Jews take root in Capitol Hill
Published: 09.11.06, 12:52
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121. To Tayfun_Turkey
White as they come ,   new york city   (11.09.06)
I'm as white and WASPY my family has been in the US since the pilgrims. I find your comments repugnant. What atrocities have Jews caused? Last I saw they were the ones being ill-treated. Oh, there treatment of Palestinians? Was that before or after Jordan kicked them out and killed thousands upon thousands of them? Or was this while the Jews were in gas chambers? Or was it suicide bombings - oh wait that's against the Jews. We are a country that receives all and everyone has a chance here. Its called freedom. All American citizens represent our real voice whatever religion they have. We have a common goal, that's what makes us a great country. We don't care if you're black, white, Jews, Christian, or purple. Guess that's what separates us from you. Its people like you that we don't want in our country. Its people like you that have caused almost 3000 of our young men in Iraq to be killed. Its people like you that we are fighting against.
122. jews are saints
by canada ,   canadaa   (11.09.06)
they just tried to kill a congress man darell issa. muder rachel corrie and other american spy on usa.sell our tech to enemies of usa. guys like abramoff corrupts our politians,atach the uus liberty ship slaughtering 34 americans, yea your right they are our friends and we should have more of the elected.
123. #4
Hilda ,   USA   (11.09.06)
Well is Mrs. Sanders or Mrs. Samuels goyim or Jewish. Unfortunately so many of these liberal Jews seek the end of the Jewish people because by marrying out, their children are not Jewish and they become like Mr. Allen in Va. and Mr. Kerry who claim they didn't know their grandparents wee Jews or worse like MAdeline Albright who may indeed be halachately Jewish but denies it. We know how she mistreated Israel. These other Jews in name only may vote with their Muslim collegue. just like Finestein and the like.
124. Republicans
Solomon ,   Baltimore, MD   (11.09.06)
Most Maryland Jews were pulling for Ehrlich, a Republican. Also , a lot of us supported Steel (Republican and African American) over Ben Cardin.
125. Jews in Congress
Bruce ,   Crofton,MD.....USA   (11.09.06)
I find it ironic that they are strongly for affirmative action and quotas,but not for themselves.They are 2% of the U.S.population,yet make up 26% of the Senate!On the other hand,African-Americans are 12% of the population,yet there's only one in the Senate,though 2 were defeated in this election.Gotta love the logic,Ford lost in Tenn. because of racism,but Steele lost in Md.because he was the "wrong kind" of African-American(conservative Republican,liberals worst nightmare),who had his credit file illegally obtained from Chuck Schumer's staff,had Oreo cookies thrown at him(no racism here,right?),and was ignored by the mainstream media.
126. Horns, Evil claws, Counting money
Borat   (11.09.06)
It's sexy time!!!
127. Jews and Muslims
George Washington ,   london canada   (11.09.06)
"America needs neither Jews , Turks, or other infidels"
JR ,   Tulsa, OK   (11.09.06)
I find it telling that Jewish Zionists avidly support certain policies for America that they just as avidly reject for Israel. Think of it: STATE-FAVORED RELIGION: Bad for Christian America Good for Jewish Israel (founded expressly to respect a certain establishment of religion, its followers and their offspring). REDISTRIBUTION OF INCOME: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (reluctant to share land, wealth & opportunities with non-Jews, notably with the families that have lived there for centuries aka "Palestinians"). ABORTION RIGHTS: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (because of fears of unsufficient growth of Jewish population to maintain state-enforced Jewish majority rule over burgeoning non-Jewish, "Palestinian," population). LABOR RIGHTS: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (because that would mean an end to the state-enforced economic aparthied against the non-Jewish "Palestinians" who are regularly kept from regular work by lock downs, security check points, sieges, etc. "for security reasons," etc.) CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (because that would mean respecting the natural watercourses that supply non-Jews. That would mean rejecting the Wall that keeps out non-Jews and interferes with the natural habitats and lay of the land). CIVIL RIGHTS FOR RACIAL MINORITIES, WOMEN, GAYS, ETC.: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (because that would be the de facto end of the Jewish majority and the Jewish State itself that was founded for the express purpose of respecting over all others the establishment of the Jewish religion, its followers and their offspring). OPEN IMMIGRATION: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (because, again, that would mean the end of the defacto Jewish ruling majority, the end of the Jewish State when non-Jewish families, even families that have lived there for centuries aka "Palestinians," are allowed entry/citizenship as easily as Jewish immigrants; the end of the Wall they are presently building). Quote from #91: "Beyond our worries about the GOP making Christianity the de facto state religion, we simply DO NOT agree with most of the GOP's social stances. Redistribution of income? No. Abortion? No. Labor issues? No. The environment? No. Civil rights for racial minorities, women & gays? No. Immigration? No. We simply don't identify with the GOP on any of these points. I could go on and on but the point is Jews are not rifle-shooting gay haters. While the Jewish people has flourished in America, it wasn't always that way. I for one am proud that Jewish people in this country, despite their success as a group, still care about groups who have not been so fortunate. Understand that Jews feel very proud of their participation in the civil rights movement (they were probably overrepresented in that endeavor moreso than they are in the Senate!). We won't abandon our principles just because of scare tactics. "A vote for the Democrats is a vote for the terrorists." "A vote for the Democrats endangers Israel." That's McCarthyite bullcrap and we're too smart to take the bait. Please understand that the vast majority of American Jews -- Democrats & Republicans -- are pro-Israel. I call myself a Zionist with no shame or hesitation whatsoever."
