TIME: Iran, Syria helping Hizbullah rearm
Published: 25.11.06, 09:41
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31. Fadi, Just remeber one thing
Cynic ,   Tel Aviv   (11.25.06)
Iran has promised to bomb Israel with nuclear weapons. When that comes to pass it will have been good for your health if you had fled Lebanon, or the Palestinian areas or even Syria to the deserts of whatever country will take you in, because all the radioactive material that will go up in the mushroom cloud will come down on you, blown by the winds, and all the labane, olives and goats meat is going to be sparkling and while the Israelis will die instantly you will all have an agonizing martyr's death from all sorts of cancers before the 12th Imam comes out of the well.
32. #28 u consider 7,000 missiles on israel as shouting :)
fadi ,   lebanon   (11.25.06)
correction for u idiot: we dont need the 1.5 billions, last war hizbullah fought ur mighty IDF 50,000 troops with 3,000 - 4,000 freedom fighters :)
33. Correction #29
1.5 Billion Muslims   (11.25.06)
Israe do not have Capabelity of Defeadind 3000 Hizballah freadom fighters so ther is no point As freadom fighter FADi said the other Muslims to join Hizballah when HIZ can do the job alone. Reality Check . World
34. another example of shouting and big mouth
dovdevan ,   ashdod , israel   (11.25.06)
you are talking about the coward hezbollah fighters who were hiding them self among children and women !! ok i can understand they were fighters an hour and civilian the next hour !! the coward hezbollah who used humans shield and were crying in front of the world media because IDF hit their building ! i guess your propaganda can only convince the kind of ignorant people like you !! you arabs are coward remember the egyptian division that got out there shoes in the middle of the desert lol
35. Shame on Israeli Military Spec Ops
future1   (11.25.06)
If this article is true, it is another big black eye and disgrace to the Israeli military special operations team. It should have been priority one to swoop in on a night heli raid, hijack a supply convoy, and show the world what was going on. Where the #$#% is the evidence to show the world that Iran and Syria are not abiding by the truce. Now Iran and Syria will not be facing scrutiny and Israel cannot justify a limited bombing campaign.
36. Pathetic ,Incompetent Kadima Leadership
Marcel ,   Florida   (11.25.06)
Israel's has lost the will to fight and now is willing to go quietly into another holocaust ??? Depending on the nations to give you security is suicide. Israel has placed way too much faith and hope in president Bush (the US). for security. The hope fades fast and Israel is left with only one ally ,Hashem. Better wake up and smell the sweet light crude oil Israel. You had better take care of the business of protecting yourselves as Jews are not a traded commodity in the world economy. You have wasted precious years in the Neville Chamberlain school of How to fail at peace and invite major war by appeasment. Get back to the tried and true school of victory ,defeating the enemy. Start with defeating the Palestinian's in Gaza
37. Israel
AR ,   California USA   (11.25.06)
Nancy Pelosi sucks first of all. Second Israel is a fake state of euro russians who think its ok to use the holocust to justify an illegal state. I hope you try to mess with iran you punks the iranians will take care of u pussies. They will never lose in a war with israel and if israel dares to nuke them israel can kiss its illegal crappy country good bye. Cuss iran already has the missles and if you nuke them they it will only take them a matter of months to make a bomb and they will take you all out in one shot. If they dont want to give you the time they will just send 10 million soldiers through iraq and into israel to kill you man to man something your pussie IAF only and IDF only to to woman and children. The only ones who can defeat a country like iran is FIFA. Even amercia knows it cant win thats why everyone in USA whith a brian says no to war with iran. Israeli's are a joke and fadi is right your "mighty army" couldnt even defeat a single HEZ brigade what do you think will happen when you start messin with a shahab 3D. LOL have fun in your little fantasy land cause the rules in the middle east are about to change.
