UN: IDF killed 116 children in 2006
Associated Press
Published: 10.11.06, 16:43
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61 Talkbacks for this article
31. How many children were killed in Darfur
jason white ,   afula,israel   (11.10.06)
by arabs?
Lebanese   (11.10.06)
Steve ,   Chicago IL   (11.10.06)
I don't think there were any.
34. Have you NO shame???
Jewish Canadian ,   Toronto Canada   (11.10.06)
These are not fighters, Or terrorists. They are CHILDREN.You have sunk to the level of your adversaries.NO! As a self proclaimed democracy espousing supposed Jewish values you have sunk BELOW the level of your enemies.God damn you all.
35. Interesting Statistics: How many kids per Qassams launched?
Fasulia Hudra   (11.11.06)
Statistics are very interesting. I would like to know how many kids killed and wounded is that per Qassam rocket launched at Sderot and other Israeli cities? Why is it that PALs don't learn that if the Intifada and terror is not working that maybe they should try another approach. If one bangs his head on the wall and that doesn't work, having 15 kids and 15 more heads to bang on the wall will not work any better. Why do you shun all peace efforts. Why did you leave a bargaining table with an offer of 100% Gaza and 92%WB and choose terror and Infada instead. Why do you democratically vote HAMAS, a terrorist organization uncompromisingly committed to the destruction of Israel, to your govt. to represent all Palestinians? Why do you continue the terror? Look what it has brought you. The world has cut off funding. Israel's countermeasures for terror (FENCE, roadblocks, bordercrossings) has brought you enormous misery. The tunnels, smuggling, kidnaps have brought painful incursions to wipe our terrorist infrastructure. Why can't you learn and try negotiating for the best peace you can achieve. The worst peace is better than the best war, especially if you are losing so miserably. Why can't you learn?
36. Very sad
Margret   (11.11.06)
The death of any innocent and especially innocent children is especially tragic.But still it is important to remember that if the Palestinians had successfully carried out all the terror attacks they tried to in 2006 there would be many more dead Jewish infants and children then Arab children.
37. #34 so called Canadian Jew
jerome ,   basalt, co   (11.11.06)
you are judging everyone and writting god damn you all, you sunk to the level of your adversaries. What you wrote is very hypocritical and you sank to the level of stupidity! Come on and admit your real name(Abdul)
38. they have dignity
Islam is SALAM ,   USA   (11.11.06)
let me remind everyone in here that the resistance started with kidnaping airplanes to tell the world LOOK AT US WE ARE SUFFERING AND NOBODY CARE, kids started to fight back with rocks against real wepons and still NOBODY CARES, young girls and boys who love life as much as you do or maybe more had to put and end to their life not because they are idiots or under drugs or because of the virgins as you keep repetting but because they are suffering every day watching their mom and dad being hit or killed by ACCIDENTS as your government keep mentioning. Give me back my land and life and then you wan't see walking bombs. stop talking about democracy because you don't know it. we don't teach our children to hate you. to do that I only need a TV or take them to ghaza or south lebanon. they will hate you right away.
39. #34 - Jewish Fools
Darren ,   Tampa, FL USA   (11.11.06)
To Jewish Fool: How many letters and talkbacks have you written at Palestinian & Arab news websites * blogs regarding the killing of innocents? None? None..I thought so. Why do you CHOOSE to condemn Israel, but are silent as to the Palestinians? The innocents are dead, BECAUSE the "Religion of Peace" terrorists hide behind them to wage war. The women and children willingly let these terrorists use them as shields and yes some are forced by them to be shields. Somtimes these women answer the call and leave their homes running to the terrorists hiding in a mosque to be shields. You lack discernment and wisdom. A fool ruled by sentimentalism instead of reason. You buy hook, line, and sinker the propaganda machine of the Palestinians which is one of the best there is and silently let them get away with using women & children. That is the Crime. They are the criminals. Of course, "innocents" are killed. Duh...That is WAR! Innocents were killed to save Europe from Hitler. Perhaps Canada should have sued for peace with Hitler with him keeping Europe, so innocents would not have been killed by the "murderous" Canadians. Would that have been ok with you? During WWII would you have called the Allies murderers for civilian deaths in Germany and Japan? So please cut the non-sensical shaming. WIth people like you Hitler would have won, Stalin would have won, and the Islamic fascists will win. You, and those like you, are just as great an evil as Islamic fascism for you contribute nothing in the effort to rid this world against evil, but merely be a stumbling block to those willing to do what is right. It is you and those like you who bear the true shame. You damn us, but your damned already.
