Opinion  Soapbox
With friends like these…
Petra Marquardt-Bigman
Published: 23.11.06, 00:03
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31. terry
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.24.06)
I was in Germany for the first time in 1955 . As soldier of the Belgian occupation forces . Till end January 57 . I did not go out many times . As you i was asking myself , what did this guy do during the war ? Now lets take a German boy or girl ,aged 6 in 1933 . Those children received all their youth years a brainwashing against Jews . What can come out of this ? At 15 a strong antisemite , whose aspiration is to murder as many Jews as possible . How would you [ or i ] react ? the same way ! Difficult to say they are 100 % guilty , they were made so . I lost many family members , so i have the right to say this
32. debra
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.24.06)
Do not be so hatefull . What are the Germans of today guilty of their parents or great parents deeds ? We have to forgive them , not to forget . See my other tb on this subject .
33. The U.S. should have nuked germany and not japan
jason white ,   afula,israel   (11.25.06)
Einstein once said the germans would cause WWIII. They helped the iranians enough in their nuclear program.
34. worldwide the same
Rike ,   Germany   (11.25.06)
What those German intellectuals wrote is just the same what "left thinking" "peace" people are thinking everywhere in the world. I have read the same opinion by many US-American people who work in "peace" organizations. With the Democratic majority in US the attitude towards Israel will change. All those people don't understand what "peace" really is. They call it peace, when the US and Israel don't fight back. They are just cowards and afraid of the terrorists and the people who support them secretly. They think that they are safer when they support the them. And they halluzinate their own cowardness as heroism. Galloway in the UK has just the same opinion. It has nothing to do with being German. It a worldwide opinion based on fear and misinformation.
35. German Scientists
charles ,   Petach Tikva   (11.25.06)
They are wrong on another point . The desire for a Jewish homeland began a long time before the Holocaust . The great immigration came in the 1880's , and amplified later one . Had not been such a British opposition to allow more immigrants, there would have been a much greater Jewish population here before WWII . Of course , the Shoa gave a push for the establishment of a Jewish state , but this aspiration existed before . They are , sad to say , not the only scientist in the world who think so , not only Germans . Even Jewish intellectuals .
36. Very discourgaring
Margaret   (11.25.06)
I do not blame the Germans of today for the crimes of their fathers and grandfathers. But in light of what happened during World War2,when the majority voted in Hitler I would hope Germans would look soberly back on their past,and try to be a little more sensitive and compassionate to Jewish/Israeli concerns. I don't see much of that today like I have in the past,it's not just this antiIsrael petition that disturbs me. Alot of times when I read posts from Germans on messageboards about Israel many of the posts are very antiIsrael. Also,a couple of years ago,a poll was released where it showed the majority of Germans have a very hostile view of Israel. I admit I do not know how accurate this poll was, yet it was very alarming to see that much animoislty from Germans towards the one Jewish nation in the world in light of what happened a mere 60 years ago.
37. I have a proposal for the German scientists
SR ,   NYC   (11.25.06)
In order to undo injustice done to the Jews by the Germans and other Europeans and at the same time undo the injustice done to the Arabs by Israel, UN before that, UK before them, and Turkey before that, here' s a fair solution: 1. Backed by the UN, Germany, France, UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bin Ladenstan, et al, will offer to buy half of the Madagaskar Island to establish Nouvelle Israel, as it were. 2. Payent would be made in the form of generous compensation to each Malagasy family displaced and generous financial aid to the government of the Malagasy Republic for the next 25 years, over and above of what it already gets from the UN and other donors. Say, $125,000/family on average to vacate their home and move to the other part of Madagaskar; and $2 billion a year from all above mentioned donors. This will result in sudden and unprecedented prosperity among half of Malagasy people. This will also give Jews a chance to build a new, democratic, European style parliamentary democracy. With real consitution and without undue interference from the Haredim and other fanatics. And a nice piece of real estate to boot: with views of Indian Ocean all around, warm climate, plenty of useful soil, strategic economic location, etc. If the German scientists are not ready to offer a practical solution to the "injustice" done then they should just keep their mouths shut. Would the esteemed scientists favor carving out a piece of Germany, as a gesture of penitence, to establish a Jewish state in Europe, as Ahmadinejad suggests? No? Then just shut the f...k up, krauts!
38. Germans
Steve ,   USA   (12.05.06)
All this anti German mentality is pathetic to say the least. I am an American of German decent, as are many Americans. As a matter of fact, the largest ethnic group in the USA is GERMAN!!! I am also very proud of my heritage. My grandfather fought the Nazis for your freedom in WWII. Germany and the United States...with the largest ethnic group being German, are Israels largest supporter, these two countries make life possible for you Jews. With $Billions every year from both nations to Israel, this is the crap I see from from Jews? This is what you think of the people that have given you more support than any other people in the history of human civilization? One has to wonder why we don't just cut you off, and let you take care of your self, like we do with people that have been on welfare too long. Keep showing your ungrateful mentality towards the German people in world, Germans around the world will grow tired of your racist attitude.
39. to steve the german american
bauer ,   stuttgart germany   (12.15.06)
why do you blame al the jewish.here in germany people are sick of agressive us politics worldwide for oil ,
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