38. Fadi your retarded brain doesn't understand that we wouldn't
Adam ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (11.25.06)
attack you if you didn't attack us freak
39. nuclear talk is cheap
popeye ,   med to red   (11.25.06)
lets see, as i read these talkbacks i see a lot of people eihter dreaming or fearing of nukear weapons (as mini bush says it) you talk of israel firing nukes into lebanon and iran and then the latter firing back to israel, HEY WAKE UP, there is a very good reason why nukes were only used once in the history of warfare, not even tactical nukes will be used let alone thermo nuclear or such other wmd's. why? cause it doesnt make any sense, nukes are weapons of deterence, they will never be fired but two sides that have them, maybe in a longshot by a country that is on a powertrip under pressure from the overwhelming determination of the population of its enemy but as i said it's a longshot. now on a micro scale, they cant be used in the middle east israel would be a dumbass to do it cause a shift in wind will wipe out more jews than hitler's camps, same goes for iran, firing on israel is like firing on palestine to them they wont do it. as for firing nerve gas or bio chems, yeah perhaps.. they've got the balls to do it and the lunacy to back it up so stop talking about nukes, and talk about ways to mend the situation not loose yourself in a sea of insults and i've got more rockets mentality, cause if push comes to shove the shit will hit the fan and all of us in the region will get hit and i dont think that's a good example to set for generations to come. cause god only knows its going to take 5 to 6 generations at least in order for palestinians to start coming to terms with israel's existence that's if peace is restored tomorrow. so israeli's and u so called arabs, what's the deal work it out, your leaders dine on the same table why dont you realize that
40. I hope a Sunni fixes you up Fadi
Jay ,   Israel   (11.25.06)
Doesnt anyone realise that alot of this ammunition hezbollah is sneaking in over the border will be used against lebanese christians and sunnis in the upcoming civil war? They easily get it over the borders because UNIFIL refuses to patrol at night. I hust hope a sunni will finish this moron Fadi off, but of course we all know that big mouth Fadi will be hiding in a hole somewhere Olmert the fool should of finished Hezbollah off when we had them surrounded but of course he played into their hands and accepted the fake truce. Iran, Syria and Hezbollah MUST and WILL be defeated and Israel cant afford to wait for USA to do anything!!!
41. Throw Out Olmert, Peretz & Livni
Jerry ,   NYC, USA   (11.25.06)
They have brought defeat to Israel for the first time in its history. There stay in power is a imminent and fatal threat to Israel's continued existence.
42. What is wrong with all of you????
Tamar ,   London/ Rome / Cairo   (11.25.06)
Im deeply deeply dismayed by the vast majority of talkbacks on here. Let me clarify my position: I am a Muslim I have many jewish friends I am pro-Israel I am pro-Palestine I supported Hezbollah as a resistance organisation though not during later operations as a terror organisation. All this talk amongst you of dropping nukes on each other is appaling. You should be striving for peace amongst each other. Fadi- i dont know who you are or where you live but please stop yourself and dont drop as low as you have with some of your comments. We all have been angry with some of Israels actions and the Jews support for this. But these inflamatory comments are not acceptable and will only make matters worse. As a decent human being i honestly think it is in NOBODYS dream for anyone to be "taken out", "nuked" or "blown up" to the high heavens. Good decent proper Muslims do not want war. ANd as far as im aware good decent proper jews dont want war either. I hope nobody takes people like Fadi seriously and i apologise on behalf of the muslim community to the offended jews here. However, that is not to say im not offended by some of the outrageous calls from the Jews showing sheer ignorance and naivity in some of the comments. 1701 may indeed be being violated but how many UN resolutions does Israel violate? Get a grip! No Double Standards please. Muslims need to unite. No civil wars again please. Enough problems in iraq. No Iranian interference in the Levant area. We can all see this new and dangerous militant shia'ism threat as sponsored by Syria and Iran. The vast majority of these talkbacks are truely disturbing and i should hope they do not reperesent mainstream view. Your views as expressed are just as bad as the actions of Hamas, Kadima and iran put together. Can we please see some human dignity and interest. Its not a competition of who has more arms or weapons than the other. If there is a serious war in the region then all of us will be affected jews and muslims, arabs and