40. #34-response to you
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.11.06)
have you ever lost a son in a bus/restaurant terrorist bombing attack? i thought not! so stop judging. yes, they are children. yes, our children also die in busses, restaurants, discos, vacation spots and hotels, subways, 9/11. all these victims are someones children, no matter the age!
41. Children dead
Watchman777 ,   Usa   (11.11.06)
There would be 0 (zero) if the PA's and Hizz would stop lobbing bombs at Israel! WHO'S fault is it? Israel is just defending herself and bombs don't have eyes!
42. Wrong headline
Tobias ,   Germany   (11.11.06)
The headline of this article is: "UN: IDF killed 116 children in 2006". At the end of the article, the author writes that IDF killed "116 _palestine_ children" in 2006. Of course, this are not all the children killed by IDF in 2006: The number of killed lebanese children is probably even higher.
43. you people are unbelievable!!
robert ,   london   (11.11.06)
after reading all the talkbacks on this site,,i cant help but wonder what has happened to the chosen people!! the children of the holocaust!! is this the end result!! a bunch of bucher blood thursty sadist!! you are talking about young children!! have you no shame!! do u really wonder why most of the countries in the world are starting to hate you!! what you people stand for now ( death and destruction)!! .. i really wonder would you guys act this way if it wasnt for american weaponry!! american vito!! american planes and rockets!! why blame IRAN for attempting to creat nuclear weapons if all that they see of isreal is barbaric monstrosities!! i have nothing against the jews,,but i definitly have something agaist the butchers of kids!!
44. Another medal of honor for the IDF and israel! keep it going
fadi ,   lebanon   (11.11.06)
45. To #19 Yonatan
Bancor ,   Genoa, Italy   (11.11.06)
Oh, certainly! And tt's a luck, that there is someone like you, who knows everything. Keep on, you're on the right way.
46. #43, robert london
juljul ,   Mastrich   (11.11.06)
Really? An Englishman is talking about us killing children???? How many children did Englishmen killed in Irak in the last 3 years? In Iraq, yes, 5000 km from London! Cruel nation!
47. #389 they have dignity
juljul ,   Mastrich   (11.11.06)
We also hate you palestinians for killing us! Two sides has the coin ! Capisci?
48. Condolences?
richard ,   ireland   (11.11.06)
No condolences? No regrets or apologies? No shame? No awkward questioning? No humanity? How obscene is this talkback?
49. Robert in London 43#
Margret   (11.11.06)
Why are you so hostile? Most of the Arab kids killed were used by their own people as shields. I have seen it with my own eyes on the internet and television and heard interviews of Palestinian mothers who said they dreamed of their own kids becoming suicide bombers. You think just because someone is under 18 he should be able to commit all kinds of violent acts and nothing should happen to that child? There are Palestinian underage teens who are members of terror groups. I get the impression that you think an Israeli soldier should just stand there and let a child throw a firebomb at him or blow his friends up and not react. Most of the other Arab kids killed were caught in the crossfire. Of course,these kids deserve all the compassion and sympathy in the world. I think most Israelis do feel compassion for these kids and feel awful about what happened to them thats why they offer them free medical care in their hospitals.
50.  24# Moral depravity
Margret   (11.11.06)
You want to talk about moral depravity? Here's moral depravity in it's worst form. An Arab terrorist kidnaps a 3 year old girl and her father and then terrorizes and tortures them for hours before finally drowning and shooting the father in front of his baby so that is the last site she sees before the terrorist bashes her head against a boulder until she bleeds to death.Another example,2 terrorists hide alongside a road and shoot at cars then run up to the car they ambused look inside and see a pregnant mom and her 4 small terrified daughters,one of whom is an infant,and look the mom and each child in the eye and shoot them repeatedly till all ammunition clips on their machineguns are out then videotape the mom and her kids while they bleed to death!