129. #118 shul
Shira ,   Los Angeles, CA   (11.09.06)
Dana, every shul I've ever been to has been full of Democratic voters. I became Bat Mitzvah in Israel and most of my friends have done Birthright at some point. Some of them plan to move to Israel after school is over. All Dems.
130. jewish representatives in us congress
Ilene ,   Denver, USA   (11.09.06)
I think Ed Perlmutter who was elected to congress tuesday is also jewish -
131. reply to 114. Your wrong
James ,   Brainerd, MN USA   (11.09.06)
You made the most hateful and absolutely condemning attack against Christianity. This only exposes all your university and liberal thinking is full of hate. You just showed what the major difference between Republican and Democrat is, morality. To say Christians do not support Israel, or only support it so that Jews will move, and die in the End days makes it clear you know nothing of christianity(I bet you think that a democrat can't be a Christian.) Shame on you! Christianity in its ORIGINAL form came from the Jewish faith, the Jewish religion, the Jewish law. Christianity support for Israel is both a moral stand and a law. It’s not a gentile religion, even when gentiles blunderingly try to obey the commands. And I truly agree that friends to Israel is friends to freedom, regardless the party! My fear with democrat’s support to Israel is like their support for everything, lips only, and often more willing to compromise then stand firm on that support.
Ira ,   Santa Rosa CA   (11.09.06)
Zealotry on the part of all parties should be shunned and ignored, including this screed by Tayfun_Turkey. It is fortunate the Judaism does not embrace the concept of Jihad.
133. Jews as Representatives
W L ,   Houston USA   (11.09.06)
One of the remarkable ideals in our country, Tayfun, is our separation of church and state. We elect (or at least try to) people based on their professional abilities, not their personal ideology. We have had peace-minded, conservative Christians as President who dropped A-Bombs on the Japanese. We separate our ideology from our choices. The fact that these representatives are Jewish does not in any way play into their character as representatives, despite what the hate-mongering anti-jewish sect of the world might think. Oh, and throw away that copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that was proven beyond any doubt to be FICTION many years ago.
134. #114 I sure have not found many...
David ,   Fort Wayne, US   (11.09.06)
Shira, I have been in political circles on a state and national basis as well as actually holding a degree in Political Theory from a Major US University... My brother and his wife as well as many people I know in good old conservative Indiana who are Democrates ALL think the US needs to support the plight of the Palestinian People. I guess there are moderate Democrats in CA... there sure aren't many in Indiana, Iowa and Ohio!
H Michael Hawkins ,   Mt. Air, MD USA   (11.09.06)
I now know how many Jews are in Congress. Could someone tell me how many Catholics are there, also?
136. Ellison Is An Islamist. Very Ominous For Congress
Adina kutnicki ,   US   (11.09.06)
Not so fast in your praise of Ellison. His campaign was funded in large part by CAIR and he has been caught on several occasions extolling the virtues of jihad. Not only that, he is very closely aligned to Farakan's Nation of Islam, one of the most vile, antisemitic and racist organizations. The huge Somali community propelled him to power. Think about these ramifications if he should ever get his hands on 'sensitive' intel. Therefore, do your homework and hold off on the praise until you know the facts. Or don't you even care??
