Hamas says new government won't recognize Israel
Published: 14.11.06, 14:09
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33 Talkbacks for this article
1. They keep explaining why there will NEVER be a pali state!
Arie ,   Afula   (11.14.06)
2. Palestinian unity government SHOULD NOT recognize Israel
Noora ,   Bahrain   (11.14.06)
3. #2 easy for you to say....
DR ,   Florida, USA   (11.14.06)
Sitting inyour home somewhwre far away. This is the Palestinians problem, no one wants to recognize Israel, but they are the ones who suffer the most. When will they realize that they are pawns in a huge chess game between the whole Arab world and that little. tiny piece of land called Israel? By posting your talkback, you show that you want the Palestinians to keep suffering and for their leaders to continue to be terrorists....great job Norra!!!
4. Excellent news! Honesty is the easiest thing to deal with;-)
redmike ,   tel aviv & london   (11.14.06)
no more money will go to the 6th century Hamas clowns. Israel will come under less criticism for its attacks. Let's have a lot more of these 'imbecilic' announcements!. Please !
5. Silliness
J K ,   NYC, USA   (11.14.06)
The entire world demands that for aid to come and for any process to move forward, the Fakestinian government (the representatives of the people, supposedly) must recognize that there is an Israel to negotiate with. Since they repetedly fail to do this out of principle or whatever, they shouldnt complain too much about their presently crappy lot. You got to pay to play Fakestinians and the price of admission is admitting to yourself there is a country called Israel that is a full (albeit kept down) member of the UN. You dont have to like recongizing Israel and you will certainly choke on the failure to establish any sort of state on 100% of all the lands you want. I just dont see how moving forward and stopping the violence can do anything but help you. Shooting rockets only keeps the IDF in your face and holding onto Shalit keeps them in your face too. Do what you have to do for peace or life can surely suck for for an even longer time.
6. a two-state solution has never been on the pal. agenda
because they want ALL the land and do not know the meaning of the word compromise. Their greed will be their undoing. They will NEVER have a nation of their own in the Holy Land.
7. And Why Must Israel "Recognize" The PA?
H ,   Jerusalem   (11.14.06)
There were no palestenians 40 years ago, why should Israel care about this group of arabs more than other arabs in their 22 states?
8. The recognition of Israel
Petra ,   USA   (11.14.06)
Is obvious to all nations as perscribed by international law to everyone - excepting the united groups of radical Islamic terrorists. How convenient for the organizations representing the Palestinians under the same unbrella, ie: Hamas, Hezb'allah, Fatah, PLO, etc. NOT to become a nation. As their only goal is the destruction of Israel, they would have to do the same as all civilisations and nations, to live within the law. The recognition of Israel would admit their own defeat as they refuse to become lawful citizens and a lawful state. Their 'awful' aim is that no live Jews remain in their midst. In fact, all Jews dead is the ultimate goal they seek. No Jews, then, next, no Christians, no Buddhists, no Hindus, etc. This hatred which feeds them like manna, is also justified by why they make war on one another. More Muslim deaths by Muslims than any other group. Why? I thought they had a 'peaceful' religion...
9. How can there be a peace conference?
Mark ,   USA   (11.14.06)
Both parties must want peace and recognize each others right to exist.
10. To #2
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (11.14.06)
Whether or not anybody does or doesn't "recognize" the State of Israel, it doesn't change the fact that there is a State of Israel. The world does not disappear, when one closes one's eyes. If there were no Israel, why are the Palis and a few like them so bent out of shape? Do they always go nuts over something that doesn't exist? I don't know if that's a treatable condition, but it should be, at least, seriously looked at. Israel is not a fata morgana in the desert. It is a state with a functioning - well, most of the time :-) - government, wth a military and with ca. 6 million people who call themselves Israelis. The Palis have fought it and denied it for 60 years, and it's gotten them nowhere. Maybe they should try something else just for the hell of it. Heaven knows, they might actually get the hang of and like living like normal human beings. After all, if a people's only national product is dead bodies, sooner or later, you will have worked yourself out of a job, and then what? And if none of this makes sense, just ask yourself why nobody in the Arab world wants the Palis and prefers to pay billions to keep them out of their hair.
11. Auschwitz Was No Fluke
Dave Levi ,   Burbank. USA   (11.14.06)
What has happened, and reinforced today, is that the ball is in Israel's court. There is an axis of evil surrounding Israel (Hamas, Hezbollah, Iraq). This 1st group of enemies, is supplemented by the hate Israel neighbors currently having no peace treaty. Behind this country are Egypt and Jordan, always waiting to abrogate their treaties and an Islamic Iraq in the future. So, what should the priorities be for Israel and the IDF? Understanding and appreciating the problems are a beginning. Hamas is making Israel's choices somewhat easier. At least, they say what they mean and mean what they say. Yet, Israel's leadership still is in denial...encouraging dialogue with a country (Syria) that openly expouses it's destruction and suports Hezbollah's goal of also, wiping Israel off the map. But don't hold our breath. "Dialogue" with animals is still in vogue..mis-placed dialogue in reality. It's like talking to Herr Hitler and pleading for mercy, while going to Auschwitz.