51. ISLAMO-Fascists Seek the MURDER of ALL Jews EVERYWHERE
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.11.06)
Palestinian Authority Muslims voted overwhelmingly for the Hamas platform which calls for the murder of all Jews. Hamas Charter: 'Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims. Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' Hizbullah terrorist organization (helped by Iranian intelligence) bombed the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 and injuring over 200. Hizbullah next bombed the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killing 86 and injuring over 200. Hizbullah calls for the worldwide murder of ALL Jews - Hizbullah's leader, Nasarallah said in the Daily Star, Oct. 23, 2002: "If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." In the 2006 Lebanon war, Iran's highly trained guerrilla army Hizbullah, equipped with the most advanced, sophisticated military equipment, fired hundreds of rockets at Israeli population centers every day, many times more than were daily fired at Britain during the Blitz. The rockets packed with thousands of metal ball bearings to maximize the suffering of Jewish victims. The Palestinian Authority teach through their mosques, media, summer camps, and public education system, that murdering Jews is a religious obligation. Human bomb killers of Jewish innocents are revered and considered heroes by PA society. Palestinian Authority society are taught murdering Jews is the highest goal in life and attains paradise: The Palestinian Authority hailed as heroes the terrorists who brutally murdered defenseless 8 months pregnant Jewish Gaza mother, Tali Hatuel, and four little daughters in Gush Katif in May 2004. Israel takes great care not to harm civilians. Islamo-Fascists wage war on civilian populations - thousands of Palestinian Authority Muslims celebrate in the streets and pass out sweets whenever Jewish innocents including children are murdered by human bomb killers. Effigies of burning buses are features of PA school pageants and summer camps. Schools, streets and sports teams are named after suicide bombers. Adults and children train in terrorist training camps. Terrorists have been captured at Israeli checkpoints posing as ambulance drivers, doctors and patients. Islamists have hidden explosive suicide belts under gurneys carrying sick children and in the garments of pregnant women. Red Crescent ambulances transport terrorists, weapons and bombs. STOP Inciting Children to Kill ! Broadcast from Gaza mosque, Oct 13 2000, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, on Palestinian Authority TV (transcribed by Memri): "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them..." Surrounded by 22 huge, hostile Arab nations, tiny Israel fights a lonely battle for survival in the cruel war to bring all nations under subjugation of Muslim masters. On the frontlines of global jihad, Israel fights for the freedom and human rights of all nations - Israel's enemies are the enemies of the free world. The U.S. EU, UN Road Map Global Islamic Terror State Two in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem will reduce tiny Israel at mid-section to 9 miles wide indefensible, Auschwitz borders advancing global jihad's unopposed march to world conquest and Jewish annihilation.
52. U.S./NATO WAR On Serb CHRISTIANS. We Bombed the Wrong Side
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.11.06)
NATO War Crimes and links to Al Qaeda confirmed former UN Commander in the Balkans We bombed the wrong side? by Lewis MacKenzie National Post, 6 April 2004 Five years ago our television screens were dominated by pictures of Kosovo-Albanian refugees escaping across Kosovo's borders to the sanctuaries of Macedonia and Albania. Shrill reports indicated that Slobodan Milosevic's security forces were conducting a campaign of genocide and that at least 100,000 Kosovo-Albanians had been exterminated and buried in mass graves throughout the Serbian province. NATO sprung into action and, in spite of the fact no member nation of the alliance was threatened, commenced bombing not only Kosovo, but the infrastructure and population of Serbia itself... Those of us who warned that the West was being sucked in on the side of an extremist, militant, Kosovo-Albanian independence movement were dismissed as appeasers. The fact that the lead organization spearheading the fight for independence, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), was universally designated a terrorist organization and known to be receiving support from Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda was conveniently ignored. ...Those Serbs forced to leave joined the 200,000 who had been cleansed from the province since NATO's "humanitarian" bombing in 1999... Since the NATO/UN intervention in 1999, Kosovo has become the crime capital of Europe. The sex slave trade is flourishing. The province has become an invaluable transit point for drugs... The objective of the Albanians is to purge all non-Albanians...from Kosovo The campaign started with their attacks on Serbian security forces in the early 1990s... There was no genocide as claimed by the West -- the 100,000 allegedly buried in mass graves turned out to be around 2,000, of all ethnic origins, including those killed in combat during the war itself. The Kosovo-Albanians have played us like a Stradivarius. We have subsidized and indirectly supported their violent campaign for an ethnically pure and independent Kosovo... When they achieve independence with the help of our tax dollars combined with those of bin Laden and al-Qaeda, just consider the message of encouragement this sends to other terrorist-supported independence movements around the world. Maj-Gen. Lewis MacKenzie, now retired, commanded UN troops during the Bosnian civil war of 1992.