137. more heebs
rob ,   ny,ny   (11.09.06)
138. Iran and Israel.
david. ,   ny, n.y.   (11.09.06)
#22. you are right. think about this, will now israel have to go alone against iran. See this site.
139. Jewish Zionists vs. Christian Zionists
JR ,   Tulsa, OK   (11.09.06)
Adding to #128: And then its also interesting that when Christian Zionists, (represented by the Republican Party), want the same kind of protections for America that Jewish Zionists want for Israel, the GOP gets vilified by those same Jewish Zionists. Hmmmm...
140. #134 David, there is a difference
Shira ,   Los Angeles, CA   (11.09.06)
David, it is entirely possible to be pro-Israel and feel that the US cannot ignore the plight of the Palestinian people. The question is: On whose shoulders do we place the blame? I place it on Arab nations who have kept them in dire conditions to make them better poster-children for the destruction of Israel. Israel absorbed all of the Jewish refugees from the surrounding countries when they were expelled after the creation of the state. Why did the Arab nations refuse to do the same for their people?
141. #131 - Am I?
Shira ,   Los Angeles, CA   (11.09.06)
James, I am quite aware of the roots of Christianity. I'm also aware of the effects of Christianity. I can tell you that while I've never had a conflict with a Muslim friend or acquaintance over the fact that I'm Jewish (although there's been plenty of dialogue), I did spend my youth fending off hateful remarks and snide comments not only from my friends, but from my friends' PARENTS -- all Christian. I do think a Christian can be a Democrat. I think Jesus would have been a Democrat. Unfortunately, the majority of vocal Christians in this country are hardly followers of their own religion, and if you want people to think otherwise, you'd better speak up, because nobody can hear you over the rally cries of the Right.
142. #128
Joe ,   NY, NY   (11.09.06)
RELIGION: Bad for Christian America Good for Jewish Israel (founded expressly to respect a certain establishment of religion...) *Israel was founded to be a country of Jews! That's because NO OTHER COUNTRY WOULD TAKE THEM FOLLOWING THEIR EXTERMINATION IN EUROPE. On the contrary, the United States was created, in part, for the sake of religious freedom. REDISTRIBUTION: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (reluctant to share land, wealth & opportunities with non-Jews...) *You're conflating so many issues, trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole. I have neither the time nor inclination to fully address this, but suffice it to say the "Palestinians" (aka ethnic Jordanians) have been mistreated by their Arab brothers (and exploited, to boot) far worse. Plymouth Rock didn't land on the Jews. They were forced there by circumstances. It's an unfortunate situation all around but there were many places the Palestinians could have gone. But they were better exploited as pawns by their Arab "brothers." Sad. ABORTION: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (because of fears of unsufficient growth of Jewish population...) *Wack argument. Even if Israel were totally pro-life, I could criticize it on that while still support the country. LABOR: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (because that would mean an end to the state-enforced economic aparthied [employed] "for security reasons"...) *You say "for security reasons" as if you were unaware that terrorism exists in Israel. ENVIRONMENT: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (because that would mean respecting the natural watercourses that supply non-Jews...) *You're comparing environmentalism with property rights. CIVIL RIGHTS: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (because that would be the de facto end of the Jewish majority... *Again, you seem to ignore the significance of the facts surrounding the establishment of Israel. What exactly were the Jews to do - where were they to go? Were they supposed to assimilate with the Arabs? IMMIGRATION: Good for Christian America Bad for Jewish Israel (because, again, that would mean the end of the defacto Jewish ruling majority...) *Need I point out again Israel's unique place in the world? It is, without question, the most hated country on earth. Is that because of how bad it is? Really, seriously, I ask you. Is Israel the most oppressive country on earth? And if you think it is, do you think that's it's due to evil? I Finally, you seem completely ignorant of the fact that what American Jews want for America - and what is feasible here - cannot be the same as what they want for America. First of all, we don't worry, really, about American being wiped off the face of the earth. I worry about that happening to Israel, thanks to the people who you seem to support without any reservation. Clever form of rebuttal to my comments but unfortunately for you, your responses were, well, unresponsive and betrayed your ignorance of history and the world today. It's amazing to me why people hate Israel so much. Why they ignore places like Darfur and Sudan and focus all their hatred on a democratic nation that struggles (and yes, overreaches sometimes) to deal with its neighbors (aka enemies that state that they want Israel to cease to exist). If the Israelis lay down their weapons, they become destroyed. Fact. If the Palestinians lay down their weapons, they can start to build a functioning society. Fact. It's sad that you felt the need to hijack (no pun intended) this board to rail against Israel. But as a person of nuance, I have no problem explaining to an ignoramus like you why being liberal in America and a Zionist are not mutually exclusive.