12. At least they're being honest
NYC Girl   (11.14.06)
It's better than that duplicitous bastard, Arafat, who said one thing to the Americans in English, and something diametrically opposed in Arabic to his followers. Unfortunately, with too many Palestinians, if their mouths are moving...they're lying.
13. nora from bahrain
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.14.06)
get over it hammas. move on. stallmate won't give your people a better life and a state of their own. you simply cannot have israel. period. it will never be so please move on. take care of your people. build instead of destroying, create infrassructure.....oppps! i forgot. create? build . it's not in your vocabulary. all you know is tear down, dismantle, murder and terror. pity some if not most of your innocent uneducated subjects fall for your ideological crap. if you give any palestinian on the street the choice between a two state solution and recognition of israel and final peace, you'd be surprised at how many of them will go for it and eliminate you from their midst. it's nice to sit there in bahrain or whatever, in the comfort of your peaceful home and judge palestinians and israelis. thanks god it's not you at the helm, otherwise we'd see more bloodshed.
14. #2
jason ,   usa   (11.14.06)
If that happens then the PA would never get the west bank and gaza simple as that
15. recognise Israel ???
Ely Greenhut ,   Jerusalem Israel   (11.14.06)
Did anyone ever expect these Jew haters to recognise Israel ??
16. HAMAS cannot and should not recognize Israel
Hani ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.14.06)
The reason is very simple. Arafat did same, and got NOTHING in return. In fact he was besieged then poisoned. I can't speak on behalf of all educated Palestinians in the diaspora, but my impression that pretty much all Palestinians have given up on the peace process. We now concentrate on the truth: we were robbed of our land and dignity. Justice eventually conquers all. In the interim, the government and people of Israel can forget about Hamas recognizing occupation. You people must evolve a new strategy, and (God knows) a new leadership among your petty politicians.
17. To 'Not recognize Israel'
Par for the course in the Arab mentality. But let's look at the implications shall we? Who does non-recognition hurt? me? other israelis? jews in general? nope. We do just fine without your 'recognition'. But the palestinians need our recognition. You guys want your state, yet you wont negotiate, you want money but you wont abide by the conditions. On top of that you allow for your population to live in squalor and promote terror attacks On top of that, you never negotiate, you want All or All and Israel is simply something you want to war with. Well if its war you want....don't cry when it hits home... But we are not savages.what's a concerned Israel to do? People are people and they deserve to be treated as much. So what should Israel do I suggest this - Put together a nice package (money, land, infrastructure programs yada yada yada) and explain this to teh Palestinian people (I know guys, we've been here before), tell the UN (they shouldnt be involved though) and then cut off everything to the Palestinians (come to think of it, thats where we are now isnt it?)...but leave the telephones in the PA HQ working... Why? Because when you are ready to act live human beings who are responsible for their actions, who don't blame everything on someone else and are ready, and i mean REALLY ready, to work with Israel - give us a call
18. #16...Hani
Rich ,   USA   (11.14.06)
You weren't robbed of your land, the land was never yours, you were squatters. I am curiouis though, did Israel offer to pay you for "your" land? Did they take it outright, or did you abandon it? Exactly, specifically in your situation, what transpired...or were you speaking in generalities? God gave the "land" to Israel. There is plenty of land in the rest of the middle-east; your fellow Islamics could easily dig into their immense wealth and provide all Palestinians with new land and assistance to get started...why don't they? It will all be settled relatively soon, when things get bad enough for secular apostate Israel...she will finally acknowledge her sins and earnestly repent, and seek her God - then God will hear and Israel's Messiah will arrive to defeat all her enemies.
19. #16...Hani...awsome stuff!!!
DR ,   Florida, USA   (11.14.06)
"Arafat did same, and got NOTHING in return. In fact he was besieged then poisoned. " Arab porpoganda at its best, folks. Arafat stole money form these people and then lied to thema about it and fools like you actually buy it. Your whole mentality is backwards, you lie to the world and yourself and you cannot reason at all. Palestinians are doomed with their current leadership. until they realize this, they will continue to live in Misery.
20. #11 Dan Levi. Well said. It is too bad Israel does not ---
Ely Greenhut ,   Jerusalem Isreel   (11.14.06)
see it your way. I live here & I can feel how tense it is here in Jerusalem as a result of our neighbors who only want to see us wiped off the map. I agree with you 101% . You mentioned Iraq as on of axis of evil. How about Iran? Iran may be more dangerous than all the others.
