Abdullah: No peace deal at Jordan's expense
Associated Press
Published: 28.11.06, 13:57
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31. 80% of Jordan' s population are Palestinians and they don't
even get equal right   (11.28.06)
he depresses 80% of his population, intentionally for 60 years now, ever since Jordan had independence just so that Israel will take them off his hands one day so his family can rule saftly. The nerve! The nerve! The nerve of these people! Why the hell does he think he can get away with it? because the world lets any horrible thing done to be done as long as stopping it might hurt the case against Israel. When his father massacared actually more Palestinians than Israel ever has killed in all its years in one "Black September" the world sayed nothing. Fucking UN. Fucking Europe and Fucking US.
32. Let them move to Iraq!
MK ,   Stamford, CT   (11.28.06)
My solution: create incentives for the Palestinians to leave Gaza and the West Bank and send them to the uninhabited areas western of Iraq. Let them get out of the refugee camps and into cities and towns. Give them land to farm and create jobs and an economy for them. Give them autonomy and eventually create a state for them there.
33. Wake up call
Natan ,   USA   (11.28.06)
It is a wake up call to the Palestinians. " NO ONE WANTS YOU!!!..The only place you can live in peace( if you are willing to stop the hate and violence)Is the West Bank and Gaza!!!
34. #22
Hani   (11.28.06)
Moreoever, your open "disrespect for the Arabs" stinks of blasphemy, since the prophet was an Arab. Not to say Arabs have carte blanche to do whatever they wish, but your words stink of internalized islamo-fobia.
35. Brod, there is Uganda
Hani ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.28.06)
Nice fertile land, green, rivers, and Gorillas, why did u choose to settle in Palestine? oh wait, illegal immigration into Palestine and the illegal theft of Arab land was much cheaper at the time. Sine the Jews of the day were mostly settled in Poland, Russia, for millenia. Now your absurd genocidal statement is purely fantasy, this will never happen because we will never give up an inch of our IMMEDIATE ancestral land.
36. #22 Brod, have you forgotten
Hani   (11.28.06)
The millions of people massacred by Europeans in North America? The land belongs to them, even centuries after their anhiliation, so how about we resettle all the white Americans in Antartica? How about that? duhhhhh1!! You white imperialists, never content with that you have, you must colonize, steal, grab, all in the name of biblical illusions and greed.
37. Hani, the settler
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (11.28.06)
Get out of Canadian land, eh!
38. #28 Welcome to The Hotel California!
Hani ,   Montreal   (11.28.06)
1-Your arrogance will bring about your demise, and very soon! 2-Who is exactly is "we" in your statement? Jewish lobby controlling Washington? Thought so. 3-Get a life.
LECTURE FOR HANI ,   ..............DACON9   (11.28.06)
THIS IS WHAT YOU SAID HANI: that the Palestinians have instituted a new democracy unparalled even in Turkey. The result was HAMAS came to power to say NO to American and Israel hegemony. We are now suffocating while Muslim countries INCLUDING yours watch on, signing treaties with Israel, etc. TRANSLATION FOR ONLY YOU HANI,, YOU HAVE A UNPARARLLED DEMOCRACY: you voted hamas and now you are suffering... AND YOU COMPLAIN that the world watches you in your suffering.. **YOU said that ,not me.. hani...gee YOU voted them in...what can the world tell you now? if the world tells you anything you shout its your vote its your democracy no one can tell you what to do you riot you kill its your vote unparalled while the world watches .. YOur examples of so many arab accomplishments first were a FEW BUT very great i have to say.. but they were a few thousand years ago.. what have you done this one thousand years? WARS SUICIDE BOMBS FAILURE TO ACCEPT PEACE OFFERINGS by your arab thinking that offerings show weakness.. no PEACE OFFERINGS SHOW POWER AND WILLINGNESS TO GIVE THE WEAKER THE CHANCE TO GROW BUT YOU VOTED HAMAS AND ASSRAHLAH AND SADR AND AHMADEIJIAN AND ARAFART AND ABBAS THEY TAKE YOUR MONEY AND BUILD THEIR OWN PALACES WHILE YOU CIVILIANS ARE ''''SUFFOCATING''' And you tell the world ''YOU ARE IMPOSING INJUSTICE ON US PALISTINIANS'' YOU ARE A FOOL LIVING 2000 YEARS AGO.. GROW UP YOU ARABS GET CIVILIZED BEFORE YOUR EMPIRE DISSAPPEARS AS ALL THE GREAT ONES DID WHEN THEY PERSECUTE HEBREWS. YOUR TEMPORARY POWER IS THE GLUE FOR ISRAEL TO GATHER THEIR FORCES THROUGH THE ''ONE HOLY 'GD' OF ISRAEL... AND ISRAELIS FINAL CONQUEST OVER THE IMPOSING MURDEROUS FORCES. IF YOU ARE OFFENDED.. THEN YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE OF THOSE EVIL FORCES.. IF YOU AGREE.... THEN YOU ARE THE MAN OF PEACE 'GD' ALLOWS US ALL TO MAKE CHOICES... GOOD AND BAD CHOICES AND PAYBACK WILL COME FOR ALL OF US.
