German academics: Enough of special treatment for Israel
Eldad Beck
Published: 16.11.06, 09:33
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61. 51, you got it right
Jewish American ,   USA   (11.16.06)
Very good 51, I agree with you totally.
62. Dan, But What about the Submarines
Dave Levi ,   Burbank. USA   (11.16.06)
Israel does not owe Germany anything, but not the reverse. for all the obvious reasons. But we don't want more enemies, we have plenty. German compensated the Jews with billions, for what they did to us., forgetting about all the property stolen throughout Europe. What price 6m, all those wounded, and the threat of killing another 13m, to make the world judenrein. Nothing will compensate as far as I'm concerned. Favoring Israel, so what, and how exactly. But, supplying Israel with 5 Dolphin subs (carrying cruise nukes), is good for Israel. That is the rub Israel needs Germany, like Egypt needed the plagues, but better to have a friend, than still another enemy. German foreign policy has given Israel the benefit, but that the minimum it could do, considering they murdered 1.5 million of our children only 65 years ago. The blacks remember slavery each day, and expect compensation for their plight. What do the Germans expect from the Jews, charity?
63. No surprise from the Germans.
Eric McDonald ,   Toronto, Canada   (11.16.06)
Absolutely no surprise here. What remains shocking about German society is the fact that "leading" members of the community think it's reasonable to rail against philo-Semitism. To suggest that Germans have "done their time" re. the Holocaust is unthinkable. Think again.
64. Hitler blamed the Jews for the reparations he
had to pay for WWI too!
65. #33
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.16.06)
palestinian culture and literacy? you are mad! you turn to the history channel dear because you have been misinformed. i dare you to show me one movie reel and doccumentation regarding palestinians' prosperous culture and infrastructure and cities and books and music and art that ever came out of them in that period. palestinians were nomad tribes and illiterate sheep herders from jordan and the arabian peninsula. they were constantly on the move with no place to call their least not what is israel today! they did in fact use feces to cook food. they were not a cultured and literate people except, of course, for the culture of hate. that didn't translate into the ability to read and learn. if they were so flourished as a culture and society, how come the land the jews settled was a desert, full of malaria and swamps. wouldn't you think that a flourishing people would have a garden of eden on that land? some infrastructure? some economy and schools with art, music, etc???? after all, why couldn't they do what the jews did out of israel? that is because not only that they were illiterate and stupid to the extreme without any infrastructure and without any culture and ability to progress and find ways to better themselves in that forsaken desert, they were completely without education and nomads to boot. these palestinians that you claim were cltured were the same ones you see today, without any ability to build an economy and progress in anyway. yes, most are illiterate because their academic books are full of jihadi messages, not math, literature, history (fake history, revisionist history) sitting there crying victim, abused by corrupt leaders and constantly needing aid to even grow one orange tree to put food on their table. here, look, we left gaza last year. what did your cultured palis do since then except cry and send missils into israel? did they take this chance to build an economy, a striving infrastructure? no! too busy hating and killing, i guess. and as to the "illiterate jew" sweeping the streets in europe, i hate to dissapoint you. some of the best doctors and scientists in europe werre jewish. the jews, although under constant european antisemitic attack, WERE A STRIVING CULTURE with their own literature, music, art, classical music and so many other achievements. the jew sweeping the street could have been an intellctual that was robbed of his chance to become what he wanted to become in europe because he was not allowed to be by the european governments. jews were denied entry into academic institutions, schools, economic and scientific institurions, government work, medicine, etc. it's not for want of trying or intellectual inability. they were just not allowed because of discrimination. look at german jews. they were the epitom of culture and sophistication in germany. they were some of the greatest contributors to humanity in science and in music and culture and literature and they were wiped out! to conclude, even the jew who ended up sweeping the european streets knew well enough that his sons and daughters, the future generation, for survival purposes, needed the highest education and brain to achieve what that man could not because of political reasons. this is the jewish generation you see today in israel. these are the jews who left antisemitism to build their country, israel, who through brains and hard work and the free ability to do so have built a nation in 59 years that stands as the pillar of culture, democracy, scientific discoveries, noble prize winners, one of the best academia in the world and one of the best technology importer in the world in computers, science, communication, medicine, literature, patents and technology. HOW IS THAT FOR YOUR HISTORY CHANNEL?
Mitchell ,   Boca Raton, Florida   (11.16.06)
If only these "academics" were not anti-Israeli from the start, then I might think that they had a decent motive. However, since they are and have been anti-Israel according to your article, then they lack the credentials that would warrant serious consideration for what they say. There is nothing wrong with cooepration with Palestinian academics and there is nothing to stop them from engaging their Palestinian counterparts, so their proposal is invalid on several levels.
