joji Cherian ,   Aluva india   (11.02.06)
US says it has mounting evidence about Iran Syria et alabout some . They had much more solid proof about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq!!!
48. This might be a good idea
TC ,   Haifa   (11.02.06)
Assuming Hizbullah is toppling the lebanese government, we'll no longer facing a guerilla but a legitimate state for the next war. That could change many things in the equation.
49. Hezballah and Hammas
Brenda ,   Indiana   (11.02.06)
If the US is correct about Iran, Syria, and Hezbullah toppling the Lebanon government you can bet they have an alterior motive in mind. They aren't doing this because they're thinking about the Lebanese people. If Hezballah takes control of the government, the poor people of Lebanon will be in world of hurt and I think many of them know it but are afraid to say anything. Hezballah showed what they were when they started a war with Israel and used the Lebanese people as shields. They set up their rocket launchers close to homes because they knew the Israeli's would not target them so quick. Hezballah no matter what they call themselves is a puppet of Iran and they don't do anything without Iran telling them to. This is all part of that guy in Iran plan's to bring back his Madhi and his reign of terror and bloodshed. Nasrallah may hand out money right and left but how long do you think he'll make out like Santa Clause if the Lebanese people tell him to shove off? Not long. #1 you are living in a fairy tale if you think Nasrallah and his group Hezballah will continue to make nice. You and your family and all other Lebanese will be used again for cannon fodder. The world sees it coming. Wake up!!! Hammas was elected true but how happy are the people now that Hammas is in power? Workers haven't been paid in months, their families are starving and yet they continue to support Hammas. If Iran and Syria are so nice then why don't they help out Hammas in helping the people? Because it doesn't further their agenda, that's why. All Hammas has to do is recognize Israel as a state and that Israel has the right to exist and Hammas would get the money to pay workers. Why don't the people rise up and tell Hammas to do so? Because they are afraid of Hammas that's why. Arabs are killing each other every day. Why is that? If our stupid leaders here in the States would let us drill for oil we would be self sufficient and would not have to buy oil from anyone in the Middle East. Then where would these countries be with one of their main sources of income dried up? We have enough oil in the Green River Basin to last us 500 years if we could only get our leaders to fund the process and we could tell every Arab Country to take a hike, kill yourselves off, and have fun doing it. Just don't come after us or Israel.
50. IT Is Democracy Stupid
1.5 billion muslims ,   World   (11.02.06)
Let the will of Majority of Labanon rule Labanon that is whar Democracy is. we want thank Bush for his vision of Spreading Democracy to the middle east , Phalastinain people where the first Middle east counrty who get inspired Bush vision of Democracy so They Choiced Hamas , who Nows what Lebanon people will chosse if election Happan or tha Matter all the So-called moderate dictater leaders of middle east finaly Bush's Vision start to have effect , there will be Democratic Midlle east sooner than u think . Reality check , World.
51. #1 Lina you must read the story of Hansel and Gretl
Bedtime story from ,   USA   (11.02.06)
Don't you remember that the witch's house is made of candy to entice the innocent? The witch does not reveal her true intentions (which are evil) until she has seduced the innocent children with her sweetness and guile. Of course, it is a trap that the naive and starving children regret once they realize the witch was just enticing them with something good in order to catch them and eat them for her dinner. I hope my analogy is not lost on you, Lina. Hezbollah is handing out money in order to curry favor with innocent and desperate fools so you will support them, make them more popular, and give them all the power in government that they crave. Then they can take control of your country, set back your progress toward democratic rights, and create a Shiite hegemony in the region. Their hadouts are the candy, and Nasrallah is the witch. Even a starving person will reject the food offered if they are smart enough to recognize that it is poison. You are not a child, Lina. Stop acting like one, or you will regret it for the rest of your life.