40. Give each Palestinian 50k and the king will change his mind.
J ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (11.28.06)
And the Palistinians will flock to jordan like mice for 50k to leave Israel. They would leave for 1/2 that and Abdullah knows it.
41. You sound like Fascists and killers.
Yanek ,   new york   (11.28.06)
You people sound like fascists. Have you all gone mad? Have you forgotten what happened during the holocaust?
42. (Trans)Jordan
J ,   UK   (11.28.06)
Shouldn´t Transjordan be really called "Hashemite Palestine"?
43. Number 34
Atilla Karagözoğlu   (11.28.06)
I do love THE MAN more than any of you. But I will not respect you because He was an Arab. one more time; I do Love and MUCH UNDERSTAND HIM more than you. Somethimes, candles no light into near....The Candle did reach to me while all you were fighting, sleeping, destroying the faith. I LOVE HIM. NO DOUBT. Atilla Karagözoğlu
44. HEY one second ! This monarch for the day
gabriela ben ari ,   jerusalem   (11.28.06)
Said a couple of months ago, that better Israel DOES NOT evacuate further settlements in Yehuda and Shomron, for the fear this will impower Palis and make them want to anex themselves to Jordan (and overthrow minority rulers?)!!! He even called Gaza Evacuation a failure. Nu what's up now ? He is telling Bush Israel should solve *his* own problem in reality ? What would that solution be mr monarch ? You saw clearer than our own leftists what a disaster jewish evacuation is. Could you speak a clear message pls, or better leave it that way ? How funny to state that palis mix better with jews than with their own brothers O.o
45. Palestine = Jordan
D ,   Israel   (11.28.06)
Palestinians should be transfered to Jordan making Meshaal their King.
46. to hani
dave ,   herzliya   (11.28.06)
Sorry, the key is for no house, it's been slammed by a rocket sent by your 'brothers'
47. #1 Jewish Homeland
Metatron   (11.28.06)
There was never any intention to make Palestine, whatever its boundaries, into a Jewish state. The plan was to set up a Jewish National Home IN Palestine, not in all of Palestine. Read the Balfour Declaration and League of Nations Mandate to Britain.
48. To #28 Hey hani
Roni   (11.28.06)
You can shove your ancestor's key to "your" house in Galilee up Gilles Duceppe’s behind - that’s the only useful thing you can do with it as the only way you'll ever be in Galilee is by visiting as a tourist on a Canadian passport that the naive Chretien government granted you because of your bogus refugee claim.
49. Hysterical DACON9: Chill pill <--- take one
Hani ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.28.06)
How about this, QUIT the occupation, and STOP whining! The world watches on your atrocities and continuous land theft (as confirmed by your own Peace Now) simply because of the political reality in the world today. One super power +biased dictate = no peace. i was hoping the word assymetric warfare mean something to you? That 57-year old women blew herself up because she had no other means to express her disgust with your incessant settlement activities and subjugation of her children and grandchildren! Do NOT seperate Gaza from West Bank, both are Palestine. HAMAS is the elected representative of the Palestinian people, and its policies towards Israel are an extension of collective will: We reject occupation and expect you to withdraw to 1967 borders UNCONDITIONALLY! Don't like HAMAS? Why, then, did Sharon undermine Abbas by declaring him irrelevent? Same goes for Arafat. Statements coming from your current government are indicating disorientation - which is a good sign!
