Settlers reject Tamir's textbooks
Efrat Weiss
Published: 05.12.06, 12:49
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31. #12; The land of "Palestine" doesn't exist.
Palestiniansaramyth ,   USA   (12.05.06)
This is the true history;
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.05.06)
Jewish Spies Against Israel By David Bedein | May 21, 2004 ...Documents shared with the Knesset Interior Committee confirmed that the Peace Now organization received a budget in the amount of 50,000 Euros from the government of Finland to conduct intelligence activities in Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, the Golan, Gaza and Jerusalem. ...This included regular bi-monthly ground surveys... Also included was a provision for aerial photography: twice a month a light plane is rented in order to allow “settlement” watch staff to ascertain the extent of ongoing physical expansion in existing “settlements.”... Peace Now defined its objectives to the government of Finland in the following manner: "To monitor settlement developments on the ground, accurately and reliably; to make this information available to the Israeli and international publics; to advance the fulfillment of the Road Map." ... Peace Now is far from being an indigenous Israeli organization, functioning instead as an agent for foreign governments. In fact, it indicated in the Finnish grant request that it also received $100,000 from the Americans and 150,000 Euros from "European Foundations" for its “settlement watch project.” Apart from the matter of funding, the major problem is that Peace Now documents sensitive information that can be used to jeopardize not only Israel’s public, but also its military. The Peace Now settlement expansion maps include military installations and the maps are featured in all PLO offices. Israeli army bases have been attacked and Israeli soldiers killed. These are the sons and daughters of Israel drafted to protect the country against a dangerous and heinous enemy.... For instance, in late May 2002, a settlement watch group organized by the “Christian Peace Makers Team” reported to its e-mail list that it had successfully photographed the fence surrounding the Carmei Tzur settlement. The CPT proudly reported that it had shown several breaches in the fence. The next day, the CSM met with the Fateh (Arafat’s mainstream terror group) in Bethlehem. Two days later, late at night, armed members of the Fateh infiltrated the Carmei Tzur settlement at the precise breach that the CPT had photographed. The Fateh used that breach to murder a civilian couple in their bed. The wife was eight months pregnant...
33. PA School Books in ARAB ISRAELI Schools Teach HATE & JIHAD
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.05.06)
Israeli leaders allow the wicked lie to be taught that the ancient inhabitants of Israel were Arabs! And treasonously allow the indoctrination of Arab Israelis to commit violent jihad against Jewish innocents and destroy Israel. Erasing Israel by David Bedein Aug 29, '06 / 5 Elul 5766 ...the new school books that the same Mahmoud Abbas has now introduced in the Palestinian Authority school system - run independently of Hamas - represent a curriculum that prepares a new generation of Palestinians to destroy Israel. Because these PA school books have also been incorporated in the Arab schools in Jerusalem, which raises cause for further concern, a movement is afoot in the Israeli Arab schools in the rest of Israel to adopt the PA curriculum in their schools. Indeed, the latest study of PA textbooks,, commissioned by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Herzelia: 1. Israel does not appear on any maps of the world in the new PA textbooks, while maps of Israel replace the name Israel with Palestine in all of the new Palestinian Authority school books. 2. The new Palestinian School Books "annex" sites in Israel to Palestine. "Haifa is a Palestinian seaport,"... "Galilee, Nazareth and Beit She'an are regions in Palestine,"... 3. The new Palestinian school books mention Israel only as an enemy, in reference to "occupation of lands" in 1948 and 1967... 4. The new Palestinian school books present Zionism only as an enemy movement: "The Palestinian people are under an oppressive siege, limiting their movement and way of life,"... Accusation against settlements [from 1948!] of damaging water sources... 5. The new Palestinian School Books make the false claim that an "extremist Zionist" set fire to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969... 6. The new Palestinian school books teach that the First Zionist Congress at Basel fostered the Zionist State based on a secret decision of what came came to be known as the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."... 7. The new Palestinian School books teach that the only ancient inhabitants of Israel were Arabs... 8. The new Palestinian school books teach that Palestinians must use war and violence - especially martyrdom - to accomplish their goals... The warrior goes to war faced with one of the good options: victory or martyrdom in battle for the sake of Allah... "Allah gave the people of this land (Al-Sham and Palestine) an important task: they must stand on the forefront of the Muslim campaign against their enemies, and only if they fulfill their duty to their religion, nation, and land will they be rewarded as stated in the scriptures."... 9. The new Palestinian school books feature children with names such as Jihad (holy war) and Nidal (struggle)... 10. The new Palestinian school books stress the importance of "return" of refugees to all of Palestine - by violence: "The wrong must be made right by returning them to their homes...under the banners of glory, jihad [holy war] and struggle"... In May, 2001, when this reporter asked then-Mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert about the incorporation of PA textbooks in the Arab schools in Jerusalem, his answer was that "they can teach what they want, and we will teach what we want." Questions placed to now-Prime Minister Olmert on this issue have gone unanswered...
34. Handing The reins To Aeace Now/Death Now Founder
Adina Kutnicki ,   US   (12.05.06)
The Olmert regime knew exactly what it was getting by handing Tamir the reins to the (re)education of Israel's children. She is a founding member of Peace Now/Death Now and is in sync with Aliza Olmert & all the other radical leftists who rule Israel. Between her indoctrination, her hostility to religious zionism and her social engineering projects (that are in sync with The Supreme Court), Israel's children are held hostage to an internal enemy. IF this regime falls, the first order of business is to give the education portfolio, one of the most important in the system, to a committed secular zionist. This way no one can scream that the religious are coercing anyone. Yet, the building of the land and all that it implies will remain the objective of Israel. Otherwise, why live in the middle east cesspool if Israel will become just another EU offshoot of muddled values and appeasement?
35. To Fish #21: Thank you.
Maria T ,   Canada   (12.06.06)
36. make settlers chose between two things, and they will
observer   (12.06.06)
chose the more arab-hateful one. Is Zionism today the real enemy of the Jews? By Avi Shalim,International Herald Tribune, Friday, February 4, 2005 By Zionism today I mean the ideological, ultra-nationalist settlers and their supporters in the Likud-led government. These settlers are a tiny minority but they maintain a stranglehold over the Israeli political system. They represent the unacceptable face of Zionism. Zionism does not equal racism, but many of these hard-line settlers and their leaders are blatant racists. Their extremism and their excesses have led some people to start questioning not just the Zionist colonial project beyond the 1967 borders but also the legitimacy of the state of Israel within those borders. And it is these settlers who also endanger the safety and well-being of Jews everywhere
37. #6 who said that Palestinians want to be Jordinians !
It's just a twist to evade the Palestinian state's question? The similar verse is Shebaa Farms. Is it disputed or occupied ? Is it Israeli or non-Israli ? that's the question.
38. #21- Thank you.
LEE ,   NY, USA   (07.25.07)
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