New European peace initiative
Roee Nahmias and AFP
Published: 16.11.06, 18:22
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58 Talkbacks for this article
31. E.U
jeremy ,   Northern Israel   (11.16.06)
How dumb are these people. They have people stationed at the border crossings and they run when the shit hits the fan. The Brits were gaurding a jail in Jerico and ran. Need I say more. Let's look at Lebanon, the U.N was supposed to station 15,000 soldiers they still haven't done this. What about NATO in Afghanastan??? They still haven't fullfilled their troop commitments there either. Let them talk, that is all it is. The E.U and U.N are worthless bodies anyway
32. Same eurabian 'peace plan' as in 1939
Arie ,   Afula   (11.16.06)
that sent Poland and Czechoslovakia to their ruin
USA   (11.16.06)
Some one is actually trying to do something. To all you israelis zionists and Euro haters. Dont nock them just because they are trying to do something. Look at israel its been occupying palestine for how long? And look the "terrorist are still there" US has been in iraq for 3 years and afghanistan for 5 years. "terrorist are still there". I think most of you are just scared that once the europeans go to gaza you cant just kill palestinians at your free will and the international community especially america will finally see what you racist israelis are doing to those people and the living cunditions you have forced them into. I HOPE WITH ALL MY HEART THAT THE EU WILL GO TO GAZA. Im sure the israelis will try as much as possible not to allow them in.
34. Prodi, Zapatero and Chirac
enzo ,   london,uk   (11.16.06)
Peacekeepers should be sent to Paris, as the city is burning. Peacekeepers should be sent to Naples (they are indeed sending the army there, as the crime situation is out of control). Peacekeepers should be sent to Al-Andalus, where North-Africans' invasion continues unabated.
35. Segolene Royal may be the first French Pres. With Balls
Fasulia Hudra   (11.16.06)
Hopefully if Segolene Royal becomes the next president of France, they may finally has a president with balls.
36. French Marines to the Rescue, hehehehe
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (11.16.06) Ok, so it's a spoof by the Brits, but it's still funny
37. -
Viveka ,   Finland   (11.16.06)
Considering how succesfully the Israelis and the Palestinians have handled the issue the EU initiative can't possibly make things worse.
38. #33 They part of the Quartet
Mark ,   USA   (11.16.06)
They are only doing this because the inaction will cause rioting in the streets. The EU watches every day as people are getting killed and does nothing. Silence =death. Blood is on the EU'S hands. lots of blood.
39. #37 Viveka - Why don't you go draw some cartoons like Denmar
Fasulia Hudra   (11.16.06)
Viveka, Why don't you go and draw some cartoons like the Danes did and learn a little more about the pleasantries of our cousins?
40. Beware of Europeans, they caused Israel
Uzi   (11.16.06)
the worst killings, oppression, persecution and other gross violations of human rights, both here and there, for more than 2000 years. They are so compassionate toward Israel's enemies because of their frustration with Israel's ever lasting survival and, of course, because of immediate practical interests. The Arabs and other Moslems have been bad enough but never so consistent and persistent.
41. no alternative
sami ,   westbank   (11.16.06)
the failure of the US to have evenhanded policy in the middle east necessitates the intervention of the EU for the interest of the Israelis and the palestinians. i wonder why most of the comments here are against the EU's initiative which guarantees the just solution for both sides. Israel in the end must stop being arrogant and respect the international resolutions instead of turning its '' invincible'' soldiers into killers of women and children
42. #6 what about sending Gazans to the UN in stead of
bringing the UN to Gaza.
43. Euro peacekeepers
Sharon ,   Waterloo, IA USA   (11.16.06)
The only problem with your confidence in European peacekeepers is that they won't stop Palestinians from shooting rockets off at whatever targe they choose. As usual, Israel would be expected to be patient and not retaliate. What is your solution to that?
44. evenhanded, my foot
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (11.16.06)
The US has no intentions to be "evenhanded" with terrorists. The Palis are not our allies. The Israelis are. We'll not ever forget the Palis' dancing in the street over the death of nearly 3000 people after 9/11, and we don't want to look at their hate-distorted faces. As for the EU, they can't help themselves, leave alone anyone else. They're only making noise to appease the Muslims undermining their own countries.
45. To #26, Larry
Alexander ,   Sweden   (11.16.06)
"The only way to defeat terrorism is for all democratic states to join together." And do what to whom? The allies acted in Iraq as if there were some fixed number of "terrorists" or "insurgents" that could be eliminated and then everything would be ok. Well, guess what, killing people you think are terrorists will only create more terrorists in their place. There is only one way of stopping terrorism without becoming a far worse terrorist yourself: Making an effort to reduce hate. When the Israelis left the Gaza strip, that should reduce hate right? Well, maybe it did. But when the entire Gaza strip basically is a giant prison, the effect may be difficult to measure. More is needed. When Israelis have blockades preventing Palestinians from doing business and causing harsh conditions, as well as using the "100 eyes for an eye" philosophy they seem to adhere to, hate will only grow. That means the terrorists have no trouble finding more recruits. Killing one man will motivate 10 men to kill you. That can only stop when hate is reduced, not when it keeps building out of control.
46. It's None of the EU's Business
emanon ,   USA   (11.16.06)
any more than it is the business of the leaders of the US. Furthermore, EU has so many Islamofascitis crawling around in it, they will give Israel away to appease the terrorists in the hopes they will not becoem the object of the next wave of terror. Look at Gaza . . guess again Europe, you cannot appease these terrorists, only incite them.