50. #1 , #2 Don't waist the time,get out of Palestine please.
51. #43 Atilla
Mert ,   Ankara   (11.28.06)
I understand you do love him but I am not sure if you understand him. If you understood him you would realize that you have to be constructive. There is a constructive criticism and there is a destrcutive one. Your comments here does not reflect a constructive one. if you would like to get a "well done" from Israeli audience here then well done. However if you would like to tell Arabs of the problems they have and things that they have to work on then this is hardly the way. What do you expect from an Arab (or any other human being) when you tell your grudge and disrespect to them? result: you get no respect. you tell Turkey is going to be such a great country etc how are you going to do that with no respect from other people? Respect is earned and you are not doing a very good job of earning it. If you LOVE all humans more than anyone else then how does discrespect and dislike to Arabs fit.
52. Theoretical solutions sometimes are not possible
Phil ,   US   (11.28.06)
King Abdullah is no fool. He knows that the brain-washed jihadist murderers would terrorize Jordan and try to turn it into a mafia-like Taliban state. He also is smart enough to understand that a fair solution to the Palestinian problem has nothing to do with what Israel does or does not do. It relies entirely on the Palestinian people deciding that building a sane and democratic society is more important than child sacrifice. There are three possible solutions to the Palestinian - Israeli conflict. All require the Palestinians to renounce violence and fight those extremists who continue to cause misery. Unfortunately, The UN, the EU, and Russia are not interested in a fair solution. They just want to appease the Jihadists and claim that their hatred of Israel is not based on antisemitism. 1. Israel and the Palestinians agree to a deal that involves Israel ceding most of the West Bank and the Palestinians agreeing that their right of return applies to the new Palestinian State. In this scenerio, Jewish settlers would have the option of remaining in their settlements and abide by Palestinian law (just as Muslims in Israel have the right to become citizens of Israel). All Jewish sites would be protected by Palestinians and Jewish police. Palestinians would enforce the cease fire--just as Jordan presently does. Of course, redneck and antisemitic politicians, like Jimmy Carter, would support only the mass expulsion of Jews from the territories and a law making it illegal for Jews to have territory in the West Bank. As long it is the Jews who are the victims, no apartheid is present. 2. Option #2 would involve a population and land exchange between Israel and Palestine. Those Arab villages in Israel would be annexed to a new and democratic Palestinian State in exchange for Israel gaining the major settlement blocks such as Ariel.3. The West Bank becoming an autonomous territory of Jordan would be a viable option. Jordan would never accept this but as long as we are looking at theoretical solutions, it must be considered. All of these solutions presupposes an end to violence, a crackdown on terrorism, and an end to state-sponsered antisemitic incitement. Without Palestinian cooperation, pressuring Israel will do nothing except cause more deaths.
53. # 12
SAM ,   USA   (11.28.06)
Read a book. The Arabs came from the Arabian Peninsula. Thier "Immigration" was due to the Arab Conquest. That is world history. The region you speak of was part of the Ottomen empire prior to WW1. When the Empire was being split up by the victors, a promise of a Jewish homeland (agreed to by Abdullahs illustreus ancesters) was broken because of Greed . Thge "Palistinians" you talk about came as "settlers" at the request of the Mufti in order to be able to steal all lands sold to the "Jews" and then steal from the old Yeshuv- the population that was Jedwish and indiginous for thousands of years (Hebron is a good example). B y the way, the old Yeshuv was anti-zionist. In essence, the Brits made promises to both sides and then broke thier promises to the Jewish intersts. Ultimately, this ended in a war (1948) where the Jewish state won its right to exist. Keep in mind, the zionists had no problem with living in "Palistine" as long as they had a homeland and that they Zionists did agree to a Palistinian state originally. The Paliustinian cause is a racist cause. It embodies all the racist values of Europe and teaches them in the educational institutions. That ius political racism. Racists are not rational people and the "cause" continues to breed haterd with no settlement of the issues. Remember, racism is a symptom of stupidity, thus the racist "Palistinian" cause is irrational. Wouldnt you have thought that the Arabs should have built on a mutual, secular relationship with the zionists? Imagine that area with bith ethnics working together with their future in mind. They would have been THE power in the middle east. Maybe the Artabs should use some of that $30 Billion Arafat stole from them and build thier country. Read a book, will ya.
