Israel: UN resolutions don’t advance peace
Ronny Sofer
Published: 02.12.06, 12:06
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26 Talkbacks for this article
1. Livini : maybe your shabbats are cursed
observer   (12.02.06)
Poor Livini, try another prayer
2. Stop giving Eretz Israel away
N ,   UK   (12.02.06)
Look what happened when Jews were uprooted from Gaza and northern Samaria. It's time Israel realises that only Hashem can lead them to victory as He promised. Time for Teshuvah, plese, before the gates are close.
3. why is Israel still in the UN?
Yisraeli   (12.02.06)
can anyone please give me a valid argument why Israel should remain a member of this anti Israel hate organisation? It seems UN's only reason d'etre is the continued voting of resolutions against Israel no matter what the case may be. Why cant we just resign and let them all wallow in theyre own excrement. Maybe if we were to set the example other normal nations will remove themselves from this hate filled useless pro terrorist organisation. Can anyone give me a valid political reason why we should still be a member?
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.02.06)
There NEVER was an Arab country of Palestine. Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. In all of recorded history, Jews are the only people who ever made Israel their nation. Jews had dominion over Israel for 1,000 years with a continuous Jewish presence for 4,000 years. At the time of Muhammad's death, there was not a single mosque in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is mentioned 766 times in the Jewish Bible, not once in the Koran. Muslims pray facing Mecca. It is Muslim practice to take over, desecrate and destroy the holy sites of other religions-Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, et al. Muslims build mosques on top of the holy sites of other religions to signify that their religion is superior to all others. Muslims did this on the Temple Mount. During Jordan's illegal occupation of Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem from 1948-1967, Jordan never sought to make Jerusalem their capital and no foreign Arab leaders visited Jerusalem. Jordanian radio broadcast Friday prayers not from Al-Aqsa Mosque, but from a mosque in Amman. Jordan destroyed 58 sacred synagogues in Jerusalem. Jordan's army desecrated the 2,500 year old Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives and used Jewish tombstones for pavement and latrines. All land, homes and buildings seized in the 1948 Islamic invasion of Judea, Samaria, Gaza and east Jerusalem must be returned to Jews immediately. 13th Century Arab biographer Yakut, noted: "Mecca is holy to Muslims; Jerusalem is holy to the Jews"
5. The only scary part of the continued anti-Jew resolutions
Arie ,   Afula   (12.02.06)
is that with cowards like peretz and olmert in charge, they may think they can succeed in making their resolutions effective!
JSB   (12.02.06)
Jerusalme belongs to the christians also!!!!Don't imply possession of the holy Christian city...What are you talking about this city has been the seat of all the 3 major religions on this planet, all which actually observe the same G'D! By throwing such a statment your insulting millions of beliver in G'D. remebmer Jesus, remeber Mohammed, remeber king David. its not all about time! jerusalem should be decleard a world city, which NO COUNTRY CAN POSSES OR RULE!!! FREE JERUSALEM!!!!
7. to JSB
Arie ,   Afula   (12.02.06)
for the first time in 2000 years, Jerusalem is a city where ALL religions worship openly and without fear of harm:Jews Christians AND muslims are not kept from their houses of worship nor threatened with death as Jews were as recently as 1967. You wish to believe in "jesus"? There are many churches you can go to in the Holy City and we make no efforts to restrict you. Your comments are the usual anti-Semitic remarks cloaked in a veil of "free religion" - free as long as your religion is in control!
shelly waxman ,   south haven, usa   (12.02.06)
9. to JSB #6
suggest that as well to Muhammadans who consider Jerusalem is Islam's monopoly. Omar said to the Jews what Muhammad command him to say to the Jews in order to expel them:"two deens cannot coexist in Arabia". I wonder why the hack Omar entered Jerusalem where he should be in Arabia? when two children cannot behave right between themselves they are send to their separate rooms. Mecca is holy to Muslims; Jerusalem is holy to the Jews it's Historical fact. even Omar won't deny it.
10. #3 yisraeli
zahid ,   germany   (12.02.06)
"can anyone please give me a valid argument why Israel should remain a member of this anti Israel hate organisation?" maybe because the stateb of israel only exists because of that 'anti-israel-hate-organisation'? just be a bit more thankful, yisraeli, and stop salivating!
11. U.N
jeremy ,   Kibbutz in the north   (12.02.06)
The U.N doesn't matter. Israel could give up all our territory, stop fighting terror, roll over and die and the U.N would still find reason to condem us. To hell with it. We need to do what is best for Israel first, and last and everything inbetween.
12. Israel Needs to Swagger More
Dave Levi ,   Burank. USA   (12.02.06)
Israel is like the little cat that cowers before the large dog in it's yard. However, some cats actually take on the larger animals, and succeed at least in frightening it away. Israel has 400 high fusion nukes, each capable of taking out Damascus or the Aswan Dam, vs No. Koreas 1-2 very low yield nukes. Yet No. Korea will walk out of the UN when it deems it appropriate. Israel, should consider doing similarly. What's to fear, troops from the Sudan ntervening? Give me a break.
