US: Olmert gave Palestinians a political horizon
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 28.11.06, 00:21
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49 Talkbacks for this article
1. How does Ynet get all those pics of Olmert
gabriela ben ari ,   jerusalem   (11.28.06)
unevitably wearing a kippa ?
2. Olmert sucks
Preston ,   USA   (11.28.06)
Olmert has less on the ball than Sharon does today. He's a moron who just handed the mortal enemies of the Jews a massive victory. Watch for the oceans of Jewish blood split by insane actions of this traitorous coward. No Jew is safe anywhere in the world. I will curse this fool forever.
3. bread crumbs
ak ,   USA   (11.28.06)
Another Isreali media ploy as the ONLY " good guys"?? with US cheering behind? we the Israeli's will eat the bread palestinians can survive on bread crumbs.. another hand out of bread crumbs. I welcome comments!
4. Another Rice/Livni Experiment
malcolm   (11.28.06)
Rice/Livni experiments 1) Katif pullout 2)Hamas Election & win 3)fake Lebanese "cease fire" So far they are 0 for 3 New experiment: Hamas "cease fire" Probability of success "0"
5. Where's the straight jacket ?
malcolm   (11.28.06)
Where is Olmert's straight jacket ???
6. "Americans satisfied with ceasefire ..."
sk ,   USA   (11.28.06)
Oh really? Which "Americans" would these be? Maybe Baker's "Jew boys" at State? Of course, this seems to be ilmert's own version of "reality." Anyway, IT DOESN'T MATTER if Americans (who overwhelmingly don't follow the Middle East regularly) are delighted. The question is whether Israel is better off, and it is NOT. Why, just look at the second story from the top (at this moment) on Ynet:,7340,L-3333386,00.html
7. Analysis from Caroline Glick
sk ,   USA   (11.28.06)
Usually I don't just post links, but Glick's analysis of what Merlot is doing is very worthwhile.
8. Trusting olmert is like trusting arafat, STUPID & USELESS.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica,CA USA   (11.28.06)
9. Olmert and PA
LA ,   NC USA   (11.28.06)
Well the good ol' US of A is sending Condi on another embarassing mission, what a hoot. Georgie and Condi would make a good Vaudville act, maybe they missed their calling? Oh, yea lets just let Hamas pick out the areas they want and we'll just wrap it up?? It never ends!
10. To #3 bread crumbs
Dear ak USA: THEY will decide whether they prefer bread or bread crumbs. When WE started rebuilding our homeland, we decided to eat bread, so WORKED very hard and made huge sacrifices to achieve that goal.
11. Olmert speech
Ray ,   Manchester, USA   (11.28.06)
Neville Olmert continues his give away to cooperate with the BUSH colapse and hand over to SHIA dominance of the region. Beware of the handmaiden of the new USA surrender , Sec Rice.,Baker, and the rest of the pro-Arab Oil interests are the new dominant force in the USA.
12. Americans satisfied with moron's sell out (end)
David ,   Boston   (11.28.06)
13. What about Right To return 2 Palastains END
1.5 billion Muslims   (11.28.06)
Reality Check , World
14. Mr. Olmert is a pathetic U.S. puppet; so sad!
Monk ,   USA   (11.28.06)
15. bravo
avram   (11.28.06)
from the insanity of mutual destruction to a glimmer of hope. the odds are great but the reward is greater...stay the course Ehud!
16. Olmertism Is a Severe Mental Disorder
Josh Ebert ,   USA   (11.28.06)
Definition of mentally insane: someone who tries the same thing again and again and expects different results. The Israelis, through their insane politicians, have under Rabin, Barak, and now Olmert tried appeasement and capitulation by giving more land away. The result: increased terror every time without fail. What stopped the terror was real action in the form of defensive shield. Yet the Oslonicks and Peace Now fools repeat the same trash about more concessions.