47. LOL is this a joke
Jellybean ,   Chicago   (11.17.06)
These are the same people who couldn't get a peace plan to work within their own backyard (Bosnian war) and they are now trying with the Middle East. This is a joke!
48. To Eurabians
Jellybean ,   Chicago   (11.17.06)
Everytime Arabs touch something it truns to shit! So take a nice long look at Europe while it is still decent!
49. Help a Terrorist!
Jellybean ,   Chicago   (11.17.06)
You know I just figured something out. The US did help terrorist Organizations like the (taliban, and Osama) and you know what, the US got burned the people we helped terrorized us! The EU will have its turn.The more you help terrorist the more they will just backstab you. Just watch!!
50. The most anti-Semitic country in Europe
Ignacio ,   Zaragoa, Spain   (11.17.06)
Spain proposes a peace plan. This is the same as calling the Final Solution "a peace plan". Zapatero is a man of Mortinos, and Moratinos belongs to Hamas. Everybody here knows it.
51. M. Hartley of Atlanta is right!
Wren ,   Georgia   (11.17.06)
How soon we forgot how those same people celebrated the deaths of innocent people at the Twin Towers. Let's not forget even for a moment who our friends are and who the real enemies are. Be civil but be aware!
52. To #45
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (11.17.06)
Why isn't that "love your neighbor" and "be nice to Muslims" working in Malmo? What have the Swedes done to turn those poor souls into criminals and lacking a better word, terrorists? I just thought I'd ask.
53. #45 Alexander, Sweden - How do you fight bank robbers?
Elana ,   LA, USA   (11.17.06)
Do you start a campaign to get the bank robbers to stop hating banks? Do you blame bank robberies on the banks for being objects of robbery? Do you blame women for being raped? Our enemies regard women as "uncovered meat" who should be sentenced to life in prison for causing some hapless man or men to rape them. The truth: The root cause of terrorism is the terrorists' own barbarism. They aren't being forced to take a knife and slice off a screaming person's head. Theo Van Gogh asked his murderer if they could please talk about the problems for which Van Gogh was murdered. The murderer cut his throat instead and stabbed a note to his chest that threatened the Netherlands and the entire western world. Do you want to apologize to Van Gogh's murderer now? Terrorism will not be defeated by embracing their mass murders. What they're doing has no excuse. They are responsible for their actions and they must be stopped. By the way, Swedish women are being raped more and more these days by people in your country who have not adopted your values. Don't you care at all for what happens to the women in your country?
54. You can't fight terrorism by embracing it.
Chanah W. ,   Chicago, USA   (11.17.06)
Loving terrorists only makes them madder, anyway. No matter how you try to appease the terrorists, they will attack Europe from within. The last thing you should be doing right now is trying to apologize to terrorism so that they will love you rather than hate you. Their hatred is already guaranteed as long Europe refuses to submit to the rule of Islam. Don't try to hand the Jews to our enemies as you did during WWII. Nazi Germany didn't love you for it. They wanted to rule over you (and they almost got away with it.)
55. Building military positions v. Israel under guise of peace
56. Fasulia Hudra
Viveka ,   Finland   (11.17.06)
Oh, I'm sure you have very pleasant cousins, and consequently, as already stated in the previous post, the EU initiative can't possibly make things worse.
57. To #52
Alexander ,   Sweden   (11.17.06)
You're welcome to ask, but I'm afraid I don't understand your question. You made some sort of grotesque generalization, barely connected to the points I tried to make in my previous post, and then hinted that it was a question. Atleast tell me what you are referring to, that might allow me to respond properly.
58. To #53, Elana
Alexander ,   Sweden   (11.17.06)
"Do you start a campaign to get the bank robbers to stop hating banks?" I actually don't think bank robbers rob banks because they hate them. If they did, maybe that would be a plan. "The truth: The root cause of terrorism is the terrorists' own barbarism. They aren't being forced to take a knife and slice off a screaming person's head." So you're saying that there is no motivation for the deeds that terrorists do other than they're just bad guys, or barbarians? The CIA uses a term called "blowback". It's used to refer to events that take place as a result of U.S. actions abroad that the public is unaware of, so that when those retaliation events happen, they can't be put into context. It then simply becomes "barbarians" being evil, completely without logic. Consider what "terrorists" have done to date to the United States. Some 3000 civilians killed in the 9/11 attack. Now consider that the allied forces invasion of Iraq is estimated to have caused some 600,000 dead civilians so far. Obviously that report was "not credible" according to W, and he's right of course, it was conducted by respected researchers using the method considered the most accurate given the circumstances. Clearly not worth the paper it's printed on. Nobody is forcing the "terrorists" to do what they are doing, but nobody forced the U.S. to attack Iraq either. See what I'm getting at? Noam Chomsky said "terrorism is terror that they do to us". He didn't mean it as such, instead he tried to explain how the western world tend to see terrorism today. Let me clarify with a question: Do you think anything that the U.S. or the rest of the western world do could constitute terrorism? About your other examples. What in my post made you think that I would want to apologize to a killer? It's not about forgiving those that commit murder, it's about not knowingly creating more killers. I'll skip your question about Swedish women since it's obviously more of a silly provocation than an actual question. Sorry if I misunderstood.
DG ,   Stratosphere   (11.20.06)
They speak of peace but they have a motive of an evil nature. Please pay attention. It's very real don't be deceived. The lamb is peace but he is a snake. He is a man. Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
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