13. #5 but there was no mention of Jews in the UN resolution
14. arabs teach UN to play golf
Yossi ,   Canada   (12.02.06)
Golf is a tough game but it is nice to see the UN embrace one of it's rules. A MULLIGAN or do-over. It simply means if you miss a shot then you can replay it. Mulligans are OK in golf but the arabs have now introduced it to war. Never in history, have the winners of a war started by the other side, were forced to return captured land. The arabs feel that despite the fact that they were the aggressors and the LOSERS, they can call a mulligan. What nonsense. Dear UN, crawl back into the sandtrap and shut-up!!!
semusimberlalu ,   Indonesia   (12.02.06)
Truth is required by the G-D of truth - "You shall not bear false witness." I am horrified that Muslim innocents at prayer in mosques, and wedding guests in Jordan, are maimed and murdered. These innocents did nothing to deserve such cruel punishment. Just as Israel's Jewish innocents - victims of jihad, and other non-Muslim innocents around the world have done nothing to deserve the Islamo-Fascist horrific attacks perpetrated against them. G-D alone is the true Judge - not man! G-D NEVER changes. G-D's Laws NEVER change. G-D commanded: "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER" G-D's requirement for all humanity: KINDNESS: Bible, Micah 6:8: "And what does the L-RD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your G-D"
16. T # 10
Natan   (12.02.06)
Wow, this is probably the dumbest statement i have seen in a very long time. Come back once your IQ level exceeds you shoe size...
17. Israel doesn't need the UN.
Arn ,   Tel-Aviv   (12.02.06)
Israel should announce her withdrawal from the UN and disassociate herself completely from all its offices. Let Israel be out of bounds and inaccessable to UN officials and UN "decisions". Give the world reason to take the measure of how their hypocrisy, blindness, bigotry and spineless capitulation to the Muslim takeover of the UN has left them with this corrupt and pretentious institution. Israel won't do this, of course. She hasn't any leadership to speak of. From within and beyond the country Israel is perceived as weak and bumbling. She's not weak, of course, but we've got sheep and mice for leaders.
18. and expanding settlements does?
tired   (12.03.06)
19. #15 You borrowed from my comment I've made many times!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.03.06)
Semusimberlalulndonesia, I have made this comment many, many times as you obviously have observed. I share your horror over ALL innocents murdered by the Islamo-Fascists - Jewish innocents murdered and Muslim innocents - wedding guests in Jordan, at prayer in mosques and huge numbers of Muslim innocents murdered in Iraq by Islamo-Fascists. From the beginning of humanity, the blood of all murdered innocents cries out from the ground to G-D. May G-D protect innocents of ALL religions and may all innocents be in G-D's future kingdom.
20. when everything within, is rotten and
Alan ,   u.s.a.   (12.03.06)
corrupt , it seems now days, that the only way the u.n. can justifies it's exsistance, is by using Israel as it's scapegoat , by making resolution after resolutions condemning Israel., for one reason or another. the u.n. realizes now , what the Arabs realized a long time ago, divert the spotlight on Israel = save your a**!
21. the Muslems are dictating to the
Ben   (12.03.06)
u.n. , and the world is silent, how much longer world???
22. wake up Europe! the hamas and
Nina ,   u.s.   (12.03.06)
hizbulla are marching in your streets, europe is turning muslim fast, and you'll are day dreaming, wake up before it's too late.
23. this week 's events at the u.n.,
voice of reality   (12.03.06)
are here to show us very clearly, what we already knew for a long time, that the moslem countries, took over this organization, just like they are taking over Europe, step by step, they have time and they have patiance, i'm afraid it's too late to take back the clock.....
24. #9 Get the fact before u shoot ur Mouth
1.5 Billion Muslims   (12.03.06)
4 u misqouting Khilaf Omar Bini Khatab says u know the true but u want twist to advance Zoinist admarition who alweys advocating The Muslims want 2 elimanate Jews so they can get support from Non Muslim Countries ; First I am not going so Low as u to call Jews religion Davadian Cult like u call Muslims to Mahamadans , but let me share with u some History u do not like to hear . Before Muslim under the Rule of Omar conquered J'Lam , J'Lam was Under Roman Christian who operresed the Jews , who refused them to Worship their God and all Jews were worshiping under ground and if they get cought they were Burn to live ; when Omar conquare J'Lam , he allowed them to worship their God freely . While Omar ruled J'Lam , he Treated Jews more respect than the Jaws r treating the Muslims who live in israel today , one day Omar's son Insulted Jew, when Omar heard , he ordered his son to be flocked front of the People to teach the Muslims if u u mistreat Jew u will face Justice , Omar's Son died the middle of flocking . After the First Cruesaders Conquered J'Lam , they start Presecuding Jews and denying them to worship their God and The Jews were Operessed for 600 years , when Saladin Conquared J'Lam , Saladin allowed the Jews to Practise their Religion freely and every where Muslim Conquared , they always Protected the Jews , If Muslim did not Conquared Spain , there would not be any Jews Left Europe and that Matter the New World America ( America , Canada and Latin America) . I know , lot of Israel people get Comfert when they hear Right wing racist who Suport Israel agresion toward its neighbohoer , although this racist burns the house of Jews worshipers , paint the Jews Cematary to Nazi Signs , so my Brother we understand there Political diferance Between Arabs and Israel in the Middle East , these diferance is Political not Religion , we as one who is Muslim and not Arab ( 90% Muslim around the world ) wanna see the Palastinian people get their country and leave Peacefuly Beside Israel Country , we will not Eccept Force Peace , let the Palastinain People choase what country they want not Israel deciding what Country Palastinain Get . If u think all of Muslims hates Jews , u should read this article to see we may be Muslim but we wanaa world Peace were every body leave Peacefuly and free may all God help us no mater what God u worship. Reality Check , World
25. My additional comments were censored
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.03.06)
26. UN doesn't advance peace anywhere.
DR ,   Florida, USA   (12.04.06)
What has the UN done for the people in Darfur, Rawanda, Kosovo...etc??? The UN is a lame experimnet gone wrong. The US should stop funding this organization which undermines everything we try to do and is obviously anti-israel as well. Get rid of it ASAP!!!
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