54. The final sulotion Jordan is palestinState
e.m ,   S.f   (11.28.06)
The country with name of Jordan never have been exist and it will be impossible two Saudi kingdom in two land beside the majority of Jordanian population are Palestinians King Abdullah well knows it that is why he is worry about his future but you can’t run away from the reality that the final day Jordan will be the Palestinians State
55. The King is a B.S. artist
Steven ,   San Francisco   (11.28.06)
That's a proven fact for quite some time.
56. No peace deal at Israel's expense B"H
Steve ,   USA   (11.28.06)
57. #19 - Hani you are a moron if you think anybody believes....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (11.28.06)
that your key opened anything but fantasies based on lies you were told by "ancestors." Those antique keys are on sale by the bucket in the arab shuk in Jerusalem. Face facts, you aren't coming to the Galil or any other part of Israel - that's the price the Palestinians have had to pay for their own rejectionism and violence (the arab Palestinians - since the Jewish Palestinians supported a state for each). Its the West Bank and Gaza or nothing at this point and its time you and yours got real and started building a Palestinian state - instead of sitting on your ass fantasizing. And I don't mean to suggest that you run to head the Ministry of Old Keys. Statehood is garbage removal, police work, social services, school systems, military and sewage treatment. A whole lot less romantic than ancestor fantacies about a Palestine that never was.
To the delightful squatters who advocate third Reich policies .. Move to Manitoba - it is already in your hands or to Russia - Stalin granted you BIROBIDZHAN. I suspect that the next war you initiate will leave Dimona smoking and the whole are irradiated. So, get going and leave the Palestinians to the eggs of Dimona. Canada awaits you. PS Bring WMD - Canada has none so you can take over the whole Country.
59. To USA. This Iranian Behaviour Has To Be STOPPED.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.28.06)
".. the sectarian strife in Iraq, which threatens to become a civil war". It has been proven NOW that the Iranian Regime has trained and armed Shia-militia's of Iraq. America is trying to establish democracy in Iraq - while the Iranian Regime is trying to undermine the Iraqi civil society by encouraging sectarian violence. Due to the impending development of Nuclear Bombs - the Iranian Regime is becoming more and more DARING. This Iranian behaviour has to be STOPPED - by taking away those nuclear facilities capable of developing nuclear bombs. Conclusion: the USA has now the RIGHT to bomb those above delineated facilities. WHY the USA has the right ?? Because USA is trying to establish democracy in Iraq - and the Iranian Regime is going against that. BTW the above delineated facilities should be BOMBED as soon as possible. The sooner the better. BTW if the above delineated facilities ARE taken out - Iran will no longer feel invincible - and thus Iran WILL back down from in Iraq.
60. To PM Ehud Olmert. Judea & Samaria Should NOT Be Given.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.28.06)
Judea and Samaria, nowadays known as the West Bank - belongs rightfully to the Jewish Homeland. As such Judea and Samaria should NOT be given to the Arab West-Bankers. Judea and Samaria does NOT belong to the Arab West-Bankers. BTW there are so many Arab states - Lebanon (10,400 sq km), Syria (185,000 sq km), Jordania (92,000 sq km), Saudi-Arabia (1.96 million sq km), Egypt (1 million sq km), Libya (1.8 million sq km), Tunisia (163,000 sq km), Algeria (2.3 million sq km), etc. And Israel is already so small.
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