21. To Hani Sitting nicely in Canada
Jellybean ,   Chicago   (11.14.06)
If you feel so strong about this get off your ass help your fellow Palestianians! Move back to Gaza/ west bank whatever! The fact is you don't like to hear other palestians killed me either, but at least they should stop the violence! You say Justice conquers all it will and no one will be left in Palestine (Im taking about the Palestians not Jews)
22. Palestine may recognize Israel if...
Hani ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.14.06)
1- declared its final borders, acceptable to the international comnunity (And that could only be the 1967 borders with swaps acceptable to both parties). Admit Zionism is dead. 2- As a stakeholder, participated fully in the settlement of the 1948 refugees issue, including right of return, compensation, or naturalization. 3- Gave up its Zionist activites in the West Bank...leading to a viable, contiguous, and economically autonomous state. Well with "Israel"'s announcement that it is interested in neither a peace conference nor a negotiated settlement with the Palestinian unity government, the above demands are extremely unlikely to ever materialize. The alternative is war. Time and demographics are on our side. Better ask your leaders to engage your neighbors, rather then relying on nuclear deterrents which Iran will soon acquire. Good luck boys.
23. #22, Hani in Montreal....
DR ,   Florida, USA   (11.14.06)
Palestinians have no right for anything in Israel as long as they don't recognize her and keep using terror against her. As for peace treaties, are you blind? Isarel has offered more than anyone imagined and what did the Palestinians do? Come on you know...they rejected everything and started an intifada. Great neighbors! Palestinians will get a state when they realize that Isarel is there to stay, is stronger than they ever will be and is a state for Jews, not Muslims. If you don't accept these terms, you will never get shit...get it?
24. #18, ...AMEN
25. #23 Exactly, a state for "Jews only" sbould be ELIMINATED
Hani ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.14.06)
You had the audacity to declare that "Israel"s 1 million Arabs are essentially non-citizens because they are not Jews, despite being natives. You on the other hand, were either born outside Israel or born to parents who were born outside historical Palestine. This Zionist/colonial mentality of supremacy has already died with your withdrawal from Gaza (and eventually West Bank). Therefore it's high time that this entity called "Israel" reinvent itself based on modern principals of equity. Snap out of your biblical illusions. Well if you dont like equality, I refer you to the South Africa case where Afrikaaner white supremacists who left South Africa for more "white" communities back in Europe. Perhaps a similar arrangment might be appealing for you, in Krakov or elsewhere. Jewish-only communities, where you apparently belong and feel comfortable. You're just pathetic. Truly pathetic. HISTORY...never lies, neither does my grandfather who laboured the valleys of the Galilee, just like his ancestors.
26. #23 your words are rubbish false & untrue.
Ely Greenhut ,   Jerusalem Israel   (11.14.06)
27. #25 and #26...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (11.14.06)
I was actually bron in Israel and so were my parents. There are many Arabs that live there and even in the Kenesset which is a far cry from the racist picture you paint of Israel. As for #26, which part was rubbish? The part about Israel offering more than imagined to the Palis and them saying no? Or the part about Isarel being a Jewish state? This country was built on the fundemnetal understanding that Jews needed their home back. Europ and the Arab countries that they lived in didn't treat them so well, remember? SO,. Israel was created. This is just reality, accept it or deny it, your choice!!!
28. #22
jason ,   usa   (11.14.06)
1. only if the PA accepts Israel then there one step ahead of talking for peace and Zionism is not dead 2. ... 3. same as the #1 PA has to accept israel before peace talks could most likely happen they dont want to make the same mistake like pulling out of Gaza(since illegal weapons were sent to terrorist groups) 4. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE POINT FOR THE PA TO SAY "ISRAEL HAS A RIGHT TO STAY" yes or no? 5. HAHAHA.. 6. so your saying Iran is going to attack israel?
29. Dr #27
Ely Greenhut ,   Jerusalem Israel   (11.14.06)
The part that is rubbish is what HANI of Canada has been saying all along. Please see what #11 Dave Levi wrote.
30. #25
jason ,   usa   (11.15.06)
1.their not native.. what do you think? for starters Israel was renamed from the Romans to insult Jews and it was called Palestine 2. i hate repeating myself israel won't stop untill the PA recognize Israel PERIOD 3. heh funny 800,000 people got kick out from their homes beacuse they were Jewish The Arab exodus was almost entirely because of the actions of Arab leaders and not because of anything the Israeli Jews did. only jewish truly pathetic? how pathetic for only arab citys? yeah your right history dosnt lie someone needs to study more though
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