53. 1999 U.S./NATO WAR On CHRISTIAN SERBS: Return to Barbarism
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.11.06)
U.S./NATO took the side of the KLA Muslim terrorist organization and waged ruthless war on Christian Serb innocents. Alija Izetbegovic stated in the ISLAMIC DECLARATION that: - "there can be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic social and political institutions"; NATO BOMBING -- RETURN TO BARBARISM For National Post, May 31, 1999. For 69 days the democratic countries of the West have been systematically smashing to pieces a modern European state... The air strikes have degenerated into a war of annihilation against the Serbian people. Even before the bombing, its economy had collapsed as a result of economic sanctions. ... It was a country that presented no threat either to its neighbors or to European security. Prior to the NATO air attack it was balancing on the edge of survival. Despite this, our NATO leaders -- without consulting their parliaments or their people -- have chosen to bomb Yugoslavia into submission. NATO has judged Serbian people to be collectively guilty of daring to defy an ultimatum, which no sovereign nation could have accepted. The civilized world is now standing by witnessing the destruction of a country and annihilation of its people. NATO is using the most dreadful weapons of modern warfare: cluster bombs and cruise missiles. Many of the weapons being used contain depleted uranium, which will spread deadly radioactive dust throughout the region, contaminating for generations water, soil and crops. NATO's unprovoked attack is a blatant violation of every precept of international law. To their everlasting shame, our NATO leaders have chosen war over peace in Kosovo. They have abandoned diplomacy in favor of bloodshed. .. They have smashed the framework of world security. They have guaranteed that we will start the new century as we did this one, with killing and carnage. They have left us with a terrible legacy. With six months to go before the millennium, they have taken us back to barbarism.
54. Jews (here, "talkbackers") where are your high values
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.11.06)
we have all benefited from for ages. Placing yourselves at a level of indignity and immorality is quite shocking. But I know those who respond here are not representative of the silent majority of Jews who, for example, were opposed to the shame circus in the most Holy City. The image you are given here is just despicable and is not the mirror which we all in the world would like to be reflecting in.
55. Palestinian television: Suicide is most glorious death of al
Darren ,   Tampa, FL USA   (11.11.06)
Palestinian television: Suicide is most glorious death of all Sheikh hails martyred corpse with 'no head, body burned, fingers gone' By Aaron Klein © 2006 JERUSALEM -- Death by carrying out a suicide operation is one of the most glorious ways to die and is rewarded with eternal paradise and 72 dark-eyed virgins, according to a religious instruction broadcast last week on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' state-run television. The lesson, delivered by a PA religious cleric, instructed Palestinians to strive for a violent death in which the martyred corpse has "no head, no legs, his body completely burned . . . intestines outside, fingers . . . gone.” "Oh God, bring us back [to earth] to be killed by the Apache. Bring us back so that the planes will blow us up, that our heads will be cut off from the body,'' proclaimed Sheik Imad Hamato on official PA television run by Abbas' Fatah party. According to a translation by Palestinian Media Watch Hamato urged Palestinians to die in jihad. "There is one thing that causes Allah…to elevate his worshipper 100 levels in Paradise, and each level is like the space between heaven and earth. And what is this thing, Allah’s prophet [Muhammad]? It's the Jihad for Allah. Jihad for Allah." The Palestinian sheikh uses Islamic doctrine to justify suicide terrorism. Citing the Hadith, or Islamic oral tradition, Hamoto compares a friend of Muhammad who was killed accidentally using his own sword to the perpetrator of a suicide bombing. "[According to the] Hadith: One of the Prophet Muhammad's good friends was preparing a bow and arrow when his own sword struck him and killed him… Is he considered a Shahid or not? Did he commit suicide? It's like the conflict today! One who exploded with a bomb. People talk about whether or not he’s a Shahid." "They said: 'The man died from his own weapon, and not from the weapon of the enemy.' Answered Prophet Muhammad: 'He died in an attempt to be a holy warrior… And his reward for that was doubled…'" Homato explains Allah blesses the "first blood" of the suicide bomber, who "sees his place in paradise, is shielded from the great shock and marries 72 dark-eyed maidens." He says proper suicide bombers understand disfiguring their bodies as a result of an attack is the "most wished for" fate of all. "A man, when he sees one of his brothers being killed for Allah, those we consider Shahids for Allah, he sees [for example] a person with no head, no legs, his body completely burned. Yes? Intestines outside, fingers are gone, it's a difficult image. The most difficult thing which we fear is what the Shahids wish for most of all." Homato's speech in which religious status and the reward of 72 virgins is granted to the suicide bomber is commonplace on Palestinian television and among terror organization in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Hamas' official charter uses interpretations of the Quran to justify suicide operations and calls for the murder of Jews to "hasten the day of judgment." In a recent interview with the senior leadership of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the declared "military wing" of Abbas' Fatah party, overall Brigades leader Ala Senakreh called suicide terrorism "not violence. It is jihad for Allah." "There is no greater way of leaving this earth than to martyr yourself while killing Jews," Senakreh said. "Allah elevates this martyr in paradise for his special [operation.]"