israelis alike. Israel may have more of the weapons and support but what Israel needs more importantly is more friendly neighbors like EGypt and Jordan, not enemies. Jews on this site you shouldnt be generalising and saying such things but rather opening up to a lot of us who want to seek peace with you. To be honest i think its just as bad that America and Britain arm Israel as say Iran or Syria (or even France as suggested) arm Hezbollah. So the article is tame in that yes we know the Hezbollah is being rearmed but so is Israel, and a heavily armed Israel is not want any average person wants to see. We have all seen the collosal and disgraceful atrocities commited by the IDF including the so called "accidental" massacres at Qana, Beit Hanoun recently and so on and on. You just have to look at facts here; many many many more Arab civilians have died than Israeli civillians. Whos fault that is is irrelevant. We want to see the end of killings now. And this will only come about with the end up IDIOTIC comments on here and a return to logic, justice and peace. It will only come about with decent leaders who want peace. Concluding, yes, Iran and Syria are to blame for the re-arming of Hezbollah. But no more than America and Britain are for re-arming Israel. One may be an organisation and the other a nation state but quite frankly there both as bad as each other. STOP THE KILLINGS PEACE FOR ARABS PEACE FOR ISRAELIS Shalom-Peace-Salaam
43. Post 13
???   (11.25.06)
"Israel has the right to provok us by daily illegal flightovers in Lebanon" Geez, and those silly little ILLEGAL weapons that are flowing into Lebanon have nothing to do with those "illegal flightovers" now do they? "who the hell are you to neglect our right to defend our country" And who the hell are you to neglect Israel's right to defend hers? You third world war mongers can't even abide by UN and rules and yet you expect Israel to abide by UN rules. I'd tell you to stick your hypocracy where the sun don't shine, but I fear there isn't enough room due to the fact that your head is already there!
44. Fadi
???   (11.25.06)
"we're ready to sacrifice ourselves here" Well of course you are. Lebanon made a huge mistake when they allowed Palestinians to come and live...Palestinians in turn showed their gratitude by dragging Lebanon into its civil war with Israel . And now you have the audacity to claim that all of Lebanon is ready to sacrifice itself for your cause. Can you be anymore hypocrital and deranged in your thinking?
45. Lebanese Support to Hizullah is dropping
Media Critic ,   USA   (11.25.06)
Some Lebanese may have admired Hassan Nasrallah stand during the 33 day war with Israel, but now I have my doubts about his Lebanese identity and leadership. Is Hassan Nasrallah a prominent leader in the Lebanese government? A true leader? Responsible, informed and in control?. If not then he should be stepping down and let a more responsible leader take over the leadership. If he is in fact a well informed and in control leader, then again he should be taking full responsibility of what happened, if not, then he is proving that he is a proxy mercenary militia leader taking instruction and orders from Syria and Iran. Either way he should do the honorable thing, surrender to the Lebanese authorities for protection and prosecution of the crime that was committed. The crime of aiding and abiding a cold blooded murder.
46. #39 Popeye. Yes but,
Media Critic ,   USA   (11.25.06)
When Muslims are willing to kill themselves in order to take down the enemy once and for all, then all bets are off that they will not use nukes. The question is what happened after nuclear exchange? Who will survive and who will be completely destroyed?
47. My comment was censored
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.25.06)
48. Americans
Concerned Israeli   (11.25.06)
Would you please stop with the "bomb everything" ideology? You're all more imaginative than that come on! What we need here, is a solution against political Islam hegemonist ideology, taking in account the global media debilizing the masses and the West's obsession with moral esthetics. "Bomb everything" might just cure the symptoms locally. It won't work on tv, nor convince the islamists, nor the israeli, for that matter (since they'll have to live with the guilt afterward). We all need an effective solution, here! Yalla!
Rash ,   USA   (11.25.06)
That just gives more reason to invade again.
50. # 49
Zen ,   Haifa   (11.25.06)
AT THE EXPENSE OF MORE JEWISH BLOOD. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU FOOL. IF YOUR SO CONFIDANT THAT WILL WORK THEN I CHALLENGE YOU TO COME TO HAIFA AND NORTH ISRAEL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF NEXT TIME. what is wrong with these americans who think they know it all. I have lost family because of qassam attacks. We dont want these terrorists rearmed you insensitive idiot.