143. more republican jews
david. ,   ny.ny   (11.09.06)
#43. well, it is time to change this. after all, jews in their private lives embrace a conservatism idiology. the democrates jews are simply hypocrites.
144. tayfun_turkey-- you racist!
kendra ,   usa   (11.09.06)
Jews are "overrepresented" in congress? Here in America, we aren't supposed to care about one's personal beliefs or religion. What kind of comment is this? So we should limit Jews to a small percentage, and have a completely proportionate number of women, proportionate number of Christians, Muslims, Asians, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.? You sound very ignorant. In the Arab countries, do they have a proportionate number of women representing them there? No! Or, are you saying only religions should count, not gender? Not ethnicities? You are a racist.
145. #128
Republican Jew ,   NYC   (11.09.06)
keep toking on your crack pipe and dont forget to renew your KKK membership this year.
146. List is incorrect
Congressman-elect Steve Kagen is NOT Jewish.
147. 87% of Jews vote Democratic
Jack Dixon ,   Puerto Vallarta, Mex   (11.09.06)
The general perception among the non-Jewish is that Jews are very smart people; in fact there is at least a little jealousy on that issue, whether or not it is correct. A supreme irony of the 20th century is that the left has been much further from the general values of the Jewish community than the right: -Effective support of Israel against the jihadists is MUCH stronger from the right. -The right has advocated, and to some degree achieved, relief from excessive regulation and taxation for small businesses, in which Jews have been proportionally the largest benefactor -The right, or at least its "conservative" component, advocates strict limitations (constitutional) on government power, which is the best protection for minority and ethnic groups. It is much safer than reliance on demogogues that promise special considerations in return for power that they will sell to another group tomorrow. -Leftist judges, appointed by Democrats, are beginning to quote "international law" or European, in their twisting of US law. How many of us would trust European law? How can Jews vote so overwhelminglya gainst their own interests?
148. #52
Hank B ,   Sparta, NJ   (11.09.06)
Steve, Your analysis on why Jews in Congress are more often than not Democrats leaves out a lot of facts that need to be cleared up. (1) If it wasn't for Republicans, the Civil Rights Act would never have passed (80% of Republicans voted yea, while only 60% of Democrats voted for the passage of the Act (2) An 83 day filibuster was enacted by the Democrats to prevent the bill from being voted on. (3) A long list of prominent Democrats that voted against the bill were; Howard Smith, James Eastland, Richard Russell, William Fullbright, Albert Gore Sr. and the one and only KKK Kleagle Senator Robert Byrd, not to mention the strong opposition by organized labor ( a stalwart of the Democratic party) So you see your analysis as it relates to the Civil Rights Act is seriously flawed. And by the way Jimmy Carter a friend of Israel? Keep drinking the Kool Aid
149. #114 Shira Is A Jewish Hypocrite
Lou ,   Los Angeles   (11.09.06)
Like the deluded liberal at #114, I too live in Los Angeles. I can see the concern Liberal Jews have for social justice when the Hollywood Jews like Norman Lear oppose school choice for poor parents , yet send their own children to ultra-expensive private schools (obviously the Leftie hypocrites at People For The American Way hate the thought of their kids sharing class space with their Mexican maid's children). Democrats love social justice, that's why an anti-semite Democrat Pharoah like Al Sharpton poses as Moses, with the blesing of Barbra Streisand and Stephen Spielberg. George Soros (Gyorgy Schwartz ) is busy trying to buy AMerican Democracy to hand it over to his fellow America and Israel haters in the left wing (the controlling wing) of the Democrat Party. Soros, wants world peace, and the continued freedom to rape the economies of developing countries lin Southeast Asia for his own Billion $ benefit.(Greedy stereotypes, anyone? ). With Liberal Jews for friends, AMerican Christians don't need enemies. (And stop crying wolf over the Christian RIght, hypocrite, they are overwhelmingly working class while the Hollywood liberals are drive gas guzzling Mercedes and BMW's)
150. # 128.
David. ,   ny. ny   (11.09.06)
# 128. Before you take pride in what you stand for, please, go and learn about the republicans, the GOP, and what they stand for. Republicans stand for conservatism--for the empowerment of the individual and not for life of dependency on goverment benefits.
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