56. #54 Marcel
Darren ,   Tampa, FL USA   (11.11.06)
Dear Marcel: I'm an American non-Israeli and non-jew. I find you and many of your country men appalling. Your nation is the one who should hang its head in shame, not Israel nor many of the Jews here. You yourself should look in the mirror for I find nothing redeemable about France. You support terrorism when you blame the Jews and are SILENT as to the terrorism of the Islamofascists of "Palestine". If it weren't for saving the Jews, I sometimes regret that America saved continental Europe. For all Europe is going to do is surrender itself to Islam. Demographics alone will make you the next Islamic victory. And frankly, Americans and Israel really don't give a damn what you think about the reflection. You neither speak for the Jews or the silent majority of Jews. Your are just an apologist for and an appeaser to the evil tyranny of Islam. Tolerance of evil is a crime and I can see you benefitted from Jewish values, but don't live by them with your statements. There would be no war and no deaths if the Palestinians would put down their guns there would be peace and no death of children caused by the Palestinians either using them as shields or homicide bombers. If Israel put down her guns, she would be wiped off the map. From your statements and silence, you obviously don't give a damn about Jewish children or civilians.. America saved you from speaking German, but we won't save you from speaking Arabic.
57. Born just to die so young !
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.11.06)
"...compared with ONLY 52 last year" (Ynet). Terrific comparison : ONE (whatever nationality) would already be too much ! Children, the best thing we have. We should remember what Jesus said in Matthieu 19,14. « Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. »
58. #57 - Ticking Time Bombs Marcel
Darren ,   Tampa, FL USA   (11.11.06)
#57 Marcel: You stated: " "...compared with ONLY 52 last year" (Ynet)." Oh we are Soooooooo sorry more Jewish children didn't die so it could be EVEN and make you happy!!! And you fail to take in account that the Palestinians sure did TRY to kill MORE Jewish children but were stopped by guns, bombs, and apprehension. You have yet explained why you don't condemn Palestinians for being the cause of the death on both sides by using them as shields and lobbing rockets in the first place upon Jewish children and civilians. I'm a Christian and I just love how some pick and choose from the Bible to fit their agenda. Jesus NEVER said a government could not protect its citizens. He even coversed with soldiers of the Roman Legion and he NEVER told them that serving in the military was sin. Not one time. Israel has a DUTY to protect its citizens from evil. Government's have the right to wield the sword for they are God's ministers. Let me give you some verses: . RO 13:1 Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. 2 Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. 3 For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same; 4 for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil. 5 Wherefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience' sake. You quote the Bible, but God's says I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. Your bias and accusations serve as a curse. Here is what God say about Palestinians and descendents of Ishmael: 11 The angel of the LORD said to her further, "Behold, you are with child, And you shall bear a son; And you shall call his name Ishmael, Because the LORD has given heed to your affliction. 12 "And he will be a wild donkey of a man, His hand will be against everyone, And everyone's hand will be against him; And he will live to the east of all his brothers." As scripture states they are a violent bunch of people, they even kill one another when they are not killing Jews and infidels. Couple that violent instinct with a violent religion, i.e. "Peaceful Islam", then you got one ticking time bomb. And these are the PEOPLE who put their OWN KIDS in explosive belts. But no complaint from YOU Marcel!!! None at all...
59. And how many women did UN peacekeepers rape in Africa?
David ,   Marietta USA   (11.11.06)
Sad, and a very good reason not to set out on a path to war. Im Shallah!
60. i don't mean to be cynical
israeli ,   israel   (11.12.06)
Every single child is precious and irreplaceable. That said, I will refrain from reminding everybody how many Jewish children have been heinously murdered by terrorists. I would like to know, however, if this figure - 126 - includes the Gaza beach victims (not killed by IDF shells), the Gazan girl who fell off the swing and was reported killed by a double missile strike, the Gazan girl killed in a car accident and was reported killed by a double missile strike, the three-year-old baby girl who was dropped by her mother during a "lull in Israeli shelling". I mean who did the counting and who counted as victim of Israeli agression. I am also very happy to see UNICEF in the picture, perhaps they might reprimand the Palestinians for their cynical use of children as suicide bombers and for encouraging them to kill themselves as martyrs rather than teach them the values of human life and peace.
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