67. # 51, 59, 61 & 62 are right..
John ,   Amsterdam, Netherlan   (11.16.06)
B"H You make good, sensible points if you ask me! May HaShem continue blessing the Jewish people and the righteous people. Sincerely, John
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.16.06)
TO ANONYMOUS. Since when majority of Jews recognize Jesus (Jeshua) as the God and the Begotten One of God the Father ? Be more humble to resemble Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey more as a suffering Isaiah than a conquering David. What have your ancestors done ? Rabbinical establishment of the time has sentenced Jesus to death (choosing instead having Barrabas liberated !) and Romans made the job under pressure from hostile crowd. Don't cultivate superiority, Bach (not a minor musician) was so humble and would never show off, and German he was and Protestant. I don't want to make a list of German intellectuals and celebrities, only a few : Goethe, Schiller, Schumann, Brahms, Kant, Nietzche, Wagner, Mahler, Furtwaengler, Heine, Max Planck, von Braun, and so on. Anonymous, genius is one percent, the rest is work (quoted by Rostand). In 1 Samuel 2,3 we read : « Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed. »
69. 60. Did you say, "small ratty looking guy"?
Huh! That's amjad too!
70. #42 very well said. let me tell you a stgory
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.16.06)
i am a jew, an israeli living for over 30 years in the usa. i went out to lunch with 7 christians friends of mine. some of german and some of irish and italian descent. although uncomfortable for me to bring the antisemitism issue and why people hate jews around the world was difficult for me, i was particularly curious to see 7 non jewish people respond. no one felt uncomfortable in this discussion because they were unbiased and intelligent. through their response i was able to deduct that they look at both sides of the coin, at what is occuring now politically and are aware of the general turn of the world against jews and israel in these particular times. they were more than happy to provide me with their feeling and observations....and they all were intelligent career women. this is what i was told.....not far from your posted conclusion. 1. extreme jealousy for the jews' achievements in all aspects of life 2. extreme jealousy of the jews' ability to keep themselves a unit, a family and to insist on, despite everyone trying either to convert or annihilate us, that we survived it all and continue to prosper and advance as a people 3. extreme jealousy at the multitudes of stouborness we jews exhibit and our elitists attitudes as peole of knowledge and culture and advancements 4.our insistance on being "different" than others, which in turn is interpreted by others to mean that we hold ourselves above everyone else....which is not true, just their perception. 5. our ability, that no matter what tragedy faced us, we survived and went on without bedinbg our rules or compromising our faith and beliefs. 6. finally, the church doctrine, that insisted through generation to educated the christian masses that it was jews, not romans that crucified christ/jesus. the pope still is struggling to denounce this historical inaccuracy to today. but, the main thought at that table and what i heard they say, all of them, without fault, blamed the jealousy directed at the jews as being the main reason for this hate and intollerance. i don't know whether i should feel cocky or proud because as we constantly see....the different is always misunderstood and persecuted, especially when the masses percieve that those "different group of people" are constantly percieved as thumbing their nose at others and acting superior to everyone else. look into any sociology book and you'll be abke to understand that most of us do not like someone different. we are intimidated, threatened, not comfortable. but, this is the burden of the common man, not the different people. it's their problem. unfortunatelly, it has become our problem throughout history so many time like shoa, etc... they just can't seem to get rid of us. all these intellectual germans and university professors feel that jealousy bite time and again. and this is tghe explanation for their reaction. we jews are showing tgheir limitations and inabilities compared to what we can put on the table scientifically, technologocally, patents, discoveries, medicine, pharmacuticles, drugs, etc.... everything that today the world benefits from.
71. Who are these acedemics
A German acedemic ,   Germany   (11.16.06)
Please: The event this article is very shocking. It is yet so unprecise that, even after research, I still wonder who these academics are and which influence they might have. This does not mean that I do not know the tendencies - at least among liberal Christian theologians, and am very, very sad - and furious - about this.
72. upiiiiii
well done Germany , first Engeland , Kanada and now Germany and still more to come .
73. Antisemitism Alive and Well in Germany
Semsem ,   New York, USA   (11.16.06)
This is a good example that antisemitism in Germany is alive and well in Germany. This petition is "sickening." The leader of the Jewish Community in Germany has stated that some things in Germany are similar to the 1930s.