52. #1
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
lina, i respect your feelings and you reasons, but please know this... hizbullah is a proxy of iran. it is NOT your government! it was with directions from iran that hizbullah operates in your country! it is in iran's interest to have hizbullah pay all the bills for the damage done to lebanon because iran wants (with syria) to rule over the lebanese people. you are just too dumb and blid to realize this. of course hizbullah was first to hand thousands of dollars (iranian money!) to all lebanese that lost their homes.....just so that they can turn your hearts towards hizbullah...."the helper". hizbullah and iran do not give a damn about your country, your freedom, your peace and your quality of life. they want to control lebanon together with syria and make lebanon a backwards muslim country. be very afraid what you wish for because it may come true! you will have a civil war again and will never have a free life unfer ahmadinejad's rule. iran and syria are using lebanon. they started the war and did everything possible to entice israel to enter this war and create the damage that they did. now, they are acting as the saviors and liberators of lebanon to buy support from the lebanese so that they can topple your government, enter your country again (syria) and change your life for good! most lebanese do not love hizbullah and can't stand iran and syria. do not assume to talk for most lebanese. those that live in the slums of southern beirut do love hizbullah, but not most moderates in your country. yes, hizbullah may win over lebanon, but your life will never be the same as it will be thrown back to the cave man status.
53. #9
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
i am convinced that hizbullah called for early elections because they are using this opportunity of chaos in lebanon to enter the government as a big voice! to control the government with syria and iran. this is a popular time for nasrallah and he wants to have these early elections so he can ensure he'll be ellected to government with his hizbullah terrorist organization and have more power in lebanon. if he waits.....too many lebanese will see that his true motives and heart was NOT IN CREATING A BETTER OR SAFER LEBANON OR PROTECTING IT FROM ISRAEL, but in ruling over its government for his own fame and selfish reasons and his own agenda which has nothing to do with protecting lebanon. don't be naive. take your head out of the sand and see reality for what it is. the future of your country in the hands of hizbullah, iran and syria spells disaster for the lebanese people and their freedom.
54. #11
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
you hit the nail on the head. your comments are right on the mark. this is the reality! and it's the truth as well.
55. #14
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
believe me, if it wasn't for the usa sitting back and instructing olmert on what to do and applying pressure on the idf to show restrain, people in lebanon would be free now of hizbullah. the lebanese are too stupid to realize that (together with the isa) they should have given free reign to idf/iaf to demolish hizbulla as much as possible. then, send the lebanese army to cooperate with the idf and finish the job. if this would have occured then we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now. pitty.
56. #17
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
do you call nasrallah, syria, iran democracies????? YOU MUST BE THE BIGGEST FOOL IN THE WORLD. as long as hizbullah controls much of the vlebanese government together with syria and iran you won't see democracy even in the year 3000. iran, its proxy, hizbullah, and syria are dictatorship regimes.....not democratic! what you saw in lebanon before hizbullah was in fact a democracy.
57. #19
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
you are so full of sh*t, it is unbelievable. israel has no plans to "inflate". it wants the arabs to leave it alone so they can have a normal life! i have a suggestion for you. read THE CASE FOR ISRAEL by ALAN DERSHOWITZ it'll open your eyes.....a lot!
58. #24
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
WE LOST???? we have not lost for 60 years, stupid. we are still here hizbullah or not! and guess what we jews are planning on being here for tousands more it or not!
59. #24
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
in your book, israel may have lost. however, from every supposed failure comes better understanding on how to do it better next time. i don't mean to frighten you, boy, but next time you won't know what hit you! israelis are not stupid. they are some of the most brilliant minds in the world. their country and progress in every fascet of life attensts to it. we learn from our mistakes and we'll never be stupid enough to repeat them. by the way, had the usa not held the idf hands tied behind their back, nasrallah and his terrorist cells would have been history one gave us a chance or enough time. and olmert was an Idiot to boot!
60. #30
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
i agree with you. they knew what they were doing to you. they used you and then "helped you". i am sorry for the innocent lebanese who were played as a pawn by iran and syria. sorry for all the deaths and mayhem you let happen to your country. sorry for all the people that are facing a harsh winter without resources. i feel for you. but, you people had a choice since the 80"s you let your country and democracy dissapear. you gave up your country to an enemy who didn't have your best interest at heart. nasrallah is a CRIMINAL towards the lebanese. all the iranian petrol money he handed to the lebanese as they came back to a ruined country was not worth one lebanese life. i can't understand how you people, who have experienced democracy and built your country to be the pearl of the medditerranian and progressive, etc.... let this happen to yourselves? i am israeli and i tell you that israel will never accept being bombed, having its soldiers killed and kidnapped, etc.... we will retaliate. and next time even more, i am afraid. get nasrallah out of lebanon. close your borders to iran and syria. make a peace with israel based on mutual interests. open trade with israel. you have everything to win and nothing to loose if you do this.
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