51. Weak, Ineffective Leadership Allowed This
Adina Kutnicki ,   US   (11.25.06)
If the IDF/IAF were not taking its orders from an inept political regime, they would have dealt Hizbullah a death blow in the summer. They would have flown their jets into Damascus and destroyed ALL their military structures as just appetizers. However, Israel's demented leadership let Assad know that his country was SAFE! Is anyone listening here? Instead of bombing the war engine of Syria, and thus sending a dire message to Iran, the Olmert gang bombed the weak Lebanese structures. Surely Hizbullah needed to be hit directly. But if this had been a two pronged attack of both Hizbullah and Syria, then Damascus would not be a conduit now. Iran cannot do anything without Damascus's roadways. Simple strategic thinking, but it requires the desire to win.
52. Just-Desserts for Israel: Part 1 of 10
Nick ,   Boston   (11.25.06)
I love the way i keep hearing all this anti-kadima comments from israelis and jews who blame Olmert, Levni and Peretz. They think that the current government of Israel is the reason for the states latest failures and loss over the Israel-hezbollah summer war. And they blame them for pretty much everything else from Gaza issues to the situation of high arab birth rates or whatever else they can find in the bag. It is time to see that the govenment isnt the scapegoat for Israel. The recent failures and percieved decline is the result of Israels actions and policy from 1948 to 2006. All the wars and deaths in the name of Israel were bound to backfire and now we are starting to see it big time, incidentaly, at a time of resurgent islamic resistance in every direction possible and real anti israeli anti western sentiment. It was innevitable. It was always going to happen regardless of the govenment. Israel finally getting its comeupance. Honestly guys, wake up and smell the homous. How hilarrious you are!
53. Time: Iran, Syria
Yitzhak ,   Jerusalem & US   (11.25.06)
fadi = Forgotten Assassin Does Ignite!
54. My comment was censored again
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.25.06)
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.25.06)
In the 2006 second Lebanon war, Iran's terrorist army, Hizbullah fired over 4,000 rockets into Israeli population centers - the rockets packed with thousands of metal ball bearings to maximize the suffering of Israeli victims - the same murderous Islamist hate of 9/11 and 7/7 - an inhuman hate for non-Muslim infidels that engulfs our world in endless barbaric attacks. France okays firing at IAF over Lebanon YAAKOV KATZ and HERB KEINON, THE JERUSALEM POST Nov. 23, 2006 French soldiers in Lebanon who feel threatened by aggressive Israeli overflights are permitted to shoot at IAF fighter jets, a high-ranking French military officer told The Jerusalem Post. In the cruel world war to subjugate all of innocent humanity under Islamic rule - a merciless world where human rights and freedom are utterly destroyed, Hizbullah/Syria/Iran, et al, are empowered by UN troops ready to fight in the global jihad against Israel and the Free World's people. The U.S. EU UN via UN Resolution 1701 were highly successful in preventing the goal vital to Israel's security - eliminating the rocket threat from Lebanon. World leaders are ruthless in repeatedly denying Jews the right to self-defense. The Sunday Times November 12, 2006 Hezbollah’s missiles back in Lebanon Uzi Mahnaimi, Tel Aviv FOUR months after Israel launched its onslaught against Hezbollah, the Lebanese guerrillas are back in south Lebanon stronger than ever and armed with more rockets than they had before the conflict, according to Israeli intelligence... Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has confirmed the Israeli estimate. In a recent interview with al-Manar, the Hezbollah television station, he claimed his organisation had restocked its arsenal and now held at least 30,000 rockets, sufficient for five months of war... The Israeli military estimates that at least 5,000 rockets are hidden in secret shelters along the border, which it failed to find before the ceasefire came into effect on August 14.,,2089-2449728,00.html Images show Hizbullah using high-density residential areas to launch rockets:,,19955774-5007220,00.html Fake Lebanese casualties reported by the media: Photo Fraud in Lebanon's new movie: What really happened at Qana:
56. 42, Tamar, you should be replacing Adnan
John ,   NZ   (11.26.06)
57. Stephane, France (sic)
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.25.06)
We, French people, forgive Stephane whose constant, vehement opposition to our country is no evidence of his being happy to be or pretend to be French. Being a frog is not easy life when people love you so much. Taking a viper to our bosom is not easier ! The choice is yours, Stolzkopf, being a frog or a viper, or a brave boy loving France. Love or leave. Should we be hurt if you made a bad choice ? Certainly not !
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