74. Some Germans Want to Finish Hitler's Job
Laila ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.16.06)
Quite a few Germans would love for the Arabs and Iranians to finish off Germany's unfinished job of slaughtering another 6 million Jews.
75. Sorry, my message was meant for Anonymus (42)
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.16.06)
Could I have not mentioned BEETHOVEN as well. MOZART was not German, was born in what is now Austria (Holy Roman Empire). Geniuses are universal.
76. what about German Jews
are they still there ? Do they support Zionism? Do you/ they consider themselves Diaspora? don't survivors of the holocaust want make alyiah? Why there is no prominent israeli leaders or political figure from German origin ? what is the size of of German aid to Israel if there is any?
77. stop giving “special treatment” to Israel
Noora ,   Bahrain   (11.16.06)
stop giving “special treatment” to Israel stop giving “special treatment” to Israel stop giving “special treatment” to Israel stop giving “special treatment” to Israel stop giving “special treatment” to Israel
78. We have already received
Sagi ,   Israel   (11.16.06)
special treatment from Germany, just over 60 years ago.
79. Don't blame all Gernans
Blakes ,   McLean, USA   (11.16.06)
I am saddened that so many are lumping all Germans together. Not all Germans and anti-Israel and certainly not all anti-semitic. Far from it! I would like to know who these "academics" actually are. Until then, I reserve judgment. Every country, including my own, has a lunatic fringe and one should not indict a whole people based on such far-out statements.
80. Kais, why is it illegal for al Jazeera to broadcast in Qatar
Jake   (11.16.06)
But they are allowed to broadcast in Israel, which has no relations with Qatar. Are you afraid of having a taste of your medicine?
81. Germany and the Arabs
Jake   (11.16.06)
Will it once again be an alliance of like-minded people, just like old times? We shall see.
82. (70) even prider than (42) ! It's magic !
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.16.06)
Again the same refrain that Jews are better, more intelligent, more learned, etc. Kindness and patience and love are the best shields against pride and arrogance. Listen to your Lord : « Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed. » What do you know really ? Indeed, your ignorance has a few, very few GAPS. As regards Jesus, you are wrong.
83. anti-semetic?
US Citizen   (11.17.06)
I don't get calling them anti-semetic for calling from reading this article. I don't approve of any government having a "special relationship" with another government. Governments are set up for the people they govern, and special relationships with foreign government can and often do interfere with that primary purpose. "The roots of this 60 year bloody confrontation in the Middle East are German and European" "the Holocaust binds Germany to not only stand by Israel, but to also stand by the Palestinians." “A large part of the German society has turned the shame and grief of the Holocaust into a ceremonial matter." These statements and others in the article seem to be more about the German people then the Jewish. The purpose of the petition seems to be in stopping the polarization of the public in German pro/con Israel/Palestine and instead handling each evenly based on the particular relationship, rather then based on guilt over the actions of an entirely different German nation at an earlier time in history.
84. #57 & # 60 Don't Know Much About Bolshevik History Do You?
World Citizen ,   the world   (11.17.06)
Jewish bankers and zionists had much to do with the German loss of WWI and the reparations Germany had to pay at the end of WWI. The reward for pulling the United States into the war was the Balfour Declaration. Go to this site and read the words of Benjamin Friedman. And regarding Hitler's war with Bolshevism, it's a fact that practically the whole Bolshevik leadership during the Russian revolution and after was jewish. And I would be happy to give you names and positions. Here's a good site Let's see if ynetnews is brave and honest enough to post it.
85. World Citizen, I've seen your posts, just say ...
Truth ,   USA   (11.17.06)
your deeply self-loathing and you mask it as "anti-semitism". That would really cut through all your crap. Thanks.
87. 70. Magnificent! It's sooo true!
Truth ,   USA   (11.17.06)
God bless Israel.
88. 77. Noora, Israel's good enough to stand alone - it has
for centuries before these nations and institutions ever were ...
89. Read the original text and build your own opinion
Rick ,   USA   (11.17.06) You should better read the original text which is described in this article. I guess the German of the editor isn't very well because a lot of things are reflected wrong.
90. These people are just blind
Bernie ,   Germany   (11.17.06)
Antisemitic or not, these people are just blind, a typical European disease. These professors say "let's forget the holocaust to end that special relation". WTF? Rubbish! As if a feeling of guilt was the only reason for supporting israel. I am a 30-year old German. It's not the holocaust that causes my "special relation" to (i.e. my taking sides with) Israel, it's the fact that Israel is a free, democratic (and besides very beautiful) country surrounded and threatened by wipe-off-map-fantasizing enemies.
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