17. olmert Gives Us national Suicide
Skippy McKool ,   [email protected]   (11.28.06)
We must overthrow this sell-out / crook
18. Israel must withdraw its occupation troops to 1947UN borders
Adam ,   USA   (11.28.06)
if peace will have a chance in the mideast. Meetings have been going on for 60 years and acheived nothing, another meeting won't be different.
19. olmert on drugs
yair ,   galil   (11.28.06)
can anybody INVENT a hypothetically worse leadership for the nation? what is wrong with jews?
20. The Philistines' Horizon Is NOT In OUR Land
Yishai Kohen ,   YeShA, Israel   (11.28.06)
Their horizon is over the horizon- in Jordan; IF they accept peace and the nation of Israel in the land of Israel: Otherwise, they have no horizon.
21. Will Isreal be a leader??
713 ,   Seattle US   (11.28.06)
Through it's actions, Isreal has a chance of becoming a world leader. Before the world will let Isreal become a world leader one thing has to happen. Isreal need to convice the Palistines that they are there to help them. Isreal should give finicial support to the factions, that support Isreal. Give them educational money. Give them money for their hospitals. Show the world that Isreal understands that, even though your were attack, responding in a barbaric way, means your are a barbarian. That Isreal wishes to grow up, and not be that barbarian any longer. I will repeat what I commonly say, " I am to young to know what happened in the past, but that doesn't matter. Since I was born, I have seen nothing but Isreal bombing innocent people." Think about that...
22. Olmert has lost all sense of reality.
LEE ,   NY, USA   (11.28.06)
23. Annan, where's the official UN condemnation of Qassams?
LEE ,   NY, USA   (11.28.06)
24. Olmert is a fool.
Avraham ,   Netivot   (11.28.06)
Olmert has given into terrorism & sold us down the river. Olmert is a bumbling idiot & his government must be brought down, the sooner the bettter.
25. A political horizon or a mushroom and qassamized horizon
Moshe   (11.28.06)
26. Olmert taught the US all about engaging instead of fighting
Beth Landau ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (11.28.06)
We could have won by showing strength, instead we shot ourselves in the leg by exhibiting restraint. So now the Americans view us as being too weak to win anything, which explains why they are pressuring us at the moment. In addition, the US has sadly learned from the Israeli government that winning the war on Islamic extremism is impossible, and negotiating with Terrorists is a necessity. Which is why the Americans have chosen to 'engage' Iran and Syria instead of punishing them for being the biggest Terrorists on the planet. Why did US policy shift from being staunch supporters of fighting militants to choosing to engage them? The answer is quite simple: they see that Olmert and company have lost the desire to win (as Olmert stated many times in his famous 'we are tired of winning' speech). So therefore the Bush administration came to the conclusion that if Israel has no will to fight for itself, why should anyone else do it for them.
27. Olmert continues to cause Israel to crawl on her knees.
Jeremiah ,   Israel, Jewish Land   (11.28.06)
28. How would you like that indictment served?
Ilan ,   Ariel   (11.28.06)
Another Israeli politician who controls our future not with an eye on his convictions, but a sense that he must do something reckless to avoid convictions. Our future is in the hands of someone whose money abroad is worth more to him than the lives of his countrymen.
29. Political spin
DAVID ,   JUDEA   (11.28.06)
Are you guys at ynet trying to show us that olmert is a caring person even wearing a kippa. I have to give it to you socalled liberal israelis you never give up believing all the nonsense ,from one PM after the other. Most people know that whenever there is another sellout by a PM with a lack of vision or common sense,we will pay the price in blood. But hey who cares,yafut nefesh has its price. So guys go ahead bend over as far as you can,for sure our friends at the state department (known for their loyalty towards us) will stick it to you.Keep on nailing the nails in our coffin,keep on telling the whole world that we as jews have no claim on this land.Who needs enemies,we do the destroying ourselves. With chanukah coming up, it seems we are in deep darkness indeed.
p HENRY ,   LONGMONT U S A   (11.28.06)
the putrid smell of defeat is in the air.the diplomacy of national surrender is being forced on israel and u.s. by (diplomacy of death and destruction.)
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